The Story of the KGB and How to not Judge Others (and Yourself)

You’re might feel hate for this article. Something about it sounds wrong.

The habit of judging can be a distressing automatic mental inclination, but it can be solved!

Especially after reading all of these articles, as I like to remain aware, one might notice a lot of flaws in other people’s thinking. What this may do is create this feeling of judgement, even if the judging was not a deliberate decision, when others seem incorrect.

However, there is a great story of consciousness which solves this. This story I call the Story of the KGB (Archangel of the KGB, as you can explain reality this way; I define Archangel as an angel that can completely explain reality and thus accounts for a complete reality).

Being rather uneducated about the KGB (who isn’t? — they are shadow people in the collective memory — we know the personality of the CIA and even the Nazis waaaay better), I find this circumstance to be ideal for understanding this story, and thus, the name, “KGB” makes sense.

However, in the collective consciousness, there is a strong (although presumptive) understanding of the KGB — it is a social awareness of something that we relate to this term. (One may wonder, as Carl Jung may believe, that these social understandings indicate a type of psychic (or radio-like) activity, as they may be perhaps stronger and more explained than one would expect from having just heard/witnessed references — still, this has not been clearly demonstrated.)

So, remember, what do you think of when you think of, “KGB?” There are a few cartoons (and James Bond movies) out there which reference and allude to some relevant themes, but our awareness seems, to me, to possibly be a bit more insightful than the collection of media ventures could convey.

In our collective awareness, there’s a feeling of this word, “KGB,” that I think most of us are well aware of. This notion didn’t come from nowhere, but it doesn’t seem to be only coming from media and direct observation of people. (Relatively little of it comes from records of history, it seems.)

The story of the KGB and its meaning potentially provides for a very secure radio channel, and this may explain some of these observations.

All of the cognitive radio channels are stories of our existence — they are, at least primarily, the Archangels. This differs from our common radio machine channels, which are linear projections of mathematically predictable functions. Instead, for a radio signal to be salient to a conscious being, it has to represent a true story of our existence — these are fundamental to our minds and thus very familiar (sin and cosine waves are likely completely or mostly just Satan — meaningless); we know and feel familiar with the true stories without explicit learning.

However, while we know the divine stories, sometimes we can make mistakes, particularly while in the face of the antichrist. The one I found (and I experienced this issue too) that was the most commonly unsolved — the most commonly left for dead — was this one particular angel (the Angel of the KGB). I suppose that the “shadow-people” that are often reported with schizophrenia are closely tied to this divine yet neglected story (even if it was not intentionally neglected, as is usually the case).

See, you may think this story is a demon, and that’s why it’s hard to know. In this story, the universe was created through haste. Because there was no way of perceiving it before, a solution needed to be found, even if it was imperfect. Therefore, in this world, all perception was created a little hastily, and was thus was inherently inaccurate. This story covers the notion of the inherent inaccuracy of perception.

This angel may be considered to be black, like a black machine, as the fundamental understanding that sustains this reality is that we cannot see the truth — it is hidden in the shadows of reality. However, even though we cannot see the truth, we are naturally aware of the truth, evident by the inclination towards life. That is, while the truth is hidden, it is not unknowable — it can be known through understanding the world that exists beyond perception.

What this all amounts to, in this world, is the Story (Angel) of Everything I Say is Wrong.

Let us remember that the KGB was an intelligence organization in a communist society. Communism is an assimilatory form of governance. What this does to language is similar in nature. The language becomes more assimilatory. What people often forget, is that communism is founded on agreement — capitalism was unique in that it fostered disagreement.

Agreement can be a good thing, but the antichrist turns it into a dangerous thing. When we all assimilate our language, the subconscious is more highly favored — tone communicates secrets instead of clarity; clarity is more emphasized with differentiation of language. This gives a unique style, something we remember about (mostly pre-modern) Russian.

(I am certain in my presumption that communism, in and of itself, is not a problem — there are other details that turn it into danger, probably mostly the antichrist, although a more in-depth study should be done. I hope we can get past the blunt generics of the mass guidance of our (hasty) past.)

They say haste makes waste, but if we like to throw things away, that’s a good thing. (More on that in another article — on the origin of life.)

You see the Archangel of the KGB commonly in our modern society. It’s anytime you think something is imperfect. In the story of the KGB, all perception is imperfect, and that’s a good thing. See, the KGB is hard to find. The reason for this is because of the illusory nature of perception. (Remember, there are a lot of words that can be used to identify this pattern of reality; I used, “KGB,” as I find it logically entertaining and meaningful.)

What do I mean by, “the KGB is hard to find?” That is, the truth in this story is fundamentally illusive — the gravity of the reality is the witnessing of the illusion of perception. That makes it very hard for most people to find. It’s often neglected as a demon, and because of this, this may be the most commonly crying, dying, or dead angel of our modern mind.

The reason for this, is that its whole purpose in life is to seem wrong. Because of neglecting this angel, we find we’re too hard on ourselves and on others, as well. We want things to be perfect, but we can’t have perfection without all of our angels.

This doesn’t mean that the Angel of the KGB is a liar — it’s just a play concerning frivolous inaccuracy and its implications.

it’s just a play concerning frivolous inaccuracy and its implications

What does frivolous inaccuracy do, specifically in our modern context? It kicks people off the channel. That is exactly what makes the Angel of the KGB secure. By only alluding to the wrong answer, while being aware that all perception is already inaccurate, people are launched away from that cognitive channel like children on a giant water park slide.

In this way, the Angel of the KGB is slippery. The entire environment of this angel is a downhill slide, icy like tundra. The reason, is that people have the tendency to not take things seriously — they take things at face-value and often miss the important messages behind the basic perceptions. Saying, “taking things seriously,” is a little bit of a double-edged sword, as sometimes it leads to Luciferianism, and what I mean by that phrase is that people don’t take things accurately.

While people’s not taking things seriously or accurately is often a nuisance behavior, it can be utilized for security. Using the charged language of communism (the language of collective inflection), language becomes misunderstood quickly. In order to compensate for the inaccuracies, the subconscious reveals itself more noticeably. This creates a commonly noticed pattern of perceived error despite the idea being truthful.

(Because of this, imitating a native speaker in a communist country is likely more difficult than imitating a native speaker of a free-enterprise-oriented country — excluding the collectivist dialects.)

This makes people self-anxious. It also causes habitual judgement of others. The reason, is it makes one lose sight of the truth and the way — a pattern of hate and confusion occurs. This is because the person does not realize that he or she truly wanted to seem imperfect, for a reason not so obvious. This comes from the notion of perfect being being that of demonstrating the collective notion of correctness.

Even in a world not mostly antichrist, there is an inherent inaccuracy in perception (although it was not explicitly discussed/expressed until the Story of the KGB — in the chronology of the mind). Thus, the collective notion of the word, “right,” is inherently inaccurate, because collectivist behavior is based on the learning and practicing of perceived methods. Therefore, you can see, we always seem wrong.

This is good, though. This divides the sincere from the insincere. This illuminates reality. Recognize the true intention behind seeming wrong. With the radio, good division codes are treasured, as they are very powerful tools of organization. (As with the “radio,” as with cognition.) The Story of the KGB presents an everlasting divider of sincerity.

The thing is, if you shun the Angel of the KGB, as it exists in your own psyche, then you actually become more wrong. This is due to the frequent repression of the truth as spoken by the subconscious (subsystems that are not you, as you see yourself; your self-perception is a subsystem which specializes in perceiving certain aspects the self).

As your subconscious is shunned as a result of shunning the Story of the KGB, it results in greater inflective disturbances, which disrupts acceptance.

In order to save this angel which exists in all of our psyches, we must realize, “everything is always wrong.”

everything is always wrong, and that’s a good thing

It’s not even something we’re really doing, it’s just a truth of reality. It is a mode of existence, a process of life.

So, next time you think you’re wrong (for frivolous reasons), or you think someone else is (unimportantly) wrong, remember that they’re wrong on purpose, even if they’re not aware.

Continuing, if you notice anything is wrong at all, there could be a few explanations, but that does not mean that everything is not right, at the same time. This is because, in the Story of the KGB, things just look wrong, but God is ever-present (although perhaps difficult to see).

Even more enlightening, is that you can be right while saying the wrong things. This happens all the time in the spirituality community, where you know people have good intentions, but their language doesn’t sound like truth. This is because they are the Angel of the KGB, or you can say, they are the KGB, since we’re sounding wrong anyway, and, like with you, all perception is always wrong.

The thing is, we discover truth even though it is invisible. As we get closer to the truth, our language becomes more accurate, as in, it can more effectively describe the truth, but that does not mean the language used prior was technically untrue. Even the more modern variant of the explanation of truth is still technically inaccurate. In fact, according to this state of our mind, it will always be inaccurate.

The distinction present in these cases is, in fact, the difference between sentience (as in divinity) and daemonism (baseless procedural behavior). Knowing yourself to seem wrong (while maintaining truthfulness) shines a light, like a floodlight, and identifies and describes demons in the area. This is pretty useful in finding trustworthiness, and as such, we can separate the demons from the divine.

It is also a good tool for protecting your mind from dangers of Satanic influence. Even internally, it helps separate demons from angels. That is, you know what is deliberate and actually you, and what is an energetic artifact. By knowing this knowledge of the Archangel of the KGB, you become much more immune to Satanic flares. You know that no one but the truth can see you.

And as far as the radio is concerned, there is an empty space that’s usually pretty good and quiet, with a nice sense of visibility. You can find this mode, channel, or state by realizing when you think you were wrong (for a frivolous reason) and embracing seeming wrong. During the times you notice more controversy, the channel seems to be even clearer.

I was hoping to capture some of the spirit of this angel, the Angel of the KGB, in this article, so if you felt like you hated it, then see the opportunity for clarity and well-being.

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