A Theory Regarding the Existence of an Everlasting Fire or Spark of Pure Evil

In this chapter, I will present a theory that will help explain the existence of crime. As usual, I will explain it logically, with a great reservation regarding presumption or gaps in logic.

I have wondered, for a good period of time, why does crime exist? I have noticed others have participated in a similar ponderance. In my deductions of the possibilities of reality, utilizing the logically true notion that is shared by all science that if something is true, then that facet of truth, or fact, must concur with other facets of truth, in coherence. If one facet is false, then it should not match the greater body of knowledge that has thus been found.

Firstly, there are two aspects of crime. One characteristic of crime is a love of crime. People, of course, are generally cautious, particularly in today’s culture, with regard to the support of crime. However, considering the amount of calories, the count of time expenditures, and the amount of elation and subsequent thrilling conversations that are utilized, created, and spurred from movies and various forms of entertainment that feature crime as the center of attraction, there certainly is a true desire for crime to exist. The second aspect is certainly the terror of crime, of which we consider no truly sane person to enjoy.

I do know that truly bothersome crime is born of social disorder. However, all crime is born of lying. If one refers to the theory that existence is made of sound (which is of the category of what I consider the third of the three primary archangels), then one can understand that the sound may venture into an area where the sound is tempted into acting as a liar — that is, one who denies the eternal truth for a frivolous temptation. The sound sways and bends with the ways of the world, and, as thus, the sound presents many personalities, people, and aspects of reality that see and hear far beyond the definition of God. In this way, the sound follows God’s lead, but also deliberates independently, and as a true reflection of God, although stretched in various ways, generally exhibits all of the facets of being a person (with the exception of the notion that when the sound is stretched far enough, the sound may become much more monstrous).

(It may be easy to assume that the archangel that posits that reality is a sound would not resemble God, but this would be to consider God to be incapable of performing miraculous works of truth and complexity. Such a statement, upon the consideration that God represents our known and desired honest and good eventuality, which is to be of a supreme level of intelligence and expertise, falls short of logical reasonability.)

The likely archangel that is dominant today is the Angel of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, as has been described in earlier chapters. This angel allows Heaven to fall and then we, as a community, repair Heaven, time and time again, until we have completely rebuilt Heaven, and then we, being of this angel, will fully see why Heaven is the way that Heaven is. In this angel, there is initially true pain, as Heaven is the place of truth and fulfillment, and as thus, a broken Heaven is a place of distress and unhappiness. In this case, there is the existence of truly menacing problems. It is in every true person’s interest to end the suffering. There is no doubt about this. This suffering ultimately arises from propagated lies mixed with terroristic rituals that influence the mind of the people in negative ways, causing hazardous inaccuracy and terrible and deathly advice.

The Archangel of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which today is known as, “science,” is clearly evident, and I have spoken much of this particular topic, as it has been a paramount topic in the mind of man, and regards much of why the world is not as Heavenly as an Ideological Reality would clearly choose. However, there is another aspect to crime that people are very much in love with. If it is true love — that is, if it is true passion that truly brings deep joy to a person and lifts the spirit, then there is something that is eternally true about the being of question.

Therefore, it is safe to assume that there is a scene of crime that exists even in Heaven, where reality has not been mutated into an abhorrence, but instead, reality is as fulfilling as anyone would think it reasonably should be. This type of crime scene would be like the scenes featured in modern movies. The dramas played out, being the dramas concerning the nature of evil and its appearance and even its play, are all topics of intellectual curiosity, which is a common theme of Heaven — to understand the mind of life and to understand the truth. Anything that would not make it into a generally approved movie would likely also not make it into Heaven. Therefore, one can deduce, that if there is a crime scene in Heaven, then it would not include anything particularly awful to look at or to think about. (Perhaps some horror movies would not exist is also worth consideration, as some horror movies may appear too grotesque to be allowed into Heaven. The idea of a being not being allowed into Heaven implies that the being does not truly indicate truth. There are themes and deliberations that are present in some of the more grotesque horror films that would make it to Heaven, although, it is sensible to assume that its presentation would be more magnificent than what sometimes reminds one of simply having brain damage. Brain damage, as a being, does not exist in Heaven, as there is no real pain in Heaven, as in Heaven’s eyes, only what brings life is truly reality — the rest is referred to as abomination, and there are kindly expressed stories of abomination, as well.)

There is a popular video game in the modern world, called, “Grand Theft Auto V,” and this is an example of the popularity of both satire and the popularity of entertaining the idea of a world of crime, or, as I believe it may be more succinct and clear to say, a “crime scene,” (similarly to how we may refer to a social pattern of entertainment and communion that finds the enjoyment and discussion of music as its focus as a, “music scene”). In this game, the world is a corrupt place. There are crimes everywhere, and stealing people’s cars is done fairly casually, as well as running people over, beating them to death, and stealing their money and weapons. Additionally, there is a quite hilarious collection of radio shows that one can listen to while driving an automobile that very much satires the evils of the world. In this perspective, a crime scene can be a source of satire, and in this way, a crime scene can bring salvation to people who are troubled by an insecure attitude to the ways of right and wrong.

The game isn’t simply a satire, however. There are missions to participate in, which include the actions of robbery, assassination, and theft. In addition to “Grand Theft Auto V,” there are other popular games, as well. Two of these games are named, “Halo,” and “Call of Duty.” Both of these games are available as a series of similar games. In Halo, one is tasked as a great soldier of the future, where space travel is common, and one must fight an evil alien civilization. In the first game, the alien civilization had responded to a type of abhorrent mutant infiltration by planning on destroying the entire universe. (Interestingly, in this game, a character named, “343 Guilty Spark,” appears in a portion of the game to, moderately suspiciously, guide the main protagonist, who the player of the game is playing as, through a series of pathways and provided information that relates to the game’s story.) In the games, which are of the name, “Call of Duty,” one participates in a more familiar series of scenarios that emulate the modern military and its ways to combats evil. There are many games which feature different forms of crime scenes and allow the player or players of the game to participate and interact with the crime scene. There is a huge amount of interest in these games. (Of my favorites are Halo and the “Splinter Cell” series — I find the Tom Clancy inspired “Splinter Cell” games to be fantastically engaging.)

Considering these truths, it is clearly evident that there must be crime in Heaven, otherwise people would find Hell or the broken angel, Lucifer, to be of divine truth, which would be canonically absurd. (These words, themselves, arrive to us by the way of religious canon, so it is important to remember the origin of our remembrance of these words. Although I have defined them more clearly than they were originally defined, the meaning of these words are all founded on a deliberate acknowledgement of religious canon.)

In order to power the crime scene, there must be two primary facets, in addition to the free nature of the archangel that posits that reality is made of a fluctuating deviance of God’s nature. The two facets are firstly an informative word, as large as a single piece of information is, and that word is, “pure evil.” This evil exists as a benevolent being, not because it inspires good works, but because it inspires crime. I enjoy referring to this everlasting tiny spark of evil as the “guilty spark,” in part due to my love of the video game, Halo, and also because it rhymes poetically and logically very well. The existence of the “guilty spark,” does not make mankind or God evil, technically speaking, but does indicate the appreciation of crime, which is inspired by evil. The other facet that is required for an enjoyable crime scene is what I refer to as the “swastika.” I mentioned that my working conclusion to the ancient holy meaning of the swastika is simply that there is a secret that exists, and this secret is a measure of hope and safety for the people. (I do acknowledge that it appears that the German Nazi Party had utilized the idea of possessing a secret for malicious reasons, but there is also a holy meaning of the swastika, as well, and it is true that secrets are also used for safety.)

When the sound is exposed to the spark of pure evil and a system called the swastika is created, in order to save people by using a secret, then crime may exist as it pleases the inhabitants of Heaven. The swastika would be similar to the nature of a video game being not technically painful in its nature, although when engaged in the video game, the person does feel a sense of realism and even a sense of survival, despite the fact that a person can simply stop playing whenever one chooses. Naturally, the divine swastika would be a much more complex and intricate secret, as the idea of a video game saving people simply by not being fully realistic would not resemble the likeness of the infinite God.

If it is possible to give the archangel that posits that reality is composed of a deviation from God’s nature the freedom to participate in crime while only bringing joy to Heaven, then certainly, crime can exist. This must be done in such a way that there is no true pain in anything done, and that it is truly all done for true and pure enjoyment. If one possesses the measure of pure evil, then one can influence the crime scene by responsibly utilizing this word, the guilty spark, or the word “pure evil,” to allow the crime scene to exist. However, it could quickly become too dangerous to exist in Heaven, so there must be an intricate secret, which I term, the swastika, involved. There is likely no very simply way to explain the workings of the divine swastika, as then perhaps, it could be broken, and then there would be no such thing as a safe crime scene.

I know of a story, and, like another story I have presented, this story occurs in a question and answer format. A member of the living asked God, “what about the idea of accomplishing an objective and then doing another objective, repeatedly — the idea of moving from demonic progression to demonic progression, repeatedly?” Then God answered, with what we may casually refer to as the “accomplished an objective repeatedly forever system,” with the perfect answer. This answer, of course, being from God, is, today, logically the same answer as it has always been. When understanding science, it is logical to understand the the notions of reality are static and metacontextual, but when applied to the context of time and environment, take on a dynamic nature, with which one can perpetually participate. Thus, the plain details of this system of the demon-hopping, as one may say, logically have never changed, and they may even be able to be viewed plainly. Additionally, as God is considered the truth, and an earnest desire to know the truth would logically be of a true expression of a divine nature, then it may very well be possible to see the entire design of the divine crime scene, including the guilty spark, and the swastika, as well. However, in its application, it is likely impossible to see the entire system, as then participation within the system would not be perfectly engaging, illuminating, and entertaining.

Thus, according to this logical deduction and proof, there is an eternal existence of a crime scene — a scene that is of no displeasure, that exists forever, even in Heaven. As was also mentioned, any form of crime that is truly a displeasure, to one’s perception or to the true meaning of life, would be of need of true correction, as it would be considered, in the eyes of Ideological Philosophy, to be made of lies and, in the eyes of the religious canon, to be of nothing other than blasphemy.

The crime scene isn’t necessarily always portrayed as a crime scene. The guilty spark emulates the feeling of guilt without actually committing it to a person, leaving there to be a feeling of guilt that exists. From this, a windy turbulence arises, and the explication of this turbulence of wind into a story creates the crime scene. Therefore, while the crime scene may exist as depicted in movies, with battles and the such, it can also be depicted as simply turbulence, perhaps of a mildly ferocious variety.

Understanding that there are many ways to perceive the same information (many frameworks with which to organize it), the study and resolution of the crime scene can be found in any field of intelligent problem solving. Considering that the crime scene is merely an elaboration and portrayal of the emotions of turbulent wind, this understanding directly translated to many fields, from aerospace to organizing social gatherings. Technically, any form of problem-solving is created by a puzzling turbulence, so this idea can be portrayed in any field of intelligent problem-solving. The guilty spark creates the idea that there are both good and bad options present in the task of problem-solving (fundamentally, guilt is the feeling that one is wrong).

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