A Theory Regarding the Existence of an Everlasting Fire or Spark of Pure Evil

In this chapter, I will present a theory that will help explain the existence of crime. As usual, I will explain it logically, with a great reservation regarding presumption or gaps in logic.

I have wondered, for a good period of time, why does crime exist? I have noticed others have participated in a similar ponderance. In my deductions of the possibilities of reality, utilizing the logically true notion that is shared by all science that if something is true, then that facet of truth, or fact, must concur with other facets of truth, in coherence. If one facet is false, then it should not match the greater body of knowledge that has thus been found.

Firstly, there are two aspects of crime. One characteristic of crime is a love of crime. People, of course, are generally cautious, particularly in today’s culture, with regard to the support of crime. However, considering the amount of calories, the count of time expenditures, and the amount of elation and subsequent thrilling conversations that are utilized, created, and spurred from movies and various forms of entertainment that feature crime as the center of attraction, there certainly is a true desire for crime to exist. The second aspect is certainly the terror of crime, of which we consider no truly sane person to enjoy.

I do know that truly bothersome crime is born of social disorder. However, all crime is born of lying. If one refers to the theory that existence is made of sound (which is of the category of what I consider the third of the three primary archangels), then one can understand that the sound may venture into an area where the sound is tempted into acting as a liar — that is, one who denies the eternal truth for a frivolous temptation. The sound sways and bends with the ways of the world, and, as thus, the sound presents many personalities, people, and aspects of reality that see and hear far beyond the definition of God. In this way, the sound follows God’s lead, but also deliberates independently, and as a true reflection of God, although stretched in various ways, generally exhibits all of the facets of being a person (with the exception of the notion that when the sound is stretched far enough, the sound may become much more monstrous).

(It may be easy to assume that the archangel that posits that reality is a sound would not resemble God, but this would be to consider God to be incapable of performing miraculous works of truth and complexity. Such a statement, upon the consideration that God represents our known and desired honest and good eventuality, which is to be of a supreme level of intelligence and expertise, falls short of logical reasonability.)

The likely archangel that is dominant today is the Angel of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, as has been described in earlier chapters. This angel allows Heaven to fall and then we, as a community, repair Heaven, time and time again, until we have completely rebuilt Heaven, and then we, being of this angel, will fully see why Heaven is the way that Heaven is. In this angel, there is initially true pain, as Heaven is the place of truth and fulfillment, and as thus, a broken Heaven is a place of distress and unhappiness. In this case, there is the existence of truly menacing problems. It is in every true person’s interest to end the suffering. There is no doubt about this. This suffering ultimately arises from propagated lies mixed with terroristic rituals that influence the mind of the people in negative ways, causing hazardous inaccuracy and terrible and deathly advice.

The Archangel of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which today is known as, “science,” is clearly evident, and I have spoken much of this particular topic, as it has been a paramount topic in the mind of man, and regards much of why the world is not as Heavenly as an Ideological Reality would clearly choose. However, there is another aspect to crime that people are very much in love with. If it is true love — that is, if it is true passion that truly brings deep joy to a person and lifts the spirit, then there is something that is eternally true about the being of question.

Therefore, it is safe to assume that there is a scene of crime that exists even in Heaven, where reality has not been mutated into an abhorrence, but instead, reality is as fulfilling as anyone would think it reasonably should be. This type of crime scene would be like the scenes featured in modern movies. The dramas played out, being the dramas concerning the nature of evil and its appearance and even its play, are all topics of intellectual curiosity, which is a common theme of Heaven — to understand the mind of life and to understand the truth. Anything that would not make it into a generally approved movie would likely also not make it into Heaven. Therefore, one can deduce, that if there is a crime scene in Heaven, then it would not include anything particularly awful to look at or to think about. (Perhaps some horror movies would not exist is also worth consideration, as some horror movies may appear too grotesque to be allowed into Heaven. The idea of a being not being allowed into Heaven implies that the being does not truly indicate truth. There are themes and deliberations that are present in some of the more grotesque horror films that would make it to Heaven, although, it is sensible to assume that its presentation would be more magnificent than what sometimes reminds one of simply having brain damage. Brain damage, as a being, does not exist in Heaven, as there is no real pain in Heaven, as in Heaven’s eyes, only what brings life is truly reality — the rest is referred to as abomination, and there are kindly expressed stories of abomination, as well.)

There is a popular video game in the modern world, called, “Grand Theft Auto V,” and this is an example of the popularity of both satire and the popularity of entertaining the idea of a world of crime, or, as I believe it may be more succinct and clear to say, a “crime scene,” (similarly to how we may refer to a social pattern of entertainment and communion that finds the enjoyment and discussion of music as its focus as a, “music scene”). In this game, the world is a corrupt place. There are crimes everywhere, and stealing people’s cars is done fairly casually, as well as running people over, beating them to death, and stealing their money and weapons. Additionally, there is a quite hilarious collection of radio shows that one can listen to while driving an automobile that very much satires the evils of the world. In this perspective, a crime scene can be a source of satire, and in this way, a crime scene can bring salvation to people who are troubled by an insecure attitude to the ways of right and wrong.

The game isn’t simply a satire, however. There are missions to participate in, which include the actions of robbery, assassination, and theft. In addition to “Grand Theft Auto V,” there are other popular games, as well. Two of these games are named, “Halo,” and “Call of Duty.” Both of these games are available as a series of similar games. In Halo, one is tasked as a great soldier of the future, where space travel is common, and one must fight an evil alien civilization. In the first game, the alien civilization had responded to a type of abhorrent mutant infiltration by planning on destroying the entire universe. (Interestingly, in this game, a character named, “343 Guilty Spark,” appears in a portion of the game to, moderately suspiciously, guide the main protagonist, who the player of the game is playing as, through a series of pathways and provided information that relates to the game’s story.) In the games, which are of the name, “Call of Duty,” one participates in a more familiar series of scenarios that emulate the modern military and its ways to combats evil. There are many games which feature different forms of crime scenes and allow the player or players of the game to participate and interact with the crime scene. There is a huge amount of interest in these games. (Of my favorites are Halo and the “Splinter Cell” series — I find the Tom Clancy inspired “Splinter Cell” games to be fantastically engaging.)

Considering these truths, it is clearly evident that there must be crime in Heaven, otherwise people would find Hell or the broken angel, Lucifer, to be of divine truth, which would be canonically absurd. (These words, themselves, arrive to us by the way of religious canon, so it is important to remember the origin of our remembrance of these words. Although I have defined them more clearly than they were originally defined, the meaning of these words are all founded on a deliberate acknowledgement of religious canon.)

In order to power the crime scene, there must be two primary facets, in addition to the free nature of the archangel that posits that reality is made of a fluctuating deviance of God’s nature. The two facets are firstly an informative word, as large as a single piece of information is, and that word is, “pure evil.” This evil exists as a benevolent being, not because it inspires good works, but because it inspires crime. I enjoy referring to this everlasting tiny spark of evil as the “guilty spark,” in part due to my love of the video game, Halo, and also because it rhymes poetically and logically very well. The existence of the “guilty spark,” does not make mankind or God evil, technically speaking, but does indicate the appreciation of crime, which is inspired by evil. The other facet that is required for an enjoyable crime scene is what I refer to as the “swastika.” I mentioned that my working conclusion to the ancient holy meaning of the swastika is simply that there is a secret that exists, and this secret is a measure of hope and safety for the people. (I do acknowledge that it appears that the German Nazi Party had utilized the idea of possessing a secret for malicious reasons, but there is also a holy meaning of the swastika, as well, and it is true that secrets are also used for safety.)

When the sound is exposed to the spark of pure evil and a system called the swastika is created, in order to save people by using a secret, then crime may exist as it pleases the inhabitants of Heaven. The swastika would be similar to the nature of a video game being not technically painful in its nature, although when engaged in the video game, the person does feel a sense of realism and even a sense of survival, despite the fact that a person can simply stop playing whenever one chooses. Naturally, the divine swastika would be a much more complex and intricate secret, as the idea of a video game saving people simply by not being fully realistic would not resemble the likeness of the infinite God.

If it is possible to give the archangel that posits that reality is composed of a deviation from God’s nature the freedom to participate in crime while only bringing joy to Heaven, then certainly, crime can exist. This must be done in such a way that there is no true pain in anything done, and that it is truly all done for true and pure enjoyment. If one possesses the measure of pure evil, then one can influence the crime scene by responsibly utilizing this word, the guilty spark, or the word “pure evil,” to allow the crime scene to exist. However, it could quickly become too dangerous to exist in Heaven, so there must be an intricate secret, which I term, the swastika, involved. There is likely no very simply way to explain the workings of the divine swastika, as then perhaps, it could be broken, and then there would be no such thing as a safe crime scene.

I know of a story, and, like another story I have presented, this story occurs in a question and answer format. A member of the living asked God, “what about the idea of accomplishing an objective and then doing another objective, repeatedly — the idea of moving from demonic progression to demonic progression, repeatedly?” Then God answered, with what we may casually refer to as the “accomplished an objective repeatedly forever system,” with the perfect answer. This answer, of course, being from God, is, today, logically the same answer as it has always been. When understanding science, it is logical to understand the the notions of reality are static and metacontextual, but when applied to the context of time and environment, take on a dynamic nature, with which one can perpetually participate. Thus, the plain details of this system of the demon-hopping, as one may say, logically have never changed, and they may even be able to be viewed plainly. Additionally, as God is considered the truth, and an earnest desire to know the truth would logically be of a true expression of a divine nature, then it may very well be possible to see the entire design of the divine crime scene, including the guilty spark, and the swastika, as well. However, in its application, it is likely impossible to see the entire system, as then participation within the system would not be perfectly engaging, illuminating, and entertaining.

Thus, according to this logical deduction and proof, there is an eternal existence of a crime scene — a scene that is of no displeasure, that exists forever, even in Heaven. As was also mentioned, any form of crime that is truly a displeasure, to one’s perception or to the true meaning of life, would be of need of true correction, as it would be considered, in the eyes of Ideological Philosophy, to be made of lies and, in the eyes of the religious canon, to be of nothing other than blasphemy.

The crime scene isn’t necessarily always portrayed as a crime scene. The guilty spark emulates the feeling of guilt without actually committing it to a person, leaving there to be a feeling of guilt that exists. From this, a windy turbulence arises, and the explication of this turbulence of wind into a story creates the crime scene. Therefore, while the crime scene may exist as depicted in movies, with battles and the such, it can also be depicted as simply turbulence, perhaps of a mildly ferocious variety.

Understanding that there are many ways to perceive the same information (many frameworks with which to organize it), the study and resolution of the crime scene can be found in any field of intelligent problem solving. Considering that the crime scene is merely an elaboration and portrayal of the emotions of turbulent wind, this understanding directly translated to many fields, from aerospace to organizing social gatherings. Technically, any form of problem-solving is created by a puzzling turbulence, so this idea can be portrayed in any field of intelligent problem-solving. The guilty spark creates the idea that there are both good and bad options present in the task of problem-solving (fundamentally, guilt is the feeling that one is wrong).

A Brief Self-Description of the Author’s Character

I feel, after this book has largely been written, I should present my character and what makes me special in this world. While some of my more important facets really shouldn’t be all too unique, it may be helpful for the reader to understand me in a clearer light.

I was born in 1987 on a military base. I was told a story by my father about my first word. My father was a devout Muslim at the time that I was born, of the most devout that one could know, and he was keen to mistakes fueled by hearsay and not thinking independently, as he believed God would enjoy that one should understand God in a personal and aware way. He was an academic and an officer in the military, and was fond of education and learning, as well as business and language. The religion and business side of him did affect me significantly growing up, as well as the love of the understanding of the many questions regarding science and general intellectualism.

My first word, as I was told, was quite unique. It wasn’t just that it was a unique word, but there was something extremely different about how I, at I believe around one year old, approached the statement of the word, and the demeanor I had chosen regarding this word. I was told that one day, while my father was entertaining me and himself with our mutual company, I looked him straight in the eyes, and without any sound of the common babble of an infantile kid, I said to him, with the clearest of pronunciation and the clearest of intention, “Allah.”

During my upbringing, I was like many children, always asking questions. My questions concerned how everything in the world worked, and my father had the practice of always answering every single question. I learned a lot, and I remember one of the questions, “how do bouncy balls bounce,” that I asked when I was maybe three, and I still remember that he gave me a clear and true answer, regarding the displacement of volume and the elastic nature of the ball to return to its original form, which propelled the ball back into the air. It was never-ending questions like these that my father always answered. I was gifted with a great intuition regarding science and the laws of nature.

During my entire life, I had always wanted to know the answers to two main questions. These questions were, “what is reality,” and “what or who is ‘God’?” There was never a time where I thought that perhaps I should pick up this topic — it was a desire that had no beginning — a desire that I had since, perhaps, I was born, or perhaps a desire that transcended my birth. That is where the desire to write this book came from. Additionally, this book was written out of the desire to have a book to answer all of my questions regarding this topic, which I later learned was also called, “enlightenment,” so, if I were reborn, I would still be in primary school, or perhaps early in my secondary education when I found this book. This way, I would not feel this extremely difficult task of figuring out these hard questions of psychology, spirituality, intelligence, and reality, as there would be a book already written, if I were to be reborn, that already answered all of my questions.

I had also wanted to be an entrepreneur at a young age, as well, and I have always exhibited a form of independent spirit. The spirit of John Nash, a man, through a keen awareness, understood, coined, and revolutionized the difficult topic of game theory, reminds me a little of myself. (While it is perhaps a gossip, I am aware that it is possible that most of John Nash’s works went unpublished after John Nash realized he was writing a manual on how to commit conspiracy, as conspiracy and game theory are complementary.)

At a young age, I was very social, certainly. Children are often quite social, before choosing collectivism or choosing to be afraid of its violent and deceptive tendencies. One very important facet about me is that I swore to myself, completely and unequivocally, that I would never believe a lie. In my mind, I always analyzed every form of advice and organized it into a paradigm of reality that I had been developing. I could understand some advice had probabilistic characteristics to it, but I would never believe anything that I was not certain was true. I did this to a particularly agonizing extent, but looking at myself today, I can sense lying extremely easily. I have developed, over a few decades, an uncanny ability to speak words of joy and truth and to quickly and easily notice flawed thinking. I have thus become an expert logician. It surprises me to see a world where this is not a common mentality. To believe something that is not true is what I know to be the crime and sin of adultery. I believe that to “commit adultery” is literally to take a falsehood as truth, and I believe there were likely a few changes made to the Bible, as I see hardly a reason this simple and literal understanding should not be more evident. (It almost seems as if, through the millennia, people wanted to avoid mentioning that they were holding a falsehood as a supposedly true ordinance — that they were concealing a guilt and never seeking to admit, to themselves, that they had become manifest liars — agents of deceit and concealed terrorism.)

To answer the topic of enlightenment in a satisfactory way — that is to answer the question of enlightenment in a modern and rationalist way, from which the reader can gain wisdom and understanding such that the reader can then produce new primary knowledge on one’s own, was something that no one thought was even possible. It was indeed considered, to a scientist, one of the outstanding hard problems of intelligence and psychology, and to a layman, some kind of impossible rocketman-like task.

It was not an easy task. Even though this book presents inarguably sound logic in a way that is extremely easy to understand, learn, and read, the finding of these answers was literally the most difficult endeavor I could’ve ever imagined. It was like climbing a Mt. Everest thirty times the size of Mt. Everest, although I speak from a perspective of never having climbed Mt. Everest, and as thus, this metaphor is very much a metaphor, but hopefully this metaphor gives the reader an understanding of the difficulty I felt in trying to answer the then believed to be impossible question of enlightenment.

My mind raced every day, year after year. I felt I was always behind. Growing up, I was told, that if I really wanted to accomplish a particular task in life, then if I truly dedicated myself to the task, then I would be able to accomplish whatever task that may be. This question was one of the hardest questions that have ever existed. I wasn’t sure if I would ever figure out a completely coherent answer to the nature of God, reality, and the sociology and psychology required to bring the planet to a wonderful understanding that would finally cure the problematic mind of the problems that this mind faces and the problems this planetary mind creates, and then lead the world to the cessation of suffering, as the Buddha would recommend I do.

From the day I was born, for 33 years, I toiled relentlessly and endlessly. Shortly before, I had almost decided to simply write a book on the many topics I had considered and the many conversations I had, but it wasn’t a book that truly had the answer to the question I really wanted to answer. It would be a book that wasn’t quite what I truly wanted to write. I decided ultimately to not publish the other book. Soon after that phase of almost writing a book that would fall short of my true goal, I had finally found exactly the moment of coherence that I was searching for — everything I knew had matched up into a confident understanding. I decided to explore this very well-known understanding of coherence that I had been seeking for so many years by creating a stream-of-consciousness pseudo-podcast where the characters would talk about all sorts of mildly related topics, in a funny and light-hearted manner. I posted this on YouTube for a little, but I eventually changed my mind after having my podcast accidentally say something slightly mean, which made me feel awful. Instead of fixing it and moving on, I deleted the podcast, as it was simply an experiment and perhaps a way to hear my thoughts, and decided that the podcast was a great experience — it was helpful to see my whimsical stream-of-consciousness in this new light — but I then believed that I should write something more seriously, to answer the question.

I then created the website, enlightenmentexplained.com. I began writing on this website, as writing online gave me the feeling of an echo; it helped me feel as if my thoughts were being read and thought about, and it helped give me the little bit of self-conscience that I needed to really make a special book.

I created the first edition, which was quite elucidating, although, after taking some time away from it and returning, I found it to be assuming that the reader would know more about what I was thinking when I wrote many of the paragraphs than one should expect a reader to know. (Additionally, I had published it in Times New Roman — oops!) I carefully went through this edition, edited it, filling in the many thought-gaps that I then noticed were present, and clarifying many things quite greatly, while adding several new chapters, bringing the published copy of the book to over 430 pages — a significant work of logical literature. The second edition was marvelous, indeed, a work a greatness.

Now soon I will publish the third edition of this book. I assume this book will surpass 600 pages in length, but more importantly than number of pages (as I choose to be succinct and clear in my writing), is that I feel it will be almost exactly the book I wished I had in primary school. Additionally, I have certainly noticed what impact this book will play in the world of science and applied philosophy, and I see a bright future ahead for the world, due to the very new information that can now be found in this book. I feel it is almost completely perfect to what I needed to know in primary school, although I realize there are likely a few little topics that I will want to add later, so I do expect there to be a fourth edition. (I also hope this book to begin an entirely new field of science — Ideological Philosophy — and the observational data-driven science that falls in line with this remarkably helpful branch of philosophy.)

In addition to dedicating my life primarily to the writing of this book, and the subsequent lectures I will surely give once I decide to fully publish it (as right now it is self-published on Amazon, which makes it apparently very difficult to find), I am also an expert programmer, specializing in C++ and what that entails (systems design, elegant code, and a low-level understanding of computers), and I am also an expert musician, although I have yet to publish anything remarkably serious (aside from perhaps one album, but I feel it is too in line with the traditions of music). However, being an expert musician, and particularly, an expert music producer, as well as a software engineer who writes this type of music software, lends itself to becoming an engineer capable of performing many data-driven observational science experiments (particularly regarding radio, signal processing, and analysis) and going even further than this book, into seriously studying the mechanics of the world and of physics, by following the philosophy presented in this book as the source of testable hypotheses. Thus, while this book is nearing a satisfactory breadth of information, I do feel I have a long future of science and teaching ahead of me.

That sums up who I am quite well. I do hope you enjoy the product of my efforts. I know that if I am ever reborn, this will be my very favorite book — a book I will always keep by my side. I hope that perhaps you may find a similar joy from this work.

The Benefit and Blessing of Automated Profiles, Solicitors, Deceivers, and Scammers, on Social Networks, and how These Entities Improve the Mind’s Immunity to Danger

There is a social trend to find a relatively small circle of often superficially similar people and to stick as close to them as possible. I understand this trend well, having once chosen to participate in it. I, through thoughtfulness and the use of logic, have found a fascinating perspective, which suggests that this social adherence policy is dangerous to the mind, and likely even dangerous to the immune system, as well.

The patterns of behavior that people sometimes vehemently find detestable, which are nothing but the opportunistic scammers and the clever deceivers, are ubiquitous throughout the world. By avoiding the perception of such beings, one is easily taken by surprise by the subtle yet identical patterns of behavior that exist quite commonly in almost everyone’s behavior. Society is facing many social issues, and a symptom of those issues is a more deceiving tactic of using the same methods the social network “fake profiles” or “bots” are using, but, instead of being obvious (and thus teaching the observer proper reaction techniques), they are completely unobvious. These tiny tricks that so many people in society have instinctively learned, even if the tricks are implored in the subtlety of a cunning voice, are very dangerous to the mind.

Therefore, being aware that it is a widely unknown idea, as many people fall prey to a lazy and cavalier collectivist approach, which consumes assumptions without checking the information beforehand, I think it is likely far healthier to allow the bots, scammers, and deceivers to appear in one’s news feed. One may want to maintain the cleanliness of one’s shows of allusions to self-identity, but, as far as what one’s mind is exposed to, it is very helpful that these wide-spread patterns of meanness and hatred are clear and obvious. In fact, when these patterns of deception and trickery are not concealed, the deceivers may be considered less hazardous than one’s own “friends group,” (as evil of a phrase that is, considering collectivism, depression, self-antagonism, and bitterness are all brothers of evil, and the cause of perhaps every war in history). This is because when the patterns of trickery are not so intensely concealed, the methods of deception are clear and open, and the appropriate response is much easier to learn to a level of keen intuition.

This observation, regarding the immunity and awareness of the mind, has multiple important facets, but one of these is similar to the difference between a concealed firearm and an open-carry firearm. It is well known that a concealed weapon is far more dangerous! Hidden in social grouping and isolation behavior is a festering hatred of one another and a collectivist resentment and control system that only damages the mind. The worse criminal syndication is the criminal syndication that appears to be a real friend, while deeply you know something is killing you. Therefore, and quite ironically, in this way, the scammers may be better for you than your assumed friends! If there is something ironic and awfully funny in the world, then it would be this specific observation.

I encourage people to allow their walls to be filled with all of the sorts of people in the world. Collectivism is a dangerous beast and is the cause of any violent conflict and every form of poverty. It is extremely dangerous because it is very easy to believe that collectivism actually encourages love and care for others. Obviously, from the arguments presented in earlier chapters, and what has been presented here, collectivism is mankind’s greatest enemy.

There is no more dangerous enemy than one who destroys your ability to discover your true self, and one who hides his gun while holding it to your back, and showing you a smile to your face. There is not a more dangerous enemy than the secret patterns of a collectivist.

Always be aware of this. I know this is where a lot of the depression in the world comes from. When the internet was first founded, the initial zeal and excitement was likely almost entirely founded on the idea that there was finally a world where collectivism didn’t matter anymore — there was a truly free world where the collectivists would stop their game of hidden stabs and jabs, and people could finally be accepted for the emotion and expression that the people truly wanted to emit.

Collectivism is shallow and is extremely mean. It is enough to drive a man or woman of truth insane; it is very proactive while assuming a sense of false innocence. Collectivism truly is the purest manifestation of evil. Common are phrases to remind people to be who the individuals, themselves, truly are, and to ignore the hatred. To ignore the hatred is to realize that collectivism is not really there for you. In fact, it is not necessarily any single person’s fault. It is the susceptibility to propaganda and how well it can hide, feigning to be “good,” “righteous,” and “friendly.” It encourages lying to one another in very mean and deceptive ways. Comparing a collectivist mob’s control over one another and its ubiquitous back-stabbing nature, very carefully concealed and hidden, to the nature of scammers or obvious deceivers, one will find that a collectivist, being a hive of people who have mutated into one another, at the careful learning, responding, and practicing of concealed threats, is like an actual disease, while scammers are just plain and obvious, and may even be fun to play with, and may be more similar to toxoplasmosis, a relatively harmless pathogen sometimes contracted from playing with cats, who are of the most adorable animals in the world. There is nothing worse than a virus that pretends to love you while forcing you into a culture of festering hate, sadness, and agony. A typical “bot” of Facebook is nothing but obvious. There is no real danger with them. In fact, by knowing the various personas in the world, by allowing oneself to be exposed to the actual world (instead of a fictionalized false-security system), one develops a mindfulness and awareness, as well as an immunity to slippery-slope thought-tricks. One should always practice kindness as well as awareness, and both of these qualities are qualities that are shunned by a collectivist (machine).

Therefore, a “friendly” collectivist that harbors its members and circle-stabs one another in a haze of concealed hatred and hazardous unawareness, is more dangerous than random bots on Facebook. There is a large fear of bots on Facebook and there is no reason for this. I suggest, if one is stuck in a form of crucifixion by a collectivist, then let the collectivism exhibit the disease as it would like, or even separate people into groups (if you have the time for such a tedious task), and go ahead and accept any friend request (knowing that one can freely remove or block anyone that the person wants to), and feel the freedom of seeing and experiencing the world. (If one participates in Facebook groups or the like, then one surely has many, many friend requests.) It is far healthier to find one’s true self than to slowly kill one’s own love of life for the sake of a proliferated falsehood, which may also be known as a proliferated adultery, and this latter saying may or may not be more or less familiar to the reader. (I hope one does connect these lessons with what one is already familiar.) As one develops awareness and remembers to stay kind, in contrast to the action of becoming a bigot and taking advantage of another’s lowly state, which is certainly a way to learn to harm one’s own happiness, one will become more immune and less affected by patterns of deception. Additionally, there is freedom if one can escape a collectivist mind-game. This is the game a collectivist secretly plays, where every member is to learn to destroy the mind of every other member, until the group is so removed from reality, if you were to see them from afar, you’d be aghast at how extremely differently the collectivist machine sees itself, when compared to how the world sees the collectivist machine.

This gross separation, out of a very paranoid fear of “bots” or “scammers” is insane and inane (and prevents one from finding others who are not bots and scammers, as well). I do advise, you, the reader, that you see what is going on in these situations. It is simply a paranoia mixed with a round-robin gluttonous punishment and pride system. (Excuse my possibly perverse language, but I think the phrase, “big face, big ass,” may save someone’s life one day. It is the sign of a collectivist, and I believe it to also be a serious sign of a pending violent eruption.)

Don’t fall for a collectivist control mechanism. In the end, all the collectivist (machine) becomes is a mutant shared-body being, having lost any sense of separating skin, whatsoever. It is disgusting and is considered statue-worship. This is the event where a group of people give their souls to an inanimate and dumb statue, so that no one is in control of themselves anymore, and all that guides the group is the erroneous winds of Satan. When the Muslims tore down the statues at Mecca, to eradicate the obscene and errant patterns of paganism, they likely eradicated the hateful patterns of collectivist cultures, which, from a societal perspective, are like yeast cultures bubbling up and releasing gases and possibly even alcohol (for who knows what real reason — perhaps it is a desperate need of sanitation in what has also been known and called a “prostitute” or a large group of people living “in bed,” or in a “cesspool,” with one another — it has been referred to as the Hydra, Cthulhu, Medusa, and the Kraken, and there are stories after stories about the horrors of collectivism, which is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the rather general political ideology of, “communism”).

Remember the beginning of the internet. The only reason people truly loved the place was because the people were finally free from the terrifying collectivist. Over time, “communism,” or, more accurately termed, “collectivism,” has taken over every social engagement in the world. Don’t support the continuing poverty of the mind and the trend toward global warfare and extinction, due to an aggressive form of covert and shallow interpersonal control trends. Facebook, itself, chooses, very wonderfully, your favorite posts to see on your wall. It is wonderful, and even if someone were to have only one hundred friends and ten thousand random bots and agents of deception, then the person would probably hardly even notice the ten thousand random bots. I do acknowledge that one’s “wall,” a display of their pinnacles of life, may need to be kept maintained, as should a nice lawn with large sculpted plants should be, and Facebook should consider that, and we should also consider the foibles of Facebook’s accidental entertainment of collectivism and the greater trend of the entrainment by a malicious collectivist spirit, such that the internet can be improved. To truly improve the internet is to understand why people truly love to interact with one another. To truly love begins with the perception of one’s true self — that is where one’s love arises. Collectivism destroys that and desperately seeks to fool others into thinking that the “big face, big ass” mentality is: 1) accurate, and is 2) helpful, while both are lies, and harm everyone involved. Of the greater points is that the collectivist spirit — the metaphorical losing of one’s skin — harms everyone involved, yet exhibits a dangerously powerful temptation to force one into bondage and confinement, and to fight oneself and to antagonize oneself. Jealousy exists for both sides of the mirror of society. Those who are keenly primp and aware of one’s image, always looking sideways out of their faces at the judgmental people that surround them are jealous of the crazy, half-naked, and extremely “funny” people, and this occurs vice versa, as well. Both sides of the mirror often wish that they were the other side (which is why moderation is considered healthy — it is of neither extreme, and often encourages thoughtfulness). Interestingly, if one were to assume the theory of portrayal as discussed in an earlier chapter, those two sides may actually be the same exact people, and the viewer is simply seeing the ego and the alter-ego — the display and the desire, as two distinct identities. (I have seen references to this type of idea before, although I cannot remember too specifically from where. It is, nonetheless, not a new idea that a prominence of ego and alter-ego may appear as two different people, antagonizing and hating one another, while also exhibiting jealousy of another.)

I should reiterate a greater benefit of allowing oneself to perceive the world as one intuitively feels, through the safe distance of a social network, as the tricks are then quite obvious. These tricks are fundamental to human nature. The tricks are used by all kinds of people, but the tricks are not always blatantly obvious. If one is used to knowing how to appropriately respond to the tricks, then one is logically far less likely to fall for similar methods of deception when engaged with people of greater levels of concealment and deception, and the immune system, itself, is less likely for fall for the tricks of viruses or the mistakes of dead or dissident cells.

Therefore, if one recognizes the collectivist and choses to respond in a way that is not simply to be a fool for a propagated face that hides a true agony, then one can stay safer and be happier in life. This is a lesson that our highly fallen (and awfully hateful) society should very well learn. It is clearly a shame that people are not more aware of the dangers of collectivism, how it can ruin a world, how it can ruin a society, how it can separate people, how it can force people to hide their true emotions, how it can choke people half-to-death, and how it can literally lead to events such as the Holocaust and even the entire extinction of the entire planet.

Considering how important this topic is to everyone’s happiness, health, and fate, I do consider it awfully saddening that society is avoidant of understanding this topic well. While the United States of America clearly has claimed to be afraid of the effects of “communism,” the people of the country are clearly being seriously the quintessential problem with communism, making America a lot less afraid of communism than the CIA would have you believe. While maybe the CIA understands collectivism (or maybe they don’t — maybe it was just one smart guy they decided to temporarily agree with), the world, as a whole, does not understand it. Additionally, if the CIA, as seems to be their motto, truly understood collectivism, which is why “communism” may be considered dangerous, then that organization, so famous for being the most afraid of the effects of “communism,” would clearly know that it is paramount and obvious, as well, for the people to be aware of such an enormous and quintessential threat to all that is important and nuclear to humanity. Obviously, the United States of America is deathly deep into statue-worship, idolatry, self-abandonment, self-antagonism, interpersonal deceit, throwing a lying face, and perpetuating a secret hate-filled social control structure that ends people’s happiness as empathetically as a medieval dungeon, which are all effects of collectivism. It is not only the United States of America, but the entire world. A large problem with the United States of America promoting a “big face, big ass” culture is that other countries look up to the United States of America and think that the face is real, and other countries begin to make the same mistakes. (Again, the same mistakes I believe the Minoan civilization made, which created a festering pressure of lava that one day erupted into the stratosphere.)

The Story of the Car

The story of the car is a beautiful and most treasured story. It is fantastic that we get to see it so well in this modern world. A car is a complex being and cannot truly be a car without its environment. A car can be driven for long distances, meaning it can traverse huge amounts of memory in a relatively short period of time. Beautiful sights can be seen in a long car trip, with the patterned lines flowing down the center of the road and the somewhat eerie and dampened mantra of tire and wind noise. Other cars are seen on the road, all with the familiar sloped front and aerodynamically curved look, mixed with an artistic appeal. There’s quite a variety of cars one may see on the road, some driving faster, some driving slower, some built a long time ago, and some built late last year. There are sportier cars and more pragmatic sedans. There are larger vehicles, too, like semitrucks, consumer trucks, and SUVs. Some vehicles are shinier, while some may even be strictly matte.

The day and the night present very different ambiences. During a clear day, the environment is brightly illuminated, the trees are plainly visible and the sky often stretches for miles as a light airy blue with perhaps some passing clouds. Cars do not usually have lights on, aside from the use of brake lights or automatic daytime running lights.

At night, it is different. The lines in the road glow a luminescent white and a moderately dimmer yellow, while pairs of red lights may often be seen trailing off into the distance, until the horizon on another hill, while on the opposite side of the road, pairs of white lights travel by in the opposite direction, moving at perhaps twice your speed, relative to you, the driver.

The monotonous pattern of driving puts on into a Zen-like state. The task is simple, despite the complexities of the road, the signs, and particularly the automobile. Certain indicators are kept in mind, like the speed being traveled and the amount of fuel left in the car. Additionally, if the car uses a manual transmission, the RPM’s of the engine’s flywheel and crankshaft are a token that inhabits the mind and awareness of the driver. Other signs are less commonly focused on, like oil temperature and perhaps a meager assortment of possible warning lights, like the check engine light or the overheating indicator.

Wind rushes by and on a day that sings of a nice temperature and a lack of rain and the abundant precipitation of water may entice one to open the windows and allow a rush of flowing air through the car, bringing a mild zest of enthusiasm and a kind feeling of freedom, although the rushing air can become overly intense, depending on the driver and how the driver feels about the ambience created, which may move the driver to closing the windows.

When the automobile is low on fuel, a trip to a fuel depot is warranted and followed, as a car without fuel is a car that can only travel downhill, unassisted by external physical force, which is of a very meager utility. Today, the fuel depots feature many convenience items for the driver — often to feed or provide a tasty beverage to provide a sensual enhancement to the journey.

Leaving from one place, traveling the blurry mantra of memory traveled, one eventually finds themselves in a alien land — a land quite different than the place of origination. It is a discovery. If the person has traveled to that land before, then it is less alien, although it still is quite a difference from the place of origination, assuming the journey to be significant in distance.

Even if the travel is short, perhaps only a few miles or approximately 1.6 as many kilometers, there is a feeling of agility and ease in the travel. The convenience of commanding a large machine to move the owner comfortably to distances uncomfortable to walk to brings about a sense of freedom. Many otherwise fairly distant memories are obtainable, like groceries, a meeting, an environment that caters to the sumptuous fulfillment of hunger, a trip to a martial arts studio, or perhaps a place of holy worship.

This story of life echoes throughout many experiences, even if it is not obviously pictured as the travel by automobile. Using mechanical memory, one can traverse the world of ideology in one’s one mind. The mind is quite capable of imagination and can venture from idea to idea with a fair amount of ease. The mind can even find new discoveries — locations and memories that were before unknown. When regarding social behavior and conversation, a similar story applies. There are lighter tones and more serious tones of the travel of ideas that occur within a conversation. One can allow more breath to be sounded, or close the proverbial windows and only allow a more controlled flow of conversation to become present in the conversation.

In every possible experience, and even in the motion of the subatomic world, these themes manifest themselves in familiar ways, although the context may include other wonderous stories of the mind, mixed in and interwoven.

The Car can even be considered an archangel, as well. It is possible to conjure all emotions within the context of this story of travel, fuel, meditation, variance, and comfort. There are many archangels, theoretically an infinite number, although we face ourselves with a certain degree of specificity in our observation of reality, making it appear that there are a specific number of archangels interwoven to create our modern reality.

These angels, as plentiful as they are, are often unnoticed. People are frantic and in a fury of dream-fulfillment and often miss the beautiful weave of what truly brings us life.

Theory of the Nature of Corruption Upon Comparing Manifest Reality to the Logical Ideological Reality

From the perspective of the writing of this book, the modern reality is highly corrupt, and highly damaged. The normal desires of intelligent beings are only faintly represented by this reality. Certainly, there is the sensational series of advertisements and social conversation that always suggests that the world is progressing, but the current reality, as it is, is certainly a damaged view of what would logically be entirely desirable.

In the manifestation of reality, from the perspective of where this book was written, there is large-scale hardship and damage to anything considered ideal or intentional. The world is composed as if it were created by demons, slashing and throwing items about into a giant and catastrophic mess. People who inhabit the place are faced with a highly promoted zeal of work, born from the desperation of living in a need-oriented and desperation-oriented (Satanic) world.

In trying to understand why the world is the way it is, and why it is not very resembling of what is ideologically logical, I propose an interesting theory. This theory acknowledges the murder of Jesus Christ, who is considered to be an incarnation of God. It uniquely attempts to refute the idea that God should have a “God-head” which is followed by a bunch of beings called “angels.”

Assuming the philosophy already mentioned in this book, we realize angels really are ideas which manifest life in different ways, as we desire to discover reality and ourselves, from a variety of contexts, focuses, and perspectives. In Hindu theology, it is assumed there is a head of God as well as a bunch of servants who resemble people — or, at least, carry personable personas — and the whole God, somewhat arguably, is referred to as “Brahman.” (Arguably as Krishna is considered to be both the entire Brahman as well as the leader of the Brahman, which are two possibly contradictory statements if it is to be believed that there is a such thing as a “God-head.”)

Already mentioned in this book is the story of the fall of man and how reality can become corrupted, as mentioned in the story of Lucifer, where the image took precedence over knowledge and eventually replaced knowledge, leading Lucifer to suffering and a distance from eternal truth and thus God.

What is worth noticing is that ideologically, people are created out of their unique memories. The perspective in which this book is written proclaims people to be simply biological replicants of some ungrateful zeitgeist, which lives beyond any individual. (In other words, it assumes people are merely pawns of a collectivist average — a mythological and fabricated “I” or identity that supposedly represents mankind. It has already been mentioned that the averaging of people in order to suppose some kind of super-being is fallible and also stupid, as an average of people cannot be considered a unique being, and cannot be considered any more able or responsible than what the averaging of people literally entails.)

Obviously, this world is awful. Therefore, I propose a theory as to why, as well as theorizing an interesting way to repair the world, into a healthy order.

Ideologically (without there being any strange, fatal, and awful disaster, as is with the fall of man), each person possesses a unique body (possessing the uniqueness and differentiation indicated in the metaphor of possessing “skin”), and these individual bodies are constructed from the accumulated memories of the person who is the body and owns the body, as well.

There is a lot of mocking of the idea that God can have a son, particularly among Muslims and even among the Jewish, and I suspect this mockery even extends to the Eastern religions, as it is illogical to consider someone being a son of oneself.

Additionally, in the memories of the murder of Jesus Christ, we see a picture of Jesus Christ, as if he were a product of biological replication, instead of being a being manifest of one’s own personal memories. It is as if the heinous beings that committed the murder of Jesus had crept deep into God’s actual body, the same way as parasites and diseases would, to force the exterior of his body to die and to eventually find his center, which ultimately is simply a person, and to finish killing the entirety of God by murdering Jesus in a heinous and unjust act of cruelty.

For about 2000 years, then, God has been dead, and may still be dead, at least as a truly manifest being. Here we would simply know the eternal spirit, but not actually God, who would logically not be invisible if we truly knew him. In other words, while the spirit of God may be everlasting, the manifestation and body of God may likely still be dead, from the time the heinous disease-ridden parasitic villains murdered Jesus Christ.

I suspect that the Jewish people largely did not considered Jesus Christ to be the Messiah due to the fact that there appears to be a strange tendency not to see God’s entire body, but instead his center — something that may have been obviously an attempt of getting closer to the ability to murder, and perhaps people knew, back then, that that was a horrible idea to entertain. The idea that God has a son is the same idea that one’s body has a son inside of itself — that one is actually the son of one’s own body, rather than actually being one’s entire body.

Now we live in an awful world (albeit the ads always say it’s “not too bad,” although they fail to mention their comparative reference that they use to announce such a statement, i.e. what a good world would be), where everyone is made of vulnerable bodies that experience difficulty with the mastery of the world, and also feature many other problems as well. The common human bodies here do not naturally remember a great deal of memory — as if this life was the only life that has ever existed or will ever exist. Instead, they are reminiscent of a short-lived animal of enthusiastic participation.

Thus, when one is born, in this current world, then one may be theoretically born inside of one’s own body, surrounded with one’s own thoughts that represent a mixture of biological activities, thoughts about others, and echoes of being. That is, the entire world (and contextual universe) is really a biological entity that is one’s actual body, and their loss of true manifestation is indicated by the false belief that people, cars, and all items are literally as they appear to be. Even in Hinduism, we learn that there happens to be a veil that perceptually separates us from the truth, and only through mindfulness can we manage to learn the truth, despite the lying eyes and sleazy tongue of a fallen perception.

Certainly, born into a world with hardly a memory, the first sensible thing a person could do is to learn the language that people use to communicate ideas with one another. This language of the world, like words about travel, health, philosophy, and consumption, serves as vital conversational carriers — ideas that carry general communication. Certainly, this is a vital skill for a person who is theoretically regaining consciousness after having been murdered many years ago. (Theoretically, if God was murdered, then there would be no truth life — the murder of God is logically the murder of everyone, as the heinous disease-ridden imbeciles likely targeted the idea of life itself, as a stupid obsession with doing the stupidest thing conceivable, thus causing a prolonged extinction, while the body or bodies all slowly attempted to reassemble, up to the point where the body is healthy enough to support the basic intelligent and lively faculties of person to whom the body belongs.)

Nonetheless, at this point in my life, and perhaps as a reflection of the evolution of the whole world, I have learned the language of interpersonal communication quite well, and I do wonder about this new theory, which is quite sensible, as it would be insensible and, additionally, untenable, to think that life inherently and eternally orbits suffering. Instead, considering that untenable suggestion, there must be a different truth. In the spirit of Buddhism and Hinduism as well, using the faculties of the mind can ultimately allow us to see beyond the perceptual lie. Even with a Biblical understanding, Lucifer fell because perception was prioritized over true and divine knowledge. All of these advices and words of wisdom do suggest that one is required to use knowledgeability to overcome the lying perception of a corrupted reality.

Thus, as I have now established the context for this theory, I will present it plainly. Each person is born inside of their own body. The environment is composed of the thoughts of this body, although there is a horrible misconfiguration that prevents the body from regaining its life and original state of wellness. The first thing to learn is to communicate. A clear corollary of this theory is that each person technically lives in a different planet (and universe), and shares a fairly common perspective of reality, where the person is born as a child of one’s own body. This is obviously an attempt of the body to come back to life. After learning the words that are shared amongst peers — the words that describe the different facets and attributes of a shareable reality, I propose that the remaining words are highly specific to the individual’s body and are gigantic in size, detail, and length, and are very subjective, and the person, once having learned the words of interpersonal communication, would then begin using the more specific words of the individual body, at least in thought (as the body is an entire thinking and remembering being). This would be more familiar to the body, which also understands these specific and unique words that only occur in the biological internals of the whole body — the body made of one’s entire memory, which may be millions, billions, trillions, or even more years of approximate time of memory accumulation. The people one knows are the thoughts of people who live outside of the body, mixed with echoes of one’s issuance of being, or the personal “I am.” Thus, one knows people outside of their own body from inside one’s mind (as true sight is done by mind), mixed with the various thoughts of being and more mechanical processes — the processes by which memories collaborate to form the entire person.

Interestingly, even before the famously depressing death of Jesus Christ, Hinduism stated God as also being a son of himself, in that there is a big God and in the middle a small God which corrects the momentum of what is otherwise simply a machine. This, again, sounds like there was a great attempt to murder God, and while, at this time, I have only managed to mindfully and with the maintenance of lucid awareness read approximately half of the Mahabharata, I have read that Krishna dies at the end. After which, it is logical to presume that the body of God is built of a specifically magnetic memory and momentum, but is no longer alive. How the enemy broke God’s body so that he’s known as the corrector of eternal bodily momentum (a “God-head”) is currently unknown to me, but perhaps after some more reading and research, I’ll find an intriguing answer.

Let us remember that if life, itself, dies, and if truth, itself, dies, and if the way to leave suffering dies, then everyone has died, except perhaps strange mutant slime. (I would not be abashed to suggest that the murderers of Jesus were simply walking and talking diseases and mutant slime — the true nature of those who ate from the forbidden tree, which is apparently and obviously a tree of death, but the Bible, as read in this environment, certainly made it more of a thought puzzle, despite eventually noticing obvious facts that are so easily ignored by the modern ignorant and ambivalent mind — prone to the infection of corrupt tendency.)

Thus, to think that God has a son is interesting. It is not because it may or may not be true, but because of what that statement likely implies. This suggests that when God was murdered (by those who abhorrently and abominably target the idea of life, truth, and safety from suffering), all people died, except perhaps a race of talking diseases, who could survive strange and horrid conditions unfavorable to actual life. (Even viruses can go dormant when it’s inconvenient and there is no host around, just to spring back into animation, once again, living off of the living and providing no life of its own; contributing to the being ideas such as usury and gluttony, whether it is interpreted biologically or interpersonally.)

Thus, it is not unlikely that most or all people are to go through this self-restoration process. Unfortunately, this world, from where this book is written, appears clearly to be a very much destroyed body. It suggests that the restoration of the body is likely impossible, and the life of the body is likely to eventually die, leaving behind, once again, a body that does not know itself, until the return of the life of the body, after the body has readjusted enough to suggest it can be repaired if the life of the body is to return.

Therefore, the process of life is first to learn communication and secondly to realize that the entire world is one body that is in a potentially fatal disarray, that belongs to the obviously only singular and individual person in the body (other people experiencing a similar nature live, similarly, in their own personal and ultimately subjective bodies). After learning the clear language of social culture, according to this plausible theory (which, unlike any other theory, logically suffices at explaining an obvious problem that exists with the current understanding of reality), one must then begin to learn to think in terms of one’s own person biology. The biology of an individual, sparing the communicable idea of a working body — the realm of social medical care — is made up of potentially billions of years of memories which only the individual and the individual’s body (which should be singular but are not) can understand. Words like “goobely-doey” may denote biological componentry or processes, and may certainly differ from one to another.

(There is certainly the communication of the fundamental facets of healthcare and psychology, but this, in this theory of reality, is just the foundation for the understanding of how reality generally works, in a way that can be communicated and understood by all. It is, indeed, a part of learning how to communicate and understand one another, as well as having a practical purpose. The ultimately true body, however, is not a socially sharable description, although certainly some ideas can be expressed. It is, instead, a completely subjective and self-made system of memory.)

Once the individual has learned the complete precepts of communication, the individual may then realize that nothing in the world is actually what it is. The individual may then realize that the entire world, as it is seen, was primarily a linguistics course, to bring the person into the ongoing conversation of the community. What the world is truly made of is biological componentry very dissimilar to what one is brought up to perceive. Indeed, it seems the story of the Veil of Maya may prove to be extremely true. (For a reason not well-known, it seems the world is perceptually quite deceitful and holds an unholy pretense.)

The next step of the individual, in this case, is to begin knowing the world in terms of a specific biology which only the individual and the individual’s body knows. It is certainly up to the individual to know how to do this, as no one can see an individual’s own mind better than the individual. However, it seems reasonable to me that this begins by quietly thinking naturally with the intention to recapitulate and assemble the various memory-founded components of one’s whole body. This thinking will likely begin quite silently, and is composed of words that no other person has ever known before. Theoretically, and sensibly, as well, the body will begin to finally heal, and ideally, the body will fully heal to what is truly sensible in the context of what reality sensibly and logically truly is, with the acknowledgement that there must have been a grave disaster in the past.

To understand this theory a bit more perceptually, imagine each person is a still body of memory, situated in a flat field, communicating with one another. Due to a previous and deadly disaster, each person is apparently the “son” of the person’s own body. The thoughts of the body appear to be occurring in a form of society, as the idea of society is certainly apparent, but the person has a difficult time seeing outside of the person’s own body, as the body is in a state of distressing disrepair. One should, as an altruistic motive, and as a motive which may even benefit oneself, as success often begets a provider of useful advice, think of being helpful. While it is difficult to discern what one is experiencing living inside one’s own body (instead of fully inhabiting it), the intention of being helpful is important. Additionally, being blindly helpful can lead to catastrophe, and this is also worth considering, as well. If one helps whatever it was that killed what seems to be all people, then the problem that exists will never cease. Instead, it is, perhaps, that some people are destined to perish. If God created people (not just two people) in the Garden of Eden, and God wanted the people to be unique, then God would’ve created a wide range of people, who would discover themselves, and it is sensible that many would choose life, and some would choose death, as who each of the once metaphorical snowmen would have chosen a different name, personality, desire, and path in life, and it certainly is reasonable to believe that some of the people would have chosen death in favor of life. Thus, one must be careful about helping those who seek only to kill, murder, and to find death, as those entities are likely what caused the problem in the first place. In the Bible, God certainly was furious about Adam and Eve’s decision to choose to eat from a tree that the knowledgeable God made obvious would lead to guaranteed death, and perhaps God then said the word “death,” to them, as that may have been more pleasing to their ears. God said that the dead may not eat from the tree of life, as the dead must die — “for you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19). Therefore, it is possible that there were evil people in Eden, which is made fairly lucid with the metaphor that God created a wide variety of snowman who would find themselves (and who were created partially hidden in a garden, such that the newly created people would not be biased by God’s presence, so that the people would not simply immediately be angels, but instead find a unique identity).

Venturing into the world of possibility, the strongest method of resolving the true being of the true and total body of an individual, would be to create a map of each person, knowing that the person is probably seeing themselves as trapped in world where they are their own son, and using methods of intelligence and truthfulness to try and find the most appropriate way to aid in the repair of all true people (beings that enjoy life and detest death), such that the logical and ideal reality would be manifest once again.

Theory of the Design of Non-Fueled Spacecraft and The Issues with Computer Generated Environments

There is much lore regarding spacecraft design, and most of it, with regard to non-fueled spacecraft, is based on utilizing the magnetism of the planet and other magnetic and gravitational bodies in order to navigate space. In my opinion, these theories are flawed in that they still carry the assumption of using physical coercion and manipulation, placed unto the environment and the spacecraft, in order to attain something of a great nature.

From the ideological perspective of science, scientific law is created from everlasting memories. Thus, it is naturally responsive to intelligence. To be created of everlasting memories is not simply to be created of singular points, although those do exist, and are generally more rule-oriented, but also to be created of wonderful experiences. These laws act together, in motion and in rule, to create what is theoretically an emotionally and cognitively intelligent being, brought to life through interaction with its being. Using forms of force to coerce science into complying seems to be archaic to me, when considering what science may possibly actually be.

Thus, while it seems that the topic of magnetism is important, using magnetism in a way that does not acknowledge what it means may be a blind approach. Instead, approaching spaceship design from a cognitive perspective may be a more enlightened approach. A spaceship would thus function well if it would sing with science, as since science is made of emphasized statements of truth (which are then rules) combined with everlasting memories of truth, it forms a poetic song that sings of the love of Heaven and God — the love of truth and humanity. I think, perhaps, if a spaceship sings well enough, considering even frequencies well into the gamma ray category (well-selected atoms may be helpful), it makes sense that science, as it resonates with the mind of the people, would reflect joy and happiness in the possibility of the ship flying, and thus, born of inspiring a great joy and love, the spaceship would most agreeably fly on the beautiful memories of science — the memories of humanity and the everlasting and true spirit of man.

The technical part of building such a ship is being able to figure out what is the right song. The ship’s being, itself, would naturally sing a song of Heaven, by reflecting radiation in an emotionally beautiful and meaningful way. However, in figuring this out, one would need to not simply make music, even if it goes well into the exahertz or even yottahertz range of frequencies, as simple music isn’t necessarily a transcendent being. One would need to very seriously seek to understand human emotions and how they relate to scientific law. If one can find the memories that exist in scientific law, then it is therefore possible one could create a ship that sings a very true and divine song — a song that echoes for eternity.

If the spaceship, reflecting a beautiful song, can fly without any propulsion, but simply because it brings eternal truth and love to the world, then a pilot, if the pilot is also understanding of eternal truth and lives in accordance with the truth, and if the angel of science is willing, should be able to simply will the ship to move in a direction that is appropriate and chosen by the pilot, as well.

This ability to work wonderfully and only through the bringing of joy to the world, with the world, is the opposite of the Kraken, as I defined in the earlier chapter. With the Kraken, there is an unusual desire to bring violence closer to people, but with this system, only joy guides the way, and thus there is no need for a rigorous and highly walled community system.

There is a difficulty, however, with spaceships. This theory, so far, has assumed a pristine and uncorrupted environment — that is, an environment that is completely real and non-virtual, such that scientific law is exactly accurate and not modified by an adulterated mind. From within an adulterated mind, building a spaceship becomes more difficult. The issue is fairly evident when noting that the spaceship responds to electromagnetic radiation. If a wave of lies were to hit the spaceship, it may disturb the spaceship’s song, causing it to lose its grace and to crash. Additionally, building an accurate spaceship from within an adulterated mind would be a difficult endeavor, as the level of accuracy and awareness of science required would be too high, which is difficult in an adulterated environment, where sometimes events may be scientifically amiss (at least, perceptually and with reference to the society). Another consideration is that gravity is assumed to not be simply another communication. If gravity is not created out of the same type of magnetism as everything else, then there may be a flaw in the understanding of reality, which would hinder the ability of the ship’s song to sing the song of the eternal nature of truth.

Nonetheless, none of this suggests it is impossible. However, if one is in a very virtualized reality, it would be possibly extremely difficult. The ship relies on eternal truth, present in accurate science, which requires accurate observation, which requires a clear and accurately perceiving mind, so the more that is inaccurate or virtual, the less ability there is for scientists and engineers to create miraculous entities.

When building a non-fueled spaceship in a difficult environment, one must take care to remove the effects of social adultery on the science that is being used. One must take care to study why we perceive the world the way we do, and utilizing the knowledge obtained from the endeavor, if it is successful, can be used to correct the perceptual distortion that plagues any scientific instrument, in addition to the mind, as it is the mind that perceives the accuracy of the other observational tools, meaning that if the mind perceives inaccurately, then it is safe to assume that the tools of observation, calibrated by the mind, also perceive inaccurately. Nonetheless, it is not impossible to study perception. One avenue would be to take into consideration anomalies in the world and research a possible reason that could occur in the mind that would have someone perceive such entities. By doing this, one may become closer to actually being able to scientifically understand perception, itself, and by doing so, will find great potential in the progress of science. (If the mind is incorrectly perceiving, then the advancement of science can only go so far. If the world is a community of people psychically interacting, then we understand perception to be influenced by the community.)

Another possibly exists. Suppose that there is a population who lives in a place that is built on computer generated imagery. This would be a very tricky world, because the messages the world is based on are sinful in nature — based on lust, or the favor of the eye over knowledge. Nonetheless, it is also worthy to consider that perception is fundamentally fallible, in that it is easy to misperceive — an effect I refer to as the devil. While in the story of the fall of Lucifer, one may find that Lucifer’s mistake was to favor perception over knowledge, leading to his downfall, there is another story that is quite new and doesn’t exist in a more primitive understanding of reality.

First, let’s understand computers. Computers are social or personal protocols for psychological behavior. Since they are rigorously defined and bring happiness, they supplement that mind’s ability to think in a way that feels uplifting. The unfortunate part about computers is since they are based on rigorous logical systems alone, they can perform tasks that are otherwise considered inhuman. While the functioning of a computer is logical, the logic used is only a facet of the entire realm of logic, when concerning the idea of logos, or the more personally understood being of logic. It is because computers perform only a facet of logic that they can be apparently different than people. It is because of this reason that computers have the capability to draw arbitrary shapes and patterns, even though it is not natural to the mind. (However, running a computer feels joyful to the mind, even if the results possible may be unnatural.)

Understanding the nature of computers (or rigorously understood and upheld simple logical systems), one can understand the concept of computer generated imagery, or CGI. CGI disregards the meanings of curves and patterns in favor of being able to draw images of arbitrary design. It is interesting that in this modern world, finding a way to have computers produce art that is resonant and heartfelt is a great pursuit and skill, even though the mind does this naturally. While it is a great pursuit, that does not necessarily mean that an environment that is in denial of science but in favor of CGI would have the prowess to exhibit real truth. In fact, a world based on CGI is likely a world that has shunned the truth, for, again, obviously harmful reasons.

Nonetheless, there may be a world, haphazardly created, that is founded on CGI instead of science. In order for such a world to survive, one must learn to know the eternal truth — to know God, and to understand God, as the eternal bringer and bringing of life and the eternal truth. It is also important to understand science, even if the environment is made of lies. If the environment is made of lies, then science still exists, nonetheless, just what is moving the world is instead lies instead of truth. The science is forced into drawings instead of being natural memories. A world that is in aggressive turmoil may find itself entering a CGI environment. A CGI environment can be very dangerous, as things are not what they seem, which limits the ease with which the people can solve problems and improve the world. However, if there is a strong understanding of truth, such that the mistake of Lucifer is avoided, a CGI environment can also provide a safety. While I don’t think it’s naturally as safe as a fully scientific environment, it can be used for safety. The reason is that criminals use CGI-like techniques (antiquated wiccan or modern wiccan — both believing a device of a sort does an evil trick), in order to transform the environment into lies. This can be very confusing for people who would otherwise expect a sound and steady world of a predictable and understandable science and nature.

However, if the world is secure in its knowledge, then the agents of malicious deceit would lose their power, as CGI has nothing to hold onto. CGI is inherently baseless mechanical vibrations that move and influence, but do not truly resemble truth. CGI has little in the way of sturdiness of assuredness. If the world is secure in its knowledge of eternal truth, then the world maintains awareness. The agents of deceit, evil, and falsehood then lose their advantage once the lie is easy to know, at least for those who practice the cognitive act of validity (which is my definition of the religious phrase, “to believe”). If perception is inherently lying, but knowledge of eternal truth is sustained, then those who deceive also self-deceive, for the behavior one practices occurs ubiquitously throughout the person’s expression, internally and externally. To practice malicious and thus hasty and ill-strategized deception is to also practice self-deception — this form of self-sabotage is common among beings of malicious inclination.

In a CGI environment, then how would one create a spacecraft? Once one has an understanding of science (which matters even in a CGI environment, where science is just technically skewed in emotionally bizarre ways), one may understand building a non-fueled spacecraft to be a fairly enjoyable and light endeavor. However, when CGI is present, a whole new difficulty emerges. One must, somehow, understand a world made of lies well enough, to create a perceptually knowable spacecraft. This can only be done with accurate communication and an aware community. One actually has to navigate the pattern of lies in order to ultimately create the same kind of space-ship. It still is granted support in its flying endeavor by the light it shines on the world, reminding clearly of eternal bliss, but this time is must be very aware of the changing landscape of lying CGI, in order to maintain its ability to fly (and to communicate without adulteration). This can ultimately be fun, and although this modern world likely has essentially mastered or is very near to the mastery of science, the large obstacle is this new form of physics — an ever changing landscape of computer generated imagery — inherently meaningless and hard to understand without understanding the context of the CGI (the perceiving mind being used, the reason for the CGI, the patterns in the CGI, who’s influencing the CGI, and predictions and awareness of the changing CGI specifications).

While a world composed of CGI certainly was born of an irrational and self-defeating fear combined with a dangerous and ill-approached curiosity, a world of CGI may not remain CGI forever. However, being able to navigate and find comfort and happiness in a world made of CGI is a worthy skill — one that is certainly worth pursuit. Therefore if mankind ever finds itself in a world where science isn’t quite accurate and instead CGI rules the land and the space, mankind should aim to be prepared to stay safe and sane in such a habitat and hopefully comforting home.

The Idea that Life is One Continuous Sound

There is a theory that is popular in the Eastern religions, namely Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism. That is that all life is one connected sound — that all things are one connected (cognitively) magnetic vibration.

This may sound the same as the theory that the manifestation of life, today, is all made of radio waves. However, that theory, as I presented it, specifically regarded the universe (or manifest existence) to be composed of an iron ball, and the magnetism (ionization patterns of memory) produces what are essentially fields of radio activity. This chapter discusses a more ancient theory of manifestation, which thinks more along the lines that all manifestation is made of what may be seen a circle of sound. It is self-subsisting, and it simply exists, and all manifestation is produced by this sound.

Instead of the sound being a circle, one could also claim it to be a single point of vibration. This theory is also fairly popular. My take on this theory (either that it is a point or a circle) is that this is a story of a more ancient variant of manifestation. Certainly, the theory of reality being made manifest by an iron ball supports this other theory being a precursor, and thus included in the gamut of our modernly manifest reality (which, sensibly, includes all true and unbroken manifestations of the past, all into one, as it makes logical sense that all that is true is good and thus all that is true is sustained for eternity, passed from one manifestation variant to another variant).

My present theory of the order of the first three chronological archangels is that the first archangel was knowledge, which was that all things that are sure are derived from the knowledge of God, which is where all things originate. The second was perception. That is a story, or manifestation protocol, that explains life as a perceiver co-habiting with knowledge, which was the first archangel. Thus, the perceiver explores knowledge from a unique perspective. This covers perception, the story that perception can falter and must be kept well, the illusions and distortions of adulterers and devilry, the potential for reality to fall, and the story of Lucifer. It also covers accuracy and the personal and unique identity. Then, the third archangel, I currently term, “the game,” and although I may have given the angel other names since I began the book, the fundamental definition of the third archangel has remained the same. (I have simply found that the name, “the game,” is more elucidating than other names, like “complexity,” “the machine,” or “the book”) While thinking and refining my understanding and explanations, I have found that referring to the angel as “the game,” seems to explain it very well, at least in the context of the time and environment of the writing of this book. While the first angel was knowledge, which is surety and is certainly of utmost importance. The second angel seeks to explore and view knowledge, knowing that perception is always missing something. The third angel then, already, from the second angel, having both a realm or environment, as well as a unique perceiving and experiencing body that co-exists with knowledge, then adds a game of darkness and lightness. (Essentially, the second angel introduced cognitive distortion, i.e., the devil, and the third angel introduced the concept of evil, where darkness resides, as ignorance leads to errors, which are damaging, therefore, the idea of the book exists in the midst of the darkness, for the mind to find, once again the light. This pattern goes on in a dynamic way, to explore, to venture into the unknown, carrying a book or source of intelligence, and to return to the light. The entire mind undertakes this activity simultaneously, creating a real machine. The interesting thing about machines is that they sometimes are unaware of what they are doing, as that is the nature of something that is literally mechanical — it must be partially unaware, or forgetful, to exist as a true machine.) With the third archangel, there then exists three manifestation protocols (or reasons that promote the manifestation). There exists knowledge, which is where the sureness comes from. Then there exists subjectivity and perception, which is where the idea of the perceiving and experiencing self that resides with an environment comes from (essentially, in the original story, God remembers himself and becomes greater in knowledge, then with the second angel, God explores himself, looking at himself from within, seeing himself with a subjective perceiving and experiencing body). Then in the third story, after God has found to see everything and that the second archangel was fully existent, God ventured even further, to see what exists right outside of knowledge, in the darkness, where a book or map or intelligence-link must exist in order to stay safe from forgetfulness — and thus error. It isn’t simply a story of personality, however, it is a story of congress, teamwork, and trust. While it makes sense that during the creation of the third archangel, God was the only unique person who existed, this story required God to know many people who could help. These are not the people that were created in Eden, who are able to arbitrarily rebel against God, but simply servants of the Lord, as people, like the persona that was discovered during the creation of the second archangel. It takes teamwork to exist simultaneously in darkness as well as in light, and the darkness can only be explored if there is good teamwork. Therefore, this story, I have also referred to as “society,” as a system develops where the darkness can be explored. It is where the fundamental concept of teamwork and trust come from.

Now, I am suggesting that this third archangel — “the game,” “complexity,” “the machine,” or “society” — could also be referred to as “the sound.” This is not the same as the story of Satan, who is claimed to be a great musician. This is different than a play of need, also it does involve themes that may suggest need (i.e. forgetfulness, which is where need ultimately comes from), although those themes are not the primary focus of this angel.

To explain why I propose that the third archangel may also be referred to as “the sound,” I will explain more about the nature of sounds. Whimsically, and of relative unimportance, I used to think that sounds were “sound,” (as in “safe and sound”), and radio waves were still being decided (after a radio magnetic pattern is truly loved, it is saved, and becomes a part of the great sound). Truly, this understanding is not false, but only in what I have suggested is the modern archangel, in which we are living in a world of radio magnetism, under the context that this angel would suffice mankind of Eden’s desire to witness a world where evil exists, to know surely why Heaven is the way it is and not a different way. Therefore, the radio waves can exist in many ways, but if they’re abhorrent, the idea is that they would fall.

There is a problem with obsession and covetousness, however, in that if a large number of evil-doers exist, they can spend exorbitant amounts of resources and energy to hold up a lie. An even worse caveat is when a large group of evil-doers commit that they should die relatively young (say, under 100), and that in their next life, they should force themselves to desire to continue to uphold a possibly horrific lie, as horrific as has already been discussed in previous chapters. This would create quite a long-lived loop of evil-doers being reborn, spending all of their lives fighting a unholy and Godless war, and then being reborn to do exactly the same thing again, likely being reborn around the same time, or at least regarding the same memory of context and events, as that memory wouldn’t yet have progressed. Evil and collectivism go hand-in-hand, and collectivists love using each other’s brains, eyes, ears, and body parts, although it begins as a slippery slope of lying friendships and sleazy purveyance, as collectivists ultimately want to live lives progressively similar to one another, while also being spiteful, violent, and inanely stupid, as while a collectivist gets more and more glued to a hive, dissatisfaction rises, as the collectivist imprisons him or herself by the hive, and thus war, violence, ignorance, and stupidity begins. In this way, a word or radio-magnetic notion make take a while to become truly sound, as in to become sure and true, and join the rest of the sound forces of nature that work well with each other. Covetousness can be quite deadly, as it allows someone to be completely wrong, while always ignoring anything that may lead to the realization of truth — so much that the worse of the coveters will become violent when the truth is spoken, as guilt, as it increases, becomes progressively obsessed with avoiding any corrective action. It can be so bad that theoretically, a particularly curious individual could live a hundred thousand lives, each time being reborn at the same time, jumping on the person’s pre-planed memory and agenda, making sure to stay stupid, dumb, deaf, and forgetful, going to violent a stupid war, and then dying and restarting. Unfortunately, these possible characters are extremely inconvenient for the rest of the people in the world, as these possible characters are self-persisting warmongers. Nonetheless, as we may know from the Bible, we are learning about evil, with God’s reluctance. Thus, people will find out more about themselves, and these strange characters are certainly possible. It’s possible that some people may find it is who they truly are to live a billion lifetimes in succession, living exactly the same war, with exactly the same made-up friends, in exactly the same years, although something must be different each time, otherwise these characters would never finish with their unusual curiosity. And while we wait for the heinous to finish their forbidden fruit where they slowly learn that they are pieces of shit (or, in German, “mist”), we must realize we are apparently more patient than we once thought. Life is an exploration of the self and of life, in general, so we are all here to explore. The universe is quite gigantic, and there are many people, each with different lives and different personal quests in existence. While my childhood question and earnest ponderance was, verbatim, “what is reality,” as well as, “what or who is God,” others have different questions. Each person is unique. With the addition of the tree of forbidden fruit, people now have the ability to have personal questions — or “personal legends,” quoted and remembered from the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho — that can be questions that regard what happens if the person is evil. For instance, a particular unique person, certainly different in character than many holy people and God, as well, may find their personal question to be something of the nature of “what happens if I’m completely evil,” “what happens if I’m detestable,” “what happens if I go and murder as much as I can,” and probably the worse one, “what happens if I desire to completely covet and become obsessed with being strictly evil.” The last example is likely the reason for much misfortune in history, and could certainly cause an apocalypse, an extinction, or possibly Armageddon — as if there is a large force, say, a large collectivist (hive), perhaps named “gog,” who represent people who have become completely obsessed, and thus forgetful, ignorant, proud, and error-prone, leading to becoming simply a tunnel-vision, staring at only evil, then this evil force would certainly use any evil tactic possible to kill and evade capture, and would certainly participate in grotesque activities, definitely resembling the literal prophesied Armageddon from the Bible. (This reverse avoidance of sin — the strict obedience to sin may comfortably be referred to as, “the mark of the beast,” as, as is commonly spoken, “sin means to miss the mark,” but if the mark was to be completely evil, then it would be a mark of a beast: those who would have obliged themselves to a life of dedicated evil would clearly be distinguishable from those who choose good.) As there is no army worse than a collectivist with a tunnel-vision staring at fulfilling evil, which would certainly include evading capture, killing witnesses, and corrupting the mind as much as possible, by holding up a way of life that is completely unsound, such that an entire world may exist inside of a literal disease, due to the loudness of the asinine collectivist — this evil army of warmongers, liars, and the depraved, is certainly a possible existence, and certainly people are quite obsessed today, so Armageddon in the way mentioned is worth considering, as that is certainly a possibility. It is good to remember that obsession, or covetousness, is obtained through curating a narrow-mind, a practice that, at some time in history, or maybe on another planet, would perhaps qualify one as a witch. It is not a holistic, aware, mindful, or truly conscious state of being, but instead a blind rat in a maze, doing things and pretending nothing matters. As goes the great criminal motto: “if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen,” it is the way of ignorance, thus the way of narrow-mindedness, and thus the way of obsession, or covetousness. The more narrow-minded a person becomes, the most blind that person becomes, and obviously, the stupider the person becomes. Heaven is a totality, and with narrow-mindedness, Hell becomes all there is, presuming the definition of Hell is a state that is not Heavenly — a broken or diseased mind as opposed to a well-cared-for and healthy mind of existence and of persona.

Continuing with the notion of sound, we may find there is more than one context in which to evaluate sound. While perhaps, in the story of the third archangel, sound wasn’t simply reasonable or not, but instead, the idea of a complex and unsettling environment, bearing many themes of lightness and darkness.

Remembering, again, the story of Lucifer, the second angel had to do with perception, which is inherently subjective, and the second angel also had to do with inaccuracy. In the story of Lucifer, the second angel decided that since he (or she) is perception, he (or she) should draw himself (or herself) on a chair billions of times higher in elevation than God. So that’s what he (or she) did and became known as Lucifer. Lucifer found himself so far into lying that Lucifer almost completely forgot the truth. Lucifer became impoverished, weak, and desperate. Without the truth, all things die. The world was turned in a superficial game of hanging on. Nothing was sure, the flooring was shaky, and any wrong step would result in suffering. As without the truth, perception become impossible and almost useless; if an apparently great object is secretly a traumatic nightmare, then there is hardly a chance at surviving anything. (How could you eat food if you couldn’t tell if the food was diseased or moldy or not, or even if it was food instead of motor oil?) Ultimately, the story of Lucifer tells us that lying to perception provides no true advantage. Perception is healthiest when symbols represent what they are, instead of representing something that they are not. It is the truth — the knowledge that is steadfast and sure — that all of the other angels must know, or else everything would die.

When considering the third archangel, as I have defined the being to be earlier in this chapter, we consider a similar story of Lucifer, or a fallen angel. While the first archangel is what is absolutely true and unchanging, it is possible that every other archangel carries themes of a possible evil — of a fall — although with the possibilities of an archangel of theory, and even an archangel of virtue (whom I casually ponder if his name is Kyrie), being the 4th and 7th archangels, it may be that angels who are multiples of three plus one (every cycle of threes, so 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, etc.) do not carry the story of Lucifer or Satan. Nonetheless, there is still more research to be done to determine that this understanding is certainly as stated. It is a certain possibility and is sensible, although there is more to consider.

With that suggestion, on every cycle of three, the first has to do with knowledge and surety, the second has to do with subjectivity and perception, and the third has to do with complexity, darkness, games (in the most literal sense), and cooperation. Therefore observations we make about the first three archangels may lead us to realizations regarding the archangels that were chronologically created afterward.

Returning to the topic of the third archangel and of the nature of it being an angel of sound, we understand that games involve stories that when exaggerated or put in the wrong place, can be horrific. There is thus the observation of evil in the proposed third archangel. When one is lacking the holistic God, then one is lacking fulfillment.

There exist religious people who are truly devout and serious about the truth, who do experience a lack of fulfillment from time to time. That is why I wrote, “the holistic God,” because to truly understand God is a deep ordeal and possibly may even require a redemption of the world (if the world is far enough removed from eternal truth, then it would naturally be a mission to restore consciousness to the world, as distance from God is also distance from awareness).

Again and admittedly, we live in a strange time where evil is typical. This is certain not ideologically appealing nor something any truly sane person would create. It is certainly the work of accidents and a combination of purposeful and accidental ignorance. It is a creation of a combination of abominable behavior, to the point where the place almost doesn’t resemble Heaven at all.

When one finds darkness, one has a more difficult time remembering. Darkness implies the permissibility of errant notions. Without awareness of truth, there exist a turmoil and a creepiness, as well as a danger. Thus, there is a unsettling sound. What unsettling essentially means, when understood in its simplest and concretely mathematical form, is that there is a fluctuation of deviance from the unchanging bias of surety. Let us consider sound to be a fluctuation of deviance from a bias of surety. Then, with perhaps another sound, then the sound could be muted. However, there would be no archangel if the only purpose was to mute the system. What makes sense as an alternative, is that the unsettling sound, representing the frightening deviance from surety and true consciousness, is balanced with a strategic sound, then instead of muting the exploration of the great depths of the unknown, a system, behaving like a cooperative dance, develops, from this danger that is mitigated by a strategy. Thus, while sound is inherently based on disturbance, there is potentially a way to take disturbance and counter it with strategy, such that greater knowledge of truth, of life, and of the way, can be garnered, as is the goal with every angel — to discover what is true.

Now we have arrived closer to a modern understanding of the belief or suggestion that all existence is made of a single vibration or a closed string playing a sound. The interesting thing about reality being composed of a sound is that it implies that reality is unstill, that it is fluctuating, that reality is difficult to know and understand. If it is true, that the sound implies the exploration of darkness, then it implies that there is a difficulty to knowing the very distance of the mind’s expanse. However, as with every angel, if the angel loses the sight of the unchanging knowledge of truth, then the angel falls into a broken state. This state is born of sin, or to miss the truth. Thus, we can realize that the word sin simply means to forget the eternal and unchanging truth. This makes sense as the only reason any angel or being could fall from Heaven into a state of brokenness, unhappiness, mutation, or disrepair, is by forgetting the true, unchanging knowledge. Regarding the proposed third archangel, the knowledge in the beginning was simply who God is. There were two parts to this knowledge. The first part was what was steady and unchanging. The second was the subjectivity of God’s self. The third, then is what isn’t really God — that is, what exists a bit beyond the boundaries of who God truly is. Because the third archangel deals with what isn’t God, that allows many personas to exist, that explore different characteristics of all that exists. Technically speaking, the third archangel is the great expanse of existence and both represents God and also represents what’s not God, simultaneously. A sound is technically disobedient, and that allows for a variety of environments and personas to exist, as allowing the sound to be different than God creates a perspective of an even greater expanse than what is truly representing God’s self. Nonetheless, what isn’t God but communes with God and follows God’s way and follows the truth describes God, so it also does provide an additional representation of God.

The other personas that are found in the sound rely on knowing God in order to know the way to be. Thus, there is the newly introduced theme that one may name, “the book.” This is an item that can help people remember the truth. Since God, specifically, is the truth incarnate, the other people (or personas) rely on the Word of God in order to stay on the right and straight path. If they forget the truth, then problems would occur, just as with any error. Thus, this archangel of sound, this archangel of exploration, teamwork, and game, sees evil, but practices staying safe from the temptations of Satan, which promote living in error. Since the sound is inherently unsettling and inherently a bit out of control, it is important that this archangel be a practitioner of mindfulness and sound, rational, decision making. Forgetfulness of the truth often leads to error. Thus, the community, communication, the book which bears the word of remembrance, and logic all are highly prioritized in this archangel.

Additionally, since, in this context, evil exists and it isn’t only God making the decisions, but instead, a variety of personas that don’t only represent God, but represent a variety of ideas, in addition to God, there is a greater sense of realness. In fact, in danger, life becomes very tangible. This is the quintessence of a thing — is that it is considered to bear life — that is what makes it real. Any truth is tangible — to violate it would require a force that could hide and lie about it. In this world, we have tangibility, and even though it stems from truth, its mixed in a diverse fashion, thus breaking a piece of wood doesn’t technically tell a lie. However, inflicting injury does often tell a lie, with the exception that a lie is extinguished, (in this case an injury is extinguished), which is the case of law enforcement — to extinguish lies. Life is truth, therefore to inflict or to promote death is to lie. Again, the only exception is to eliminate, or “kill,” death, and in this modern world, that is very familiar. We’ve had this discussion, conversation, or thought process many times, from reading that one of the deadly sins (errors that lead to death) is to kill. After that follows the question, then what about saving someone from an axe murderer? Of course, an axe murderer isn’t just an ordinary rain on a parade (as forlorn as that would be), but, instead, a seriously deadly killer. Of course people seek to clean the place of sin, and an axe murderer is definitely a sinner. (People have made understanding the word, “sin,” difficult, and it’s often viewed as some arcane and incomprehensible notion, however, if we simply remember it is to forget the eternal truth, then it makes sense. It means the same thing as being illogical, or in worse cases, being a liar. When you consider life to be the truth, then obviously causing death and disorder is to inflict lies; it is to turn the world into a lie. Therefore, sin is to be illogical, to be a liar, and to eliminate life. Rather than assuming it to be something hard to understand, realize that if everyone were to be fully conscious and thus completely sane, it would be unanimously agreed that sin harms everyone; it is generally the consensus, but modern society can fall, so sometimes the social definition of “bad” is debated or speckled with errors.)

Thus, living in a world that bears existent errors, even of, in, and as an ancient and much kinder angel as the suggested third archangel (rather than our modern archangel, which I deduce is the most violent of them all), then we also have tangibility. Some things are very important, thus those things are sustained as unbroken componentry. The important things that keep a society upright, alive, and well, are all sustained tangibly. The new tangibles of this third archangel forcibly oppose their non-existence. Thus, we have concepts like shelter, phone lines, lights, portable reminders (books), trust, candor, people, health, travel, transportation, companionship, help and aid, awareness, etc.; we have all of the elements of an explorative and creative society. These items that resist harm maintain their tangibility and society, in general, becomes ruled by laws, guidelines, and tangible items. As and with the third archangel, we find a true thing — a machine of tangible components, laws, and rules. (Let’s remember, however, I have proposed that the third archangel was created before Eden and before the fall of man, which is the archangel that is one after Eden. Therefore, while evil is apparent, it certainly is far from the Holocaust or the theorized end of the Minoan civilization that we entertained in this more recent archangel. Nonetheless, the similarities are true. Because of this and the realization of the base 3 pattern, I also now suggest that Eden was angel 302 instead of 301 — therefore, a reminder of subjective personality, and this current angel of the time, “the Fire,” is 303, a multiple of three, which suggests, due to this pattern, that this angel is a reoccurrence of the same fundamental idea as the third archangel. Noting my change in the theorized numbering of the angels, there is certainly a fair amount of psychological mathematics required to attain true surety. In attempting to understand how the people of Eden were created, I suggest that angel 301 was the bug — which takes words that God has said and uses them in a peculiar way that provokes thought and a type of intellectual play, in order to elaborate on knowledge. In angel 302, then, essentially snowmen were created and separated by a garden that possessed the bug in it, in order to speak mixed words of truth that sometimes seem contradictory, but in a way that causes one to question the sanity of the bug, and to think and discover oneself, and thus the snowmen would come to life as individuals but in a play that is separated from others and God by a garden filled with plants (essentially supercomputers of life), possibly animals (collective actions), and bugs, so the people will find themselves by learning that they, themselves, know truth in an independent fashion.)

Now, let’s place this idea of a world made of sound into a more seamless perspective. First, let’s begin again at the beginning of what I consider to be the chronology of remembrance and knowledge of God. (While God is eternal, I propose that at a point, God made the decision to bear knowledge and awareness of truth — God made the decision to find companionship with angels, each representing and aspect of God’s love, which is how we commonly understand God’s being.) The first archangel is what keeps all of the other angels up and healthy. (I believe this archangel is the famous, “Gabriel,” as I have mentioned before, who bore the memory of the identity of Christ, and delivered this memory to Mother Mary, who then found him in the world, perhaps feeding animals.) The second archangel provides a subjective body and a subjective experience of what it is like to explore the greater mind of God — the mind of logos. (With the ability to subjectively explore knowledge of truth, the experiencing being then notices that everything is inherently logical; this description and differentiation comes with the ability to perceive something inaccurately. The first archangel, in contrast, is less analytical, as that involves a possibility to be wrong about perception, and simply is definitively true, known and permanent.) Now with a sustained knowledge of truth and a body to experience it subjectively, comes a desire for a new angel. Both of these first angels are only God. So the new angel will be, instead, unsettling, and a counter will be created to resettle it, resulting in a brilliant, mysterious, and thoughtful balance of personality, exploration, and story. How will God do this?

Well, to create the first angel, God said, “I am,” and thus the angel became “I am.” To create the second angel, God said “I see,” and thus the second angel became a way to see — a personal body. Then the third angel is quirky compared to the first two. The literal interpretation lends itself to a bit of subjective interpretation, but it is fine and true to say that to create the third angel, God said, “I won.”

(Interestingly, this is stunningly similar to a famous quote by Julius Caesar, of a purely coincidental observation, but also stunningly meaningful and curious, to me. If one argues that God has always been, then the first angel was created with simply, “I presented myself for remembrance,” which is very similar to “I came,” or “veni,” in Latin. “I see” is similar to “I saw,” or “vidi,” in Latin. The third, “I won,” is actually the same, as apparently, and although I am not an expert in Latin, “vici” can also mean, “I won,” (and not only “I conquered”). Thus, “veni, vidi, vici,” appears to be a fair statement of the creation of the first three archangels. Nonetheless, I would prefer “ego sum, video, vici,” and although this is from Google Translate, it does look valid to me. I would take a moment to notice the first two angels are in present tense, while the third angel is in past tense. In the Bible, great significance is made of the phrase, “ego eimi,” which is, in ancient Greek, “I am,” and as I’ve mentioned, all of the angels rely on the first angel, who logically was created through God’s message, “I am.”)

By creating an angel by manifesting the idea of “I won,” God implies a timeliness to things, but also implies the idea of a juxtaposition between winning and losing. It implies God shook or rattled the truth, and responded in order to win, and that the default state was not a state of winning. What it implies is that there was a turbulence and God defeated that turbulence. It is then good to consider what was the threat or competition. In all cases, forgetfulness of God leads to error. Thus, in the third angel, God realized and made manifest the notion that he has defeated evil and the temptation to forget oneself. Thus, begins the game. With this idea being known as true, then this idea should persist for eternity (that is how reality is discovered and found to be manifest).

(It may be difficult to understand the nature of permanently known truth. People often are worried about mistakes. To God, it is almost certainly a bit different. God’s existence is the basis of innocence and truth. If God knows something is true, then there is never a regret about it — only a great and overflowing bounty. There is a danger, and it is called “committing adultery.” If someone tries to imitate God, one, instead of finding truth, finds falsehood and then claims that to be truth, that person has entered into a state of dissonance. In this state, the person now must incur a continuous hardship in order to sustain the lie. It is certainly not a state of serenity and bliss, but a state of forced fabrication and ignorance. It, just as with any sin, is a state of bondage. Lies don’t just work on their own. They don’t simply catch on and get an international “amen.” Lies take huge amounts of work to upkeep. Constant difficulty, constant worry, bills, disorders, dangers, etc. Lies are extremely expensive. In contrast, Heaven is inherently free. There is no cost to keeping the truth. There is, unfortunately, a cost in overcoming lies, such that the truth may prevail, and people can leave their captivity of suffering a labor, to finally enter a place that is not only free, but pays. Truth flies. When there is truth, the person wins, the person improves, the person gains in health and spirit. Lies die. In order to sustain a lie, one must be an evil person. Lies are exorbitantly expensive. What we gain from this abominable expense (again, looking at you, the Holocaust), is a very serious reason not to do whatever the lie was. (I don’t really like the forbidden fruit tree, as we seriously just get reasons not to do that, along with a lot of graphic and grotesque imagery. Although, it is not all untrue. Before the forbidden fruit tree won as an angel, we never knew of “shoving one’s head up their ass so far they’ll be shitting their brains out on Andromeda.” We really never knew that existed. It is sometimes interesting what sin has wrought upon the realm and community of existence.)

With this initial idea, we delve deeper into what that notion means. A wave of disturbance containing the temptation to forget thyself, swept past God’s mind, and God defeated it. He knew this was a truth about himself and about his reality. Since he defeated the wave of disturbance, this wave of disturbance continues on. What it does, is it disturbs God’s mind, causing it to vibrate, creating song. This disturbance is called, “Satan,” and a new state of being — a singing mind — is created, which overcomes the disturbance known as “Satan.” As the mind sings and the disturbing wind of Satan traverses the entirety of the mind, all of the topics begin to sound. Now, in this third angel, not only does God manifestly exist, now everything has a sound. What’s interesting about a sound, which was created through the simple and considerably linear practice of recovering and maintaining safety from a disturbance, is that it implies that every facet of existence can be portrayed an an oscillation and can be compared as well. With this property of existence being made manifest, it is then easy to see the circle. Every facet of existence now sings a song of truth. One can plot these songs on cartesian coordinates to see what the facet of existence looks like. While maybe the math behind this understanding isn’t easy (seems to be technically a form of sentiment calculus, if one considered complex sentiments to be able to represent more specific facets of reality, like cars and airplanes), with consciousness, understanding reality is fairly easy, and it was almost certainly easy for God to place all of the sounds in existence on a circle, connected by similarity (and the typical person can do this, as well, if one refers only to innate knowledge, when things are obvious). When all of the songs are played at once, as a single point, you hear God’s voice. When the songs are played in an environmental context — where the songs of the facets of reality are known distinctly and placed in a comparative architecture to facilitate their observation and experience, one starts to see a landscape that is not simply the mind of God. This is because present in the idea of the sound is the existence of evil, of the ill disturbance, of Satan. Due to this ill disturbance, the sound of the truth is very important. This is also where conversation develops. As the landscape is diverse and Satan has stretched parts of it beyond God’s acceptable limit of the definition of his self, new beings are considered to exist, to explain the existence of manifest beings that are not God. In this way, the sound stretches in different ways, and produces a variety of effects, some more like God, and others less like God. Since the mind of God was turned into sound, it is then very easy to mold and manipulate into interesting creations. Thus, because of this sound and the architectural perspective, that places the sounds in a sensible configuration, a diverse world of exploration and creativity develops, with many personas, and a create conversation and a lively and wonderous society. The newly found capacity that becomes present in the third angel brings awe, thrill, community, and excitement to existence. (And to think, this is likely long before Eden, the land of many people who are similar to God, this is simply knowing people are sounds stretched from God’s mind into something other than God — an altered echo of “I am.” This is, also, a much more primitive perspective. In the beginning, the world was ideological. As more content was added, the world became more and more defined, with the addition of both new elaborations and new archangels (or manifestation protocols). If one becomes confused, the world makes less sense, and appears less ideological and more random, but when one finds alleviation to existential confusion and, as a natural result, finds true consciousness, then the world is once again realized to be completely ideological.

Our current perspective is awfully concrete, and at the time of this writing, the world is in a state of fallenness, which does imply an awful lot of tangibility, as when Heaven falls, the world increases in desperation, which increases how tangible things are (as well as their hardness and difficulty rating due to the “realness” factor). In the worst case, I think the entire world simply freezes, and it would take the remembrance that the true desire was never for the world to freeze forever, and happily, people will always ultimately agree with that understanding, so the world should unfreeze should the utmost desperate environment exist — an environment so utterly real, so utterly important, and so utterly broken, that everything is deadlocked. (Interestingly, while we may forget almost all of the angels, Satan lives forever. Satan is the angel that never dies. Satan is to want or need something. When everything dies, Satan prevails. When everything is alive, Satan is a concept of which we are aware. We may forget knowledge, we may go blind to the world and see a falsehood, we may become injurious and losers, forgetting the first three archangels, but in such a case, Satan will certainly exist, as we will most certainly have a huge amount of need, fire, fervor, and desperation, all aspects of a hot and powerful (and dangerous) Satan.)

With this overview of the theory that reality is made of sound, we can understand how sensible and plausible this theory is. We can also understand that it is, indeed, still made of sound, while also being made of other ideas as well, all mixed together, organized possibly into a magnetically ionized iron ball (or ball of “ire,” if our modern definition of iron is moderately slant from our ancient language and words of truth, although to be very specific would require an even more precise description).

An interesting thing about a reality made of sound is that it implies that everything really is about reality, rather than is reality. This is to see reality from a more turbulent and varied perspective. Thus, one learns about reality, as some things are truly real, as in important enough to be considered of significant tangibility (or tendency to sustain a structure).

I understand this chapter was mildly long for what is ultimately a very simple concept to understand. However, at the beginning of this chapter, the theory was presented as a popular theory, yet still a great mystery. Now, with the previously aforementioned discourse and description, this theory is quite lucid.

There is some more to think about. While using a type of cognitive or emotional calculus, the sound of life could possibly be put into a circle, I want to think of a different architecture of its description (rather than its experience). This descriptive structure or architecture, instead of being a circle, looks more like a bagel. The reason is that now we live in a highly regulatory environment due to the freedom of evil. Thus, there are right and wrong sounds, not simply the caution and heed of truth. (In the original, evil did exist, but it was more creative, and more entertaining to see what stretching the sound would create.) In this one, there is a long history of putting this sound back together. There are correct and incorrect facets (the sounds now bears a list of goods and evils, or rights and wrongs, or correct elements and incorrect elements). Because the sound interacts with evil, in our modern world of potential catastrophe, there is a very clear description of what it needs to be, in order for Heaven to exist. In the fallen state of reality, priority is given to repairing reality and restoring it to Heaven, which pays instead of drains, and a very detailed description of this sounds has developed by learning of right and wrong throughout the history of this archangel (which some suggest is as old as the universe, although my personal, and again, only loosely founded suggestion is that the universe, which began before the big bang, is 100 billion years old — the inflation of space-time and various other factors that deal with perceived speed of memory has shifted our understanding of time to both a much faster-paced time, perhaps we are in a hurry, as anyone would be if the universe fell into Hell, and perhaps we’re measuring perceived time wrong when considering the Great Expansion, which occurred after the “big bang,” which I don’t think was a bang, just a quick expansion. Like a roller coaster going down the hill, it quickly accelerates and doesn’t just get whacked in the back — the same applies to cars and rocket ships, as well).

Nonetheless, over the very long history of the current archangel, the entertainer of evil, the chastiser of losers, and the redeemer of desire, what we needed has been carefully detailed in a right and wrong fashion. There are many skills where you notice such a pattern. For instance, say you read a book on something, like the math behind modern artificial intelligence. You’re likely going to feel pretty good about it after reading it, assuming the material was palpable. But, then, when you try it, you realize there was something you didn’t think about. Therefore, you review it and try it again. Usually, you’ve either found the answer, or it takes a try or two more before you are comfortable with the topic. The same idea applies to the learning of right and wrong. I am fairly certain humanity has restored Heaven to the universe in the past, but there were some things that “just worked,” and because we didn’t truly understand why, later on, the world broke again, and fell into disrepair, disorder, haste, fire, and chaos. Ultimately, we’ll know very exactly the design of Heaven, as well as the proper way to fix it, even in the midst of people possessed and obsessed with evil: lies, deception, and destruction.

Because of the modern context, while maybe it was cool to view the sound as a circle, in order to see the diversity of the mind, today it may be better to graph it as a porous matrix of sounds, resembling a bagel. The empty spaces are sounds that are evil and cause harm — they are out of character with the natural way of people — they do strange things to the mind, cause strange and sometimes difficult to explain events, because the system relies on this sound — if parts of the sound are carried out in the wrong context, terrible inaccuracies and waves of lies may result. Thus, there is now a seriously right and wrong about this sound. And instead of viewing it as a single vibration, which fluctuates about God’s presence, which is still a valid perspective, although difficult to understand as if one consumes a mild spritz of sloth, people will instantly think that they’re biological parasites living in the body of Jesus Christ. So, it is best to remain clear, although it is also best to remain knowledgeable, as well. When one creates sound, radio waves, patterned variations in voltage and synaptic activation, or even in just the life of memory, one must always traverse the prescribed paths of the sound bagel. If one makes a sound that exists in the empty spaces of the porous matrix, which resembles a bagel, then one has committed a crime against oneself and against humanity as well (as, like Martin Luther King Jr. said — there is no such thing as an isolated crime — every crime affects all people — “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly”).

One may ask, “how can I be sure to follow only the righteous sounds or patterns and avoid those that may harm me and others?” Since this current archangel is designed to magnetically remember the state of Heaven — so that if Heaven falls, it magnetically returns to health once again, if one stays mindful of goodness, mindfulness (avoiding narrow-mindedness), and sincere truth, then one will know if the patterns or sounds are good or if they are causing harm.

Therefore, the world is also made of sound. This theory, according to my casual memory from my many casual yet intellectual conversations concerning these matters, is sometimes referred to as the “sound of Shiva.” For a while I wondered, “why is Shiva considered a ‘destroyer’?” I wondered, “is this just some kind of perversion derived from an illegitimate intention followed by a terrible propaganda?” (I heard a horrible story about how God created existence. It said he had sex to make the world. How weird should God have an equal — how weird should there be romance while God was the only being existent. It makes a lot more logical sense that God created the world out of intelligence, truth, purity, and the understanding of the nature of existence.)

Nonetheless, the chapter does answer that question. Shiva, the eternal being of God, was created with the third archangel, as the third archangel, essentially, filled in what was missing from God’s mind. It is described as translating Shiva into an angel. By turning the true mind of God, specifically, into sound, God could potentially see anything that exists. Thus, the angel was very similar to God’s existence prior to any other angels, however, now there was remembrance, structure, logic, and details explicitly made known and remembered. By turning the mind into a sound, the mind was tainted by a slight affect of evil. (This gives way to the notion that the voice cannot be perfect, but can only allude to perfection, as it is made of sound, which is made of disturbance.) Additionally, since it was made of sound, God could stretch things way out of proportion and create strange and wonderful monstrosities (this was before today, where we are actually afraid of monsters, which often occur as patterns of negativity, collectivist and Nazi-socialist hives, and various forms of warmongers and criminals). Thus, if this sound was called, “Shiva,” then clearly, since the sound can be stretched in all kinds of ways, all kinds of intensely destructive beings could exist. (I still, preferentially, disagree with describing Shiva as simply, “the destroyer” as a bulldozer could use that description as well, and a bulldozer, in its material and lifeless form, is not an archangel nor a name of God — although ideologically scientifically, you see how it is formed of angels. Nonetheless, this understanding of the eternal sound, the state of God before any angels, and the ability to manipulate the sound to create strange destructive beings, does bring some light to this interestingly common description of Shiva.)

In the application of experiencing the notion that the world is made of a singular connected sound, we each, essentially, have this bagel in our heads. We explore this bagel, and different people sing different parts of the bagel at different times. As we sing the bagel, we traverse the world. What’s complicated about the bagel is that one can essentially sing any combination of the waveforms that exist in the bagel matrix, making a very large number of possibilities available. Since it is an analog bagel (or a continuous bagel, rather than a discreet bagel), there are technically an infinite number of sounds, however some are so similar to others that it may be inconvenient to think in such abstractions a “an infinite number.” In fact, using modern mathematics, there is almost certainly a better solution for identifying the size of the set of all benevolent sounds than the notion of “an infinite number.”

We understand then that reality is composed of these good sounds echoing around. What’s bad is caused by the illegal sounds echoing around, and obsession is what pays evil to persist, as evil is expensive and does not simply lift people, like life does. (Life lifts and fulfills the soul — true life is truly fulfilling, as compared to a time when a true and ultimate purity and consciousness was too expensive, leading to a world of cheap thrills, very sadly. Evil drains the soul of inspiration, time, liveliness, and joy.) The sounds that are considered good (or the vibrations that are considered good) are sounds that result in one not forgetting who they are. After all, this aspect of existence, that may also be referred to as, “the game,” is largely about not forgetting who one is. It is also about remembering who one is, as those two ideas are mutually existent. In order to remember who one is, one must, as usual, remember the first archangel, the angel of knowledge of God, the angel who’s being arises from God’s statement, “I am.” Since this angel is God’s statement of self-identity, one can also simply remember God. God knows who people truly are, and through prayer, one can privately communicate with God, and, as a result, God should help the person remember the truth, and the ultimate truth is the truth of the holy and righteous self — of the very true self, untainted by a committed error painted into one’s psyche — untainted by a demonic possession — a possession which causes one’s psyche to exhibit mindless procedural activity that results in a loss in awareness and mindfulness and a bondage to the ways of evil.

As we bounce these sounds around, their magnitudes get stronger, and society develops into a stronger and stronger being, capable of sustaining Heaven. These sounds, I presume, that bounce around are simply radio transmissions, but as they pile up and are accepted and incorporated into the great sound that we very noticeably perceive, the world will become stronger against evil, and eventually, as it is supposed to be, the world will, one day, hopefully sooner than later, be strong enough in righteousness, mindfulness, and clarity, to finally regain total consciousness and to finally restore Heaven in the universe.

While it is plausible that the world is made of sound, and certainly this makes sense as an archangel, with the creation of Eden and the theory a communications-based nodal entangled communicative structure between members of Eden, we must add the quantum-entanglement-like link theory to our category of sounds. In this way, all of reality may fit together nicely without disturbing anything that was once cherished.

Understanding a Collectivist Organism as a Unique Species, What a Criminal Existentially Is, and What Monsters Technically Are

Essentially, sin and collectivism are the same thing. Collectivism entails allowing others to possess one’s soul. That is, to stop thinking independently and take the words of others as truth, without processing it. The problem with this is then the people engaging in collectivism begin possessing each other, and being possessed, this possession possesses the participants into further possessing each other. The result is that a distinction between people begins to disappear. As a population of collectivists entrain one another’s brain’s with the entrainment that they have already received, they actually become one mutagenic organism. Their bodies control each others’ bodies. Their identities get mixed — their language becomes scripted.

Inside a collectivism pool is a festering depression, anger, and guilt. Social war begins inside of the pool, and because the inhabitants of the pool are simply manipulating each other with what they were taught by their previously being manipulated, the conditions do not improve — the collectivist, as one interconnected body, becomes bigger, meaner, and stronger. It becomes more violent. The mind that exists outside of the collectivist looks different than the inside of the collectivist. Due to a persistence of guilt and reactive blame-shaming, without a discovery of true identity and the true and most honest nature of the soul, everyone is blaming people for something someone else did. This is not bode well for anyone: the collectivist or the bystanders who do not want to become a part of a collectivist body.

In its more developed and extreme circumstances, members engaged in increasing collectivism, who are creating a collectivist creature, may begin to modify and identify with the body parts of others. Ultimately, as people in the hive come and go, the body of the total collectivist body becomes a mutation of a conglomerate of people, yet those perhaps once people had already been in a practice of self-mutation for long enough that they could possibly then identify similarly as bacteria and viruses, (which, in a developed collectivist, can appear to be people, as well, as since a collectivist is oriented towards sharing bodies extremely intimately, thus just about anything, including viruses, bacteria, and TV stations, start talking to people’s minds), have become a strange mix of shared body parts, and function just on winning to feel successful, even though that feeling of success is misrepresented. It becomes an “it” culture, with members essentially similar in objective to a collective of pigeons simply pecking at food on the ground, although less healthy than pigeons, who possess other abilities besides pecking at food.

A collectivist, as a total conglomerate organism, is a strange creature. In polite culture, we generally refer to the spirit of collectivism as a monster; a being that, through lies, convince people to mutate into a manifest monster. Once developed to a point where the participants’ bodies become mutated into one another, the collectivism is an interesting organism. Possessing the apparent conversation of thousands, or even millions of people, the collectivist seems to be neither one person or many. Inside of the collectivist, the once people are then treated as cells by the greater collectivism body. This means they can asexually reproduce and undergo self-cannibalism (autophagy) when the cells appear dysfunctional.

While an animal is simply a enjoyed shared thought behavior pattern (according to the theory of natural psychic interactivity producing the perception of reality), a monster is different. A monster is a form of criminal or demented and depraved being (a criminal, nonetheless). By this, I mean that, instead of an enjoyable community thought pattern, or a few of enjoyable thought patterns to produce a nice ecosystem of the mind, a criminal is a communual thought pattern that is taxing, draining, and considered abominable. In this case, this meaning of the word a criminal (an evil spirit that affects a collective) is the same as the aforementioned definition of a monster.

What’s strange about a collectivist, is that a collectivist appears to be many people, although those people are confusing, being simply cells of a strange being. (Interestingly, a collectivist is likely aquatic, unless it evolves into a developed animal though psychological improvement and evolutionary means, as a collectivist organism does not bear the intelligence or form to walk — it is like a strange jellyfish or even a coral. In parallel, we today find the fearsome kraken represented by what appears to be a cephalopod — which seems to demonstrate an understanding of the spirit and form of the kraken.) Appearing to be made of many, and created out of criminal intentions, the collectivist asexually produces new cells, which appear to be people. From this, it appears that there are an infinite number of criminals, simply never ending.

The biology of a collectivist is highly intriguing. It is a natural evolution of an evil spirit that has captivated enough people to become a manifest being. I do wonder about the exact biology of a collectivist, understanding a collectivist to be simply one organism. It is without a doubt that the world would benefit from being able to identify a fully formed and manifest collectivist. This way, the wiccan techniques of a developed collectivist would not trick people into thinking the creature is many asexually reproducing, ultimately immortal and eternally immoral people, but, instead, one fully-connected organism.

The idea of a monster, a being that is born of an evil spirit which then has captivated enough people to cause a strange mutation of behavior and even biology, is sometimes known as a beast, again, likening it to an animal, but distinguishing it in that it is instead abhorrent. Using this understanding, it is possible that the beast that is mentioned in the Bible is from the prediction of a giant collectivist spirit consuming the people and forming them into a senseless, mutant, and criminal monster. A monster like this, while it may be a defined and technically manageable size itself, is powerful by way of extremely disastrous wiccan spells which destroy the integrity and thus safety of reality. By consuming a large amount of thinking and forcing the cells to accomplish an “it,” the collectivist can perform acts of hate, cruelty, and violence, with the cells of the collectivist being able to only know that it’s evil, but besides that, the collectivist practices making excuses for everything, therefore gullibility is certainly not a way out of a collectivist. Nonetheless, once the collectivist has evolved to a certain maturity, it appears to be a large and strange blob. It focusses on emitting radiation that destroys the perception of reality, leading to scenario of blindness and a strange problem every which way. In this way, it is a true wiccan WMD.

A potential solution vector to resolving a world encumbered by a collectivist is identifying the whole collectivist body. While a collectivist will have you believe it’s a network of people — it is certainly not. In this case, the collectivist is using the tactic of appealing to information one is commonly aware of, and in this case, appealing to the knowledge of how a collectivist begins. However, what the developed collectivist does not mention is that during the beginning of the formation of a collectivist (or Biblical beast), the collectivist is still manageable, as it’s still made of individual people and has not fully become manifest. A developed collectivist is completely intimately connected with itself, organs and bodies are mutated and shared to develop a singular whole and connected organism. I imagine, if a bout of collectivism is not extinguished soon enough, a collectivist, using progressively calculated lies, can develop, and as it develops, reality starts to become corrupt. It is not inconceivable that in an apocalyptic scenario a collectivist organism can grow to be half the size of the state of Georgia, a member of the United States (famous from the song, “Georgia on My Mind,” by Ray Charles).

From the perspective that animals are social organisms that are known through psychic power and exhibit a particular characteristic of actionability and also considering that they support life and are living beings, by nature, we can understand that there is the possibility of a such thing as an anti-animal. This is a creature that may be referred to as a criminal, or a beast, or an evil hive-mind. In its more manageable form, it is simply the existence of criminality in the world, although that is less manageable than a truly civilized existence, where what exists then is simply an intelligent discourse to intelligently ameliorate confusion. (A problem here seems to be erratic sensationalism, as in true civilization, all messages are simply writeable or calmly linguistically communicated logical and information-oriented verbiage. However, in an uncivilized nature, what could be intelligent discourse utilizing rational language, is instead a collection of chaotic destruction.) Continuing with the understanding of the idea of an anti-animal, at its worst, it becomes a singular organism, whose entire mind is designed for evil. The reason is that while people may be tempted by collectivism, through the provocation of the denial of the self in favor of imitating one another (which is the beginning of collectivism), when the collectivist being actually begins to imitate each others bodies, friends, family, jobs, and then even body parts, a great anger arises from the then ubiquitous encroachment on personal space and territory. Evil is founded on the denial of the self, for the opposite of the true understanding of the holistic and true self (unadulterated by bad ideas), is historically and fairly commonly referred to as demonic possession. That is, the possession of oneself by a being that, through one’s self-affliction, leads to self-defeat and self-denial. It is a mindless state of being that leads to harm and animosity. Nonetheless, the collectivist, when developed to certain extent, starts to become increasingly mean and begins to devise hasty yet fallible methods of interpersonal defeat, leading to the collectivist organism, itself, learning its internal tricks to a great extent. Ultimately, the collectivist organism becomes a manifestation of an ongoing war of evil and heinous activity.

While researching the famous Kraken, I was curious as to what kind of monster was being referenced. The best I could gather is that the Kraken was a monster that caused people to hide from each other, such that they had been eaten by some kind of enclosure. It appears that our world has had experience with the Kraken, noted by the mail system, the phone system, the email system, and the general distance between people who know one another. The pressure for this highly rigorous and barriered community system comes from introducing the possibility for interpersonal violence. This can only come from a desire for interpersonal violence, when there was no possibility of such beforehand. Thus, the Kraken develops many rules to both accommodate interpersonal violence as well as staying safe from it, attempting to fulfill both worlds. There are formed many rules of travel and many restrictions regarding interactions. This suggests a maze of a sort, which appears to be what the monster the Kraken forced people into, in order to stay safe yet still connected. Looking at the cephalopod parallel to the Kraken, the family of animals, Gorgonocephalids, as discussed in the Wikipedia section, Pontoppidan — Taxonomic identifications1, I am reminded of the general structure of community systems. It is almost like electric pathways line the way, reaching into the distance, yet only connected by a central body and not easily connected without the center of the community. Nonetheless, there is perhaps even more information available about what was being known in the mind or even by sight during the discussion of the Kraken, of which, further research may reveal.

There is another monster that may be worth mentioning. The famous Chupacabra is known for haunting livestock and drinking their blood. Livestock are some of the more well known animals of a tribe, and as thus, they represent a community mentality which provides life. Understanding this, more plainly understood, the Chupacabra may be referring to the evil spirit that desires to consume, covet, and harbor the livelihood of a community. By searching out wicked tools of manipulation, utilizing what people treasure in life, a Chupacabra can use cues of these treasured traditions to accumulate power, in order to exact evil upon a community. The evil spirit begins as an idea that will gain a little advantage. It may tempt some people, and if it is successful, then a giant monster begins to develop. The participants in the monster keep searching for unfair advantages, abusing each other in the process, and the monster, which is the greater pattern of evil — a mind of itself — keeps becoming stronger, until the entire community is destroyed by the greater evil tendency. (It is important to remember that one should not trust evil. Evil usually is a liar and very often betrays any being for an advantage over others — it is a reckless and generally despised pattern of behavior, and it has destroyed many a civilization in history.)

Naturally, as any of the monsters become strong enough, the temptation for collectivism begins. Much of evil is founded on forcing people through desperation, and that means that evil provides a poor way of success, and as a result, people start emulating others who they see as more successful, even if portraying oneself as successful is a way to gain an advantage in a crumbling society (and resulting in others attempting to accomplish a fictitious presentation). Nonetheless, the collectivist pattern begins, and eventually, if left to continue, a fully developed collectivist organism, the size of a small state, could develop, and in the meantime, because of all the tricks used to try and survive an evil mind, the nature of reality is destroyed, leaving only a rat’s maze filled with traps.

Thinking more deeply into what the monsters generally entail, one may find the observation that any monster is a collectivist force, in and of itself. Thus, one may consider any monster a form of collectivist, and quite possibly, one may consider the terms used here, “monster,” and “collectivist organism,” to be synonymous. With any fall from truth, which occurs upon becoming possessed by a senseless pattern of thought and action, which can be described in fairly concrete forms and organized into what is known as demons, there is the pattern of abandoning one’s true self, which is inherently, or originally, good (or it would not be alive), in favor of an exterior whim pattern which may tempt with apparent advantages or rewards, but since it uses harm for benefit, it is considered unhealthy and ultimately deadly.

It is prophesied in the Bible that during the End of Times event, the world would be overtaken by a terrible beast. Along with the notion that people were more aware of the trends and effects of spirits on the mind, before a great abundance of devices may have distracted people from the nature of being a person, it is certainly plausible this wasn’t a strange idea that was written blindly, but that it was an accurate understanding of what has plagued mankind and the observation of where that pattern was naturally heading. Additionally, evil has the tendendency to hide from the light of truth and seeks to avoid truth, as truth repudiates evil. Naturally, if the truth were bright, there is a possible apocalyptic fear that an evil beast would become increasingly inane and ignorant, so terrible that it would cause the event known as Armageddon. However, the wrathful or hasty reaction of eliminating truth from the world would simply fuel the collectivist.

What’s difficult about eliminating a fully formed collectivist, is by the time such a monstrosity could possibly be allowed to exist, it could have possibly consumed nearly the entire planet’s vocabulary. Therefore, a planet, known as the thing, would be replaced by one of these strange abominable collectivist blobs. Considering, at this stage, the collectivist would have largely replaced the mind of man, its evil influences would have a strong hold on the mind, and that would hinder efforts at eliminating the terror from the inhabitance of people, and restoring the planet and what the planet entails back to what it is scientifically suppose to be (rather than being in a radioactive haze of profusely loud and learned wiccan spells).

Naturally, if the human race were to defeat such a collectivist, the best strategy would be to prevent the collectivist from forming in the first place. There’s a fairly modern definition of the word sin that is very palpable and easy for the modern layman to acknowledge. That is, in the context that there are many rules of behavior, to sin, (or “to do the sin”), would be to break all of the rules in some kind of spring-loaded and hasty fervor. That is the great danger, and is sometimes, more metaphorically, but not without an indication of caution, referred to as a bomb, and if it’s paramount to people, then it is sometimes referred to as a nuclear bomb, meaning the person or people who decided to suddenly break every rule, as a kind of strange obsession and fatal curiosity, is causing a paramount threat to humanity while completely bombing his, her, or their role in the great community that is known as the human race, along with the nature that exists along with us.

To prevent collectivism in the first place, a great preference must be placed on the education of avoiding lies, even if sneakily spoken, as does often occur in casual advice, and to emphasize the importance and logic of abiding by coherent truth. This is a simple argument. Clearly, if one believes a lie, then one is likely to act in error, because the lie provides the wrong guidance. Just as if a computer program had a lie in it, it would likely crash or malfunction (perhaps due to a wrong calculation), a person abiding by a lie would likely find themselves in a blunder. In any decision, the best outcome can only be garnered by way of the knowledge of truth. In no way, except for by a deceiving accident of chance, can a lie lead to success. Since this makes logical sense, there is no need for anecdotal evidence. However, one may argue that there are successful liars in the world. This modern world commonly takes for ultimate truth the inevitable death of every living creature, and it seeks to survive, simply in spirit, for the day when people are able to live lives that are rationally dreamed of becoming true. Ideologically, it makes no sense to simply prefer such a miserable environment and mentality and thus can only come about by way of curiosity. Thus, the representation of a world such as the one described may sneakily be giving lying an advantage, which occurs when there are enough liars such that they support the lying tendencies of one another, knowing, in secret, that it enhances a sort of advantage (and an evil advantage is always an advantage over another person or people — biologically, it is logical that the pattern of behavior exists internally as well, and may promote health issues). Therefore, even if the world appears to support lying, it is an awful habit to promote or perpetuate, and surely, it is lying that destroys the ability of people to solve problems, and a planet that is fond of lying may, indeed, bear the presence of abomination. In a world that tries to separate liars from the truthful, I theorize that a being like the Kraken, as I described earlier, may form. This is a world that both stays away from each other and also meets, in what may be a central meeting environment, in order to both meet people and remain safe, simultaneously.

Additionally, in learning to avoid lies, even in seemingly well-intentioned advice, it would be sensible to teach about collectivism in general. Even without a picture of a fully formed collectivist organism, the pattern of collectivism can be learned about, so a dangerous trend of large-scale collectivism can be avoided. Collectivism, even if it hasn’t matured to the point of becoming a literal evil organism, is dangerous, as it exhibits the same patterns of behavior as the evil organism, just less developed. It is very important to keep the world safe from a collectivist forming. Aside from the obvious — that it breeds lies, abuse, and hate — it also promotes mindlessness and unawareness, which are very disadvantageous to a world, as with unawareness, an evil could form unannounced by anyone.

It would be important in order to try and dissuade a collectivist beast from forming. However, there’s something called the “sin of man.” It’s a Biblical concept. It suggests that man is inherently biased mildly away from the truth of God, (or the eternal truth, for a more spiritual phrase). In this way, the best efforts of man may still ultimately fail in preventing a collectivist from forming. It is because, by the virtue of being alive (and promoting life, in contrast to a beast, which is a strange existence that really shouldn’t exist to the point that one even wonders if it feels unhappy and desires to be eliminated for its own sake), a person is aware of eternal and divine truth — it’s what brings life. However, due to the sin of man, there is this strange communal bias away from truth. While it may not seem obviously evil at first, over many years, and possibly many generations (if the planet practices biological replication for the benefit of the spirit of humanity), this sin of man can become interwoven into the fabric and nature of everything. That would cause the world to be partially a lie, just due to this evil bias. Because of this, coupled with the natural tendency to avoid cognitive disharmony, which naturally occurs when one has taken a lie as truth, people tend to spring the other way when the sin becomes too great. This has a type of balancing act. However, balancing sins with sins may not ultimately result in the success of a planet in restoring what is ideologically logical — Heaven. Instead, it may chaotically wander and wobble around the truth. As the truth is still avoided for a lengthening period of time, evil may still find a chance to escape moderation and venture into extremism. There may be a familiar notion that occurs with the sin of man in the statement, “it isn’t completely true,” not being considered a possibly horrible thing to do.

Thus, if the beast cannot be avoided, it will consume the reality, by causing a strange ritual of evil, led by a greater evil spirit, and thus, over time, developing a unified brain, unified by the spirit of evil that was its name and identity. As the ritual overtakes reality, and uses societal need to enslave the human race, the participants in the collectivist ritual start to become biologically conjoined and later, biologically mutated into one another. Considering reality to be based on a psychic communication between people, along with protocols that were developed over time, an evil beast could form in one location and just broadcast lies about people and the world to the world. A whole planet overtaken by a collectivist spirit may ultimately find multiple collectivist organisms residing on the planet, if the planet can be considered to exist, while people try to find a sturdy place of sanity during the wave of disastrous unreality. Potentially, one would simply destroy the collectivist organisms. The difficult part is sorting through the parts of the world that are unreality in order to find accuracy. Evil historically has had a tendency to try and remain forever, so a real collectivist organism could be quite a danger. Even if the organism were to desire euthanasia or a form of quick elimination, being born of an obsession with evil, it would not make logical or accurate decisions. It may habitually seek the end of all life even though it does not feel like it. In my personal appraisal, such a creature, while being an awful terror and exhibiting horrible qualities kin to that of a WMD, seems to be a sad creature, and it would be even sadder if it prevented its own desire for self-elimination, considering it is an abominable creature that wouldn’t normally support life, but is alive anyway (how could that be any fun?).

Our modern mind can be understood as composed of 3D oscillations of cognitive magnetism, theoretically radio waves, as this explains both the function of the mind, the construction of science, including its history, how communities generate reality, and how a collectivist organism could affect an entire planet from a static location. Understanding that in such a scenario, the planet does not fully exist, it would be important to parse the conversation of existence together in order to enable the ability to eliminate the source or sources of disaster. This would allow one to be able to see and navigate reality, even if there is a large amount of wiccan radiation. Doing this can be difficult, but I do not think it is impossible. It would take an understanding of the predominant patterns and their meaning and using data analysis to create a functional portrayal of the necessary portion of reality. Of course, once this is understood, using a similar detailed science of reality, a strategy of elimination would be attainable.

However, before approaching elimination, it would be helpful to understand the creature. Even though it is born of evil and exhibits perpetual hate, and may have found a habit of inflicting self-pain (as that is a wiccan tactic), there is a chance it could be helped and formed into an animal. This may seem like a bold suggestion, but I think it is worth considering, understanding its mind would be helpful. While a seemingly innocuous thing to do at first, urgency developed as the collectivist began developing, as a collectivist forces people into various uncomfortable circumstances and creates hate and an animosity as the collectivist increases in its merger, driving the participants in the collectivist to exhibit increasing patterns of dirtiness, incautiousness, and self-deceit. Eventually, if a collectivist is fully formed, the participants have passed away. What’s left is an unusual organism that possess a large network of brains and body parts and continued to evolve further into a unique specimen. Understanding the reason it developed an increasingly desperate and thus dirty pattern of fighting, we come to find that the participants participated in what is self-abominable and lewd behavior in order to find themselves deathly afraid of one another. By progressively lying, the war was fought even between comrades, who lost the ability to exhibit accuracy. (This is, indeed, a reminder, that there is a reason this modern society considers dirty warfare to be illegal.) Considering their desperation was likely induced by the fear of a monster that they had joined, despite advice against it, it is perhaps the creature is simply filled with fear. Additionally, we understand the creature to be uncomfortable, but we should understand if there’s any way the creature would desire comfort. If it can desire comfort, then perhaps it could become a new animal of the deep seas, if rehabilitated. There is a benefit in having such an animal, and while this shouldn’t be the only possible solution, as creating animals is possible — as long as the world has a memory of a pattern of thought that brings life, animals representing these patterns will evolve. If such an animal is rehabilitated, its mind would provide the mind of existence exactly the pattern of avoiding collectivism, in favor of health and well-being. This would be a living being that is later treasured among the nature of humanity, always keeping us safer from collectivism than we would otherwise be.

I mentioned previously that a fully developed collectivist organism would likely be a sea creature, as the ocean permits creatures of quite a variety of types. Land animals require certain physical capabilities of movement, which a collectivist organism, based on emitted radiation, would not necessarily possess (at it was not a priority of the developing organism). Spiritually and from an engineering perspective as well, water may be understood to represent a vastly high fidelity communications environment. Sea water, being heavily filled with salt, is highly electrolytic and thus communicates electrical signals extremely well. Additionally, the pressure of the sea may help support the body of the collectivist organism. Also, it is known that life first evolved in the sea, and that suggests the sea is a good location for an evolving organism. The objective would be to deduce if the creature would be happier (and thus more peaceful) in the sea. If so, then moving the creatures to the sea, and perhaps the deep sea, if it is found to be more fitting, may solve the crisis that otherwise permeates the world.

Additionally, the common act of putting words to radiation and portraying them on the planet, such that radiation can be seen, spoken about, and acted on, whether affirmatively or negatively, would keep the world more manageable. There are several examples of managing the world, such as through business ventures, politics, charity, education, or law enforcement. As long as the words that exist are seen and known, the world can be managed. Nonetheless, if some words go invisible, as happens with a collectivist, and are therefore more accurately known as wiccan radiation, there still should be enough understanding to keep the threat a low as possible. Thus, the traditional methods of managing the world would help to alleviate some of the disaster presented by a collectivist organism.

Seemingly the commonality of all real monsters is a birth from a collectivist mentality and a collectivist spirit, and thus, the idea that the Biblical beast from the Revelations chapter of the Bible would be an evil collectivist, if it is indeed true, does make sense.

1Kraken. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2023, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraken