Obligatory Voice of Support for Cannabis Legalization

The whole drug war is the wrong approach to surely a real situation; misinformation, distrust, and separation are quite damaging to the mind of the people.

Additionally, the pharmaceutical and medical industry’s inability to facilitate spiritual wellness in the case of depression (even if it is not quite our modern enlightenment), which is tied to every disorder, is very disheartening.

I am unaware of any synthetic cannabinoid or similar medicine that competes in safety, reliability, applicability, and effectiveness at treating the core of happiness. Cannabis is not a forward-pushing, excitement-oriented, solution to unhappiness. Instead, it is a holistic feeling of self-incorporation and self-understanding.

Yes, without the true teachings of enlightenment, it cannot bring true enlightenment, but I think it has the ability to heal damaged communication connections within the body — a common problem, which may be due to a lack of variety of signals that we receive, which give our minds less resources (think useful patterns) to function. Without these connecting sounds, smells, and other cues, that we may have, in the past, found in nature, portions of our minds find difficulty in communicating, causing a type of darkness brought about by non-communication.

Think about how a song can get stuck in your head. This song signifies a network in your mind that is helpful and which facilitates your desires. It is a convenient and useful connection. Considering the theory that the environment in which the body evolved into its modern state is still a preferred environment in which to reside (the Paleo theory), the various cues in nature are like the songs that get stuck in your head, but they’re of much greater variety and substrate. Without those, my theory is, we don’t feel internally well-connected.

When you lose these connections in your mind, you may seem more focused, which can be helpful, but you may also feel less imaginative and creative, because the conversations that occurred, due to previously existing connections, do not occur much any more. I think cannabis aids the person in re-establishing these connections, and with a greater breadth of neural connections, a greater breadth of internal conversation and thus creativity emerges.

A possibly more healthy way of being would be to surround ourselves with an environment similar to our paleolithic ancestors, and to practice activities in similarity, as well. Incorporating our modern ways of health, we could potentially find a lifestyle that stimulates the mind in a more healthy way.

Unfortunately, this is impractical. While, in that case, the general need that cannabis fulfills may not exist, or, at least be substantially lessened, due to the stimulation of the senses and thus thoughts in a way that is natural to our evolved form, our modern lifestyle choices leave us without this possibility. Therefore, it seems that due to our deadened and skewed environment, cannabis is a wonderful solution to lacking jubilant cognitive self-interaction.

There is a notion that the general ingestion of psychoactive substances should be avoided, in order to adhere more closely to a supposedly natural way of being. However, since we have altered our natural environment and lifestyles quite substantially, there is a lot more that distances ourselves from existing totally naturally, as the body had once evolved to do. Such philosophies may be considered inconsiderate, as they consider only a narrow set of features and observations of the mind.

Even in accordance with the restriction of drug or medicine usage to dire circumstances, there is no alternative for cannabis. While superficially, there are medicines which treat similar symptoms, more experientially, it is obvious that they do not possess the sublime quality and effect of cannabis. So far, nothing can mimic or replace its effects, at least not in the foreseeable future.

What exactly is the worry anyway? It’s hugely popular, is often reported to have majority support, and is widely incomparably more effective and sustainable than pharmaceutical serotonergic (and perhaps epinephrine-mediated) enhancers.

One may notice that modern medicinal happiness is fueled by reports from fidgety people, eyes on the possibility of happiness, micro-giggly with excitement and pursuit, saying that they feel happier, but not indicating any feelings of a determination and connectedness with the truth of life, and an awareness and deep acceptance of its meaning. Such illusory data gathering methodologies fuel more baseless excitement but fail to answer the pressing questions of holistic, connected, and spiritual wellness.

There’s only one plant in the whole world of our societal awareness that can effectively, comfortably, and consistently provide feelings of spiritual health and glowing wellness. No other plant or drug can bring what is probably at least 99.9% of people out most forms of depression, in just a few months of intermittent or casual usage.

In just one hit, the brain starts to communicate, realizations that were missing behind obstruction become revealed, pipes of thoughts begin flowing, fully and with life, you finally can talk to yourself again, you feel relieved, this is exactly what you needed, say so many.

It really appears that, medicinally speaking, there’s only one medicine or drug in the world that can nearly universally cure anyone of doom and the silent crackling of broken lines.

Considering the expected maturity of your fellow brethren, I would say that it’s obvious and without a doubt that cannabis should, expediently, be legal. Its illegalization is and was a great oversight — suspiciously appearing like a fall to a rapturous elitist Satan while overseas strangely similar mentalities were occurring — control and control one another.

With an ironically cheap elitist prestige, these demons killed what may be the world’s favorite thing. With lucky-brain disorder, and a suspiciously supported pattern of Luciferianism and Satanism, these influencers of our world’s past may have literally committed treason against the human race and our true intentions (which is to find a way for us to live well).

It should go without saying that cannabis is far too valuable to remove from the people’s rights. It should be obvious something this supported should be legal even with a 35% majority of a largely uneducated group, considering the ideas and beliefs behind it. If it is literally that awesome, outshining so much, then why do that to people?

People who smoke weed commonly drink less alcohol. That’s hugely healthy. Lung performance is very often good or, sometimes, even better than people who don’t smoke weed (interestingly).

Cannabis is a customizable experience, with plenty of different useful chemicals, working together like an intentional machine, giving it both science and variety; discussion and passion.

If you could attempt to create the perfect drug, as is surely an idea in the pharmaceutical industry, I would bet that you wouldn’t make something as good as cannabis. Cannabis almost has secrets to what you truly wanted, like it knew you a long time ago, perhaps at a time in your evolution when these features were more expressed.

Now, I don’t believe in controlling people, but I also don’t believe in letting sin and mistake rule society (the precursor to controlling people). I don’t believe in disregarding healthy nature, and I don’t believe in ignoring truth. I don’t believe that we all need the same things, either.

Voting can be annoying. What if instead of the binary voting system, there were a fully connected communication infrastructure, connected to everyone, comfortably and with respect and courtesy. It would let everyone know and communicate, in an organized and comprehensible way, all of what everyone thinks — not just thoughts, but ongoingly through discussion, as the participants of the system develop true understanding.

But instead, we have a system designed to be particularly resilient to utter failure, but in added resilience, understanding and specificity are diminished.

Billions of ones and zeros, all over the world, about prescribed topics. For relatively unknown reasons, these ones and zeros chose our way to the future. Everyone has but a binary word to say to the separatist government. (“Yes” or “No” on provided questions.)

Voting is so narrow-band, so outdated, so unreliable, vulnerable, and slow.

That’s my party then; a well-designed communication system is necessary to any satisfactory government, given our present-day circumstances.

Then onto why cannabis can be bad. It’s not perfect, it’s just great and irreplaceable. You still need to have knowledge, and you still need to know good words. It won’t necessarily prevent adherence to Satanic behavior, but if the intention is there, it can make a world of a difference. That’s about all it is; it’s very helpful and irreplaceable but it’s important to also have true knowledge (not simply misaligned books — instead, real and concrete understanding, connected to the source of life, the reason why anything is important).

The cannabis plant can be tailored in different ways to accommodate the user. There is a breadth of variety in subjective feelings regarding it. For many, cannabis helps work, as the adage may go, “a happy person is a happy worker.” Some people may find themselves unfocussed while high, and this may be solvable from a psychological perspective; the experience of an unsettling nature can stem from an insecure attainment of the fundamental knowledge of reality — an error which separates one from the primary state of being.

It would be good to bring some spirituality and love into common society. It would be good for people, guided or misguided, to become familiar with the class of substances known as “entheogens,” which are drugs which facilitate spiritual insight and the related emotions. Cannabis brings about both of these possibilities.

There is an important question, on the legality of psychedelics. While I may see a strong, overt community of real psychedelic users as being a benefit to our society, with their rigor and focus, society cannot cognizantly make that decision without any experience whatsoever with entheogens. Without the safety of executive assurance, the independently spiritual community can never surface into public awareness, as these patterns of thinking are banned in society. With the legalization of cannabis, the world will be introduced to the independently spiritual, independently thinking community and their lessons, as everyone will then finally be able to openly know and understand each other (without the present shade).

Additionally, do you want to be left with only 1600+ year old religions written at seriously different times than now? It’s beautiful that religion is still spawning, from the original question itself, like there was a mysterious fountain of rebirth somewhere.

Cannabis legalization will allow the people to gain a natural and developed awareness of the idea of a drug aiding in the pursuit of spirituality, which will finally allow the people to understand this enormous movement of spiritual devotion associated with the use of entheogens. (And then the general populous can make cognizant decisions regarding the matter.)

Many intelligent people have fought on the intellectual battlefield focused on the meaning and importance of psychedelics. Through the unintentional brutal onslaught of Heaven’s defenses against misinformation, they fought, seeking to be good in the grace of the being that they had become more familiar with than sayings would allow, attempting their best at making sense of this mysterious prospect and potential — seeking to speak the truth of something which no one has been able to figure out for so very long.

It would seem, to them, that being able to explain these astonishing findings would open up a brand new opportunity, awareness, and healing for and of the human race (and animals may benefit as well). There have been, for a very long time, almost entirely debatable ideas, with glimpses of truth, but nothing pleasingly connected — admirable attempts that fell short of Heaven’s true glory.

Maybe it is true. If we could understand enlightenment (psychedelics seem to cover this subject — it’s another unique facet of this physiologically harmless category of drugs — still though, I think they only present a past enlightenment, which while helpful, is not exactly the one we need), then perhaps the world would understand psychedelics.

Considering these thoughts, I think it is unethical to treat people as if they are too stupid to be able to use marijuana in a way that they deem is helpful to themselves, and to go so far as to inflict fear and retribution into the users of this often spiritual, and often alcohol-avoidant substance. This process of evil division separates people, police, and government — causing popular hatred against the very people who are supposedly risking their lives to bring peace.

Expounding on that topic, do you realize how much animosity, fear, and distrust the government has enforced between the people and the police and government, because they illegalized one of, if not the most, popular drugs in the entire world, and even possibly the most popular activity of personal enjoyment in maybe all of creation?

Making it popular to hate the police? Even by highly aware and intelligent, sometimes influential people? Not noticing “High Times,” is noticeably a popular favorite. Not taking evidence of its benefits and effects seriously, so much that people just think the police are stupid? I know this occurs due to some other drugs, and sometimes reasonably, but they pale in comparison to how much distrust and animosity has been generated through cannabis illegalization, resulting in one of the most popular trends out there — hating the police after the realization that cannabis is good — and it’s huge in college — our nation’s future earners.

And now we have the internet to boot. Every time a police department posts on facebook about their huge marijuana bust, thousands of people respond, jeering and heckling the department. It makes the government look hypocritical.

Is cannabis a good recreational community? Yes

Is a well-formed and stable cannabis community a much better experience than the currently long-lived alcohol community? Yes

Is cannabis compatible with an entirely well lifestyle? Yes

Do people popularly enjoy cannabis, and frequently would smoke or otherwise ingest it anyway, despite illegality? Obviously — High Times was out before legalization begun.

Are we talking about just “any drug?” No, cannabis is differentiated by outstanding qualities.

Does legal cannabis and its effects on our society present an opportunity for growth, intelligence, and awareness? Yes, understanding this important facet of our nature — to take very specific drugs or sacraments to aid in spirituality — would be beneficial to understand on a more personal and familiar basis, and by actually being able to see the developed realization of the long kept underground community — a community that often teaches the precious teachings of the ancient sages (Buddhism, etc).

Of course, there are the non-communal types of users, who are interested simply in its beneficial effects, but I’ve noticed that there’s a trend to become inquisitive and open to understanding (another trend hardly unnoticeable).

You may think that cannabis philosophy is just “wrong,” but what it is, I think, is a healthy and curious connection, communication, and understanding that goes on in the mind, entertaining ideas of divine splendor, knowing it’s a good thing to do — often the feeling of innocence emerges, as one can freely entertain ideas and memories, knowing the right interpretation, which is innocence and is easier to see when there’s a lot of active intelligence. People come to wrong conclusions frequently, but primary knowledge is the most difficult knowledge, so it’s understandable.

Also, there are two types of people; enlightened (or moving toward it), and unenlightened. There’s no necessity for unenlightenment. We don’t live in a world where we can fathom real monsters, so I figure everyone is curable, ultimately (especially when there is a cure).

What the DEA movement is primarily concerned about is the combined effects of Satanic responsibility and intoxicating substances. Because we have lost the divide between sinful and holy, we cannot properly see responsibility and as thus, all people are affected by the zeal of cautious politeness, indicating that the discrimination of responsibility is no longer a reliable method of order and light.

Additionally, the invitation to true acceptance has been jammed by the aberration of the original lessons and the excited, but likely hasty, move towards a future of more, blending holy and unholy and confusing people, leaving no illuminated destiny and guidance, and delivering widespread damage to the invisible psyche.

If no one were Satanic (including Luciferian), we wouldn’t have criminal problems. Isn’t that a better choice than an overzealous institutional figure raining on your divine experience?

Let us remember that the religions have not generally been specifically very hateful against drugs. This hate is not primarily coming from religion, just real Satanism born of fear and an irrational savior.

Reasonably, I imagine, long ago, that small communities could better self-manage, however, their systems could not scale well at all, permitting stronger diversions of ideology coming from the resulting inadequate communication and understanding system. The drug war is out of fear, for fear of the Satanist, and the belief that a diet free from drugs is the cure to Satanism (again, a common problem, unfortunately so).

Let me tell you what professional mental advice really is. It’s a rare technology — coveted, protected, and held close in a mostly dark world, as it’s a rare thing indeed — a potential cure for ailment; something hard to come by these days.

Now let me tell you what it’s not. It’s not right.

It’s actually often misconceived and wrong about things. It’s tossy and turny, without fortitude of assuredness. It’s all your world could afford.

Our current civilization, as if not taken aback by the destruction of Babylon, has been climbing a rocky structure, bolting to a new surface once its seen, fastening tightly to it, so our mind is zig-zagged; we go this way too much, then another way too much, ongoingly, yet (hopefully) steadily increasing in general accuracy — with waves of resolution following loud chaos.

I don’t need to state the importance of enlightenment much. It’s one of the most commonly known things in the universe.

Of course we won’t have the worry of “what’s Satan going to unpredictably do,” with enlightenment, so then it’ll all be obvious (think a truly enlightened and refined variant of libertarianism), but for now, the world is ready for cannabis — aided feelings of divine presence 101, if you notice that kind of thing.

Reality is an angel of ours, too, a part of an even greater self than the body, a part of all that which sustains us, and I don’t think the path to enlightenment is the path of self-defeat, like is often found in asceticism, but a path of incorporating intelligence found internally and externally, throughout existence, past and future, to bring life to all life, and a natural cessation of death.

Some may say it’s a dance of angels.

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