Finding the Perfect Feeling (On Life, Part II)

The best feeling is logically the original feeling. The is assuming that existence is created through intelligence, in an ideologically developing manner, rather than an initially physical manner. Assuming this, then we can assume the initial desire of any being is a form of perfection. It is this desire which forms the basis of the being’s existence. We only find the quality of badness in secondary desires.

The idea of being alive presumes a desire for life, which predicates all other feelings. Life is the primary desire of a living being, as that’s what keeps being alive — this refers to the core of the being — the functioning of the body and mind. This feeling, being the predecessor of all other feelings, does not initially possess a quality (it is only seen with the addition of perspective).

The reason this initial feeling cannot logically possess a quality is that quality indicates a possible duality. If there is a perception of quality, there are at least two ideas indicated: one that possess the quality, and one that does not possess the quality. Therefore, a singular feeling can have no quality and as such, the initial and basic feeling of life possess no quality.

Without life, there would be no other feelings. Therefore the feeling of life must be the predecessor to all other possible feelings. Again, as it is singular, it cannot logically possess a quality.

If intelligent and logically benevolent being or beings created reality, the origin of all of the intelligence is the most ideal state, stemming from the initial desire for perfection and goodness, and is also a being of no quality. It is from this being that qualities are created and used to create an elaborate being.

The perfect feeling can be difficult to find. Too happy and you might over-exert yourself, and too sad and you might not be active. Only the feeling of no quality is able to sustain itself as being without problems. No other feeling can be perpetually sustained — only certain alternations of feelings can be, as they must always direct one towards the original feeling, or else they would be considered evil (which is to push away from Heaven), however no single deviance from the original feeling can be sustained. The mind needs balance. Add light, and it will pull towards darkness, and vice versa. It all gravitates to the feeling of no quality, and I suspect the very core of one’s being is founded on this feeling — all the way down to inside the molecules of DNA.

The first Great Angel was Knowledge. This was the knowledge of this original feeling. While it had existed prior, it was unknown an not entirely remembered. It wasn’t until the Creation of Knowledge that this feeling could be known.

Perception, actually, is different than knowledge. The first angel was Knowledge, and the second angel is essentially Perception. It is also the Advent and Exploration of Duality. Perception arrives from creating qualities. By giving the original feeling different qualities, one begins to perceive it in different ways, giving way to perspectives and the possibility of differing perspectives. This possibility of differing perspectives gives way to the tale of the evils of distortion — which I call, the devil.

All of the major angels which describe the layers of the mind, except the first one — Knowledge — are actually plays on bad feelings. There is only one strictly good feeling — the original feeling. All of the other feelings, being deviances, are all actually technically bad feelings, like evil and despair. The is because all of the feelings are inclined to return to the original feeling. There is a feeling of sadness when one deviates, indicating a suggested change.

This understanding makes life direction more simple. It is the simple remembrance that there is only one actually good feeling that is reliably good to the living being, and the others are fleeting displays of error. If there is only one good feeling, then there is only one affirmative in your mind. This simplifies the psychological conscious-subconscious connection, I believe, as well. This is because this feeling is a word to the body. Having a stable word for confirmation and affirmation is important in a communications environment. If the body and the brain both understand this word together, then one can form a strong connection between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind, it seems, sustains logical behavior and is conservative with acquiring new learned activities. This makes it very reliable, but it takes time for the conscious mind to find an unchanging consensus with which to relate. Without this unchanging consensus, the subconscious cannot learn, for it only learns what is logically stable.

The remembrance of this singular good, ethical, beneficial, helpful, and appreciated feeling is all it really takes to follow the path of enlightenment. All qualities are technically observations of evil, and all of the rest of existence is a play on quality. Therefore, you have the perfect feeling and you have knowledge of it, as well, which keeps you safe against the whims of influence. After that, if one is so inclined, it’s just playing with bad.

The sin of man was to miss the feeling as his goal. That is, the man as a whole — the collective pressure of society — sinned by neglecting the original feeling. With the great advertisement race, we have beautiful ads, but the unspoken meaning of ancient proverbs has been lost! Even before the ad race, the man got into niches like “intellectualism” and “foundationalism,” but he never just simply admired the feeling of no presence. He chose “happy,” and he chose “scholarly,” and he chose many things, even “blissful,” or “fast food,” but he never chose the feeling that had no quality, so that must be his sin. This is considering that the feeling of no quality is the only actually honest and good feeling.

It’s hard to understand how the world and the body uses the concept of “the light” and attraction to influence itself in intelligent manners, and this is because its hard to find the correct vantage point. The only possible vantage point is the only point of no light, which is this very important original feeling that is this topic. This feeling only has an attraction born of knowledge and possibly the fear of the harms possible in reality. It is not illuminated, per se, at least not by simple perception. It takes the more transcendent being of knowledge to have a foundation from which to see.

Ultimately, the light is simply designed to remind one of the original state and the original feeling, from where and to where all other feelings arrive and leave. The sin of man was to find a feeling and then to never let it leave. He had some kind of lock and target syndrome, it seems.

Remember, that “the man” is not any particular people, group of people, or even people, but instead a propagated and collective inclination of a person’s becoming.

I call this feeling of the leaving of a feeling (and its reformation into the original feeling), “the crow,” as it signifies a type of lively death. It was there man’s sin to kill the crow. The sin of man affects us all. It is a pressure to do harm, which psychologically is to kill an honest emotion, and there’s a Satanic force that keeps getting perpetuated that suggests we leave the original feeling and that we consume convolutions of the dissonances of the world, leaving us frantic, confused and without solidarity.

I also find it remarkable that what decades of search and thought have led to is basically a brief paper on the understanding of the logic of the fundamental and best emotion. I would have thought it to be a lot more obvious, honestly, considering that this argument is logically sound and surprisingly simple. (If it were not a (brief) paper or explanation you may instead learn to follow something like, “the unnamable feeling,” but that wouldn’t work well enough and may fail at finding enlightenment, which requires knowledge and correct logic to know and understand.)

You may have heard of Pascal’s Wager, which suggests that believing in God is the statistically best answer, as if God exists, then one is damned for not believing and wins eternal happiness for believing, but if he does not exist, then nothing happens, so therefore it’s a better bet to believe in God.

This wager sounds a bit better in a different way, however. Considering this feeling is logically the only feeling that would represent the feeling of Heaven, as explained already, if any of the mystical stories regarding the enlightened person are true, then following this feeling is literally the only logical way to find that.

The alternative to always following the feeling of no quality is to be consumed by deviances and it gets confusing and heartless. The only assured and logical way of being is actually to prioritize the feeling of no quality as the only good feeling. While many find a sticking point and actually get that to work, many cannot do that, and the ethical implications of using a convenient sticking point are something to wonder as well (are you actually contributing to well-being, for instance?). Basically, to do the sticking point, you just have to find the right wave and hope it runs for a while.

However, one does not have to use the sticking point, or even fight through the turmoil of psychological accomplishment warfare, as with this feeling, one can logically be assured it will never harm or cause any wrong, unlike any other feeling when put into an inconvenient circumstance.

This original feeling of no quality is easily remembered through these simply logical steps:

  1. The feeling of life precedes all other feelings
  2. Quality indicates duality through possible comparison
  3. The feeling of life, being the predecessor of all other feelings, is an initially singular entity, implying that it fundamentally has no quality (it can only be referenced through perspective, and while it may appear as something like love, without the remembrance of what it truly is, these qualities can go missing).

This is a good feeling in that it is the only feeling that is assuredly good to you. Any other feeling can err in different circumstances, but you know the original feeling, which is the feeling of life, is always good to the person.

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