What is Sin and How to Survive

Although there are many matters of morality, they are mostly implied only in externally observable phenomena. Sin regards a particular form of morality where instead of morality being implicated by externally viewable phenomena, sin is implied at any moment of one’s existence. This regards God as a persistent and constant phenomena that applies to all forms of living, and his innocence forms the basis of our perception of sin.

This innocence, just like all elements of goodness are from the original emotion, the one of fundamentally no quality.

Sometimes immorality is obvious. Many times, however, it is unobvious. Obvious immorality is usually a more aggravated unobvious immorality, and thus people tend to think it’s the worst kind of sin. Both obvious sin and unobvious sin are terrible in different ways, however.

Obvious sin is a blatant crime against innocence. Unobvious sin, a phenomena I like to refer to as, “wickedness,” is extremely virulent in that it’s a mechanical motion of the mind which is spread and assumed by affected people. What people sometimes ignore, which makes wickedness so persistent, is the implications of all things — something a holy person would generally seek to understand instead of ignore.

When a statement is made, there are a series of logical steps that precede the statement. The statement therefore not only states what it denotatively states, but also what it implicitly states; the statement itself states all of the logical precursors to that statement as being true. This is where wickedness can silently enter.

What people sometimes fail to realize is that all actions and all things state a series of logical foundations, which may or may not be with errors. If it is with errors, then wickedness enters. This is where wickedness is coming from, but not how it’s being produced.

How wickedness is being produced is not just through deliberate logical fallacy, but also through a contagious apathy regarding the continuous state of righteousness. Wickedness can be very sneaky, however, and just suggesting to not bear an apathy regarding any idea of a “continuous state of righteousness” would likely result in error.

Wickedness, being a form of sin, occurs even from the most silent of actions — the very subtle tiniest perceivable object. Logical fallacies only cover what can be easily spoken of. That has always been the problem with the empirical observational sciences — without easily agreed upon words, there is no observable science.

That isn’t always true, however. There is empirical logic and therefore science of perceivable phenomena, and this can exist without words — something we call intuition, but apparently we never have considered it a science.

To think that one can do logic faster than words will permit is pretty interesting. This applies both to how one should perform and how one could fail. Wickedness often falls beneath these words, and relies on inflicting pain, but it’s often written in micro-pains, so it’s treated as ignorable (and not even related to pain).

What one implies means an ocean of truth. What one says merely is the end of a long series of logical stipulations. These stipulations can be explicit, as in thought or spoken about, or implicit and without words — made of the feelings that occur before a word is thought or spoken.

Through not being diligent, people sometimes carry on a learned sin that the people found from another person. Even with diligence, however, the pain of not understanding the implications for one’s decisions always shines. It’s an unfortunate occurrence, and while it’s obviously been spoken of before, many people still only go as far as words for a statement of truth.

Being completely word-based should be unnatural, but it’s not. Since words are definitively fabrications, they aren’t the original language of their selves. The original language was an emotional thought, thought through feeling right and wrong.

A problem that occurs before wickedness often is a learned word-based perspective of reality. That’s the gift of knowing to not sin — you can then see the emotional thought that occurs behind your thoughts. Even though people are taught that being a holy person was a continuous process of not sinning, some used words as replacements for intuitive and innate knowledge (like that of goodness), and ended up wicked people in the end — their words replacing their innate sense of truth.

So, perhaps, they did not really learn to not sin, even though that was what the words say. I think, we’re almost out of words as a society, and eventually every word will be corrupted to mean what it does not, as has mostly already happened. A wicked person may see a total skew of ethics, churned into their words.

This perceptual shift is what the people weren’t expecting, so we see it has plagued the society. Without the true innate belief in the everlasting goodness of true aware sentience, as is with the belief in an everlasting God or godliness, then it can be difficult to find this state of continuous awareness of the algorithmically emotional self, which is an important facet of the self, maybe more so than the use of word, sound, or light patterns.

It’s important to realize that even at the tiniest detail, there could be a logical error in the conglomeration of one’s entire set of emotions. For the religious, the feeling of sinfulness is often easy to get a feeling for, and many are aghast at the ignorance of it as a result, but religion doesn’t always work.

What sinfulness is, is incorrect logic. From the foundation of one’s emotions — the emotion of no quality — to the manifested word or statement, there is a lot of room for an error to occur. If an error occurs anywhere, that person is a contagious carrier of a very virulent pattern of wickedness. What’s important to realize is that the subtlest of an emotion could be incorrect; logic and error occur at any state of one’s being. The context of an emotion plays a role, as well. If there were long term goals, for instance, certain emotions become fallacious. The ultimate reason, is, of course, that a conflict in desire throughout time indicates a fallacy in both understanding and action. Misunderstanding desire is the root of the wickedness.

The understanding that the foremost desire of any living being is the emotion and state of no quality, being the initial emotion of a self-created being, should help. Without understanding this, it’s more difficult to actually see perception and to understand it. One should understand the logic behind this, as again, one’s more observed statement is really an implication of many statements which preceded it. Quality indicates a perception of reality, therefore we see most accurately from the state of no quality.

Logically, perception originally arrives from pluralizing the self-existing knowledge which precedes it, separating itself with a dimension of quality. It is initially knowledge in different ways. The continued elaboration of the qualities of knowledge produce the perception of reality. Thusly, the elaboration forms perceivable knowledge, which, self-existing, can be perceived through the understanding of the absence of quality.

Knowledge, which is initially the remembrance of what already exists, which is initially the eternal quality of goodness, is logically a principle eternal being and therefore a principle state of a living being, as not all living beings can necessarily possess access to any particularly quality, but all living beings can find the state of no quality, which is the “quality” of knowledge, in retrospect of perception. (Additionally, the idea of the existence of a quality can be viewed as a state of being, as well, however it proceeds knowledge in time.)

The idea of sin actually means to conflict with the eternal knowledge, which forms one’s initial decision and bias. To conflict with knowledge, which is at least mildly unnatural, is to sin, as this creates a damaging argument to one’s being. This conflict with knowledge spreads between people, as people assume they’re supposed to continue these evil patterns.

With enough evil patterns, it can be difficult to find one’s way to a secure state of being. That’s why it becomes contagious. As people try to find sanity in the midst of abundant illogical implications, many things allure them, and they then sometimes assume a new life of evil. Therefore, I believe that understanding that knowledge is of no quality is important and helpful, not just to oneself, but to others around them, as well, as sin, including subtle wickedness, does do harm to people and can lead to an illogical and thus malfunctional society.

Perhaps the Bible was just describing the dangers of quality in its famous suggestion of the identity of Satan.

Still, I doubt reality has no beauty to it. The qualities that one entertains but does not become, which leads to perception, would logically be worth looking at, with regard to the freedom given by no prior decision and commitment and the will of sentience. The mind is itself, a self-existing explanation of itself, as its existence bears knowledge of its self, through what it indicates implicitly through its specifications.

The qualities which form its specifications are all elaborations of the original knowledge of goodness and all things divine. Like the brain and the mind, their existences are self-explanatory. This self-explanation is hindered by wickedness and sin, which instills an error, such that the original knowledge must be reviewed before being understood. Requiring oneself to review all of the things one knows is a time-consuming and inefficient process of being, and is the result of sinfulness, although it is more directly from damage that occurs with sinfulness.

Assuming the mind to be defined and knowable, and understanding the power the mind has translates into sometimes powerful physical responses, like with heavy machinery, we can understand that sinfulness is physical, as well.

The sight of the true mind is a beautiful sight. It is the manifest desire of Heaven, and as usual, bad emotions arrive from acting on a bad perception of reality. A reality which is founded on a quality cannot be a shared reality, due to qualities being too subjectively perceived and understood. Any reality pretending to be more “sober” than this is errantly wicked. You can see it more clearly from the foundation. All qualities describe subjectivity, individualism, and non-universality. All realities founded on a quality are inherently inebriated, as they cannot exist interdependently. The manifest eternal being of primary existence is self-knowledge, created through the manifestation of existence. The initial facet of existence can only be known in retrospect to the perceptions of quality which ill-define it, but allow for its more luminous perception.

These qualities that we perceive can actually travel in two different directions, and sinfulness can be difficult to specifically identify by measurements, as sin plays with context. Too far in the wrong direction, however, is considered sinful. That is when the quality is amplified in a certain direction beyond what it should be, to a point where it begins to lie. That is the point where it also starts to become sinful, as in illogical. It creates a misperception, which leads to invalidity in understanding and results in the promotion of the misperception.

Ultimately, sinfulness indicates emotions that have not resolved. These emotions run separate from innate knowledge, never merging again, and therefore never forming a well-founded new cognitive connection. An emotion that has resolved is once again good. Therefore, it is possible to repair sin with the resolution of emotions and their merger into the emotion of non-quality, which is the basis emotion of knowledge.

The resolution of sin is therefore the same process as the ultimate process of emotion; to witness knowledge. The emotion arrived from a juxtaposition of quality and knowledge, to illuminate a facet of knowledge, and should return back to the state of no quality. This emotion then forms a proverbial neural connection and can live on, being in accord with the initial quality of non-quality, seen in retrospect of perception.

Understanding the ultimate set of logic behind one’s being and actions permit both redemption and understanding. Safety from unwitting Satanic fury can be found in understanding the environment, and understanding the methods of illogic that preclude the expression of illogic. They are naturally self-evident and self-declarative, requiring only a clear perspective.

In addition to varying types of understanding morality and ethical behavior, there are also multiple types of sensitivity. There are two that are important to this topic: 1) linguistic sensitivity, and 2) emotional sensitivity. These two forms of sensitivity, or awareness, should not be distinct in difference — they should be an integrated self-affecting sensitivity and awareness.

Keep in mind that awareness occurs by way of sensitivity, as being sensitive to something allows for one to be changed in such a way that that change is made into observation which results in awareness. It is the same way a microphone can be sensitive or insensitive.

The sinfulness usually manifests as an abandonment of emotional sensitivity in favor of an errant linguistic understanding and an alternate sensitivity. In this way, words can replace what is innately understood. In world full of turmoil, they frequently do this, which results in added turmoil to the world.

The response of a sensitive and flawed system will be vibrantly flawed; such is the way of misunderstanding. However, the response of a coherent and valid system will be a correct response, which is the way of understanding.

Sometimes flawed or fallacious linguistic sensitivity at the abandonment of intuitive truth occurs as a defensive measure, but developing insensitivity reduces the ability to perceive reality and the divine, and the practice is also more prone to logical error, making it certainly unideal, even as a defensive maneuver.

The modern world is certainly not an example of sanity, on the level of the individual and also on the level of the collective. There is the illusion of sobriety that collections within modern society exuberate, but it is a lie. Sanity and true logical and sound sobriety can only be found with a strict adherence to the rules of logic, as they occur emotionally, all the way through their entire development into words; starting at words is where many fail.

In order to find sanity in modern society, one must both found a logically sound structure of one’s being and also find safety in the midst of hardly noticed suggestions of evil. Going back to understanding the logic being suggested as a method of safety, sanity, and security, one can perceive the innuendoes of evil, and through accurate perception, which requires accurate sensitivity, one can understand these augmentations of meaning that suggest things beyond what’s obviously stated.

Accurate understanding and accurate sensitivity are the same with regard to mitigating sin. They both require and facilitate sinlessness. It is the same awareness of the continuous, self-explaining detail of the self that facilitates the ability to understand what one perceives accurately.

Sensitivity works by having an ability to change in response to a signal, and it’s this ability to change that makes the hailstones of wickedness effective. In order to maintain sanity against these, it’s helpful to have a full understanding of the logic that is being promoted to you. One does this by the same means as being without sin.

It’s important to realize the truth must be self-evident for its observation and understanding to occur simultaneously, which allows for intuitive and continuous awareness and intelligence. If observation and understanding do not occur simultaneously, the system is inefficient and therefore cannot perceive the totality. The result of sin is that observation and understanding cannot occur simultaneously and must be fragmented to be known (and even if known, the knowledge is on an unstable foundation, which skews the accurate truth of its being).

The key in finding the state of sinlessness may reside in the awareness that perception and understanding should occur simultaneously. In this state, existence describes itself.

Because reality is inherently self-descriptive, being an explanation for what it tangibly is, it is possible to be aware of all of one’s information. If everything is in relation to the foundational knowledge of the true self, then the description of anything is the quality of that thing, of which it is constructed. As everything is made of qualities and qualities themselves can be composed with other qualities, like with an RGB color scheme, everything really is a description of itself, with varying possible composition schemes, as well.

Through practice and understanding, one’s logical being is found, constructed, and strengthened. It takes time to build a system of understanding, just as it takes time to build a system of misunderstanding. A self-describing existence is rather easy to see.

Therefore, the key to survival in an evil environment is through the understanding of evil and the building of a system of understanding to protect oneself against evil.

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