The Demeanor of Enlightenment

Possessing knowledge and understanding generally modifies demeanor. With enlightenment, as with many fields of understanding, there are certain characteristics which indicate this understanding. Upon communication, one implies an ideological direction. This ideological direction is felt and perceived. Thusly, Satanism can be easily noticed in speech and action, as a person can generally pick up on an evil ideological direction, which would be a direction which promotes need over divinity.

The foundation of enlightenment is to be in the original, default state, which entails an appreciation of Creation. It is to undo the wrongs of the past that have caused us damage, so that the mind is in good function — healthy, alive, and aware. It is to express oneself without death, to be alive, independent in identity, yet connected to the conscious mind of the eternal Word (the self of Creation — a living yet intangible being of possibility, unseen today and seen tomorrow).

It’s almost to say that enlightenment has no effect, as it is the default state of the mind. The finding or attainment of enlightenment rests primarily in resisting and remedying failures that are often promoted in the world, that the mind accidentally took for benevolent. There is a long history of differentiating Satanic behavior from holy behavior, but due to the lack of understanding commonly found, this differentiation has been ambiguous and problematic. That makes our modern ability to understand the differences between Satanic and holy or righteous behavior more ambiguous, debatable, and hard to really understand.

Understanding the composition of evil, from a previous topic, we find that it makes sense that an enlightened person would be aware of the precise nature of evil.

With the observation of demeanor, understandings held by the observed progressively become apparent. Therefore, there certainly exists a sign of awareness. Satanism is characterized by a persistent desire to chase a light. It is an obsession with need, although seen by the Satanic being as a desire for something apparently great. It results in a generation and perpetuation of need, and is noticeable. Frivolous provocations become the focus of communication, and intelligent dialog diminishes.

Conclusively, there are some patterns of behavior that do not resemble enlightenment. Luciferianism and Satanism, when pronounced enough, can be clear indicators of no knowledge of enlightenment (no traction, at the very least).

Luciferianism and Satanism are the patterns of behavior that lead to pain, so we should avoid them.

We are without pain when all of our sentient memories are living well; we are in pain otherwise. Be aware of the pain, even if it is miniscule — that is a type of emergency that may be able to be solved with care and consideration. Remember to teach yourself these lessons — don’t depend on your seeing eye to be able to do everything.

Aside from not choosing evil (through self-abandonment or misinformation), the clearest sign of enlightenment is through explanation and discussion. If you clearly understand enlightenment, then it would be obvious. I have found enlightenment to be able to be understood and defined in concrete ideas and terminology, making it satisfyingly unambiguous in its nature.

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