A New Word, Noknow, Pronounced, “Know,” and the Personal Perspective of the Fall of Man — Eden as a State of Mind

This is a concept that really needs a specific word, so noknow is a great choice as it demonstrates itself. It’s the personal perspective of the fall of man. It’s a psychological pattern defined by first: questioning one’s naturally ongoing self via a form a self-denial, and secondly: knowing an alternative truth which apparently can supersede the validity of the original truth, even though the original truth of the self was originally true and should therefore should logically still be true, in accordance with the idea that something that is true stays true.

This is the idea of noknow, or no-know. It took some time to very specifically pinpoint it, but I’ve heard whispered rumors about it throughout my life — things I can’t really remember. It’s this idea that the story of the fall of man represents a fall of a person’s mind into self-questioning and thus the fall into the requiring of specifically overt and mildly glamorized internally vocalized self-doubting “thoughts,” which are really symptoms of a misunderstanding that one has internally, and this is a partially physical misunderstanding, so in our modern world and evolution, it takes some diligence to remedy properly through ideological psychology, which is this study of the concept that our true origin actually has a psychological basis, rather than a physical one.

The reason this is important is that, the original state of the mind is the state where the person feels that they are simply right in their action, where there is no self-doubt occurring and things flow generally without a secondary observation as is characterized by noknowing.

This occurs due to what I think is the underlying factor of schizophrenia. It’s this split in a person’s psyche that causes an individual to engage in self-conflicting micro-thought patterns which often results in the sound of learning, which becomes prioritized over the steady assuredness of true knowledge. It’s as if a person is overly knowing things in this state.

The is also the state that all people feel pain in, so it’s not just you. There are two primary states in this presented paradigm. One is the initial state of a cohesive mind, in agreement with itself, requiring no demanding presence of a voice of intellectual authority — simply living. One is naturally attracted to the right thing, and if one could get past the bad advice of the world and see that to live without double-thinking is to live in true peace, anyone would choose this option, if they chose what seems most natural (as opposed to abhorrent or uncomfortable).

This state that occurs prior to fall of the personal psyche, this state of non-opposition, this allegedly divine and sacred state of the heavenliness of Eden, is interesting because it really does account for the story from the Bible. I don’t want to suggest that the story of the fall of man only has one true interpretation, but this one does seem to be true.

The reason it rings so well with the mentioned biblical story is that it is because one knows too much that one finds this hellish state of mind, where there is guaranteed to be pain. If one could live without really noticing what they’re doing, then one would be in peace. I think the mind really prefers to naturally absorb and follow the light of the life rather than to double think everything in the mildly ad-like manner that is possessed by things which are doubly and conflictingly thought about.

The observation that this original state of mind rings with no mantra, but it is not silent, is interesting. Technically, if you’re simply after getting over the desire to be satisfied and to just be satisfied, and not have to care about satisfaction anymore, then this state really is for you. The idea of it being nice to simply have not anything negative is a welcome alternative to the idea that it’s nice to have plentiful positivity. (Technically, with the first possibility, you would have infinite positivity by simply possessing no self-conflict, or “negativity.”)

If you’re looking for a specific state of mind to follow, this state of mind really is it. Whenever one is in this state of mind, they experience no confusion. Life simply already was existing, and there’s no need for more clamor about it, although the sound of clamor can certainly occur — the difference is the mind is at peace with what it is doing rather than being in a state of negotiation.

If we were to reword the story of the fall and man, we’d say that Satan is a psychological temptation to reward yourself for being better than yourself, resulting in a desire to no-know or noknow. It’s largely caused by the competitive upping of all things that the brightness of life seems to cause occasionally. When we just up everything, we find ourselves uselessly apparently powerful, and we actually waste our personal resources.

I do believe it is possible that a proper psychology can only occur in a zero-waste thought system. That is, no thought is errant, misplaced, or disregarded. It is a 100% feedback system, without loss, that I think a proper psychology possibly must follow. In physical application, I believe the cognitive process system does appear a bit degraded, as is with the limitations and implications of a material world like the one we live in, but it should be aesthetically pleasing. We have a long history of evolution, and I believe there are actually reasons for each of our evolutionary decisions. If only we could write the math of our minds throughout our history, in a singular language, then we could understand the real reasoning behind the qualities of this presentation of reality that we inhabit.

Considering this, the entirety of society should ultimately be a zero-waste system, just as the entirety of reality should be. The universe appears to have an abundance of energy, seemingly producing it from nothing, and does generally organize it in cool ways. It’s when things get specific that we find wasted intentions, again, considering the idea that reality is really just a lot of people talking and discussing elements of reality (discussing the perspective of the foundation of reality).

It’s true that meaninglessness can be intentional, but it’s also not true. Anything intentional is meaningful, even if a culture of meaningful meaninglessness hadn’t been formerly realized. In this way, a society can organize the thoughts it possesses into a machine, as we naturally do anyway, and the resulting quality depends on the quality of the guidance which preceded the formation of the societal machine.

Any injuries that our psyche’s sustain stem from a greater tendency to fall for sin, as the Bible says, as this is the story of the fall of man. While our bodies were not designed perfectly, neither were our psyches. Initially, however, you can always find peace in this one often hard to find state. But if you’ve gotten rid of enough distractions, and this book covers enough topics to un-answer many questions and also to add some new answers, then perhaps you finally can see simply this one state.

The reason this state (the state before the personal story of the fall of man) is perfect is because it completely satisfies the psyche to a point where the psyche doesn’t notice right and wrong anymore. Without this dreadfully annoying dilemma of what is right and wrong, the mind really can just live. Whenever it gets attached to something, it starts to pretend to like it, even though the mind was really moving to think about something else. The ultimate point of sustaining this proverbial state of mind is that you cannot have two minds. You really need to have one.

That one mind can experience all of reality, but a true mechanical and psychological coherence of truth should be found. Finding a way to stay in this state is really psychological engineering, and is largely mechanical, as much of the larger subconscious emotions are. Knowing that you truly chose to commit to this state is also a psychological state and requires first: accurately identifying the state of not noknowing, and two: remember that it is, logically, the state in which the psyche finds full satisfaction.

The issue really is a societally habitual internal and psychologically produced fissure of logic. It seems to stem from an obsession with betterment, at the cost of accuracy. This does, indeed, follow the pattern that suggests that Satan is alluring, in an evil way. The reason is that the lie is louder and brighter, although it is more confusing and of a lower total quality, although something usually sticks out in it, and that is because the undesired state is really a confusion of things that were good, but the confusion illudes one’s comprehension, so you see what’s good, but it’s not always easy to realize that things shouldn’t be organized and prioritized in the way they sometimes are.

Really the key is having an accurate target on this ideal state of mind. It really takes answering all of the old questions, so that one is freed of the distractions of these questions haven never been answered by anyone before. (This book has, hopefully, already quite comprehensively answered these questions — but if there is something missing, let me know.)

Once one is free of these questions which have been around for maybe too long, this state of mind is a whole lot easier to comprehend clearly. Once one has attained enough clarity, then one can remember to always bias towards this state and that final focus will have found rest.

Sometimes you hear this state called, “thoughtlessness,” but to truly be thoughtless would be to not exist, so it’s really satisfaction, or, even more technically, the absence of dissatisfaction, and it is a state of mind, personally and societally as well. It’s often noted by a remarkable quietness of the mind, however, which is where the idea of “thoughtlessness” comes from.

This state can aptly be termed, “state 0,” but for a real descriptive word for it, you’ll only find words for unfulfilled dissatisfactions. This is the initial state of mind, where life just was, without the need for explanation nor an absence of explanation, and there was no question that life was the archetypal “it” of all beings’ desire.

Then, Satan tempted man to distrust himself. To fight with and argue with himself, to create a tumultuous inhabitance, filled with questions the lost ask. This new place, whether it be societally, with our remarkably distinctly wrong and popular ways of guessing at everything, or personally, with our anguish of the trauma that life can present.

I don’t want to say that Covid-19 is good, but its response did finally cover these two long-awaited topics. It took a strong media system, however, which we didn’t possess before (without the hopefully natural psychic powers of a well developed mind). In its response, society felt both care and a need for accuracy, powered by Donald Trump and Covid-19, and I don’t want to say that Donald Trump is an alien incursion, but I don’t want to guess, either.

That response was long awaited however, and while we never condone infectious diseases and the true rules of alien espionage are a hot topic, society has improved substantially from this event, which was like a dam ready to explode at the right time. We were missing the discussion of poverty, rent, income, care, help, and all of the other things that we created as a response to what probably was just a manifestation for the feelings we all were having but no one ever said.

With a closer attitude towards care and understanding the plight that can hopefully be solved, we can hopefully tune and turn our minds in a right direction. Ultimately, since every neural network is just a tunable, meaning it’s an object with a state that can be progressively mutated, there is a corresponding area of final resolution for the brain, and I believe that resolution is very likely this state, as every description and understanding of this final state is true for this original and natural state of mind that is being described, even to the point where it is certainly possible you can light up like a magnesium lamp, at least from a purely ideological and simultaneously practical understanding of reality.

Relating back to the final state of a neural network — you brain isn’t designed to forever change more and more, but instead, to change less over time. It steadies as it finds more savable preferences of the past. Ultimately it falls into a small range of possibilities, simply functioning as it should.

It is this initial state of non-dissatisfaction that the mind should tune to and find as its resting resolution. Anything else, I believe, is technically psychological injury, and perception from that vantage point is incorrect in some way, making injurious memories difficult (or sometimes technically nearly impossible) to (accurately) remember. Following, advice that stems from an injured memory may provoke and propagate the injury, and make this initial state of being harder to clearly identify and adhere to. Luckily, I believe the belief in God helps us remember innate truth that is present in the way reality exists, and that there are angels, too (and aliens, too, although they’re likely a lot more like us than the movies would have one think, being hardly different, aside from the context of inhabitance, and a stronger knowledge of who we are — I do believe, though, that the angels are the truly astonishing beings).

I think, once this state is found, the most important facet of enlightenment has been found — the natural existence of truth. However, the mind is composed of many systems, so it still takes care and awareness to bring the entire system into an enlightened state. This state of inherent divinity is also not the only facet of enlightenment and the mind, although it seems to precede other facets. There are others, as well, and ultimately enlightenment is about enjoying life, so the understanding of this state is really a facet of one’s more holistic incorporation of the ways of understanding and peace.

Understanding this state, which can be referred to as state 0, as it regards the characteristics of one’s existence as it is initially, also allows one to trace the source of all sadness. With such a simple binary perspective, it is simple to see that sadness is intended to be the cure to falling from this heavenly state.

With properly calibrated sadness, once can move closer to a fully efficient and clean psyche. By re-designing your own sadness, using your ability to subtly alter yourself, you can instead purposefully express sadness as a remedy of the loss of the ideal state. That is, instead of sadness being a mysterious emotion, one can purposefully feel sad whenever state 0 has been lost, which is when self-admonishment begins to occur.

I think it’s nice to do things on purpose in a neat and understandable fashion. It’s plausible most of our problems stem from the inability to perceive reality correctly, which stems from an inability to live properly, which would be to live without the logically useless internal argument.

What is really the difference between simply agreeing with oneself and arguing with oneself until one hopefully reaches the same logically inevitable conclusion? One intuitively understands, based on a tree of knowledge deeply rooted in the often dimly lit, yet largely powerful, emotional machinery. This intuitive understanding is more trustworthy than we are led to believe.

I think, even perhaps, this idealistic supposedly initial state of being may be even the key to everything. That is to say that all answers really stem from the finding of this state of being. They can be confused through routes, and one doesn’t have to know this state of being to find an answer, but the original source of any answer may actually stem from this state of being, and if one can respond to life, then the person is likely aware of this state, in some way.

The way I figure these things out though is very interesting. I am actually participating with my mind in a kind of unknowable language, and I am trying to solve certain equation-like riddles that involve issues that I am interested in solving. After thinking about these questions and riddles in this silent language, usually for some weeks, I find diagrammable mathematical answers for some of these, in a logic code that’s hard to convey to anyone else. Through careful analysis, wording, and explication I hope to find a way to convey these solutions to the reader and the listener.

I think one of the more difficult things about finding the state of not noknowing, is that this state is a single continuous answer and possesses no point of illumination aside from what it already is. As such, it seems, at least initially, that this state has no response. I think that after becoming more accustomed to this state, its possessed qualities should shine more clearly.

In our modern society and perhaps this trend is evident in some way throughout existence, we find ourselves out-knowing the truth and expecting bits of rather bright light intermittently, rather than a more non-assuming state of stateful continuity (essentially a restful and resolute psychological homeostasis, even though it is a bit difficult to find initially).

This reminds me of endorphins, which play a role in psychological direction and the path of transition that a person chooses. I think they’re likely prevalent when one feels strongly directed through a personal transition.

Considering the manifestation of state 0 in this reality that we inhabit is related to the idea of endorphin, perhaps an alternative name for the angel of our inhabitance could be, “Endorphin.” At a glance, it would seem that society is both fueled by and saved by promoting endorphins. Without a strong sense of direction and progress, an individual’s strength begins to fall and more pain is noticed.

Endorphins, as chemicals released by the pituitary gland and CNS, are known for damping pain, often to promote an activity, indicating that the mind actually dampens pain when it perceives proper patterns of change and strong directionality. This possibly results in a better sustaining of momentum in a perceivably beneficial direction. Considering the body first entertains internal behavior over external behavior, endorphins may be primarily responsible for re-enforcing self-directed and observantly prosperous internal behavior, which fuels similar external behavior.

Society, the world, and development in general is powered by a propagated, taught, encouraged, and sustained endorphin-guided behavioral system. It would make sense, with the observation, that we are living in a system of Endorphin, since it describes the indicator of motivation of the currently manifest world. Nonetheless, there is the consideration that the name, “Endorphin,” is too resembling of Lucifer, making it an evil title for a reality (although this reality is largely concerned with finding a complete understanding of evil).

This differs from the idea of a divine garden, from which many fruits of life can be found, in that instead of being in a simple garden of great luxury and diversity, we are in a system founded on changing, in difference to the fire of Satan. This entails a more systemic process of navigating and surviving. In this system, Lucifer is more pronounced, as this system travels territory of consciousness that is very close to Satan and Lucifer.

We hope endorphins lead us to a healthy state. The modern mind is complicated and subject to possible corruption, so the integrity of the messages we send to ourselves is dependent on the person. Ideally, a person would want to experience intrinsic reward in response to finding the initial divinity of life, which exists in every living being. In this way, perhaps endorphins can be tuned.

Perhaps the fall from the intended state of the reality is always similar, in that one first disagrees with the self and then attempts to correct the self (resulting in two argumentative minds, essentially), and because of this, one misses the sight of Heaven and the witnessing of divine majesty.

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