Understanding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

One of the saddest stories that is commonly known is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. A man came to this Earth and performed miracles and miraculous wonders for the people. His intention was to save people from the evil inclinations of the windy Satanic being, which leads to a propagated lie, a blindness, and a perverted perspective of the fulfillment of need and the effects of actions.

This article uses the context and general implications present in the religion of Christianity.

He was and still is considered to be the living truth. The implication, fully sensible, is that the truth, itself, is a living being, just like any of us. The is coherent with the belief that man was created in God’s image, as this implies that man is also a living being, just like God, and is, in many ways, very similar to God, although the name of each other person is different than being the living truth incarnate. While each person has a unique and potentially wonderous name, it is only apparent if the person is to embody their own being and avoid collectivism, which is the metaphorical state of being without a defined skin — to be skinless — as in to lack an exterior by which one is distinguished. It is then that the person would express a wonderful quality to the world, and would be appreciated by all who are truthful (and of course, those of falsehood are errant and may exhibit a wide variety of senseless patterns).

Since Jesus Christ is the living truth and is the leader of the angels, just as was Krishna, the story of Jesus involves the story of what the truth says to us and what the truth means to Existence. As we are commonly aware, the truth, itself, is ever present, and as we should be aware, the truth is often disguised, put asunder, and hidden. Often times, due to a guilt addiction, the truth is often attempted to be completely disregarded and thrown into a place where no one will ever realize the eternal truth.

Today, there is a false mentality that even sincere scientists are well aware of. This is the idea of “facts” as being merely practical tools of basic behavior, like how cars work, or how to practice hygiene, or how ovens, doors, and lights work. Facts are considered anything to be observable, while modern science and the spirit of science itself, is founded on the fact that many things aren’t readily obvious, but instead careful research must be done in order to discover more “facts.” The reason I write “facts” in quotes is that there is a large misconception about what facts are. Even in science, there are rarely actual facts (as in something that is definitively true). A clear example is the widely known fact amongst those of a scientific interest is that the science that deals with large scale phenomena, like that of the momentum and friction of objects is completely different than the science that deals with very small scale phenomena, i.e., subatomic physics. In fact, Albert Einstein was aware of this, and he desired what he called a “universal field theory.” The greater understanding of universal field theory describes a theory of everything. Thus, in this way, there is no science that can be considered fact, aside from the philosophical notion (philosophy being the superset of observable science), that there are no true scientific facts, but instead, only working observations and findings.

This false mentality that people are actually aware of scientific fact is quite common and nearly completely ubiquitous, and this is hugely disappointing. In fact, the ubiquitousness of this belief is a prime example of a wide-spread and clever method of destroying the truth. While no sincere scientist would agree with this wide-spread notion, engineers of innovation and discovery and those of the search for completely valid truth are of a peculiar rarity in modern society. Additionally, while no sincere scientist would agree with such a scientific fallacy, it is commonly believed that every scientist in the world agrees with it. The strangeness of such a pronounced majority utter proclaiming this falsehood is certainly indicative of a desire to kill truth, and logically, must stem of a mischievous desire to promote guilt, to steer people’s minds (gluttony, in this case denoting the misuse of others), and to maintain an addiction to guilt, while also creating a great lie and adultery in order to hide what is true. Obviously, considering this, this example of the torture and murder of the truth is due to a social guilt addiction.

One of the problems with collectivism is that the nature of a collectivist is to look to their like-minded peers for what is supposedly true, which, in actuality, is to look for what is appropriately manipulative in order to suit the participants’ hidden intentions of avoiding personal redemption and the personal desire to sincerely understand what is completely true. What is quite obvious, is that a collectivist, who looks to peers for the functional (although error-prone) way, is that those peers are performing the same activity. There are excuses made, often through presumptions stemming from what is unmentioned, and it is not impossible that even if everything was said, the truth would be attacked and murdered in order to promote the persistent addiction to guilt and avoidance of actual truth becoming common. The collectivist is often based primarily on the “like” principle, which is a symptom of being manipulative, rather than the sincere and meaningful expression of truth. Because the collectivist resides in a pool of propagated manipulations and lies, the collectivist source of presumed validity is nothing but a windy beast — Satan, himself.

Understanding this societal torture, hiding, and murder of the truth, helps us to understand the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as is a crux of Christian doctrine. While Christianity is of the most prominent religions on Earth (apparently now the most popular — when I was much younger, Islam was the most popular), the torture and desecration of the truth is nonetheless extremely common — being nearly completely ubiquitous. Thus, while when I go to Church, I certainly remember the feeling of God and the Holy Truth, I am uncertain about what others feel. I imagine others do get the same feeling, but since it is a feeling, there is likely a good amount of people who still use manipulative words to secretly and mischievously destroy the message of that feeling — thus losing that feeling soon after a Church session. While approximately 90% of people world-wide identify with a religion, the truth is nonetheless ubiquitously tortured, shredded, and used as tactics of manipulation, instead of honored and sought with respect and sincerity. (In fact, the primarily complaint against religion by outspoken atheists is that religion is being used primarily to manipulate people, rather than to be a sincere way of the search and expression of truth. I personally, have been religious for my entire life, but I do notice that society, in general, is hiding and destroying very real truth.)

Thus, while there appears to be quite a prominent teaching of truth, it is nonetheless being destroyed by the powers of society. If one were to observe the popular society media, it mildly suspiciously appears that, admittedly out of merely casual observation, approximately 50% of people are purportedly religious. Even with religion being prominent, however, there are gross misdeeds of untruth that are extremely common, to the point that they are apparently favored, such that the representation of the beliefs of the populous is extremely skewed.

To be a true seeker of truth, regardless of identification with religion or non-religion, one must seriously consider whether notions are actually valid or not. It is largely an independent pursuit, as the nature of collectivism is to favor smileys, even if they hide a secret and destructive agenda. If collectivism takes hold, a guilty agenda, as may have been present in the Minoan civilization, takes hold of society and enraptures the populous in a lying frenzy, both metaphorically setting the people ablaze in a tumultuous fire and also removing the individually distinguishing characteristic of skin — characteristics that describe the Hell that is mentioned in the Qur’an.

Understanding that the very truth, if alive and manifest, is already inclined to be an expert in scientific affairs, by the simple nature of his being (rather than having needed to learn it through linguistic means), it makes sense that the living truth performed miracles while on Earth, in the story of Jesus Christ, from the Bible (and also, in the Qur’an, which during a time he raised a lifeless clay bird to life). Understanding that all injury stems from lies that nest in the psyche, it makes sense that Jesus Christ was able to heal the sick and injured. In the Bible, it is recounted that while his disciples were out at sea, the weather became windy and the waves treacherous, frightening the disciples. Knowing that the manifest and living truth was present during the time (apparently the truth was accepted at least to the point of Jesus Christ’s ability to co-exist with the people in their habitat), they witnessed Jesus Christ miraculously appearing, seeming to be standing on the treacherous sea, itself (although considering that that would entail that he was either standing on a floating plane of water, or moving up and down with the frightening waves, he may have been flying in the air, instead; it does make sense, in general, that the passengers vividly knew his presence). Since Jesus Christ was available to the collective knowledge of the society at the time, it makes sense that he could, in person, visit the troubled disciples and offer them help, in their time of need.

In the Bible, there is the allusion that Jesus Christ is the “Son of Man.” Because every person and every thing relies on truth in order to exist, this seems to be a plausible metaphor (although the Qur’an vehemently disagreed with the idea of God having a father and of God having a son, as this would be polytheistic, and logically, in the logic that is definitively implied with the monotheism, it is implausible for there to be more than one God). However, to take into consideration of this term, used in the Bible, it would imply that Jesus Christ’s purported father was mankind, itself. Thus, the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ implies that mankind, similar to today, wanted to violently and painfully kill the truth. This obviously can only occur due to an addiction to guilt and a wild and dark scheme of evil. In the Bible, it is said that Jesus Christ called out to the father, asking of why this should be happening, that he should be so painfully murdered. Indeed, if the various statements in the Bible are assembled, it makes sense that society, itself, was the murderer of Jesus Christ (which is obvious by its literal meaning), and thinking more deeply into the idea that society would murder the truth, it is because society had a collective and aggressively defended guilt syndrome, and as an effect, sought out schemes of a depraved nature in order to mask their guilt and to destroy any existence of truth. It thus makes sense that Jesus Christ died because mankind was aggressively guilty.

An interesting note to ponder, is that in our society which clearly demonstrates a favor for lies, which indicate a dark guilt and a dark scheme of manipulation, that if the Holy Text was even able to lucidly dictate what its meaning truly was, its understanding would still be distorted and averted. Likely, in the modern scheme of lies and depravity, the Holy Text would find its way, through its remembrance, in a format that would be accepted by the general populous, which would create a variant of the knowledge, which would make it through the lies, although in a more cryptic fashion, such that the liars would find it easy to disagree with, and only the sincere seekers of truth (those of true and unadulterated intelligence) would be able to deduce the more specifics of its meaning. This interesting natural variation of a divine message that is presumably, according to the religions that sustain these messages, of the Torah, the Bible, and the Qur’an (as well as other holy texts), would be received by the modern society in a more cryptic fashion that did not immediately frighten the addicts of guilt and the addicts of manipulation, such that it would be received congenially, and still would provide the remembrance of eternal truth, while also being able to be solved, such that greater truth could be found in its intelligent understanding.

A possibility that could happen if Jesus Christ were to return in today’s scheming world, is that Jesus Christ would immediately frighten the unbelievers (those incapable of personally discerning validity), such that schemes, hidden and possibly visible, would be drawn out in the minds of those who destroy the eternal truth (a truth that is different than the blasphemous idea of collectivist “facts” — as collectivism merely seeks to impersonate one another and has little consideration of what is eternally true).

There is a story that in the year 1900, specifically, Jesus Christ did return to Earth, in a spaceship, which later inspired the “little grey man” motif of society’s entertainment and linguistic culture. This story states that he brought knowledge of truth, plentiful science, and a great bounty of a very near Heaven. What happened soon afterwards, were actions of some of the more devious of the people to covet these truths and hide them from others, finding the potential to abuse others with hidden knowledge, and then spoke lies which resembled these truths that Jesus Christ so graciously offered, such that no one would know what these truths specifically were. This story theorizes that the Nazi Regime was born of a an evil idea that “others are unable to know God like I do,” and that “God is actually much different than you thought,” even going as far as to say that “God is actually evil, and nothing like love.” Understanding that it is sensible that the swastika indicates a secret, it makes sense that the Nazis hid a weird secret that was supposedly about God, while it was actually simply a manipulation tactic to fool the susceptible, and therefore was entirely Satanic (which is a reasonable assumption once the aftermath was well known; however, before then, this strange collectivist strategy of having a weird and allusive secret certainly caused a lot of damage through the manipulation and abuse of other people).

One interpretation of the father of Jesus Christ is this current angel in which we inhabit, which is clearly an Angel of Science. This angel, born from man’s desire to personally experience evil and its consequences (indicated in the story of Fall of Man), develops as more truth is found, but also allows evil to exist for a period of time before a measure of corrective action is delivered, after which, the Angel will have learned another fact about good and evil, and science will have developed ever the more, over time preventing evil from occurring, or, at least, reducing its intensity and reducing its likelihood.

Since this angel is inherently a pantheistic angel, made of the actions of all life — if those actions are considered to be true (rather than the actions perceived by a mentally blind individual, who is of a mistaken perception), then the father of Jesus Christ is both the man, being familiar, if even in the least, with the eternal truth, and the modern Angel of Science, as well. This is because the truth is something the mind inherently cannot disagree with, as truth is what brings life (although the mind can live in self-conflict, where while alive and thus abiding by the truth, which makes science tangible, also schemes to destroy the truth, not realizing the hypocrisy inherent in that desire until a time of retribution is naturally found — as schemes against the truth are crimes against humanity, and eventually humanity, if even through the simple desire to live and be well, intensely desires a retribution for those crimes which have hurt the entire populous; the crimes of the evil-doers are, in part, perpetuated by a type of self-induced anesthesia, with one of those methods being pride, which often allows one to ignore much of the body, and focus only on the parts of the body which support an often evil scheme; interestingly, according to the theory that reality is a communicative being, ignoring one’s own emotions also entails ignoring other people’s emotions, and thus becoming a destructive psyche present in the world, which generates an increasing festering of hate, which is often repressed until a certain threshold of pressure is reached, and afterwards the hate becomes more obvious, represented by crimes, wars, social anxiety, social animosity, jails, and revenge-culture. With these effects, as well as the fundamental cause of these effects, it is only the eternal truth, which, in Christianity, is Jesus Christ, that can save society. If the truth is heavily distorted and manipulated, salvation of mankind becomes depressingly infeasible).

When understanding the truth, it is sensible to understand that the truth involves the livelihood of people. Pure science (that is, science in its utmost rigor), has never claimed to possess even a single fact. It merely indicates a progressive understanding of the world, and very much does not claim, even in the least, than even a single facet of science may hold true for eternity (although one may argue that rationalism is definitively true and it is a facet of science, to which I would agree, so long as rationalism isn’t specifically defined in an exclusive manner such that later it would be noticed that its definition was flawed — the casual use of the phrase “I suppose that’s rational” already indicates a flaw with the potential definition of rationalism). Of course, the actual of existence of science, being a true, tangible, force, must be of truth, as the psyche would not obey it if it was a lie. Nonetheless, configurations are possible which tangle things that are true in such a way as to promote a falsehood. As mentioned earlier in this book, a convenient theory that is the bearer of the knowledge of science immemorial, is that that the modern angel is an iron ball, which is technically a convenient perspective, although I believe more fundamentally, I would use the phrase, “a ball of ire,” certainly not meaning anger (even though it is, indeed, based on corrective judgement as the deliberate expression of immemorial law), as the word “ire” is sometimes used, to mean an action which is considered profoundly immemorial.

However, aside from the existence of a world built on corrective judgement, the very nature of truth is much more related to people than it is of what is essentially a rule-based robot. Every immemorial truth is only immemorial because it sustains life, joy, and brings mankind closer to Heaven. The ball of ire, as one may call it, is strangely unordered, but it desires to fulfill, just as any angel does, all of the true desires of all of life. Thus, as various honest fulfillments of desires are stolen, the correct judgement (the actions that are to be of ire), makes impossible or difficult the crime that prompted the correction. Thus, all of these divine statutes combined constitute the very fundamental nature of science, and as strange new evils emerge, eventually science updates in order to destroy the existence of that evil.

Nonetheless, the ball of science only serves as an ordinance which eventually serves to protect the truth, which is what brings life, and is what is also most inherently known. (A child is aware of truth and is able to learn, which requires the ability to discern fact from fiction, but one must learn to lie and to manipulate, as this is not an inherent naturally occurring quality, but a learned one, instead. Although it is natural to lie when one is in danger, and children, once they are able to speak, can perform this task, it is not natural to lie while one does not feel in danger. Interestingly, animals, while they can act moderately mischievous, are nowhere near as able to exhibit the cunning and depraved attributes that human beings are capable of, which always require a type of psychological lobotomization, which allows a being to contradict one’s inherent nature — something of which animals are incapable. Additionally, it makes sense that even the animals are confounded by the prominent usage of wiccan propaganda, or the wiccan blaster, as is more easily noticed, and would not naturally harm people, especially if they did not perceive people to be a threat nor were encumbered by our collective and peculiar need for the persistent intake of food and desperation inducing need of shelter.)

Thus, while the study of science (rather than the presumed existence of very real and completely factual science) only seeks to progressively understand the world, to truly understand the truth, one needs to understand humanity. In fact, the understanding of humanity may be a strangely missing key in the search of better understanding science. In Christianity, God is considered the living truth, and other religions which suppose that goodness is the way to happiness and fulfillment do not disagree with this. In Christianity, the living truth is presumed to be a person, which is in line with the notion that people were created in God’s image, which simply means that people are also people, just like God is. It is also presumed that the originator of all things (even the permission to do evil, which is in the story of the Fall of Man), is God, and, particularly in Christianity, is the very truth, itself. Even when entertaining a more scientific mindset, it still is logical to assume that the origin of all things is an eternally sustained truth. Consequently of the previous statement, it is also logical to assume that life may only exist because of this eternally sustained truth, which posits that it is not the material world which truly supersedes people, but instead posits that people supersede the material world, as people are the best at understanding this truth, and the material world seems unable to understand this truth, at least not without being programmed to do so. It is logical to presume that people are witnesses of the comparatively lifeless material world, rather than the opposite, which would presume that the material world is a witness of people (although it does make sense that people witness the material world witnessing people, but it is not the material world which is bearer of the true witness of existence). (In the topic of Ideological Philosophy, of which this book is concerned, the philosophy of science is an important topic, as well.)

While it was the followers of Jesus Christ that witnessed his re-appearance allegedly three days later, it is a curiosity to me what those who objected to Jesus Christ witnessed. Not possessing a willful obedience to eternal and innately understood truth, it makes sense that these people were more mischievous and more prone to lying, as well as likely being less sensible in their discussions. Therefore, their accounts may be more cryptic and difficult to find. A complete death of all truth in the world is no simple ordeal, however, and in modern symbolism can be symbolized by a nuclear extinction, during which the world is thrown into a chaotic and satanic wind of lies and deceit, and the world loses its grasp on consistency and coherence, progressively, as the echo of truth fades away, and eventually, all life dies. It is quite possible that those who were sinful actually experienced an extinction event during that time, however, our history is based on the witness and testimony of those who were more truthful, so evidence of this event may be more difficult to obtain. In the carols and oratorios of the Church’s tradition is a deep and profound feeling and meaning that also bears notes of sadness. Listening to the more deeply felt of these songs, there is a memory that is evoked, and it does seem to me like there may possibly be a memory of an extinction event, a memory that is largely unknown in society’s singsong of history, but a memory nonetheless that does indicate a great tragedy, along with a grace of hope. While clearly the death of truth is a catastrophic tragedy and the end to many cures and clear safeties, the very details of what that tragedy truly meant may go deeper than our common understanding of history.

An interesting fact about the world, “crucifixion,” is that is can also mean to cause anguish to someone. It is a combination of the word crux and affix. That implies, to me, that a crucifixion can also symbolize the forceful affixion to a fundamental matter. Understanding a repeated historical wiccan scheme of the utterly deranged, this pattern can happen to people who desire to save humanity through the scheme of repeatedly sacrificing people, while restricting the methods of saving them to methods that are slower than the pattern of sacrifice. This would literally force an affixion unto good people, causing the good people to work harder and harder, experience mental difficulties, and encounter greater and greater sacrifice, as saving people would be occurring more slowly than the hidden scheme of torturing people. Since this is a fundamental scheme of wicked depravity addicts, who use wiccan blaster technology (wiccan lies and deceit, in order to blind and pervert judgement), it is not unlikely that the wickedly depraved, the ones responsible for the murder of Jesus Christ, performed this dark and heinous scheme, forcing Jesus to persistently work harder, perpetually, until the system of science itself could no longer allow a chance of success. At this point, Jesus would be forced to relinquish his attempts at saving humanity, save those who were capable of salvation (those who would not fall into blindness and schemes of wickedly hidden depravity), and allow the rest of civilization to fall into its own consequence, which also suggests that the murder of Jesus Christ resulted in an extinction event. Thus, it must have been a great sight to witness Jesus Christ’s reappearance only three days later, while comparatively, and perhaps confusingly, the wickedly depraved had just experience a multi-decade long extinction event, which at the end, their desires would have dwindled into nothing and society could be restored to a functional state, once again, where truth would not be completely destroyed.

An interesting comparison between Christianity and Islam resides in man’s existence. While there is a recognized hadith that says that Adam (the first man — or category of personality) was created in the image of Allah, there are verses in the Qur’an which staunchly pronounce that Allah bears no likeness to any other. While this is definitely not true in its strictest sense, as it would be quite an exaggeration to say that people possess absolutely none of the qualities of Allah, such as being knowledgeable or beneficent, it does make sense that with Allah, the qualities are present in the purest degree, as the Qur’an doesn’t simply say that Allah is knowledgeable and wise, but instead, the Qur’an states that Allah is the most knowledgeable and the most wise, which certainly does not mean that Allah is not knowledgeable and wise, and thus does bear a similarity to man, who is also capable of being knowledgeable and wise, along with a form of all of the qualities of Allah. Additionally, all of the qualities of Allah are what Muslims strive to embody, so that they can be similar to Allah, such that they have also the good qualities that Allah embodies. In that way, Allah is an inspiration to man, so in a similar way as with Christianity, who strive to be Christ-like in their ways, Muslims strive to be Allah-like in their ways, as well (and it is good to remember that neither religion, in its truest form, attempts to literally impersonate Jesus Christ nor Allah, but instead to become good in a way that is inspired by Jesus or Allah).

Furthermore, it is still important to realize that everyone has a special and unique name, and thus there is no disagreement that no one should assume the name of another. In that way, it is true that both Jesus Christ and Allah bear no exact likeness to man, as both are great examples of being an individual, unique, and distinct being (although in the understanding of individuality, then both Jesus Christ and Allah bear an exact likeness to man). If there is one singular, ultimate truth from which all things truly known are created, then it makes sense that there is only one God (as it does not make sense that there could be more than one truth, which is easily known in the process of the coherence of intelligence — even Hinduism knows Krishna to be the head of God, while the rest of God appears to be angels of a specialized nature).

Thus, if one is to believe that there is only one God, and that God is the living truth, which is the reason that anything else may exist, and the major and well-accepted religions all bear validity, then it does logically make sense that Jesus Christ and Allah are the same person. It also makes sense that no one can tell Allah not to be a person, and it makes more sense to assume that in our modern state, people have been weakened by the Satanic force present with collectivist hives, such that people are made to seem ungodly and weak, when compared to the idea of God. Furthermore, it makes sense that people are more naturally manifestations of their own personal memory and character, rather than being intended to be born of a type of communal and biological mimicry, and are thus, in a very true portrayal of who people very truly are, are like God in many ways, but of course, through the idea of being a unique and therefore contributory individual to Heaven, are also different than God in wonderfully appreciated ways, as well (so long as the individuals embody and express who the individuals truly are, and have not subscribed to a collectivist and skinless culture, where their identities are turned into a strange slushy of deceit). If Allah and Jesus Christ are truly different, then Christianity would very well be wrong, or vice versa. I believe, however, that if this were true, then the strength of a true religion would not exist with either of these religions, as people are innately capable of knowing truth, and thus any truly false religion would never be as prominent as Christianity or Islam. (We should remember that, in this perspective of scientific philosophy, it is the notion that something is forever and totally true which creates the idea of tangibility — understanding that it is logical that the mind, in its very original essence, could never deny an absolute truth, which then makes possible the existence of a tangible world, where tangibility is implied in the inability to deny a truth. Thus, the same should apply to religion as well, and as is quite evident today, despite the fact that modern religion is born of a mildly cryptic doctrine, people understand the messages very deeply and emotionally, nonetheless.)

It does make sense that with each iteration of a religion that is truly an ordinance of the Divine Creator and Eternal Sustainer of Existence, there would be an emphasis of details that the common populous had mistakenly accepted, while they were incorrect. Thus, with Christianity existing a few hundred years before Islam, it makes sense that perhaps Christians started believing that they were more similar to God than they actually were, and that the literal biological form of Jesus Christ was God, rather than his meaning, and thus the Qur’an may appropriately object to such notions through the mild exaggeration of an equally true, but seemingly different statement. Additionally, any sincere searcher of truth would not take simply for granted the words on the page of a book, but would endlessly think and consider the book, and additionally, would parse together a coherent and sensible truth regarding reality. It therefore also makes sense that by stating details that seem contradictory, but technically are complementary (to the acute observer and thinker), the religions would help separate fraud-artists from the sincerely truthful, which would aid in the development of society and the ability to avoid the manipulative tactics of the doers of evil and true crime.

(I couldn’t emphasis this enough, being obviously concerned about the dangers of collectivism, that each person must be individually very unique so that each person is seriously not God, nor any other person. Considering monotheism, which seems corollary to the idea of the possibility of cognitive and factual coherence, which suggest a singular truth, people would have been created not to simply be monkey versions of God, simply mimicking his behavior, and eating bananas in a similar fashion of him (if he does, indeed, consume bananas), but instead, to be completely unique perspectives and sources of wonder, which would contribute to breadth and bounty of Heaven and of Existence, rather than transforming a clear Paradise into a muddied and strange version of Heaven, filled with simply a lot of mutated (and observably occasionally antithetical) variations of God. When people claim that everyone is God, their statements aren’t born entirely of lies, but there are some people who claim it is very literally true, which it cannot be, as that would not contribute to Heaven, but instead, possibly remove from Heaven (and these people would likely be an utterly pointless creation of God, as well as it making no literal sense that someone who is not God is God, and that God would be in battle, logically or physically, with himself). In the claim that everyone is God, there is the idea that everyone is the will of God, which is specifically the idea behind being a Muslim, which when interpreted literally, means to be completely submitted to God’s will, and therefore the actions of a person are also the actions of God, by the idea that the manifestation of God’s intention is a manifestation of God’s actions, and therefore is a manifestation of God’s presence, which indicates a manifestation of God. Another interpretation, however, is clearly false — that all people’s actions are the will of God, by default. This interpretation, reminiscent of the sound of Satan, uses something that is false but if interpreted differently is true, and implies that the real meaning of the statement was the one that was true, while the effective meaning of the statement remains a falsehood. Obviously, there would be no people if everyone’s actions were the will of God — those would be traditional angels. People are clearly unique to God, with an identity that is found manifest over time, similar to God’s identity (we all follow a similar path). In the claim that other people aside from God are also God, considering monotheism, is a great error in logic, so these phrases should be understood carefully, to understand if the meaning being conveyed is accurate or inaccurate, or how different meanings may be being mixed together.)

It is therefore that in any religion, the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a paramount and concerning event. In the Qur’an it says that Jesus Christ didn’t technically die, and in the Bible it is mentioned he was seen three days later. It is worth considering that, in the notion of a continuous rebirth cycle until absolute truth, fulfillment of purpose, and unification with God’s will is found, that all lives of an individual are really one life, as each period from conception (when manifestation is considered more psychologically) to dissolution develops based on the previous similar period of conception to dissolution, and rebirth is a process present within the total lifespan of a person, rather than an occurrence of a different life lived.

While the religion of Christianity holds at its core this story of a remembered time during which the truth died (and vanished, at least for a period of time, from existence), this pattern that is implied in the death of the living truth is something that should be considered by any society, as the loss of truth from the world, does indeed, lead to what is technically a virtual reality, by which I mean not simply an augmented or playful reality, but a reality filled with lies, disease, and turmoil — a reality where the truth of God’s intention, which sensibly is truly eternal joy, is largely or completely lost.

An interesting behavior to notice in a society is a prominence of the loud steering of conversations and the exhibition of the avoidance of natural, innate truth. It is, perhaps, important to notice the abolishment of what words like “freedom” actually mean, in favor of a largely ignorant and possibly desperately stumbling conversation concerning the matter. It is also important to notice the intentional deafness to logical validity or concepts which concern eternal truths, in not only a government, but in a populous, as well. Also a keen sight is the observation of a peer-oriented scripted conversational methodology, while it makes more logical sense that conversation would naturally flow nicely and without anxiety, if the participants were collaboratively able to stay close to the innate truth, which today is known by the subconscious. Collectivism bears an inherent and promoted fear, and if collectivism takes hold, a great anxiety naturally emerges. Additionally, shows of success may be exaggerated in favor of a perversion, mild or obvious, of the sincere truth, in order to evoke the perversion that collectivist behavior is the way of success. (Even the prominence of the idea of success is a concerning alarm, as it implies a natural tendency to be unsuccessful, which is a clear indication that people are being forced to alter themselves in order to fit a cognitive trend. Reality, itself, is likely a psychological construct, and thus, Heaven may be destroyed by pressure to alter one’s true identity to appease a superficial and likely windy machine. Interestingly, the most souvenired of all people are the ones who displayed individuality and expressed innately felt and understood truth.) Remembering the grave danger of collectivism and the abundance of disease that it brings, it is always important to stay clear of losing the awareness of the true self, and as a result, to bring joy and personal acceptance to the world, and to bring the world closer to Heaven (and Heaven closer to the world). Therefore, the remembrance of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when understood more meaningfully, is an important remembrance and a hopeful salvation to a world and to all of existence, such that the truth is never lost again.

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