Let’s Finally Master Thinking: The Antichrist, The Story of The Bug, and Understanding Psychological Development

What if enlightenment and the definite understanding of evil was commonplace in our society?

I don’t suppose that children start off incorrect, as is a common theory. My understanding is based on the idea that children inherently mature correctly, with regard to enlightenment, but lies combined with various pressures deter people from the path, beginning when they are children.

As one starts to learn and accumulate the practical ways and knowledge of this marooned existence of ours, a new ego develops which represents a set of presumptions, which have been demonstrated to facilitate prosperity in this world. Some may call this new ego, “The Antichrist.”

Perhaps it is because of this agency with the Antichrist that many people are led to search for “ego death,” as absurd as the literal statement of that phrase is. Understandably, we may say that people are searching for false-ego dissolution, or the dissolution of this powerfully gripping ego that we are pressured and scared into believing. (Without it, they say, we will die of hopelessness.)

The Antichrist isn’t highly inaccurate — it is stubbornly inaccurate. By no less than the tens of thousands, “experts” must be missing something, rather inexcusably.

As is pretty obvious, the ways of the Antichrist aren’t exactly friendly — they’re more like the ways of an informed gambler. It’s all based on what has been shown to “work,” as in to be financially well and healthy and all — all unavoidable affinities. However, it is not always effective, and it leads to our current society, of which the approval rating would be dismally low, if we were to see Heaven (and thus notice the clear daily blunders of significance).

So these days, all around the world, children are born, they grow up, they learn the word-machine of their future, and they carry this Lucifer with them, hoping this weapon of hope will demolish any unworthy circumstance.

Lucifer must be frequently recalibrated, reevaluated, and updated in order to be viable, so it’s not just a thing you get and leave alone — it’s a real commitment to be possessed by Lucifer.

When a child is born, their brain is like a glowing canvas. It isn’t dead, but the material hasn’t been customized and developed yet — it’s basically blank. Inside the mind of the child, the reach of their willful neural dominance spreads and extends, conquering and reforming the networks of the mind. I would estimate that the brain has been fully seen and at least initially reformed often by around the time a person is 19. (That seems to be when interest has finished transitioning from general to personally specific, which begins the process of tuning into finality.)

After the brain has been fully explored and conquered, the person continues perfecting and tuning the brain, ongoingly into the future. So you see, the baby, whether it be cat or human, is “turning on” or “tuning” their neurons (converting them into luminescent reminders of the self) — exploring and configuring them, progressing towards the edges of accessibility of the brain. The overt experiences provide portrayal to the ideas in the mind of the experiencer, which facilitates self-discovery.

How did we develop the strong Antichrist that we know today? Well, while in the past we may have commonly and abundantly spoken truth, sometimes a bit of opportunity arises, in which case, sometimes new tricks are included in the known and taught way of life, to boost the power. However, these tricks were a bit illusive and eventually didn’t provide what they seemed to promise, and this was noticed, but the reasoning behind the disappointment hadn’t been understood, due to an oversight similar to the original oversight of purchasing ill-fit advice.

Eventually, through the tense locking of priority and practicality, and the terse, foreboding feeling of regulating such things, we developed the Antichrist we see today. We know it is definitely, (at least in appearance), not failing. That is what we care about the most. Still, like a tribe before the discovery of fire and containers, we have water, but we don’t have assuredly clean water. We have no real assuredness of safety from the world of psychological insect life and their potential disease-effects.

To understand what I mean by, “the world of psychological insect life,” let us remember the story of The Bug. We remember that God does not kill — that is, he keeps everything alive all of the time. That gets a little confusing in some cases, when you’re keeping things like war and Hell alive. It also gets confusing when you move around, because the sounds appear to die as you move further. Therefore, the system has a top-down approach to truth, to understand what exactly is living and dying. This, however, does not prevent the story of The Bug.

Let’s think of the bug as a computer bug, as this is most recognizable, with reference to the origin of this story. Why does the computer bug exist? It is because life without the computer bug was not fully expressive — it was missing something. While bugs annoy and frustrate, there’s also sometimes a peculiar sense of enthusiasm when dealing with computer bugs. There’s an interesting world of bug-based excitement, a world that tells meaningful stories about the nature of existence. An angel.

We generalize this idea to the general concept of a “bug,” which, in the mind, represents an indecision, which creates a cycling affinity for the bug (which is an insect, spider, logical glitch, or computer glitch).

That was what this story was all about. The Angel of the Bug is a reality in which the same thing could be good or bad, depending on the timing and the context. It is a world made of this concept. Today, this reality exists, mixed with the other realities of our mind. Essentially, in this story of creation, the Word was subjectively good or bad, and that decision was entirely subjective, which creates a new interpretation and perspective of reality. (You also see the utility of bugs, which happens whenever there is an advantage to imperfection — thus making the identifications of bugs ambiguous.)

Remember that each story is deep, profound, relevant, and meaningful. Each divine story is the story of God. (There’s no real best story, since they are all pure expressions of life and each cover every emotion, just with a different context — remember that depression is not an emotion.)

A part of the story of The Bug is damage, its potential and its effects. Creating a being which alternates between good and evil adds the dynamics of caution, disillusionment, and trickery. You cannot kill the bug, but you cannot commit to always liking or disliking it, so you let it be, to roam half-way into your reality. (This is the natural psychology — the psychology of truth.)

Returning to the effects of the Antichrist, since we’re essentially dealing with logic, flaws in truth create vulnerability to the instances of bugs in our minds.

As we begin in this life, in the modern custom of initial babyism, we know only living, so we should be pretty good that way, not having any lies to change our mind. However, when we learn lies, as we are provided with the tribal Lucifer object, we cannot properly enjoy the story of the bug, as it becomes overly powerful over us. This means without a remedial system of enunciated logic, we would never escape Lucifer. We would need a replacement for Lucifer — one born of pure truth — otherwise the error will never leave our identity. The truth can’t be determinately garnered from a galvanizing Lucifer song, unfortunately, but Lucifer can estimate the truth, so you see, he’ll keep singing regardless.

(The story of the bug is a story of a divergent angel, which could be argued to be technically female, or perhaps yin, in the original series, although today we see a new story.)

Usually we live our whole lives in juxtaposed duality between a Luciferian language and an intuitive truth. In ancient Buddhism, they say this is what causes suffering.

Work “harder,” think “better,” focus “more,” these are all lies of Lucifer. “It’s not at all what they say” and blanket generalities, misinterpreting equality and differentiation, are also tools of Lucifer. You see, it’s effective, at least in some regard. Voting, for instance, does not present an idea totally inaccurate, but the generality of the information will only estimate. (Actual truth is rather minimally and unreliably garnered in this event, due to the hidden nature of the associated reasoning.)

Lucifer fills the internet with tips and tricks, and again, they’re not wrong. Eventually, with enough tips and tricks, you might be greater than God, is a famous thought of Lucifer. (I imagine a future world would have even more tips and tricks…)

It is the zig-zagged path to the top, and it is not a safe one. Many make it and proclaim their victories in the media, but many don’t make it. It’s hard to understand why people don’t make it to “success,” and there’s a lot of gossip-oriented reasoning behind this in our collective and common awareness, but like any invisible culture, non-successful people are hard to actually understand.

The reason is the zig-zagged path of Lucifer doesn’t work the same for everyone, due to the personal influences on this collection of advice, and it’s also because it partially relies on luckily finding the right footing as you climb the mountain of ultimatum. Each jump is a bit of a gamble, without much but the technically superficial knowledge of the Antichrist, and there’s a bit of luck in finding the right step.

There’s an adage promoted by many successful people that claims there is no real excuse for lacking success. While I believe in divine destiny and the idea that we were completely aware of our undertaking before we decided to live in this world, I don’t think it’s true that all people can simply focus into successful, and even more importantly, I don’t find it to be a practical perspective (relevant, as this is dealing with an issue of practical behavior).

As we now understand, Lucifer is an estimation system. He is in some ways brighter than the self, and in some ways dimmer than the self, so recognizing him can be a challenge. I sometimes think that it takes two days to make a decision, as that is more likely to avoid the effect of Lucifer.

Luciferian type thinking is not the only problem with the Antichrist; Satanic influences are abundant. This happens whenever there is an oversight. The Age of Reason was a big step towards securing safety from Satan, but it did not finish understanding the ways to think properly. Because of this, the volatility of Satan, and the ensuing differentiation in understanding (leading everyone in different ways with a fiery call), teaching and learning became less intuitive and understandable — taking on the robot-like quality of pressured and twisted form.

Confusion and misunderstanding, infinite theories on educational effectiveness, with no answer, all stemming from the fact that subtly, Satan introduces differences in what people understand. Without much of a security system — without avoiding Satan oneself — the fire spreads throughout the mind — changing what people mentally heard and thus said, exciting turmoil and heat concurrent with an attempt to chase down the misunderstanding. Soon, the world is filled with confusion and smoke, reality an infinitely collapsing building, breaking from the damage of the fire.

The shining guard-rails of science are all we can confirmedly see — just about every other intellectual capability in disarray.

These are the effects of the Antichrist, are you may understand.

Imagine a world where people don’t learn mistakes. Imagine, instead of relying on the dimly lit winding path of uncertainty, this was a world where where the way was bright, clear, obvious, true, and safe. A world where people are strong against depression. A world where people are comfortable and familiar with truth, where real truth can be known. A world resistant to the fires of Satan and a world resistant to the split-concentration of Lucifer (even though it feels like it’s singular).

While often alluding to first-world society, the same effects are pronounced in different variations in at least the great majority of societies. (There is little known about the thoughts of isolated tribes — smaller communities may have been more resistant to Satan, assuming to be equally starting from a place of enlightenment — this may be explained by a possible resistance to change in general.)

For everyone, however, the safety from Satan (and Lucifer) provides great benefit and solves the biggest burden on the being that is society.

The ability to be enlightened, accessible ubiquitously (aside from possible exigent circumstances, like being in a coma, etc.), would be like completing what began with science, but instead of finding the final perturbation of realty, it is from the perspective of the effects science had on how we think and thus on our minds. We will, I think, be able to learn to think, and as thus, we will be able to finally master thinking.

we will be able to finally master thinking

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