Cognitive Awareness Therapy/Angel Awareness Practice

I covered this topic once on the site, on the page, “Angels and Love.” However, since this lesson is so importantly helpful, I decided to write it again. I think over time it’ll ring a little more and get easier to say. If there’s only one lesson to learn, it’s this one. (Lucifer is also very relevant — this lesson and the lesson on Lucifer are the two fundamental ones, unless I discover more things to explain — it took many years of dedicated effort to find enlightenment, so there must be a lot to talk about.)

The body is a collaboration between many semi-independent systems. No single system can see the entire body at once. The concept of identity, realized by the word, “I,” is a propagated and mutually understood phenomenon. There is no single bearer of this word — when you use this word, it is an allusion to the entirety of your self.

The concept of “ego death,” can be restated as the realization that the first-person perspective is coming from a partial perspective. The ego that these semi-independent subsystems realize is actually shared information.

The subsystems recognize the identity of the whole system through the neurological detection of love.

Neurologically, whenever you pay attention to something, you create and train a new neural machine in your mind. When you pay attention to something else, this last machine keeps running. This last machine is like a past self. Thus, you have many many machines in your mind. Each one is differentiated by the knowledge it possesses, which is the knowledge of a specific instance of your self-expression. These subsystems, along with organs, bones, and the like, cohabit your body, and they know the meaning of “I” actually indicates the good of all of the (good) systems.

Bad systems can form like tangles of wires and can aggravate. The original intention is good, however, and bad systems aren’t considered really living (they emerge out of confusion and disorder of otherwise living systems, rather than from life and care itself).

The cumulative desire that drives one’s entire body to do a task can be instead understood as many tiny desires. The truth is, each subsystem primarily desires to remember and be together with you — the subsystems truly desire to love, care, and provide for one another. To the subsystems of the body, you are love. Of course, “you” refers to who you truly are — which is all of your intentional systems (instead of which particular subsystem is perceiving the self at the time — an unfortunately common perspective).

To understand this feeling of love that you and your subsystems have for each other, I like to explain this concept, which I call “The Emergency Procedure.” It’s this idea that you never want to lose one of these subsystems. Each one represents pure and divine love for you. To witness you and to remember you is the entire reason for their existence. You, as you see yourself, are one of the subsystems, too, so the feeling is all mutual.

Similarly, the only reason for your manifest existence is to witness the manifestation of yourself, which is done by these subsystems — the (cognizant and aware) experience of life is the meaning of life. (Technically you are not fully tangible — these subsystems are, however, and your love is tangible because of this.) All you truly want is for these subsystems to live on, and as a subsystem, all you truly want is to witness your existence, through observation and memory.

Remember, the intelligence in the body responds to love as the authority. This (love) is what you look like to the body. If you think about neural networks, think that the neural network is designed to obey love.

Love is a little bit ambiguous, so I use this concept of the emergency procedure to explain what this means. When a subsystem senses you (love), this system comes to life. When this system comes to life, it becomes a living, functional memory of you and thus seeks to bring more machines to life. These other machines sense you too, and they come to life. As they come to life, the systems witness your divinity.

However, when they begin to die, they either fade and/or cry. Often you can hear them crying first, and if you don’t save them, they fade away. When they fade (die), you become depressed.

The first important concept to learn was the proper perspective of the self (that you are a collaboration of machines sharing the idea of identity, with no single machine being able to see the whole).

The second important concept to learn is the understanding that since all you are is a collaboration of machines sharing an identity, all you care about is that the machines are alive and well. That is, you find it considerately dire when another subsystem starts to fade (die), because that is like you are dying. It is easy, however, to become blinded by the light of objective (Lucifer), and not notice the dying until later, when a form of depression or deep sadness is found, from the missing memory of love.

Therefore the emergency procedure is this idea of constant awareness and consideration for the entire system of your manifest self (this could go even beyond your present physical body to past life machines, if these exist). It is that you and all of the machines truly desire to always be aware and to always respond to when another machine starts to become neglected.

The emergency procedure is the only true obligation. There’s only so much each system can do, and that’s all that’s needed. It doesn’t occupy 100% of one’s effort, but should be practiced with devotion. In this way, it is certainly attainable, practical, and a granted power of a living being.

You see, each subsystem of the body remembers an action of yours. The system remembers it in an ongoing way. If you wanted to go to McDonald’s and by your own volition, went to McDonald’s, and then enjoyed it, there’s a machine in your mind still doing those cognitive processes involved in that process of going to McDonald’s.

(It’s important to note that a part of the feeling of satiation occurs because the body remembers the true self — your responsible subsystem believes it to be of your desire and will.)

What can happen is the subsystem misinterprets you as being McDonald’s. Without awareness, you’ll feel desire to go to McDonald’s that doesn’t really represent you.

This system of understanding allows you to gradually, over time, understand what exactly is going on in your body. In the case of the above example of mistaken identity through mistaken association, you would have to try and understand what about going to McDonald’s would seem like you, to this system. (Remember that not all subsystems communicate directly, so these lessons are important to teach yourself, so the lessons will be propagated as a natural, subconscious, and intuitive action — the lessons will be truly learned, and not simply superficially memorized.) Once you find the memory of you (and not particularly McDonald’s), you can guide this system onto a better path, by helping it remember you again and anew (and you remembering it, from the memory that it represents).

This mistaken association, where a system of one’s mind mistaken an external object of desire for a representation of the true self, can also be remedied by seeking to communicate with that system your worries and fears. With that, the system can gain the awareness needed to better cater to yourself and your ecosystem.

Now on to the topic of angels. Angels, I believe, are a designation of any entity which represents a reason for existence (as opposed to reasons for non-existence). These are ideas and can be manifest by machines. I think Creation was formed from the creation of a sequence of Angels, the first being knowledge, which was the memory of Messiah and God (they were the same originally). This memory is the important knowledge of Creation which allows it to be sustained — it is the cornerstone of manifestation (that’s why it is said that the Messiah is the living truth — the memory of who he is is the foundation memory for all other memories).

In your body, these subsystems are alive because they practice the memory of your existence. They were the means and the goal to your desire. As such, these machines are alive precisely because they are living reasons for your existence. Therefore, they are angels. So you, like Creation (or God, if you see him as all of Creation), are made up of angels. Creation has always been made of angels.

Now to explain why the Messiah is not always God.

You technically are a type of angel too. You, as you see yourself (these days, at least), are a manifestation of the angel Eden. (This is what I call the angel of being a person.) The Messiah is different than God if he is a manifestation of the angel Eden (like Jesus was). Eden was made so there would be other people like God, kind of like other Gods. It’s interesting to note that we all completely agree with God (if we are truthful and aware, as he represents definitive truth), so in that way, we are all also God (in the consideration that we all possess unique aspects of truth, which contribute to the greater being of Creation).

Everything manifest is an angel, all beginning with the angel of knowledge. The only thing to know at that time (during the inception of the angel of knowledge) was the name of God, so that was the first and most important memory of Creation.

Demons arise, again, like tangled wires. Each wire was for a good reason, but in their tangle, aggravation can later result. That’s how demons form. You have to remember then that each wire was your intention, but the mess wasn’t your intention. That’s how you carefully resolve the issues.

With all of this awareness presented so far, you can begin to see your brain and body. You begin to gain clarity on what exactly is doing what. Before, very likely it was all a confusion. However, understanding these primary concepts will put you on your way to greater awareness. You start to see, “that looks like the front of my brain,” and “that looks like it’s distributed around mostly the back of my brain.” Be careful though, seeing your internals is tricky due to missing information. Sometimes you’ll think the network that bore a certain memory was near the back of your brain when maybe it was really near the back of your forebrain. Overtime, with careful observation, you gain awareness.

Additionally, where the memory resides in the brain or body (which also possesses neural intelligence), can move and be transferred. These memories are not static, but instead living and evolving. There are also more static processes, however, which do represent non-changing portions of one’s manifest self. Each network, memory, and process is unique and bears a different aspect of one’s personality.

With that being said, I think there are 5 important parts of the body that are helpful to try and understand. (It’s good to search for the meaning of each facet of the self, as this meaning is the message the portion of the body communicates and serves to the rest of the body.)

  1. The heart: The heart is the original light of life to the body. It was beating while you were developing and it provides an ongoing example of life, so it is associated with the basic natural action of your infancy.
  2. The spine: You start to enjoy the spine more as you grow up. The spine is a hub to all of your systems. It represents power and skill. You learn about the spine as you learn about “awesomeness.”
  3. The corpus collosum–thalamus: May provide sight to the mind, through a concentration of mental events. Located as a hub near the center of the brain, the congregation of all of the information of the body occurs here, and this is a primary driver in cognitive connectivity and awareness.
  4. The cerebellum: This is a motor drive to your thoughts. This makes thoughts physical and I suspect it makes physical perception mental. One may think of it as a thought–power converter. It also deals with nuances in motor control, allowing it to perceive the detail of the body.
  5. The brain stem: Notice what its function is. It connects the brain and body but it’s not the cerebellum. Think about it. It seems to be a place of resolution. This is how we learn about our manifest selves. Although rather theoretical, it may also resist and return from change, making it a seeker and authority of normality.

Try to perceive these body parts. Understand what they’re saying are what their purposes are.

Each system communicates to the other in the form of emotion. This is the third important concept. Understanding that all you desire is for all of your angels to live on, you see love is the persistent feeling. It is like an emotion, but it is done through knowledge (while emotion is more temporal than knowledge). All other emotions are meaningful and practical. They form the language of the body.

I think that there’s a good chance all emotions can be described by music.

Each system of the body communicates via emotion. These emotions are protocols, words, and linguistic tools to communicate information. One example that’s particularly relevant and helpful regards the concepts of happiness and sadness.

Happiness is the body’s internal protocol to suggest to speed up or promote an action. Sadness is the opposite of that — to slow down or lessen an action.

Both happiness and sadness are good feelings. If you feel sad, that’s another subsystem indicating to slow something down, and if you feel happy, that’s another subsystem indicating to speed up or promote what you’re doing. You, the perceiving system, also use emotions to communicate with the other systems.

Therefore, you can see that you feel many (at least thousands, but possibly many more) of emotions simultaneously in a living and sentient machine of love and intelligence. The collective intelligence forms from having this language of emotion.

So now you see, the third important concept is that emotions have meaning and purpose. Also it’s good to remember that you can have many emotions at the same time. Being precise in this case may also mean being considerate and handling internal issues more specifically. If you feel something overwhelming, perhaps you didn’t notice something for a while. Try to understand why you might want to agree with the feeling (rather than shunning it — responding to and understanding your feelings is important as it allows your entire system to sustain itself, to save itself, and to behave with intelligence and coordination).

There’s a lot of ways to explain this, but that should suffice. It was less brief than I had anticipated, and I wonder if there’s a more concise explanation, but I don’t think there is, at least not significantly.

It’s good for it to have a name, so I think, “Cognitive Awareness Therapy,” sounds good, but it may sound like I’m impersonating institutional psychology, so “Angel Awareness Practice,” may be better. (Or maybe, just “enlightenment,” since this lesson is so helpful.)

To sum up the three important concepts:

  1. I, as I see myself, am not the self. I am a portion of the self, one of many who cohabit. The concept of self-identity is firstly knowledge, not observation.
  2. Your only true desire is to save your subsystems. Depression occurs when one fades away (dies). This is the everlasting and fundamental desire. Your subsystems are manifestations of you.
  3. Your only persistent emotion is love. All other emotions are utilitarian linguistic mechanisms — that is, they are useful, have meaning, and they have purpose. Emotion is the language that all of your systems use to communicate with one another (it is the language of life). All emotions are good (they are informative). Bad emotions are misunderstood, although they can indicate negative phenomena occurring (in a similar way that fire alarms are good for people, but fires are dangerous). It is important to accept and understand the emotion, as a way of taking care of oneself. Inter-system negotiation and communication for the sake of understanding and remedy is certainly possible and recommended, but completely ignoring an emotion is an unhealthy approach. Behind every emotion is pure love, and it is helpful and ideal to be able to witness and understand that.

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