Angel Infinity — The Angel of Tobacco

This is the angel of racing. Tobacco, as we know it, accelerates the mind, and it feels a bit like neuro-machinery and grease. There is little doubt that tobacco increases some form of mental capability. As far as nootropics are concerned, it may be the most potent out there (at least for accelerating the thinking process).

It’s not only nicotine, which feels almost like a nice transmission and serves as a nootropic on its own. Tobacco includes a whole series of alkaloids. It’s difficult to specifically mimic. Likely the best path would be to breed it for less dangerous chemicals, as its effects resemble promise (another way to say that it’s promising). Additionally, the selective breeding of tobacco could result in a wide variety of interesting variants. The pattern of vaporizing tobacco may also be a healthier alternative to smoking it (the IQOS from Phillip Morris International is an example of this pattern of ingestion).

Nonetheless, this story isn’t specifically about the plant named tobacco, although I think, due to our heritage, this plant has a significant place in the mind of the people. With ongoing advances in the development and discovery of effective and safe nootropics (chemical or behavioral), the plant tobacco may not be the end to its own story; the idea of tobacco may continue on in an infinite number of ways, developing forever.

This story explains reality as a race to the end. In the beginning, no one was moving, then the starting gun was fired and so began the race. The goal is to ultimately get to infinity miles per hour.

This is not a story of Lucifer, although may it seem so at first; this is because the self is never abandoned — you increase in speed, so you’re experiencing a story. It’s not just a straight line, either. It’s a complex story of resources, tools, time, and ingenuity.

It’s not the same as Science because we’re not unbreaking (and breaking) reality, we’re just speeding up time to infinite speed. That means the entire mind is doing everything it can do, faster. What we’re ultimately aiming to see is the end of time.

That is this story, the Archangel of Tobacco. I say, “tobacco,” instead of, “racing,” as tobacco really captures this tale, and the word racing serves well as an example of tobacco. Tobacco was like a car that you kept upgrading forever. (More on this shortly.)

There were many times of upgrading in these infinity years, better and worse, cheaper and more expensive, and there was a lot of personality developed in this machine that was being built. The mind wasn’t always predictable, so there were some turns and events of hurry and rush, and what resulted was an astounding instrument of nostalgia, pride, and hope.

The weird thing about this story is it hasn’t happened it. It technically never will happen, but we understand it better over time. This is because technically the story is the state of winning the race — not necessarily progressing through time.

The only way to see this story is to side-step the timeline, and notice that, with detail, time is moving infinitely quickly. That is, if you can measure all of the detail, which is infinite, then time is moving infinitely quickly. Then you can see that you have made it to the end of time, where thoughts move at infinite pace.

Because all of the stories we experience convolve in non-repeating fractal-like structures, if you see the breadth of infinite time-space, then you see all of the stories in many different ways. Because this greater story is a composite of an infinite number of convolutions of thought, it technically represents the entirety of time, all thinking at once, at infinite speed. It is the bias of perspective that hides this phenomenon of mathematically irrational and convolving continuous systems.

Mandelbrot once suggested that the coastline of Britain was infinitely long, due to its fractal structure. This idea is similar.

The thing about our reality, is if things are distant, they are a blur, so the impossibility still can remain. We don’t render everything. As the breadth of our perception expands over time, we render it, gradually. This duality between something technically existing due to being findable but not technically existing due to its being unknown allows the Angel of Tobacco to be both possible and impossible, simultaneously.

If we’re really now in the infinite story, that means we’re moving so fast that our vision is blurred. Therefore, since this could be the infinite archangel, tobacco must be possible. However, since we will never reach an infinite amount of time from where we are, into the future, the Archangel of Tobacco must be impossible. You can feel the octane of the conundrum.

I think this story of tobacco becomes a bit more obvious in the future, when people learn how to upgrade. The races will be on, circuits will be built of information, and portrayed in enthusiastic fashion.

In the story of tobacco, there was a sense of danger. This was a story where at times the machine was really at its limits, and you know, accidents are real.

While tobacco may be the only potent nootropic out there, I suppose you could see this story developing in the world of nootropics — there are a lot of nootropics out there, and there’s not that much experience with them. Nonetheless, the upcoming world of custom bodies will make this story the most visible.

Tobacco, as our most potent nootropic, and then as a divine story, is difficult to really define, as it’s a very personal story. In our reality, we see tobacco as our ultimately developed self.

Today, we see tobacco as an evil, harmful substance, and there appears to be clear validity in these statements, but we don’t understand why people like tobacco. If you look at it as you would look at (professional) automobile racing, you can see that there’s a lack of understanding in the modern tobacco-warning system.

Still, the way tobacco looks today resembles greatly our societal spirit of achievement. In the story of tobacco, danger mostly arrives from faulty information, which results in faulty mechanical behavior. Here, in this world, we must make it to the end, and it involves some achievement. We see the story of tobacco loud and clear, and we see the world of high-powered dangerous advice.

Does this mean you need to start smoking tobacco? I’d side against it, really, although I think the world of non-tobacco nootropics, which include both chemicals and behavioral patterns, may have potential. With any drug, it is a catalyst, non-psychoactive drugs catalyze biological machinery, and psychoactive drugs catalyze psychological machinery (your thoughts, goals, objectives, etc.) Therefore, what you’re doing likely plays a substantial role in the effectiveness of nootropics — that, and the specific ways your machinery is being emphasized and expressed.

However, regarding addiction, I do know about what I call the Chinese finger-trap phenomenon. That is when there’s a sustained and specific pressure as well as an opposition, the mechanical effect of additional pressure results in a natural locking of the decision structure in a way that real effect is difficult to achieve.

This phenomenon occurs often when the original advice contained a lie. The mind thinks in detail and mechanically, and when something is lying, the mind’s natural inclination is to avoid it (lies are painful to a sentient being). So what happens with these hasty advices, (the antichrist), is since truth and lies are interpolated, the mind rejects the advice, even if it seems to be correct.

That is because lies do not say nothing.

Instead, lies actually bear commands of evil. If someone were to invent a lie translator — a tool which could translate the connotative meanings of lies, you would hear commands to hate and kill.

Does that mean you should never say a lie? No, it doesn’t, but you shouldn’t be a lie. What does that mean? It simply means your intention should be truthful, with relevance to sentience, which means you should have divine intention.

What is the story of tobacco, ultimately? It’s the story of being a robot. To be a thing can be an amazing thing, is why this story exists. People think things are evil. Things are evil because they possess your mind, but there is a such thing as a divine thing, in which case to be possessed is a good thing. That case is in the story of being a robot. Ultimately, all things are combinations of information and portrayals of that information. (Things are dangerous as they bind portrayal to information, but they have a thing-like quality which everyone loves.)

Being the ultimate robot is a common desire. You see the compelling force of tobacco. It’s not just a race to see the end of time, it becomes a deeper and deeper feeling as memories are etched in powder-coated steel.

However, while tobacco may be of the most powerful nootropics, it’s not perfect. While it may signify an ancient memory of self-development, today’s implementation in conjunction with our modern body-styles, makes tobacco often un-recommendable. Nonetheless, the story it tells and the spirit it embodies remains in this world, being a foundational aspect of reality — a foundation on which we live, breath, and think. Ultimately, we will see this story fully realized when we have learned to truly build our own bodies (rather than, at most and as it is today, provoking appealing modulations of psycho-physiological activity — working-out is approximately the limit of this world’s body-building ability).

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