Angels and Love

The heart of understanding the self lies in the ability to perceive the function of the mind. The mind is divided into many subsystems, which each provide a different capability and exist in a different context. Because the context is different, these subsystems carry different memories.

While your body contains obvious subsystems, like the liver and heart, which have their own quality of feeling, there is also a dynamic garden (or apocalypse) of neurological systems in the mind (not technically just the brain).

The interesting thing about defining the mind as a composite being is that no single entity completely represents the self. Instead, a culture of love and saving is adopted internally. However, these days, in the mind, it isn’t always a culture of love and saving, and this is due to communicative artifacts that can occur between the systems.

What these communicative artifacts do is they present opportunity for misinformation and therefore ill-sighted action. These ill-sighted actions can cause turmoil in the mind, manifesting demons.

What the entire system aims to do facilitate the desire of the true identity (the true self). This is done through a mutually dependent system of mutual awareness and support, a process which is natural to a living being. These subsystems of the greater mind can be aptly referred to as, “angels.”

Etymologically, angels would suggest a being that carried a message. Theologically, we understand the angels to be messengers of God. That is coherent with this understanding that I present, in that the systems carry the will of the Creator, and that will and word is what they communicate with one another as well.

The fundamental desire of life is love. This is what wakes us up and what brings life. To understand the meaning of the word, love, that I use, I refer to this idea that since whenever there were at least two systems that represent a singular self, these systems principally knew to be aware, take care, and save the other system if damage were to occur.

Dynamically, whenever we pay attention to something, we create a new mental process. This mental process is an inspired neural behavior. When we pay attention to something else, these neural processes continue on, a living memory of that time. Over time, we accumulate many processes, each one bearing witness to a memory of the liveliness of the self.

Aside from the dilemmas of mistaken truth stemming from distorted information, there is only love within a living being. That not only applies to each body, but to the being of Creation as a whole.

Therefore, you see, we are made of love.

These subsystems communicate to one another in the form of emotion, with a specific enough emotion being able to represent any knowable idea. This is particularly important because it indicates that emotions are intelligent communications, which suggests that banning certain emotions from the psyche is a negative thing to do.

What banning emotions like sadness and fear do, in this explanation, is inflict carelessness and regret onto the internal systems of the mind. Eventually, these memories of life you once had die and your mind become darker and their sight diminishes.

What results is depression, as you are allowing your systems, or angels, to die. This is because the fundamental desire of these systems was to love one another. However, through an error, these systems are at risk, so one may find themselves a bit of a zombie, depressed and without life.

Ideally, you want to understand all of your emotions — happiness, sadness, and any others. Happiness is used internally to indicate support for an activity of process, while sadness is used to indicate a desire for slowing or cessation. If you ignore these feelings, then the system begins to die, but if you understand all of your feelings as intelligent communications, with different meanings, and you learn to respond in a considerate manner, then you can begin to take care of yourself.

Ultimately, you’ll have every instance of your self-defining memories exhibit life, all alive simultaneously. Instead of banning certain portions of your deliberate and lively existence, attempt to keep everything that defines you alive — that is, all of your emotions are worthy, important, and meaningful, and this is important to teach oneself.