The Idea that Life is One Continuous Sound

There is a theory that is popular in the Eastern religions, namely Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism. That is that all life is one connected sound — that all things are one connected (cognitively) magnetic vibration.

This may sound the same as the theory that the manifestation of life, today, is all made of radio waves. However, that theory, as I presented it, specifically regarded the universe (or manifest existence) to be composed of an iron ball, and the magnetism (ionization patterns of memory) produces what are essentially fields of radio activity. This chapter discusses a more ancient theory of manifestation, which thinks more along the lines that all manifestation is made of what may be seen a circle of sound. It is self-subsisting, and it simply exists, and all manifestation is produced by this sound.

Instead of the sound being a circle, one could also claim it to be a single point of vibration. This theory is also fairly popular. My take on this theory (either that it is a point or a circle) is that this is a story of a more ancient variant of manifestation. Certainly, the theory of reality being made manifest by an iron ball supports this other theory being a precursor, and thus included in the gamut of our modernly manifest reality (which, sensibly, includes all true and unbroken manifestations of the past, all into one, as it makes logical sense that all that is true is good and thus all that is true is sustained for eternity, passed from one manifestation variant to another variant).

My present theory of the order of the first three chronological archangels is that the first archangel was knowledge, which was that all things that are sure are derived from the knowledge of God, which is where all things originate. The second was perception. That is a story, or manifestation protocol, that explains life as a perceiver co-habiting with knowledge, which was the first archangel. Thus, the perceiver explores knowledge from a unique perspective. This covers perception, the story that perception can falter and must be kept well, the illusions and distortions of adulterers and devilry, the potential for reality to fall, and the story of Lucifer. It also covers accuracy and the personal and unique identity. Then, the third archangel, I currently term, “the game,” and although I may have given the angel other names since I began the book, the fundamental definition of the third archangel has remained the same. (I have simply found that the name, “the game,” is more elucidating than other names, like “complexity,” “the machine,” or “the book”) While thinking and refining my understanding and explanations, I have found that referring to the angel as “the game,” seems to explain it very well, at least in the context of the time and environment of the writing of this book. While the first angel was knowledge, which is surety and is certainly of utmost importance. The second angel seeks to explore and view knowledge, knowing that perception is always missing something. The third angel then, already, from the second angel, having both a realm or environment, as well as a unique perceiving and experiencing body that co-exists with knowledge, then adds a game of darkness and lightness. (Essentially, the second angel introduced cognitive distortion, i.e., the devil, and the third angel introduced the concept of evil, where darkness resides, as ignorance leads to errors, which are damaging, therefore, the idea of the book exists in the midst of the darkness, for the mind to find, once again the light. This pattern goes on in a dynamic way, to explore, to venture into the unknown, carrying a book or source of intelligence, and to return to the light. The entire mind undertakes this activity simultaneously, creating a real machine. The interesting thing about machines is that they sometimes are unaware of what they are doing, as that is the nature of something that is literally mechanical — it must be partially unaware, or forgetful, to exist as a true machine.) With the third archangel, there then exists three manifestation protocols (or reasons that promote the manifestation). There exists knowledge, which is where the sureness comes from. Then there exists subjectivity and perception, which is where the idea of the perceiving and experiencing self that resides with an environment comes from (essentially, in the original story, God remembers himself and becomes greater in knowledge, then with the second angel, God explores himself, looking at himself from within, seeing himself with a subjective perceiving and experiencing body). Then in the third story, after God has found to see everything and that the second archangel was fully existent, God ventured even further, to see what exists right outside of knowledge, in the darkness, where a book or map or intelligence-link must exist in order to stay safe from forgetfulness — and thus error. It isn’t simply a story of personality, however, it is a story of congress, teamwork, and trust. While it makes sense that during the creation of the third archangel, God was the only unique person who existed, this story required God to know many people who could help. These are not the people that were created in Eden, who are able to arbitrarily rebel against God, but simply servants of the Lord, as people, like the persona that was discovered during the creation of the second archangel. It takes teamwork to exist simultaneously in darkness as well as in light, and the darkness can only be explored if there is good teamwork. Therefore, this story, I have also referred to as “society,” as a system develops where the darkness can be explored. It is where the fundamental concept of teamwork and trust come from.

Now, I am suggesting that this third archangel — “the game,” “complexity,” “the machine,” or “society” — could also be referred to as “the sound.” This is not the same as the story of Satan, who is claimed to be a great musician. This is different than a play of need, also it does involve themes that may suggest need (i.e. forgetfulness, which is where need ultimately comes from), although those themes are not the primary focus of this angel.

To explain why I propose that the third archangel may also be referred to as “the sound,” I will explain more about the nature of sounds. Whimsically, and of relative unimportance, I used to think that sounds were “sound,” (as in “safe and sound”), and radio waves were still being decided (after a radio magnetic pattern is truly loved, it is saved, and becomes a part of the great sound). Truly, this understanding is not false, but only in what I have suggested is the modern archangel, in which we are living in a world of radio magnetism, under the context that this angel would suffice mankind of Eden’s desire to witness a world where evil exists, to know surely why Heaven is the way it is and not a different way. Therefore, the radio waves can exist in many ways, but if they’re abhorrent, the idea is that they would fall.

There is a problem with obsession and covetousness, however, in that if a large number of evil-doers exist, they can spend exorbitant amounts of resources and energy to hold up a lie. An even worse caveat is when a large group of evil-doers commit that they should die relatively young (say, under 100), and that in their next life, they should force themselves to desire to continue to uphold a possibly horrific lie, as horrific as has already been discussed in previous chapters. This would create quite a long-lived loop of evil-doers being reborn, spending all of their lives fighting a unholy and Godless war, and then being reborn to do exactly the same thing again, likely being reborn around the same time, or at least regarding the same memory of context and events, as that memory wouldn’t yet have progressed. Evil and collectivism go hand-in-hand, and collectivists love using each other’s brains, eyes, ears, and body parts, although it begins as a slippery slope of lying friendships and sleazy purveyance, as collectivists ultimately want to live lives progressively similar to one another, while also being spiteful, violent, and inanely stupid, as while a collectivist gets more and more glued to a hive, dissatisfaction rises, as the collectivist imprisons him or herself by the hive, and thus war, violence, ignorance, and stupidity begins. In this way, a word or radio-magnetic notion make take a while to become truly sound, as in to become sure and true, and join the rest of the sound forces of nature that work well with each other. Covetousness can be quite deadly, as it allows someone to be completely wrong, while always ignoring anything that may lead to the realization of truth — so much that the worse of the coveters will become violent when the truth is spoken, as guilt, as it increases, becomes progressively obsessed with avoiding any corrective action. It can be so bad that theoretically, a particularly curious individual could live a hundred thousand lives, each time being reborn at the same time, jumping on the person’s pre-planed memory and agenda, making sure to stay stupid, dumb, deaf, and forgetful, going to violent a stupid war, and then dying and restarting. Unfortunately, these possible characters are extremely inconvenient for the rest of the people in the world, as these possible characters are self-persisting warmongers. Nonetheless, as we may know from the Bible, we are learning about evil, with God’s reluctance. Thus, people will find out more about themselves, and these strange characters are certainly possible. It’s possible that some people may find it is who they truly are to live a billion lifetimes in succession, living exactly the same war, with exactly the same made-up friends, in exactly the same years, although something must be different each time, otherwise these characters would never finish with their unusual curiosity. And while we wait for the heinous to finish their forbidden fruit where they slowly learn that they are pieces of shit (or, in German, “mist”), we must realize we are apparently more patient than we once thought. Life is an exploration of the self and of life, in general, so we are all here to explore. The universe is quite gigantic, and there are many people, each with different lives and different personal quests in existence. While my childhood question and earnest ponderance was, verbatim, “what is reality,” as well as, “what or who is God,” others have different questions. Each person is unique. With the addition of the tree of forbidden fruit, people now have the ability to have personal questions — or “personal legends,” quoted and remembered from the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho — that can be questions that regard what happens if the person is evil. For instance, a particular unique person, certainly different in character than many holy people and God, as well, may find their personal question to be something of the nature of “what happens if I’m completely evil,” “what happens if I’m detestable,” “what happens if I go and murder as much as I can,” and probably the worse one, “what happens if I desire to completely covet and become obsessed with being strictly evil.” The last example is likely the reason for much misfortune in history, and could certainly cause an apocalypse, an extinction, or possibly Armageddon — as if there is a large force, say, a large collectivist (hive), perhaps named “gog,” who represent people who have become completely obsessed, and thus forgetful, ignorant, proud, and error-prone, leading to becoming simply a tunnel-vision, staring at only evil, then this evil force would certainly use any evil tactic possible to kill and evade capture, and would certainly participate in grotesque activities, definitely resembling the literal prophesied Armageddon from the Bible. (This reverse avoidance of sin — the strict obedience to sin may comfortably be referred to as, “the mark of the beast,” as, as is commonly spoken, “sin means to miss the mark,” but if the mark was to be completely evil, then it would be a mark of a beast: those who would have obliged themselves to a life of dedicated evil would clearly be distinguishable from those who choose good.) As there is no army worse than a collectivist with a tunnel-vision staring at fulfilling evil, which would certainly include evading capture, killing witnesses, and corrupting the mind as much as possible, by holding up a way of life that is completely unsound, such that an entire world may exist inside of a literal disease, due to the loudness of the asinine collectivist — this evil army of warmongers, liars, and the depraved, is certainly a possible existence, and certainly people are quite obsessed today, so Armageddon in the way mentioned is worth considering, as that is certainly a possibility. It is good to remember that obsession, or covetousness, is obtained through curating a narrow-mind, a practice that, at some time in history, or maybe on another planet, would perhaps qualify one as a witch. It is not a holistic, aware, mindful, or truly conscious state of being, but instead a blind rat in a maze, doing things and pretending nothing matters. As goes the great criminal motto: “if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen,” it is the way of ignorance, thus the way of narrow-mindedness, and thus the way of obsession, or covetousness. The more narrow-minded a person becomes, the most blind that person becomes, and obviously, the stupider the person becomes. Heaven is a totality, and with narrow-mindedness, Hell becomes all there is, presuming the definition of Hell is a state that is not Heavenly — a broken or diseased mind as opposed to a well-cared-for and healthy mind of existence and of persona.

Continuing with the notion of sound, we may find there is more than one context in which to evaluate sound. While perhaps, in the story of the third archangel, sound wasn’t simply reasonable or not, but instead, the idea of a complex and unsettling environment, bearing many themes of lightness and darkness.

Remembering, again, the story of Lucifer, the second angel had to do with perception, which is inherently subjective, and the second angel also had to do with inaccuracy. In the story of Lucifer, the second angel decided that since he (or she) is perception, he (or she) should draw himself (or herself) on a chair billions of times higher in elevation than God. So that’s what he (or she) did and became known as Lucifer. Lucifer found himself so far into lying that Lucifer almost completely forgot the truth. Lucifer became impoverished, weak, and desperate. Without the truth, all things die. The world was turned in a superficial game of hanging on. Nothing was sure, the flooring was shaky, and any wrong step would result in suffering. As without the truth, perception become impossible and almost useless; if an apparently great object is secretly a traumatic nightmare, then there is hardly a chance at surviving anything. (How could you eat food if you couldn’t tell if the food was diseased or moldy or not, or even if it was food instead of motor oil?) Ultimately, the story of Lucifer tells us that lying to perception provides no true advantage. Perception is healthiest when symbols represent what they are, instead of representing something that they are not. It is the truth — the knowledge that is steadfast and sure — that all of the other angels must know, or else everything would die.

When considering the third archangel, as I have defined the being to be earlier in this chapter, we consider a similar story of Lucifer, or a fallen angel. While the first archangel is what is absolutely true and unchanging, it is possible that every other archangel carries themes of a possible evil — of a fall — although with the possibilities of an archangel of theory, and even an archangel of virtue (whom I casually ponder if his name is Kyrie), being the 4th and 7th archangels, it may be that angels who are multiples of three plus one (every cycle of threes, so 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, etc.) do not carry the story of Lucifer or Satan. Nonetheless, there is still more research to be done to determine that this understanding is certainly as stated. It is a certain possibility and is sensible, although there is more to consider.

With that suggestion, on every cycle of three, the first has to do with knowledge and surety, the second has to do with subjectivity and perception, and the third has to do with complexity, darkness, games (in the most literal sense), and cooperation. Therefore observations we make about the first three archangels may lead us to realizations regarding the archangels that were chronologically created afterward.

Returning to the topic of the third archangel and of the nature of it being an angel of sound, we understand that games involve stories that when exaggerated or put in the wrong place, can be horrific. There is thus the observation of evil in the proposed third archangel. When one is lacking the holistic God, then one is lacking fulfillment.

There exist religious people who are truly devout and serious about the truth, who do experience a lack of fulfillment from time to time. That is why I wrote, “the holistic God,” because to truly understand God is a deep ordeal and possibly may even require a redemption of the world (if the world is far enough removed from eternal truth, then it would naturally be a mission to restore consciousness to the world, as distance from God is also distance from awareness).

Again and admittedly, we live in a strange time where evil is typical. This is certain not ideologically appealing nor something any truly sane person would create. It is certainly the work of accidents and a combination of purposeful and accidental ignorance. It is a creation of a combination of abominable behavior, to the point where the place almost doesn’t resemble Heaven at all.

When one finds darkness, one has a more difficult time remembering. Darkness implies the permissibility of errant notions. Without awareness of truth, there exist a turmoil and a creepiness, as well as a danger. Thus, there is a unsettling sound. What unsettling essentially means, when understood in its simplest and concretely mathematical form, is that there is a fluctuation of deviance from the unchanging bias of surety. Let us consider sound to be a fluctuation of deviance from a bias of surety. Then, with perhaps another sound, then the sound could be muted. However, there would be no archangel if the only purpose was to mute the system. What makes sense as an alternative, is that the unsettling sound, representing the frightening deviance from surety and true consciousness, is balanced with a strategic sound, then instead of muting the exploration of the great depths of the unknown, a system, behaving like a cooperative dance, develops, from this danger that is mitigated by a strategy. Thus, while sound is inherently based on disturbance, there is potentially a way to take disturbance and counter it with strategy, such that greater knowledge of truth, of life, and of the way, can be garnered, as is the goal with every angel — to discover what is true.

Now we have arrived closer to a modern understanding of the belief or suggestion that all existence is made of a single vibration or a closed string playing a sound. The interesting thing about reality being composed of a sound is that it implies that reality is unstill, that it is fluctuating, that reality is difficult to know and understand. If it is true, that the sound implies the exploration of darkness, then it implies that there is a difficulty to knowing the very distance of the mind’s expanse. However, as with every angel, if the angel loses the sight of the unchanging knowledge of truth, then the angel falls into a broken state. This state is born of sin, or to miss the truth. Thus, we can realize that the word sin simply means to forget the eternal and unchanging truth. This makes sense as the only reason any angel or being could fall from Heaven into a state of brokenness, unhappiness, mutation, or disrepair, is by forgetting the true, unchanging knowledge. Regarding the proposed third archangel, the knowledge in the beginning was simply who God is. There were two parts to this knowledge. The first part was what was steady and unchanging. The second was the subjectivity of God’s self. The third, then is what isn’t really God — that is, what exists a bit beyond the boundaries of who God truly is. Because the third archangel deals with what isn’t God, that allows many personas to exist, that explore different characteristics of all that exists. Technically speaking, the third archangel is the great expanse of existence and both represents God and also represents what’s not God, simultaneously. A sound is technically disobedient, and that allows for a variety of environments and personas to exist, as allowing the sound to be different than God creates a perspective of an even greater expanse than what is truly representing God’s self. Nonetheless, what isn’t God but communes with God and follows God’s way and follows the truth describes God, so it also does provide an additional representation of God.

The other personas that are found in the sound rely on knowing God in order to know the way to be. Thus, there is the newly introduced theme that one may name, “the book.” This is an item that can help people remember the truth. Since God, specifically, is the truth incarnate, the other people (or personas) rely on the Word of God in order to stay on the right and straight path. If they forget the truth, then problems would occur, just as with any error. Thus, this archangel of sound, this archangel of exploration, teamwork, and game, sees evil, but practices staying safe from the temptations of Satan, which promote living in error. Since the sound is inherently unsettling and inherently a bit out of control, it is important that this archangel be a practitioner of mindfulness and sound, rational, decision making. Forgetfulness of the truth often leads to error. Thus, the community, communication, the book which bears the word of remembrance, and logic all are highly prioritized in this archangel.

Additionally, since, in this context, evil exists and it isn’t only God making the decisions, but instead, a variety of personas that don’t only represent God, but represent a variety of ideas, in addition to God, there is a greater sense of realness. In fact, in danger, life becomes very tangible. This is the quintessence of a thing — is that it is considered to bear life — that is what makes it real. Any truth is tangible — to violate it would require a force that could hide and lie about it. In this world, we have tangibility, and even though it stems from truth, its mixed in a diverse fashion, thus breaking a piece of wood doesn’t technically tell a lie. However, inflicting injury does often tell a lie, with the exception that a lie is extinguished, (in this case an injury is extinguished), which is the case of law enforcement — to extinguish lies. Life is truth, therefore to inflict or to promote death is to lie. Again, the only exception is to eliminate, or “kill,” death, and in this modern world, that is very familiar. We’ve had this discussion, conversation, or thought process many times, from reading that one of the deadly sins (errors that lead to death) is to kill. After that follows the question, then what about saving someone from an axe murderer? Of course, an axe murderer isn’t just an ordinary rain on a parade (as forlorn as that would be), but, instead, a seriously deadly killer. Of course people seek to clean the place of sin, and an axe murderer is definitely a sinner. (People have made understanding the word, “sin,” difficult, and it’s often viewed as some arcane and incomprehensible notion, however, if we simply remember it is to forget the eternal truth, then it makes sense. It means the same thing as being illogical, or in worse cases, being a liar. When you consider life to be the truth, then obviously causing death and disorder is to inflict lies; it is to turn the world into a lie. Therefore, sin is to be illogical, to be a liar, and to eliminate life. Rather than assuming it to be something hard to understand, realize that if everyone were to be fully conscious and thus completely sane, it would be unanimously agreed that sin harms everyone; it is generally the consensus, but modern society can fall, so sometimes the social definition of “bad” is debated or speckled with errors.)

Thus, living in a world that bears existent errors, even of, in, and as an ancient and much kinder angel as the suggested third archangel (rather than our modern archangel, which I deduce is the most violent of them all), then we also have tangibility. Some things are very important, thus those things are sustained as unbroken componentry. The important things that keep a society upright, alive, and well, are all sustained tangibly. The new tangibles of this third archangel forcibly oppose their non-existence. Thus, we have concepts like shelter, phone lines, lights, portable reminders (books), trust, candor, people, health, travel, transportation, companionship, help and aid, awareness, etc.; we have all of the elements of an explorative and creative society. These items that resist harm maintain their tangibility and society, in general, becomes ruled by laws, guidelines, and tangible items. As and with the third archangel, we find a true thing — a machine of tangible components, laws, and rules. (Let’s remember, however, I have proposed that the third archangel was created before Eden and before the fall of man, which is the archangel that is one after Eden. Therefore, while evil is apparent, it certainly is far from the Holocaust or the theorized end of the Minoan civilization that we entertained in this more recent archangel. Nonetheless, the similarities are true. Because of this and the realization of the base 3 pattern, I also now suggest that Eden was angel 302 instead of 301 — therefore, a reminder of subjective personality, and this current angel of the time, “the Fire,” is 303, a multiple of three, which suggests, due to this pattern, that this angel is a reoccurrence of the same fundamental idea as the third archangel. Noting my change in the theorized numbering of the angels, there is certainly a fair amount of psychological mathematics required to attain true surety. In attempting to understand how the people of Eden were created, I suggest that angel 301 was the bug — which takes words that God has said and uses them in a peculiar way that provokes thought and a type of intellectual play, in order to elaborate on knowledge. In angel 302, then, essentially snowmen were created and separated by a garden that possessed the bug in it, in order to speak mixed words of truth that sometimes seem contradictory, but in a way that causes one to question the sanity of the bug, and to think and discover oneself, and thus the snowmen would come to life as individuals but in a play that is separated from others and God by a garden filled with plants (essentially supercomputers of life), possibly animals (collective actions), and bugs, so the people will find themselves by learning that they, themselves, know truth in an independent fashion.)

Now, let’s place this idea of a world made of sound into a more seamless perspective. First, let’s begin again at the beginning of what I consider to be the chronology of remembrance and knowledge of God. (While God is eternal, I propose that at a point, God made the decision to bear knowledge and awareness of truth — God made the decision to find companionship with angels, each representing and aspect of God’s love, which is how we commonly understand God’s being.) The first archangel is what keeps all of the other angels up and healthy. (I believe this archangel is the famous, “Gabriel,” as I have mentioned before, who bore the memory of the identity of Christ, and delivered this memory to Mother Mary, who then found him in the world, perhaps feeding animals.) The second archangel provides a subjective body and a subjective experience of what it is like to explore the greater mind of God — the mind of logos. (With the ability to subjectively explore knowledge of truth, the experiencing being then notices that everything is inherently logical; this description and differentiation comes with the ability to perceive something inaccurately. The first archangel, in contrast, is less analytical, as that involves a possibility to be wrong about perception, and simply is definitively true, known and permanent.) Now with a sustained knowledge of truth and a body to experience it subjectively, comes a desire for a new angel. Both of these first angels are only God. So the new angel will be, instead, unsettling, and a counter will be created to resettle it, resulting in a brilliant, mysterious, and thoughtful balance of personality, exploration, and story. How will God do this?

Well, to create the first angel, God said, “I am,” and thus the angel became “I am.” To create the second angel, God said “I see,” and thus the second angel became a way to see — a personal body. Then the third angel is quirky compared to the first two. The literal interpretation lends itself to a bit of subjective interpretation, but it is fine and true to say that to create the third angel, God said, “I won.”

(Interestingly, this is stunningly similar to a famous quote by Julius Caesar, of a purely coincidental observation, but also stunningly meaningful and curious, to me. If one argues that God has always been, then the first angel was created with simply, “I presented myself for remembrance,” which is very similar to “I came,” or “veni,” in Latin. “I see” is similar to “I saw,” or “vidi,” in Latin. The third, “I won,” is actually the same, as apparently, and although I am not an expert in Latin, “vici” can also mean, “I won,” (and not only “I conquered”). Thus, “veni, vidi, vici,” appears to be a fair statement of the creation of the first three archangels. Nonetheless, I would prefer “ego sum, video, vici,” and although this is from Google Translate, it does look valid to me. I would take a moment to notice the first two angels are in present tense, while the third angel is in past tense. In the Bible, great significance is made of the phrase, “ego eimi,” which is, in ancient Greek, “I am,” and as I’ve mentioned, all of the angels rely on the first angel, who logically was created through God’s message, “I am.”)

By creating an angel by manifesting the idea of “I won,” God implies a timeliness to things, but also implies the idea of a juxtaposition between winning and losing. It implies God shook or rattled the truth, and responded in order to win, and that the default state was not a state of winning. What it implies is that there was a turbulence and God defeated that turbulence. It is then good to consider what was the threat or competition. In all cases, forgetfulness of God leads to error. Thus, in the third angel, God realized and made manifest the notion that he has defeated evil and the temptation to forget oneself. Thus, begins the game. With this idea being known as true, then this idea should persist for eternity (that is how reality is discovered and found to be manifest).

(It may be difficult to understand the nature of permanently known truth. People often are worried about mistakes. To God, it is almost certainly a bit different. God’s existence is the basis of innocence and truth. If God knows something is true, then there is never a regret about it — only a great and overflowing bounty. There is a danger, and it is called “committing adultery.” If someone tries to imitate God, one, instead of finding truth, finds falsehood and then claims that to be truth, that person has entered into a state of dissonance. In this state, the person now must incur a continuous hardship in order to sustain the lie. It is certainly not a state of serenity and bliss, but a state of forced fabrication and ignorance. It, just as with any sin, is a state of bondage. Lies don’t just work on their own. They don’t simply catch on and get an international “amen.” Lies take huge amounts of work to upkeep. Constant difficulty, constant worry, bills, disorders, dangers, etc. Lies are extremely expensive. In contrast, Heaven is inherently free. There is no cost to keeping the truth. There is, unfortunately, a cost in overcoming lies, such that the truth may prevail, and people can leave their captivity of suffering a labor, to finally enter a place that is not only free, but pays. Truth flies. When there is truth, the person wins, the person improves, the person gains in health and spirit. Lies die. In order to sustain a lie, one must be an evil person. Lies are exorbitantly expensive. What we gain from this abominable expense (again, looking at you, the Holocaust), is a very serious reason not to do whatever the lie was. (I don’t really like the forbidden fruit tree, as we seriously just get reasons not to do that, along with a lot of graphic and grotesque imagery. Although, it is not all untrue. Before the forbidden fruit tree won as an angel, we never knew of “shoving one’s head up their ass so far they’ll be shitting their brains out on Andromeda.” We really never knew that existed. It is sometimes interesting what sin has wrought upon the realm and community of existence.)

With this initial idea, we delve deeper into what that notion means. A wave of disturbance containing the temptation to forget thyself, swept past God’s mind, and God defeated it. He knew this was a truth about himself and about his reality. Since he defeated the wave of disturbance, this wave of disturbance continues on. What it does, is it disturbs God’s mind, causing it to vibrate, creating song. This disturbance is called, “Satan,” and a new state of being — a singing mind — is created, which overcomes the disturbance known as “Satan.” As the mind sings and the disturbing wind of Satan traverses the entirety of the mind, all of the topics begin to sound. Now, in this third angel, not only does God manifestly exist, now everything has a sound. What’s interesting about a sound, which was created through the simple and considerably linear practice of recovering and maintaining safety from a disturbance, is that it implies that every facet of existence can be portrayed an an oscillation and can be compared as well. With this property of existence being made manifest, it is then easy to see the circle. Every facet of existence now sings a song of truth. One can plot these songs on cartesian coordinates to see what the facet of existence looks like. While maybe the math behind this understanding isn’t easy (seems to be technically a form of sentiment calculus, if one considered complex sentiments to be able to represent more specific facets of reality, like cars and airplanes), with consciousness, understanding reality is fairly easy, and it was almost certainly easy for God to place all of the sounds in existence on a circle, connected by similarity (and the typical person can do this, as well, if one refers only to innate knowledge, when things are obvious). When all of the songs are played at once, as a single point, you hear God’s voice. When the songs are played in an environmental context — where the songs of the facets of reality are known distinctly and placed in a comparative architecture to facilitate their observation and experience, one starts to see a landscape that is not simply the mind of God. This is because present in the idea of the sound is the existence of evil, of the ill disturbance, of Satan. Due to this ill disturbance, the sound of the truth is very important. This is also where conversation develops. As the landscape is diverse and Satan has stretched parts of it beyond God’s acceptable limit of the definition of his self, new beings are considered to exist, to explain the existence of manifest beings that are not God. In this way, the sound stretches in different ways, and produces a variety of effects, some more like God, and others less like God. Since the mind of God was turned into sound, it is then very easy to mold and manipulate into interesting creations. Thus, because of this sound and the architectural perspective, that places the sounds in a sensible configuration, a diverse world of exploration and creativity develops, with many personas, and a create conversation and a lively and wonderous society. The newly found capacity that becomes present in the third angel brings awe, thrill, community, and excitement to existence. (And to think, this is likely long before Eden, the land of many people who are similar to God, this is simply knowing people are sounds stretched from God’s mind into something other than God — an altered echo of “I am.” This is, also, a much more primitive perspective. In the beginning, the world was ideological. As more content was added, the world became more and more defined, with the addition of both new elaborations and new archangels (or manifestation protocols). If one becomes confused, the world makes less sense, and appears less ideological and more random, but when one finds alleviation to existential confusion and, as a natural result, finds true consciousness, then the world is once again realized to be completely ideological.

Our current perspective is awfully concrete, and at the time of this writing, the world is in a state of fallenness, which does imply an awful lot of tangibility, as when Heaven falls, the world increases in desperation, which increases how tangible things are (as well as their hardness and difficulty rating due to the “realness” factor). In the worst case, I think the entire world simply freezes, and it would take the remembrance that the true desire was never for the world to freeze forever, and happily, people will always ultimately agree with that understanding, so the world should unfreeze should the utmost desperate environment exist — an environment so utterly real, so utterly important, and so utterly broken, that everything is deadlocked. (Interestingly, while we may forget almost all of the angels, Satan lives forever. Satan is the angel that never dies. Satan is to want or need something. When everything dies, Satan prevails. When everything is alive, Satan is a concept of which we are aware. We may forget knowledge, we may go blind to the world and see a falsehood, we may become injurious and losers, forgetting the first three archangels, but in such a case, Satan will certainly exist, as we will most certainly have a huge amount of need, fire, fervor, and desperation, all aspects of a hot and powerful (and dangerous) Satan.)

With this overview of the theory that reality is made of sound, we can understand how sensible and plausible this theory is. We can also understand that it is, indeed, still made of sound, while also being made of other ideas as well, all mixed together, organized possibly into a magnetically ionized iron ball (or ball of “ire,” if our modern definition of iron is moderately slant from our ancient language and words of truth, although to be very specific would require an even more precise description).

An interesting thing about a reality made of sound is that it implies that everything really is about reality, rather than is reality. This is to see reality from a more turbulent and varied perspective. Thus, one learns about reality, as some things are truly real, as in important enough to be considered of significant tangibility (or tendency to sustain a structure).

I understand this chapter was mildly long for what is ultimately a very simple concept to understand. However, at the beginning of this chapter, the theory was presented as a popular theory, yet still a great mystery. Now, with the previously aforementioned discourse and description, this theory is quite lucid.

There is some more to think about. While using a type of cognitive or emotional calculus, the sound of life could possibly be put into a circle, I want to think of a different architecture of its description (rather than its experience). This descriptive structure or architecture, instead of being a circle, looks more like a bagel. The reason is that now we live in a highly regulatory environment due to the freedom of evil. Thus, there are right and wrong sounds, not simply the caution and heed of truth. (In the original, evil did exist, but it was more creative, and more entertaining to see what stretching the sound would create.) In this one, there is a long history of putting this sound back together. There are correct and incorrect facets (the sounds now bears a list of goods and evils, or rights and wrongs, or correct elements and incorrect elements). Because the sound interacts with evil, in our modern world of potential catastrophe, there is a very clear description of what it needs to be, in order for Heaven to exist. In the fallen state of reality, priority is given to repairing reality and restoring it to Heaven, which pays instead of drains, and a very detailed description of this sounds has developed by learning of right and wrong throughout the history of this archangel (which some suggest is as old as the universe, although my personal, and again, only loosely founded suggestion is that the universe, which began before the big bang, is 100 billion years old — the inflation of space-time and various other factors that deal with perceived speed of memory has shifted our understanding of time to both a much faster-paced time, perhaps we are in a hurry, as anyone would be if the universe fell into Hell, and perhaps we’re measuring perceived time wrong when considering the Great Expansion, which occurred after the “big bang,” which I don’t think was a bang, just a quick expansion. Like a roller coaster going down the hill, it quickly accelerates and doesn’t just get whacked in the back — the same applies to cars and rocket ships, as well).

Nonetheless, over the very long history of the current archangel, the entertainer of evil, the chastiser of losers, and the redeemer of desire, what we needed has been carefully detailed in a right and wrong fashion. There are many skills where you notice such a pattern. For instance, say you read a book on something, like the math behind modern artificial intelligence. You’re likely going to feel pretty good about it after reading it, assuming the material was palpable. But, then, when you try it, you realize there was something you didn’t think about. Therefore, you review it and try it again. Usually, you’ve either found the answer, or it takes a try or two more before you are comfortable with the topic. The same idea applies to the learning of right and wrong. I am fairly certain humanity has restored Heaven to the universe in the past, but there were some things that “just worked,” and because we didn’t truly understand why, later on, the world broke again, and fell into disrepair, disorder, haste, fire, and chaos. Ultimately, we’ll know very exactly the design of Heaven, as well as the proper way to fix it, even in the midst of people possessed and obsessed with evil: lies, deception, and destruction.

Because of the modern context, while maybe it was cool to view the sound as a circle, in order to see the diversity of the mind, today it may be better to graph it as a porous matrix of sounds, resembling a bagel. The empty spaces are sounds that are evil and cause harm — they are out of character with the natural way of people — they do strange things to the mind, cause strange and sometimes difficult to explain events, because the system relies on this sound — if parts of the sound are carried out in the wrong context, terrible inaccuracies and waves of lies may result. Thus, there is now a seriously right and wrong about this sound. And instead of viewing it as a single vibration, which fluctuates about God’s presence, which is still a valid perspective, although difficult to understand as if one consumes a mild spritz of sloth, people will instantly think that they’re biological parasites living in the body of Jesus Christ. So, it is best to remain clear, although it is also best to remain knowledgeable, as well. When one creates sound, radio waves, patterned variations in voltage and synaptic activation, or even in just the life of memory, one must always traverse the prescribed paths of the sound bagel. If one makes a sound that exists in the empty spaces of the porous matrix, which resembles a bagel, then one has committed a crime against oneself and against humanity as well (as, like Martin Luther King Jr. said — there is no such thing as an isolated crime — every crime affects all people — “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly”).

One may ask, “how can I be sure to follow only the righteous sounds or patterns and avoid those that may harm me and others?” Since this current archangel is designed to magnetically remember the state of Heaven — so that if Heaven falls, it magnetically returns to health once again, if one stays mindful of goodness, mindfulness (avoiding narrow-mindedness), and sincere truth, then one will know if the patterns or sounds are good or if they are causing harm.

Therefore, the world is also made of sound. This theory, according to my casual memory from my many casual yet intellectual conversations concerning these matters, is sometimes referred to as the “sound of Shiva.” For a while I wondered, “why is Shiva considered a ‘destroyer’?” I wondered, “is this just some kind of perversion derived from an illegitimate intention followed by a terrible propaganda?” (I heard a horrible story about how God created existence. It said he had sex to make the world. How weird should God have an equal — how weird should there be romance while God was the only being existent. It makes a lot more logical sense that God created the world out of intelligence, truth, purity, and the understanding of the nature of existence.)

Nonetheless, the chapter does answer that question. Shiva, the eternal being of God, was created with the third archangel, as the third archangel, essentially, filled in what was missing from God’s mind. It is described as translating Shiva into an angel. By turning the true mind of God, specifically, into sound, God could potentially see anything that exists. Thus, the angel was very similar to God’s existence prior to any other angels, however, now there was remembrance, structure, logic, and details explicitly made known and remembered. By turning the mind into a sound, the mind was tainted by a slight affect of evil. (This gives way to the notion that the voice cannot be perfect, but can only allude to perfection, as it is made of sound, which is made of disturbance.) Additionally, since it was made of sound, God could stretch things way out of proportion and create strange and wonderful monstrosities (this was before today, where we are actually afraid of monsters, which often occur as patterns of negativity, collectivist and Nazi-socialist hives, and various forms of warmongers and criminals). Thus, if this sound was called, “Shiva,” then clearly, since the sound can be stretched in all kinds of ways, all kinds of intensely destructive beings could exist. (I still, preferentially, disagree with describing Shiva as simply, “the destroyer” as a bulldozer could use that description as well, and a bulldozer, in its material and lifeless form, is not an archangel nor a name of God — although ideologically scientifically, you see how it is formed of angels. Nonetheless, this understanding of the eternal sound, the state of God before any angels, and the ability to manipulate the sound to create strange destructive beings, does bring some light to this interestingly common description of Shiva.)

In the application of experiencing the notion that the world is made of a singular connected sound, we each, essentially, have this bagel in our heads. We explore this bagel, and different people sing different parts of the bagel at different times. As we sing the bagel, we traverse the world. What’s complicated about the bagel is that one can essentially sing any combination of the waveforms that exist in the bagel matrix, making a very large number of possibilities available. Since it is an analog bagel (or a continuous bagel, rather than a discreet bagel), there are technically an infinite number of sounds, however some are so similar to others that it may be inconvenient to think in such abstractions a “an infinite number.” In fact, using modern mathematics, there is almost certainly a better solution for identifying the size of the set of all benevolent sounds than the notion of “an infinite number.”

We understand then that reality is composed of these good sounds echoing around. What’s bad is caused by the illegal sounds echoing around, and obsession is what pays evil to persist, as evil is expensive and does not simply lift people, like life does. (Life lifts and fulfills the soul — true life is truly fulfilling, as compared to a time when a true and ultimate purity and consciousness was too expensive, leading to a world of cheap thrills, very sadly. Evil drains the soul of inspiration, time, liveliness, and joy.) The sounds that are considered good (or the vibrations that are considered good) are sounds that result in one not forgetting who they are. After all, this aspect of existence, that may also be referred to as, “the game,” is largely about not forgetting who one is. It is also about remembering who one is, as those two ideas are mutually existent. In order to remember who one is, one must, as usual, remember the first archangel, the angel of knowledge of God, the angel who’s being arises from God’s statement, “I am.” Since this angel is God’s statement of self-identity, one can also simply remember God. God knows who people truly are, and through prayer, one can privately communicate with God, and, as a result, God should help the person remember the truth, and the ultimate truth is the truth of the holy and righteous self — of the very true self, untainted by a committed error painted into one’s psyche — untainted by a demonic possession — a possession which causes one’s psyche to exhibit mindless procedural activity that results in a loss in awareness and mindfulness and a bondage to the ways of evil.

As we bounce these sounds around, their magnitudes get stronger, and society develops into a stronger and stronger being, capable of sustaining Heaven. These sounds, I presume, that bounce around are simply radio transmissions, but as they pile up and are accepted and incorporated into the great sound that we very noticeably perceive, the world will become stronger against evil, and eventually, as it is supposed to be, the world will, one day, hopefully sooner than later, be strong enough in righteousness, mindfulness, and clarity, to finally regain total consciousness and to finally restore Heaven in the universe.

While it is plausible that the world is made of sound, and certainly this makes sense as an archangel, with the creation of Eden and the theory a communications-based nodal entangled communicative structure between members of Eden, we must add the quantum-entanglement-like link theory to our category of sounds. In this way, all of reality may fit together nicely without disturbing anything that was once cherished.

Understanding a Collectivist Organism as a Unique Species, What a Criminal Existentially Is, and What Monsters Technically Are

Essentially, sin and collectivism are the same thing. Collectivism entails allowing others to possess one’s soul. That is, to stop thinking independently and take the words of others as truth, without processing it. The problem with this is then the people engaging in collectivism begin possessing each other, and being possessed, this possession possesses the participants into further possessing each other. The result is that a distinction between people begins to disappear. As a population of collectivists entrain one another’s brain’s with the entrainment that they have already received, they actually become one mutagenic organism. Their bodies control each others’ bodies. Their identities get mixed — their language becomes scripted.

Inside a collectivism pool is a festering depression, anger, and guilt. Social war begins inside of the pool, and because the inhabitants of the pool are simply manipulating each other with what they were taught by their previously being manipulated, the conditions do not improve — the collectivist, as one interconnected body, becomes bigger, meaner, and stronger. It becomes more violent. The mind that exists outside of the collectivist looks different than the inside of the collectivist. Due to a persistence of guilt and reactive blame-shaming, without a discovery of true identity and the true and most honest nature of the soul, everyone is blaming people for something someone else did. This is not bode well for anyone: the collectivist or the bystanders who do not want to become a part of a collectivist body.

In its more developed and extreme circumstances, members engaged in increasing collectivism, who are creating a collectivist creature, may begin to modify and identify with the body parts of others. Ultimately, as people in the hive come and go, the body of the total collectivist body becomes a mutation of a conglomerate of people, yet those perhaps once people had already been in a practice of self-mutation for long enough that they could possibly then identify similarly as bacteria and viruses, (which, in a developed collectivist, can appear to be people, as well, as since a collectivist is oriented towards sharing bodies extremely intimately, thus just about anything, including viruses, bacteria, and TV stations, start talking to people’s minds), have become a strange mix of shared body parts, and function just on winning to feel successful, even though that feeling of success is misrepresented. It becomes an “it” culture, with members essentially similar in objective to a collective of pigeons simply pecking at food on the ground, although less healthy than pigeons, who possess other abilities besides pecking at food.

A collectivist, as a total conglomerate organism, is a strange creature. In polite culture, we generally refer to the spirit of collectivism as a monster; a being that, through lies, convince people to mutate into a manifest monster. Once developed to a point where the participants’ bodies become mutated into one another, the collectivism is an interesting organism. Possessing the apparent conversation of thousands, or even millions of people, the collectivist seems to be neither one person or many. Inside of the collectivist, the once people are then treated as cells by the greater collectivism body. This means they can asexually reproduce and undergo self-cannibalism (autophagy) when the cells appear dysfunctional.

While an animal is simply a enjoyed shared thought behavior pattern (according to the theory of natural psychic interactivity producing the perception of reality), a monster is different. A monster is a form of criminal or demented and depraved being (a criminal, nonetheless). By this, I mean that, instead of an enjoyable community thought pattern, or a few of enjoyable thought patterns to produce a nice ecosystem of the mind, a criminal is a communual thought pattern that is taxing, draining, and considered abominable. In this case, this meaning of the word a criminal (an evil spirit that affects a collective) is the same as the aforementioned definition of a monster.

What’s strange about a collectivist, is that a collectivist appears to be many people, although those people are confusing, being simply cells of a strange being. (Interestingly, a collectivist is likely aquatic, unless it evolves into a developed animal though psychological improvement and evolutionary means, as a collectivist organism does not bear the intelligence or form to walk — it is like a strange jellyfish or even a coral. In parallel, we today find the fearsome kraken represented by what appears to be a cephalopod — which seems to demonstrate an understanding of the spirit and form of the kraken.) Appearing to be made of many, and created out of criminal intentions, the collectivist asexually produces new cells, which appear to be people. From this, it appears that there are an infinite number of criminals, simply never ending.

The biology of a collectivist is highly intriguing. It is a natural evolution of an evil spirit that has captivated enough people to become a manifest being. I do wonder about the exact biology of a collectivist, understanding a collectivist to be simply one organism. It is without a doubt that the world would benefit from being able to identify a fully formed and manifest collectivist. This way, the wiccan techniques of a developed collectivist would not trick people into thinking the creature is many asexually reproducing, ultimately immortal and eternally immoral people, but, instead, one fully-connected organism.

The idea of a monster, a being that is born of an evil spirit which then has captivated enough people to cause a strange mutation of behavior and even biology, is sometimes known as a beast, again, likening it to an animal, but distinguishing it in that it is instead abhorrent. Using this understanding, it is possible that the beast that is mentioned in the Bible is from the prediction of a giant collectivist spirit consuming the people and forming them into a senseless, mutant, and criminal monster. A monster like this, while it may be a defined and technically manageable size itself, is powerful by way of extremely disastrous wiccan spells which destroy the integrity and thus safety of reality. By consuming a large amount of thinking and forcing the cells to accomplish an “it,” the collectivist can perform acts of hate, cruelty, and violence, with the cells of the collectivist being able to only know that it’s evil, but besides that, the collectivist practices making excuses for everything, therefore gullibility is certainly not a way out of a collectivist. Nonetheless, once the collectivist has evolved to a certain maturity, it appears to be a large and strange blob. It focusses on emitting radiation that destroys the perception of reality, leading to scenario of blindness and a strange problem every which way. In this way, it is a true wiccan WMD.

A potential solution vector to resolving a world encumbered by a collectivist is identifying the whole collectivist body. While a collectivist will have you believe it’s a network of people — it is certainly not. In this case, the collectivist is using the tactic of appealing to information one is commonly aware of, and in this case, appealing to the knowledge of how a collectivist begins. However, what the developed collectivist does not mention is that during the beginning of the formation of a collectivist (or Biblical beast), the collectivist is still manageable, as it’s still made of individual people and has not fully become manifest. A developed collectivist is completely intimately connected with itself, organs and bodies are mutated and shared to develop a singular whole and connected organism. I imagine, if a bout of collectivism is not extinguished soon enough, a collectivist, using progressively calculated lies, can develop, and as it develops, reality starts to become corrupt. It is not inconceivable that in an apocalyptic scenario a collectivist organism can grow to be half the size of the state of Georgia, a member of the United States (famous from the song, “Georgia on My Mind,” by Ray Charles).

From the perspective that animals are social organisms that are known through psychic power and exhibit a particular characteristic of actionability and also considering that they support life and are living beings, by nature, we can understand that there is the possibility of a such thing as an anti-animal. This is a creature that may be referred to as a criminal, or a beast, or an evil hive-mind. In its more manageable form, it is simply the existence of criminality in the world, although that is less manageable than a truly civilized existence, where what exists then is simply an intelligent discourse to intelligently ameliorate confusion. (A problem here seems to be erratic sensationalism, as in true civilization, all messages are simply writeable or calmly linguistically communicated logical and information-oriented verbiage. However, in an uncivilized nature, what could be intelligent discourse utilizing rational language, is instead a collection of chaotic destruction.) Continuing with the understanding of the idea of an anti-animal, at its worst, it becomes a singular organism, whose entire mind is designed for evil. The reason is that while people may be tempted by collectivism, through the provocation of the denial of the self in favor of imitating one another (which is the beginning of collectivism), when the collectivist being actually begins to imitate each others bodies, friends, family, jobs, and then even body parts, a great anger arises from the then ubiquitous encroachment on personal space and territory. Evil is founded on the denial of the self, for the opposite of the true understanding of the holistic and true self (unadulterated by bad ideas), is historically and fairly commonly referred to as demonic possession. That is, the possession of oneself by a being that, through one’s self-affliction, leads to self-defeat and self-denial. It is a mindless state of being that leads to harm and animosity. Nonetheless, the collectivist, when developed to certain extent, starts to become increasingly mean and begins to devise hasty yet fallible methods of interpersonal defeat, leading to the collectivist organism, itself, learning its internal tricks to a great extent. Ultimately, the collectivist organism becomes a manifestation of an ongoing war of evil and heinous activity.

While researching the famous Kraken, I was curious as to what kind of monster was being referenced. The best I could gather is that the Kraken was a monster that caused people to hide from each other, such that they had been eaten by some kind of enclosure. It appears that our world has had experience with the Kraken, noted by the mail system, the phone system, the email system, and the general distance between people who know one another. The pressure for this highly rigorous and barriered community system comes from introducing the possibility for interpersonal violence. This can only come from a desire for interpersonal violence, when there was no possibility of such beforehand. Thus, the Kraken develops many rules to both accommodate interpersonal violence as well as staying safe from it, attempting to fulfill both worlds. There are formed many rules of travel and many restrictions regarding interactions. This suggests a maze of a sort, which appears to be what the monster the Kraken forced people into, in order to stay safe yet still connected. Looking at the cephalopod parallel to the Kraken, the family of animals, Gorgonocephalids, as discussed in the Wikipedia section, Pontoppidan — Taxonomic identifications1, I am reminded of the general structure of community systems. It is almost like electric pathways line the way, reaching into the distance, yet only connected by a central body and not easily connected without the center of the community. Nonetheless, there is perhaps even more information available about what was being known in the mind or even by sight during the discussion of the Kraken, of which, further research may reveal.

There is another monster that may be worth mentioning. The famous Chupacabra is known for haunting livestock and drinking their blood. Livestock are some of the more well known animals of a tribe, and as thus, they represent a community mentality which provides life. Understanding this, more plainly understood, the Chupacabra may be referring to the evil spirit that desires to consume, covet, and harbor the livelihood of a community. By searching out wicked tools of manipulation, utilizing what people treasure in life, a Chupacabra can use cues of these treasured traditions to accumulate power, in order to exact evil upon a community. The evil spirit begins as an idea that will gain a little advantage. It may tempt some people, and if it is successful, then a giant monster begins to develop. The participants in the monster keep searching for unfair advantages, abusing each other in the process, and the monster, which is the greater pattern of evil — a mind of itself — keeps becoming stronger, until the entire community is destroyed by the greater evil tendency. (It is important to remember that one should not trust evil. Evil usually is a liar and very often betrays any being for an advantage over others — it is a reckless and generally despised pattern of behavior, and it has destroyed many a civilization in history.)

Naturally, as any of the monsters become strong enough, the temptation for collectivism begins. Much of evil is founded on forcing people through desperation, and that means that evil provides a poor way of success, and as a result, people start emulating others who they see as more successful, even if portraying oneself as successful is a way to gain an advantage in a crumbling society (and resulting in others attempting to accomplish a fictitious presentation). Nonetheless, the collectivist pattern begins, and eventually, if left to continue, a fully developed collectivist organism, the size of a small state, could develop, and in the meantime, because of all the tricks used to try and survive an evil mind, the nature of reality is destroyed, leaving only a rat’s maze filled with traps.

Thinking more deeply into what the monsters generally entail, one may find the observation that any monster is a collectivist force, in and of itself. Thus, one may consider any monster a form of collectivist, and quite possibly, one may consider the terms used here, “monster,” and “collectivist organism,” to be synonymous. With any fall from truth, which occurs upon becoming possessed by a senseless pattern of thought and action, which can be described in fairly concrete forms and organized into what is known as demons, there is the pattern of abandoning one’s true self, which is inherently, or originally, good (or it would not be alive), in favor of an exterior whim pattern which may tempt with apparent advantages or rewards, but since it uses harm for benefit, it is considered unhealthy and ultimately deadly.

It is prophesied in the Bible that during the End of Times event, the world would be overtaken by a terrible beast. Along with the notion that people were more aware of the trends and effects of spirits on the mind, before a great abundance of devices may have distracted people from the nature of being a person, it is certainly plausible this wasn’t a strange idea that was written blindly, but that it was an accurate understanding of what has plagued mankind and the observation of where that pattern was naturally heading. Additionally, evil has the tendendency to hide from the light of truth and seeks to avoid truth, as truth repudiates evil. Naturally, if the truth were bright, there is a possible apocalyptic fear that an evil beast would become increasingly inane and ignorant, so terrible that it would cause the event known as Armageddon. However, the wrathful or hasty reaction of eliminating truth from the world would simply fuel the collectivist.

What’s difficult about eliminating a fully formed collectivist, is by the time such a monstrosity could possibly be allowed to exist, it could have possibly consumed nearly the entire planet’s vocabulary. Therefore, a planet, known as the thing, would be replaced by one of these strange abominable collectivist blobs. Considering, at this stage, the collectivist would have largely replaced the mind of man, its evil influences would have a strong hold on the mind, and that would hinder efforts at eliminating the terror from the inhabitance of people, and restoring the planet and what the planet entails back to what it is scientifically suppose to be (rather than being in a radioactive haze of profusely loud and learned wiccan spells).

Naturally, if the human race were to defeat such a collectivist, the best strategy would be to prevent the collectivist from forming in the first place. There’s a fairly modern definition of the word sin that is very palpable and easy for the modern layman to acknowledge. That is, in the context that there are many rules of behavior, to sin, (or “to do the sin”), would be to break all of the rules in some kind of spring-loaded and hasty fervor. That is the great danger, and is sometimes, more metaphorically, but not without an indication of caution, referred to as a bomb, and if it’s paramount to people, then it is sometimes referred to as a nuclear bomb, meaning the person or people who decided to suddenly break every rule, as a kind of strange obsession and fatal curiosity, is causing a paramount threat to humanity while completely bombing his, her, or their role in the great community that is known as the human race, along with the nature that exists along with us.

To prevent collectivism in the first place, a great preference must be placed on the education of avoiding lies, even if sneakily spoken, as does often occur in casual advice, and to emphasize the importance and logic of abiding by coherent truth. This is a simple argument. Clearly, if one believes a lie, then one is likely to act in error, because the lie provides the wrong guidance. Just as if a computer program had a lie in it, it would likely crash or malfunction (perhaps due to a wrong calculation), a person abiding by a lie would likely find themselves in a blunder. In any decision, the best outcome can only be garnered by way of the knowledge of truth. In no way, except for by a deceiving accident of chance, can a lie lead to success. Since this makes logical sense, there is no need for anecdotal evidence. However, one may argue that there are successful liars in the world. This modern world commonly takes for ultimate truth the inevitable death of every living creature, and it seeks to survive, simply in spirit, for the day when people are able to live lives that are rationally dreamed of becoming true. Ideologically, it makes no sense to simply prefer such a miserable environment and mentality and thus can only come about by way of curiosity. Thus, the representation of a world such as the one described may sneakily be giving lying an advantage, which occurs when there are enough liars such that they support the lying tendencies of one another, knowing, in secret, that it enhances a sort of advantage (and an evil advantage is always an advantage over another person or people — biologically, it is logical that the pattern of behavior exists internally as well, and may promote health issues). Therefore, even if the world appears to support lying, it is an awful habit to promote or perpetuate, and surely, it is lying that destroys the ability of people to solve problems, and a planet that is fond of lying may, indeed, bear the presence of abomination. In a world that tries to separate liars from the truthful, I theorize that a being like the Kraken, as I described earlier, may form. This is a world that both stays away from each other and also meets, in what may be a central meeting environment, in order to both meet people and remain safe, simultaneously.

Additionally, in learning to avoid lies, even in seemingly well-intentioned advice, it would be sensible to teach about collectivism in general. Even without a picture of a fully formed collectivist organism, the pattern of collectivism can be learned about, so a dangerous trend of large-scale collectivism can be avoided. Collectivism, even if it hasn’t matured to the point of becoming a literal evil organism, is dangerous, as it exhibits the same patterns of behavior as the evil organism, just less developed. It is very important to keep the world safe from a collectivist forming. Aside from the obvious — that it breeds lies, abuse, and hate — it also promotes mindlessness and unawareness, which are very disadvantageous to a world, as with unawareness, an evil could form unannounced by anyone.

It would be important in order to try and dissuade a collectivist beast from forming. However, there’s something called the “sin of man.” It’s a Biblical concept. It suggests that man is inherently biased mildly away from the truth of God, (or the eternal truth, for a more spiritual phrase). In this way, the best efforts of man may still ultimately fail in preventing a collectivist from forming. It is because, by the virtue of being alive (and promoting life, in contrast to a beast, which is a strange existence that really shouldn’t exist to the point that one even wonders if it feels unhappy and desires to be eliminated for its own sake), a person is aware of eternal and divine truth — it’s what brings life. However, due to the sin of man, there is this strange communal bias away from truth. While it may not seem obviously evil at first, over many years, and possibly many generations (if the planet practices biological replication for the benefit of the spirit of humanity), this sin of man can become interwoven into the fabric and nature of everything. That would cause the world to be partially a lie, just due to this evil bias. Because of this, coupled with the natural tendency to avoid cognitive disharmony, which naturally occurs when one has taken a lie as truth, people tend to spring the other way when the sin becomes too great. This has a type of balancing act. However, balancing sins with sins may not ultimately result in the success of a planet in restoring what is ideologically logical — Heaven. Instead, it may chaotically wander and wobble around the truth. As the truth is still avoided for a lengthening period of time, evil may still find a chance to escape moderation and venture into extremism. There may be a familiar notion that occurs with the sin of man in the statement, “it isn’t completely true,” not being considered a possibly horrible thing to do.

Thus, if the beast cannot be avoided, it will consume the reality, by causing a strange ritual of evil, led by a greater evil spirit, and thus, over time, developing a unified brain, unified by the spirit of evil that was its name and identity. As the ritual overtakes reality, and uses societal need to enslave the human race, the participants in the collectivist ritual start to become biologically conjoined and later, biologically mutated into one another. Considering reality to be based on a psychic communication between people, along with protocols that were developed over time, an evil beast could form in one location and just broadcast lies about people and the world to the world. A whole planet overtaken by a collectivist spirit may ultimately find multiple collectivist organisms residing on the planet, if the planet can be considered to exist, while people try to find a sturdy place of sanity during the wave of disastrous unreality. Potentially, one would simply destroy the collectivist organisms. The difficult part is sorting through the parts of the world that are unreality in order to find accuracy. Evil historically has had a tendency to try and remain forever, so a real collectivist organism could be quite a danger. Even if the organism were to desire euthanasia or a form of quick elimination, being born of an obsession with evil, it would not make logical or accurate decisions. It may habitually seek the end of all life even though it does not feel like it. In my personal appraisal, such a creature, while being an awful terror and exhibiting horrible qualities kin to that of a WMD, seems to be a sad creature, and it would be even sadder if it prevented its own desire for self-elimination, considering it is an abominable creature that wouldn’t normally support life, but is alive anyway (how could that be any fun?).

Our modern mind can be understood as composed of 3D oscillations of cognitive magnetism, theoretically radio waves, as this explains both the function of the mind, the construction of science, including its history, how communities generate reality, and how a collectivist organism could affect an entire planet from a static location. Understanding that in such a scenario, the planet does not fully exist, it would be important to parse the conversation of existence together in order to enable the ability to eliminate the source or sources of disaster. This would allow one to be able to see and navigate reality, even if there is a large amount of wiccan radiation. Doing this can be difficult, but I do not think it is impossible. It would take an understanding of the predominant patterns and their meaning and using data analysis to create a functional portrayal of the necessary portion of reality. Of course, once this is understood, using a similar detailed science of reality, a strategy of elimination would be attainable.

However, before approaching elimination, it would be helpful to understand the creature. Even though it is born of evil and exhibits perpetual hate, and may have found a habit of inflicting self-pain (as that is a wiccan tactic), there is a chance it could be helped and formed into an animal. This may seem like a bold suggestion, but I think it is worth considering, understanding its mind would be helpful. While a seemingly innocuous thing to do at first, urgency developed as the collectivist began developing, as a collectivist forces people into various uncomfortable circumstances and creates hate and an animosity as the collectivist increases in its merger, driving the participants in the collectivist to exhibit increasing patterns of dirtiness, incautiousness, and self-deceit. Eventually, if a collectivist is fully formed, the participants have passed away. What’s left is an unusual organism that possess a large network of brains and body parts and continued to evolve further into a unique specimen. Understanding the reason it developed an increasingly desperate and thus dirty pattern of fighting, we come to find that the participants participated in what is self-abominable and lewd behavior in order to find themselves deathly afraid of one another. By progressively lying, the war was fought even between comrades, who lost the ability to exhibit accuracy. (This is, indeed, a reminder, that there is a reason this modern society considers dirty warfare to be illegal.) Considering their desperation was likely induced by the fear of a monster that they had joined, despite advice against it, it is perhaps the creature is simply filled with fear. Additionally, we understand the creature to be uncomfortable, but we should understand if there’s any way the creature would desire comfort. If it can desire comfort, then perhaps it could become a new animal of the deep seas, if rehabilitated. There is a benefit in having such an animal, and while this shouldn’t be the only possible solution, as creating animals is possible — as long as the world has a memory of a pattern of thought that brings life, animals representing these patterns will evolve. If such an animal is rehabilitated, its mind would provide the mind of existence exactly the pattern of avoiding collectivism, in favor of health and well-being. This would be a living being that is later treasured among the nature of humanity, always keeping us safer from collectivism than we would otherwise be.

I mentioned previously that a fully developed collectivist organism would likely be a sea creature, as the ocean permits creatures of quite a variety of types. Land animals require certain physical capabilities of movement, which a collectivist organism, based on emitted radiation, would not necessarily possess (at it was not a priority of the developing organism). Spiritually and from an engineering perspective as well, water may be understood to represent a vastly high fidelity communications environment. Sea water, being heavily filled with salt, is highly electrolytic and thus communicates electrical signals extremely well. Additionally, the pressure of the sea may help support the body of the collectivist organism. Also, it is known that life first evolved in the sea, and that suggests the sea is a good location for an evolving organism. The objective would be to deduce if the creature would be happier (and thus more peaceful) in the sea. If so, then moving the creatures to the sea, and perhaps the deep sea, if it is found to be more fitting, may solve the crisis that otherwise permeates the world.

Additionally, the common act of putting words to radiation and portraying them on the planet, such that radiation can be seen, spoken about, and acted on, whether affirmatively or negatively, would keep the world more manageable. There are several examples of managing the world, such as through business ventures, politics, charity, education, or law enforcement. As long as the words that exist are seen and known, the world can be managed. Nonetheless, if some words go invisible, as happens with a collectivist, and are therefore more accurately known as wiccan radiation, there still should be enough understanding to keep the threat a low as possible. Thus, the traditional methods of managing the world would help to alleviate some of the disaster presented by a collectivist organism.

Seemingly the commonality of all real monsters is a birth from a collectivist mentality and a collectivist spirit, and thus, the idea that the Biblical beast from the Revelations chapter of the Bible would be an evil collectivist, if it is indeed true, does make sense.

1Kraken. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2023, from

Deadly Sin and Evil Strategies of Wiccan

Let us first consider that logically, reality is initially Heaven. This is from the perspective of ideological philosophy, which is in contrast to materialistic philosophy. Ideological philosophy is the branch of philosophy that is chosen by the religious and spiritual community. A precept of ideological philosophy, and this makes sense regarding empirical modern science, as well, is that reality is inherently and initially fully intelligent. It is later that the actions of the people, through their desires, affect reality in various ways, and some of those ways can create, instead, a reality full of death and disorder. An example is that if people start harming one another, reality, while once all-fulfilling, becomes increasingly controlling. If people don’t turn away from a pattern of increasingly inflicting harm without the concept of redemption, then a society can fall into a police state, and eventually, find extinction.

Considering that reality, logically, is inherently all-fulfilling to people, and it is only through corruption that society becomes controlling, it makes logical sense to conclude that all forms of evil arise from the singular notion of corrupting eternal truth. Considering eternity to be, by default, of a benevolent and caring state — a state of Heaven — which is formed of the eternal truth of all people, which is known deeply within each individual and which supports life, then corrupting this truth, promoting the corruption, and provoking the corruption, would cause a fall from Heaven, into a less desirable habitat.

Let us review the seven deadly sins. Here is a succint and modern interpretation:

1) Don’t forgo one’s true self (Pride)
2) Don’t covet the truth (stealing Divine Truth from the world)
3) Don’t distort perception (Lust)
4) Don’t create animosity, removing the joy from the world (Anger or Kill)
5) Don’t abuse others (Gluttony)
6) Don’t idolize (Envy)
7) Don’t forgo inherent passion (Sloth)

The sins that are commonly mentioned vary, however, and I believe that this list provided is a good example of the various common ways that people corrupt the truth. It is perhaps human nature to simplify reality without oversimplifying it, and the seven deadly sins essentially was found to specifically provide examples of ways of corrupting truth.

Pride regards a topic discussed earlier in this book, of which the therapy I refer to as CAT alleviates. While one may not immediately notice it, upon acting prideful, one forgoes some of the person’s emotions. Understanding that the body and mind are not communicating without reason, it is damaging to forgo some emotions. To be healthy, it is therefore important to acknowledge all of one’s emotions and facilitate the comfortable communication which is communicated by these emotions, to allow the body to take care of itself. If one forgoes one’s emotions, as with the tendency of pride, then those emotions become ineffective and thus the intelligence and help that those emotions bring is lost, causing damage to the psyche, and perhaps, the body, in general. Therefore, considering pride to be a sin, or a fundamental error as would be modernly stated, truly indicates that by forgoing one’s emotions, one loses the ability to recognize personal truth. In effect, one becomes more shallow and also loses the benefits that those emotions would present. Forgoing one’s emotions causes the mind to lie, and thus, one loses understanding of who the person truly is. Who one truly is is who one truly wants to be, understanding this to be a clear truth of ideological philosophy.

Covetousness, as is commonly stated, simply means obsession. This, again, implies the forgoing of personal truth. By becoming obsessed with an entity, be it ideological or physical, one develops a type of narrow-mind vision, during which one dampens the greater breadth of internal truth, leading to the same effect as pride.

Lust, while colloquially is known as an act of coveting in a sexual manner, is something I interpret on a more fundamental level, regarding the notion that the eternal and divine truth is of the most importance. What is entailed in the process of lust is perhaps not the same as covetousness, as this implication would be repetitive. Instead, understood with a more fundamental relevance to the truth, lust implies to perceptually distort reality in order to fool oneself into a false interpretation. In this way, it is a form of a term I use, which is “cognitive adultery,” or, in more plain language, “cognitive-perceptual distortion of truth.” Again, as with the previous examples, the truth is forgotten, and when truth is forgotten, one becomes error-prone and thus hazardous. Spreading the resulting lies and temptations to become cognitively distorted is indeed a hazard, and with an increasing acceptance of such a lying distortion, reality, itself, becomes lost to a superficial haze that is dangerous to oneself and to all people.

While, in our modern, quite secular and colloquial world, the word, “to kill,” indicates the same thing as murder, I, again, approach this notion with caution, and I try to understand how it relates to the corruption of truth. In Heaven, there is complete freedom. Every desire and wish is easily granted, and people have unlimited power, so long as the people don’t harm other people. The sin of kill, thus should refer to something more basic than the heinous act of murder. It is not without reason to presume that the common interpretation of this sin is a mere example of the sin. Realistically, to kill, as it is sometimes still used, is to simply harm another person. This implies to ruin innocent joy. To be a person that hinders the happiness of others, would be to be a person who is engaging in the sin of killing. It is sometimes said, “you’re killing the vibe,” and this is, in perhaps, a reference to our more innate understanding of the word. It does make sense, in that every sin is something that destroys Heaven. While in Heaven, everyone is completely satisfied, to kill another, in this regard, is to destroy the happiness and satisfaction of another.

As it is commonly known, in reducing crime, force must be taken to dampen, hinder, or eliminate a dangerous entity from the realm of influence. The army is known for ending the lives of enemies, and when done correctly, this is done to remove a danger that is destroying the joy of others, and thusly, of the world. We commonly understand that, when done with the pure intention of saving innocent people, this is not an ungodly act. In fact, one could interpret a criminal who is endangering others as killing their happiness, and neutralizing that threat saves the victims from having their happiness destroyed. This occurs not just on a militaristic or policing level, but on the general level bringing joy and justice to the people. Therefore, we already consider it is not always a sin to end the life of an enemy, when it is done through the pure intention of neutralizing a hazard to good people (and good will). It is very much more logical to define this sin as the destruction of another’s innocent joy. Another way of stating this, is that the sin of kill refers to the act of corrupting one’s perception of innate and joyous truth.

Gluttony is another of the commonly known sins, of the 7 deadly sins. While society commonly interprets gluttony as possessing too many items, this is quite senseless. There is no true harm in possessing many cars or houses. In fact, in Heaven, from the ideological perspective (which is the perspective of religion and spirituality), one may possess as many castles, automobiles, boats, and spaceships as one pleases. This action of enjoying life to its fullest does not inherently harm another, and it may even provide inspiration to others. Others interpret gluttony as another example of covetousness, which, as with lust, would be repetitive. Instead, it makes more sense that instead of accumulating items or coveting oneself into a narrow awareness, that gluttony is really to acquire the utility of people, against their true desire. It is true that all of the sins kill the joy of others in some way, as killing really is a most fundamental sin. However, gluttony is not just killing others’ enjoyment of divine truth, but instead, it is to employ others for a reason that is unjust to those employed. It is not the desire to create spite, but instead the desire for gains, as is in line with the common interpretation, but these gains are gained at the disfavor of others. Therefore, it is not the same as the sin of kill, when understood as a specific pattern of behavior. This is because to a glutton, it does not matter if the person is happy or unhappy, which is in contrast to the sin of kill, which is the desire to end another’s happiness. Instead, it is to accumulate an amount of shallow perception at the expense of others. In other words, it is to abuse the utility of other people.

Envy, as I interpret it, is more similar to the common understanding. This word is synonymous with idolatry. The error in idolatry is that when one idolizes another, one brings arbitrary judgement onto oneself. Again, in line with the method of CAT, which is to acknowledge and support one’s true emotions, idolatry, or envy, causes one to abandon one’s true beliefs in favor of a superficial set of notions that are born of an erroneous desire to become more like another. The person anyone wants to be is the person that that person very truly is. Ideologically, this makes completely logical sense, as Heaven, a place of total satisfaction, could not exist if people were created to desire to be someone else. Thus, it is harmful to oneself to judge oneself simply based on the idea that the person is not another person. This action of envy causes one to, again, forgo oneself, and thus one’s mind becomes less aware of truth and one, resultingly, inflicts harm on oneself, and through the provocation of such behavior, inflicts harm onto others.

The last of the 7 deadly sins is called, “Sloth.” While this term is casually, in our modern world, interpreted as laziness, this might represent a slight laziness in judgement. In our modern world, the world, in general, is in a state of endless and fiery desperation, in addition to being affected by a collectivist tendency, which results in a lack of personal differentiation and a lack of the ability to think for oneself. (Interestingly, the word, “skin” may be used a metaphor to indicate the exterior of a person, and with the lack of personal differentiation, one may poetically suggest that people are repeatedly losing their skins, and then often times, through sincere thoughtfulness and personal redemption, finding their true self, once again, resuming the possession of skin.) Laziness is used a casual insult, and is often used by mean people who, in our largely desperate Luciferian mindset, which is a mindset of chasing a light, use the term to provoke work, which knowledgeably, may or may not be beneficial to others or even to oneself. (The intuition, at times, can be far wiser and knowledgeable about the benefit to humanity than the comparatively shallow collectivist-inspired ideology.) Instead of using the word “sloth” to mean such a casual and error-prone insult, which does not deal directly with the notion of the acceptance and understanding of eternal and divine truth, it makes logical sense to believe the sin of sloth refers to the forgoing of one’s true passion. It is commonly suggested that one should “follow one’s dreams,” and this is helpful in understanding the sin of sloth. When one forgoes one’s true passion, one forgoes one’s true self. One then forgets the truth of life and the purpose in life. One may fall slave to other sins, like covetousness or pride, during which the person forgets why they love life in the first place. One thus becomes, as is the saying, “soulless,” and this is indeed a hazardous error, not only to oneself, but to others as well, as the person, as with the previous examples, then begins to provoke others to also forget the truth, leading society into blindness and thus despair, as solutions come from the deliberate search for truth, and errors come from carelessness. Thus, sloth is an example of carelessness, during which one does not care about why one loves life, and this can end in despair and hopelessness, which can provoke desperation and hinderance unto others (in addition to removing the joy and inspiration of life). (Thus, one can see, all of the 7 sins are connected and can lead to one another.) To be sloth really is not simply to be lazy, although this may be an indicator, it really means to find a route that ignores the understanding and acceptance of purpose and one’s true dreams. Even if one cannot find a direct route to achieving one’s dreams, one should never forget them, and one should keep them in mind as one travels through life, so that one will always be following them, to the best that one can. To perform the sin of sloth is, therefore, to forgo one’s true passion and to forget the love of life and to forget one’s true self. Again, this can be contagious and can ultimately lead to the downfall of society, just as the other sins can.

The pattern that is indicated by all of the 7 deadly sins is to forget the true meaning of life. It is to corrupt what is divinely true, which implies to corrupt oneself and to corrupt others. It leads to despair, lack of joy, abuse, danger, and desperation. It destroys Heaven, and it destroys the entire reason life exists. It is also unhealthy, to oneself and to others. The antithesis of being sinful is to accept, understand, promote, and facilitate the eternal truth of Heaven, so that the world will find Heaven and Heaven will be sustained, knowing of the dangers of error. Every one of the errors that are considered sinful are lies against the very true eternally consistent truth, and thus, knowing God to be the eternal truth, the sins are all blasphemies against God. It is sometimes said to “not take God’s name in vain,” and what this likely truly means is to not blaspheme the truth — that is, to not corrupt the understanding and knowledge of the holy and eternal truth — which is the salvation of all mankind and of which Heaven is composed. Therefore, all sins are simply the corruption of actual truth, which is the truth that has always existed and will always exist, and forms the basis of the desire for life. It is the innocence within that finds joy and wonder; it is the love and compassion, the benevolence and the true, meaningful beauty of life (which is in contrast to Satan, which or who is more of a bedazzlement — a luxurious splendor that might be moderately superficial, or the sight from the top of a glorious mountain; while I know Satan to be also an Archangel — implying that reality is composed of the pattern of forgetting and then remembering, which results in a greater brightness, in contrast to darkness — due to the presumption of forgetfulness as an inherent part of reality, his presence is tempting of evil, and should be cautiously approached).

The next topic is the topic of the tactics of evil, and how they work. I define wiccan as to play with perception and to play with ideas. Wiccan is generally known as evil, but, I agree that there is a such thing as innocent wiccan, simply for the idea of playing with reality. However, here I will discuss specifically evil wiccan, which is the pertinent topic, and I should mention that wiccan, in general, can be dangerous, and should generally be avoided.

The fundamental tactic of wiccan is to promote a falsehood and to trick people into believing it. Upon believing the falsehood, the victim forgets the eternal, divine, and holy truth, and thus, as discussed in the discussion of the sins, forgoes oneself, forgets innocence and innocent joy, distorts reality, leads to corruption, damaging the person’s self and others, as well. If a society becomes addicted to wiccan behavior, a society could find desperation, illness, and extinction.

A most common strategy of wiccan is called collectivism. This type of wiccan behavior is very sneaky and can overtake a world by surprise. Collectivism is largely spread through the idealization of envy, pride, and jealousy. Additional ill behaviors including the prideful hurting of others, as well as ultimately every form of corruption. With collectivism, people forgo their inherent truth, in favor of becoming more like someone else, in contrast to who each individual truly is. As the truth becomes forgone, the results of corruption take place. People end up lost, in desperation, and they lose the joy in life, as well as destroying Heaven, perhaps progressively, leading to the downfall of happiness and society, in general.

There are more heinous, specific strategies, however. One strategy is the worship of idols. This strategy is the belief that a collective “I” rules the world. It is a fabrication that is spread from peer to peer. Understanding that people are affected by radiation and psychic mechanisms, even when not overtly spoken, the behavior of one leads others to follow similar behavior, especially if one feigns goodness. The idea of a collective “I,” is a great tragedy, as there is no such thing. It is implausible and suggests that if society were to behave at random, some kind of collective “I,” would eventually lead the people to prosperity and happiness. (This seems to be the tactic behind the disease known as HIV, although this information is theoretical. It seems plausible that the primary tactic of the HIV virus is to convince the body that it is the self, allowing it to take over the immune system, which relies on the mind’s acknowledgement of what is right, true, and good.) The idea of a collective “I” is collectivism in its most extreme manifestation. It is most horrendous and is certainly deadly to a society. (It is also theorized that this collective “I” mentality was one of the driving forces behind the Nazi Regime.) By the wiccan supporters of this horrendous pattern, there is the very blasphemous ideology that a collective, by the way of the superstitious, “I,” regardless of its behavior, will be saved by this superstitious entity, so much that its proponents actually claim it to be God, while, using logic, it is obviously a dangerous superstition. One of the ill effects of this has to do with how people find belief. By claiming such a dangerous superstition is the divine and holy truth (while clearly it is completely illogical and false), these proponents may even fool others into think that the proponents of this wicked behavior are holy people, while they are, in fact, worshipping a demon. Upon fooling others, people develop similar psychological patterns and attitudes, and the minds of others are corrupted by this frequently connoted provocation. The true word for the singular first-person, “I,” is corrupted, and in the minds of those affects, the people slowly find themselves forgetting who they truly are, and become forgetful of themselves, whether or not they activity participate in this evil duty. A society affected by this form of wiccan may find themselves searching for “ego-death,” which, I believe, is more accurately referred to as “false ego dissolution,” as the word, “I,” representing who they, themselves, individually, are, gets trapped in their minds, creating this notion that there is this strange false ego that is hindering their peace. Additionally, by the theory of a communicative reality that is personally portrayed due to information received and assimilated, when people say or imply the word, “I,” unsuspecting bystanders my misinterpret that word, making it seem that potentially anyone is engaged in wiccan and dangerous behavior. (Through the assimilation of information, the first person pronoun is evaluated and then portrayed as different people — the provocation that the word “I” is a superstitious and dangerously random being can lead to one perceiving dangerous people where they wouldn’t normally be.)

Another not uncommon wiccan strategy is similar to the previously mentioned blasphemy, but, instead, claims that there is this idea, called, “the me.” This is similar to the strategy of the superstitious belief in some kind of collective “I.” Instead of the “I,” the participants in this wiccan activity purport the belief in a collectivist “me.” That is, the wiccans of this behavior maintain the false pretense that there is this being called, “the me.” What this supposes is that all people are really the same person, called “the me.” Like with the wiccan strategy of “the I,” proponents of this wiccan strategy of “the me,” proclaim that “the me” is God, the eternal, holy, and divine truth, himself. This is obviously stupid, as well. While the strategy of “the I” purports that there’s a detached entity that guides all collectivism through the idea that a bunch of random people acting randomly produce an epiphenomenal goodness, the strategy of “the me,” presumes that the word “me” is a universal entity, and that all instances of the word “me” refer to the same person. What this does to others who are not actively engaged in wiccan behavior is it confuses the person’s internal understanding of the word “me.” Just with the strategy of “the I,” the victim becomes confused about who the person truly is. Also, in a similar manner, it confuses the first-person pronoun, so by the theory of a personally portrayed reality, virtually anyone could appear to manifest hazardous behavior, through the promoted notion that anyone who claims to be oneself is of a hive-mind of a very blasphemous mob of evil-doers. This is obviously dangerous, as it destroys personal connections and potentially brings one in closeness with hazardous behavior. (This wiccan behavior may be manifest by the disease, Chlamydia, although this is tentative.)

A third wiccan strategy involves a similar method, except instead of “the I,” or “the me,” it is the presumption that one is actually someone else, sometimes referred to as the “he,” as “God,” or anyone at all. With the previous two examples, the detrimental effects of this wiccan strategy on unsuspecting people is similar. By communicating to the mind of others such a wicked lie, it may cause the others to literally think and then perceive that someone is someone that they are not. Again, this destroys the integrity of community and conversation, and can make people appear to do actions that the wiccan collective generally performs, which is certainly of a gross lie, and thus is likely to be hazardous. (This may be the disease known as Syphilis.) This action imitates one’s peers, destroying the connection to the peer and changing the peer’s behavior into behavior unlike the peer. Again, because one’s mind is assimilating information into a portrayal, the mind may presume an error, and then accidentally portray that error, allowing danger to approach the person.

Another wiccan strategy is to pretend that the person with whom one is interacting with is someone else. (This is sometimes referred to as “the you,” “the he,” or “the she.”) This strategy comes from upon speaking or otherwise interacting with a person, committing oneself to the false pretense that the person is, instead, interacting with someone else. This sends a terrible message across society, confusing who people are. Effectively, this corrupts the acknowledgement of the identity of others, thus corrupting the portrayal and perspective of the world, and in its most extreme cases, can corrupt large amounts of information, as well, again, understanding perceptual reality to be a portrayal of assimilated information. Essentially, this alters the faces and bodies of others, into appearing as other people’s faces and bodies. What this can do is cause people to inappropriately treat others, as the unsuspecting victims do not realize that their mind is then portraying a person as a combination of different people’s body parts, of whom do not fall under the character of the person they are speaking with. This results in body parts being misplaced, and action that is taken with regard to the person affects other unsuspecting people, as the mind is then communicating with people it does not immediately perceive that it is communicating with. This can potentially lead to strange, hard to explain, bodily sensations, as people think that they’re interacting with someone, but instead, they’re interacting with a mixture of people, sending cognitive messages to various unsuspecting people. This kind of confusion causes strange effects to the victims’ realities and corrupts the integrity of reality, in general. (This wiccan tactic may be manifest by the disease, Herpes.)

Another wiccan strategy, and perhaps this is sometimes used by the more severe of militants, is to collect information on what it is to be good, then use that information to pretend to be a good person, in order to get someone’s mind to accept them into the person’s presence. Once the wiccan is close enough to be dangerous, suddenly the wiccan attacks the person, quite surprisingly. It is considered particularly heinous to completely lie and then switch to being of a depravity. It is also very harmful to people, as it abuses the trust of others. While it is known that clandestine operations often use lies, those lies, used by those who support justice and welfare, are not intended to sneakily pretend to be a virtuous person such that the other person’s mind accepts them, only to enact a heinous deed immediately following. One way this strategy is performed is by a collective repeating, in an attempt at imitation, what the rest of the collective is saying. The collective spies on people considered to be good and repeats whatever they say, imitating them as much as possible. This sends cognitive signals to people that cause people to associate the wiccans with the good people they are gather data from. This then proceeds to convince people that the evil-doers are good, which causes the mind to allow the evil-doers into their presence. This technically has traditionally been known as “kissing,” although the modern usage of the word often implies simply to know someone, to some degree of intimacy (from some of the European culture’s practice of the gesture of kissing as a greeting, to the kiss performed in a marriage ceremony). This strategy is used, as are the other wiccan strategies, to abuse good people, to corrupt knowledge, and to cause a detriment to reality and to society, in general. (This may be the case with the viruses in the Hepatitis group.)

There is a wiccan strategy which uses the sin of kill, as I defined it earlier, to its maximal extent. What this wiccan strategy is focused on is strangers. It is a process of finding unsuspecting victims, destroying their joy (through hurtful slander, vandalism, violence, or any other form of destructive behavior), and then running away, just to do it again to someone else. This is likely the most obvious of the wiccan strategies. (This strategy may be manifest by the disease, Gonorrhea.)

While there are very many wiccan strategies, these are some of the most common ones that are present in today’s world. There is another strategy, which should be recognized. It is the strategy, that is far too common, that is that acting hurtful to others and being inconsiderate is something that is of no consideration, and is purportedly simply of a personal nature. Knowing that the very true self, when known in holistic totality, is a product of God, which means it is a product of the desire to live, and knowing the life, itself, is possible by the eternal and holy truth, it makes no logical sense that someone could naturally be an inconsiderate or hurtful person, just as a facet of being. (Again, if this were true, then Heaven could not exist, as a person who’s nature is to be of an evil inclination, which is to be of a behavior that destroys Heaven, could never be satisfied, and thus would never be able to enter Heaven. Such a creature would be an abomination, and ideologically, this is impossible — no such person can possibly exist, as that would imply that Heaven is inherently evil — that the holy truth is inherently mean and spiteful — which cannot be true, from an ideological philosophical perspective.) This wiccan strategy is to ignore sinful behavior, which is all of an evil wiccan inclination, and it all seeks to harm others, and forgo one’s true self in the process, and to destroy communication, community, welfare, joy, and the existence of Heaven. Ultimately, as with any other sin or wiccan strategy, it leads towards the downfall of society, the removal of inspiration, and ultimately and potentially, extinction of mankind. This is, essentially, the wiccan meta-strategy, as this strategy ultimately includes every form of evil wiccan behavior, and consequently, is likely the source of every disease. (Sometimes this wiccan strategy is referred to as, “hid it,” implying that a person is hiding the realization that that person is being an evil person. Additionally, this strategy enables wiccan behavior, and before we know it, we could have a brand new Nazi Regime mass-murdering people.)

There is another, particularly modern wiccan strategy. This strategy utilizes that diseases use wiccan strategies to influence the mind of mankind and of life, in general, causing confusion, corruption, mishaps, and forgetfulness of divine truth. This is to collect many disease cultures, place them in a substrate that supports their life, and then to record their tiny radio signals, and subsequently to blast them very loudly from a radio tower. This is directly using the psychic radiation that people use to psychically communicate with one another, and that nature uses to bring a comfortable abundance of an intelligent niceness to the environment. This tactic may require people walking near the diseases every so often, such that the diseases know that they’re fooling people, and become more active because of it. This tactic uses potentially billions of wiccan tactics to spread large-scale destruction which potentially can affect the entire planet. (In this case, this would be considered a weapon of mass destruction, or WMD, as is commonly known. In this case, as it concerns the use of devices, an artificial intelligence could learn the patterns of diseases and be used to identify their sources.)

That covers the most common wiccan strategies of the modern era. As you may have noticed, diseases are frequently of a wiccan inclination. They corrupt the truth which comes from the mind, in order to fool unsuspecting victims, and to harm them. (While it sounds mean, and perhaps it may be a bit mean, it is historically known that various depraved and wicked cultures were referred to as diseases, referring not to the biological mechanism by which wiccan can occur, but about the people, themselves.)

What happens, according to the theory of a communicative and assimilated portrayal of reality, is that time-variant scalar fluctuations in signals (the simplest form of information encoding) are distorted by very similar signals. Let us suppose, just for example, that a sine wave means that a person is an individual. Using one of the strategies, for example, the strategy of “the me,” a signal very similar to a sine wave would then indicate criminals and their inclinations. A person would then receive the corrupted variant of a sine wave and interpret it casually as a criminal, instead of simply an individual. This could make criminal behavior appear as if from nowhere. This property of wiccan would be in the category of signal disruption and signal fraud (or whichever term one may use for the same phenomenon). Of course, the signals that represent these words are likely more complex than simple sine waves. Another strategy of wiccan is to promote a locked perspective and thus a locked portrayal. This means that the flexibility of cognitive communication is hindered, evident by a person’s inability to alter the person’s choice of portraying reality. If the portrayal and perspective are locked to a certain characteristic, then wiccan becomes unfortunately more powerful, as the signals that bear meaning become predictable and people lose the ability to alter their signaling tendencies in order to avoid such fraudulent behavior. One method of performing perspective locking is to destroy the precise nature of science. Science, itself, is a divine being, an Archangel of benevolence and safety. However, using a wiccan strategy, like “the you” strategy, wiccans can claim that science is something it’s not. This message would then be sent and, perhaps, propagated to others, causing people to become unaware of science. Often, during prayer, the Archangel of Science (our modern archangel and thus explanation of reality) is the one that immediately receives the prayer. By forcibly pretending that science is something that it’s not, it creates a communal notion that destroys one’s ability to see the world as it actually is. Since science is a common being that keeps us together and keeps our communications stable, destroying the being of science by forcibly pretending its something that it’s not destroys the wonder and ability of science. This can cause anomalies in the world and, as usual, can destroy Heaven (as well as destroying the ability to accurately discern the happenings of the environment and the world).

Each wiccan strategy destroys the integrity of reality, by performing a lie or instigating a confusion. It is important to be aware of both sin and wiccan strategies, as this helps us understand reality, and can take things that are invisible and allow us to portray them, so that they are more easily solved. While we would hope that people would always solve things by knowledge first, it is very common that people merely rely on the eye (the sin of lust, as mentioned earlier), so that by being able to portray these wiccan actors, solutions to the problems can be more easily found. Additionally, while it should not be something one completely relies upon, it is preferential to have the ability to portray wiccans, as perception is a pleasing and enjoying entity, being the second Archangel. (Nonetheless, the first Archangel, as I argue, is the Archangel of Remembrance, commonly known as Gabriel, and is the very truth, as perception is easy distorted. If one relies on perception to solve problems, it is too easy for something new and thus invisible to arise on the planet, and this may be, in part, what allowed WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and then ongoing wars after that, to last for so long.)

In order to support the ability to portray the evil-doers, the strategies of “the I,” “the me,” “the you,” and kissing, can all be portrayed as fraud. The strategy of hurting strangers and then running can easily be portrayed as hit-and-run. The strategy of thinking oneself to be a hurtful person can be portrayed as someone being a spiteful being (a general “asshole,” of a severity dependent on what types of behavior the person is committing, as is commonly said). As these are the most common wiccan strategies, these should cover most of the evil strategies in the world, today. On a more technical level, each of these types of wiccans emit a type of radiation, often known as a “toxic vibe,” a “foul aroma,” or a “foul demeanor,” which further aids in their perception, reducing confusion that these actors of wiccan behavior may be promoting. When the evil is not occurring invisibly, but, instead, visibly, the crimes and misbehaviors are easier to solve. Because they emit a type of radiation, an advanced understanding of radio can help create solutions to a resounding yet hazardous radio entity. Perhaps, if the wiccans are severe enough, they may be running a radio which emits the signals of collected cultures of diseases, which would corrupt the mind of the people. These are a few ways to portray the evil-doers, such that solutions can be found, in a more perceptual manner than solution by simply being a very clear source of truth. It is interesting to note that all wiccan behavior seems to stem from collectivism. Collectivism is the tendency for people to forget who they truly are and, in turn, to forgo their innate understanding and awareness of divine truth.

Regarding world-building with the use of radio technology, I suggest that one’s radio should not emit a signal louder than a blade of grass. If one is very adept and expert at promoting good notions using the radio, then no more than the loudness of a blade of grass is required for the general acceptance, jubilee, and propagation of those radio signals. In contrast, if a cognitive radio must be very loud, I would find that suspicious. The radio field, along with the participants in that field promote what is of divine truth, and lies generally fall. If a cognitive radio entity is too loud, then if it emits lies, the lies won’t fall easily. (This reminds me of a Star Wars game where the protagonist had to destroy an evil radio tower run by Darth Vader.) While our society may not possess the level of advancement to create a very divine radio only as loud as a blade of grass, I am certain that no cognitive radio needs to be louder than what an amateur radio enthusiast is allowed. The point is that helpful words and ideas exist, to be judged comfortably by nature, including plants, animals, and people, so that if something is bad, it is easily and without any difficulty gotten rid of. If the signal is too loud, that comfortable judgement cannot easily occur. Even if one is intending to play a helpful cognitive radio (knowing all life communicates both through quantum-like entanglement and also through more conventional radio), it is still best to make sure that life can easily judge it for what is good and for what is bad. That way, any mistakes that may not have been noticed are easily and without consciously noticing gotten rid of, and the good parts are promoted by the life of the world and of existence, in general. (It is suggested that very considerate and aware systems of cognitive radio saved countless lives during the World Wars, so these systems are potentially very helpful — however, when played too loudly, and especially when playing the sounds of diseases, they can be harmful. It is a wonderful truth that is sustained, and lies should be allowed to fall nicely and without any form of being bothersome. Even if one does not possess a radio device, prayer and good thoughts, as well as good words have the same effect. Because these wonderful thoughts and speeches are beloved, they are sustained for eternity. If there is a lie, then certainly a person, himself, cannot create a lie loud enough to penetrate the natural tendency to eliminate evil ideas — at least not from outside of one’s immediate presence — only with the power of amplified radio can that unnaturalness occur. Nature, itself, is a wonderful radio, and anyone having traveled in nature can likely attest to the beautiful feeling of a nature-produced ambient radio-space. Each plant is alive, and there is a reason for that, and that reason is shared with the ambient environment. Plants and animals, except for ones with diseases, which are rare, possess no capability to emit evil thoughts and messages — they simply know to live — they have not learned to defy themselves by acting in an evil accord.)

Theory of Currency and Economy — Space-Money

In this chapter, I will propose a system of currency and economy that may already exist, in the realm of pure science, and also that may be implementable in our current manifestation of currency and economy.

Today’s currency is limited in that it is very general regarding the value it represents. Currency, as a whole, is treated as a unique linear or scalar denominator of value. There is a flaw with this ideology, in that value may not be easily singularized into a single denominator. While many countries exist in our modern world, and they generally possess different units of denomination, each denominator unit nonetheless represents the same ideology — that all value can be enumerated using a single symbol of denomination. Thus, the flaw exists pervasively and globally.

The ultimate purpose of currency is to ascribe, recognize, save, and trade value, itself. This allows value to be recognized and abstracted away from a particular item or service, which thus allows for a freer form of trade that regards the value that has been obtained, rather than specific instances of that value. This generalizes value, while also recognizing value. By allowing value to abstracted away from the items, pure value can be recognized. By recognizing value, that value that existed in the items from which the value was garnered can be recognized and saved, such that the amount of value that is available in the world does not become lost. In this way, by saving the value we find in the world, we save the value from becoming lost.

However, the flaw mentioned previously does exist. For instance, can the value of wheat really be directly translated into the value of taxi services, or the value of piloting an airplane? While one may argue that the value of wheat represents a value of food, which thus applies to all people, this argument may not hold true for every example. For a more illuminating example, let us ponder whether the value of a meteorological forecast (something people use occasionally) can be translated directed into the value of fresh air (an indirect expenditure, often done through selective product selection, charities, and, in modern times, taxes, in order to promote air cleaning). The nature of these two values, which both pertaining to people (who may eat wheat or other foods), is not exactly similar. Additionally, different people have different appropriations of the value of various items. A good example is the value of music, which is widely diverse in terms of true value — that is, the value that a person perceives — which is more diverse than the value of wheat.

I propose a better economic system (and I suspect that the nature of science, itself, uses a system similar to the one I propose, although I only suggest this as a possibility — perhaps the compound word “space-money,” is a fun term to use to refer to this). Instead of regulating currency to be of one single denominator, when we know that the value of items varies in nature by what kind of item is being represented, a system could exist, instead, where any form of currency could be created to represent any type of value. In this currency system, a number of currencies that approach infinity could possible exist, and in the spirit that the truth is discovered rather than invented, an infinite number of currencies already exist, although their acknowledged utilization bears a finite quality.

Let’s begin abstractly. Let’s suppose instead of a singular unit of currency, there are three: red currency, green currency, and blue currency, corresponding to the presently popular system of using red, green, and blue in illuminated displays, in order to represent any visible color (although perhaps some work needs to be done with near-ultraviolet). Using this system, one may value the price of a cow at 200 red, 500 green, and 30 blue, making the cow’s trade value 200R,500G,30B. Other valuations would follow in the same nature, and these three units of currency would find each a unique category of value.

Continuing with that example, but instead using more concrete terms, let us instead say there are three units of currency: fun, work, and health. We’ll refer to these as F, W, and H. Now, a cow is valued high in both work and health, but less in fun, although cows still are pretty fun, and children find animals wonderful, and most adults, do, as well. If one is buying a cow, then the context of their purchase alters the value of the cow as the person perceives it. Let us suppose one is buying a cow for the person’s farm. A cow would thus be valued highly in work (to allow the farm to function), highly in health (to provide sustenance), and less highly, but not zero, in fun (because animals are wonderful, and even more so, cows are wonderful creatures). Let’s say that the work value is the highest, as the residents of the farm often shop at the local market for health-related goods. Thus, the value of the cow may be rated as 55F,3000W,600H. Considering this, the owner of the farm may be willing to trade 55 fun, 3000 work, and 600 health units of currency in order to procure the cow, and transfer the cow into his or her ownership.

Using the same three categories of value, let us consider a more interesting example. A taxi company wants to buy a car that is generally available to anyone. Since the taxi company believes the car is primarily for work, while the common person may believe the car would be primarily for health, the value of the car is technically different for each of the buyers. The common person certainly may use the car to travel to work, so let’s limit this category to people who commute to work (perhaps they live near their office, they live in a convenient city with good public transportation and bad traffic, or they work from home). For the taxi company, the car would be almost entirely for work, while very little of the value of the car would be used for fun or health, although those aspects are considered. For the example person, the car would be almost entirely used for health (shopping for groceries and commonly used house-items), and for fun (for vacations or for the excitement of such a vehicle). Therefore, it may be appropriate that the taxi company values the car at 15 fun, 3000 work, and 80 health (fun as it should be a bit entertaining to the driver, while 30 health as it should be comfortable to the driver who works long hours sitting and using the car). That would mean that the taxi company would be willing to trade 15F,3000W,100H for the automobile. The example person, however, may value the car at 2000 fun, 10 work, and 2000 health, meaning the person would be willing to trade 2000F,10W,2000H for the automobile. (It is worth nothing that the value of work units may be proportionally higher than the value of other units, due to the nature of business. Additionally, for various other reasons, the different units of currency do not occur in a locked denominational system, but, instead, in a free system, which each type of currency finds its own valuation.)

What’s beneficial about this, is that the funds possessed by a person or corporation are, as a result, more flexibly understood, allowing for a greater dynamic in the entity’s trading and market strategy. By isolating different forms of value, the value of the symbol of value, the currency unit, is actually increased. In contrast, by generalizing value, as is seen in our modern world, the specific reasons of value are muted, and thus the real appraisal of value is lessened, resulting in a lessening of total enumerated value. Using a system which allows for a differentiation of types of value allows for currency to be worth closer to what the real value of the currency is, rather than a generalized, rather removed, approximation of value (noting that the value of items is truly a personal appraisal and thus varies from person to person and from entity to entity). Because a business pays its employees, the business may be, at times, desiring more fun and health units of currency, and may accept those currencies at times with a higher valuation, and when the business is in need of more work currency, the same idea applies, except with regard to the work unit of currency, instead. Thus, by appraising value in a more specific and relevant way, the actual total value traded is, indeed, increased. By favoring a highly specific and flexible currency system, the true value of the world, itself, can be more accurately found (there are troves of hidden value in the world that our currency currency system has difficulty with enumerating and making tradeable).

It’s worth noting that psychologically, everything being worth one singular mode of currency, as is common in today’s world, blunts the meaning of the currency, and also creates a haze of boredom and reluctance, as the people who are participating in the economy lose the perception of the value of the currency, and find it to be a type of tunnel, with a light, which they must run in a simple straight line, ongoingly, to obtain. This, psychologically, is, in contrast, boring and uninspiring, and, in some ways, it is evil to treat a single entity as the representation of any form of tradeable value, as this may provoke a Luciferian mindset, which is a mindset in which one is focused on a boring light, and works endlessly for something that appears without any liveliness. In this way, the value of the currency becomes weaker, as it is uninspiring and thus less valuable than a dynamic currency system. (Stated bluntly and simply, “money is boring.”)

Let us take our three type currency system and this time, allow anyone to create their own type of currency. Now, instead of red, green, and blue, or fun, work, and health, there are potentially an infinite number of currencies. There could be a dairy currency, promoted by a dairy association, like the American Dairy Association, and there could be a car currency, promoted by an association of automobile manufacturers. People could promote various currencies and provide them value by: 1) offering to purchase items with the new currency, 2) selling items with the new currency, and 3) giving away an amount of currency to begin its trading. This would be both an act of charity and, also, an act of creativity. Music labels would create currencies and so could particular artists, people, and even businesses. Charitable causes could create currencies as well, and a currency could be created for any reason. Additionally, people could create currencies just for fun, and over time those currencies, if they are enjoyed by people, would take on greater value.

With this approach, we may easily have an economic system with 5 million forms of currency. This would be wonderful for our modern data-oriented financial analysis endeavors, as it would create a greater breadth of techniques and strategies, as well as an entirely new conversational topic. For simplicity, some currencies could be used as generalized forms of various currencies (like milk currency and dry cereal currency could be transformed into general cereal currency, or various currencies related to automobile maintenance could be transformed into a general automobile maintenance currency). The generalized currencies could exercise intelligence, for instance, if they used a currency that promoted a certain business, then the appropriate currency would be used when conducting transactions. At the level of highest generalization, a currency broker could exist to manage currencies and deduce prices according to a single generalized unit of currency, for the ultimate in simplicity. This would preserve the nature of the simplicity of modern currency, but without forcing a valuation into such a narrow and limited confine, as well as allow a greater understanding of value, and a much more accurate enumeration of value. A more accurate enumeration of value would eliminate the bluntness present in today’s world’s generalized currency system, and thus increase the total value present in the economy. It is good that we account for tradeable value, as this helps prevent value from getting lost. For any value that one finds, its value is then accounted for, and that value is sustained more easily than with the very much older barter system.

Of course, as with any currency, an entity of trust would be needed. This occurs in the form of a ledger, whether it be cryptocurrencies using a blockchain, a trustworthy group of people, or a ledger owned by an entity of governance (or even a mixture of the options). In the realm of science, all laws of science are recorded, and that ability for science to have a written record of any truth of history allows for this ledger to exist, on a scientific level, as well. As such, this currency system could and may also simultaneously be universal. The different ledgers, on which the currency tabulations are recorded, could be used to transfer currency from one ledger to another.

Another benefit of this form of currency system is in the valuation of the currency itself. The modern system of a generalized indicator of value can much more easily detach itself from the reality of value. Sensationalism can induce a Satanic fervor, which could misevaluate currency. (This may be what happened in the Great Depression, which followed the Golden Era — perhaps a misevaluation of currency proceeded with the windy fervor of an exciting new world, and later the true value came about surprisingly.) This currency would more frequently be appraised, and its value more deliberately and with a greater awareness determined, thus producing a more accurate and thus, as is commonly described, a more stable currency.

Along, with the currency system I have just proposed, I also propose an alternative economic ideology, perhaps in contrast to the commonly used ideology exemplified by Adam Smith, in his famous book, The Wealth of Nations. It is commonly known that Adam Smith vouched for a free-market economy, with little government regulation, that relies on the idea of “enlightened self-interest.” Understanding this, however, I find this term to be a little vague, and it could be possible an overly brave assumption that an economy would follow this ethical ideal. More importantly, however, the modern economy is focused primarily on the value of goods and services, which are products of people, rather than on the value of people, themselves. To categorize the modern world’s general economic strategy, I refer to it as a resource-oriented model. It is not true value, as true value is directly related to a person’s appreciation of the goods and services, but a proxy value that is fairly presumptive. Because of this, it is misleading in its approach, assuming resources to be the source of value, rather than people. I believe this misunderstanding reduces the ability for an economic system to grow to a level in which it is able to take care of the true desires of people, and finally leave a system that is hinged on a form of slavery. (The modern day’s economy is far too naïve and impoverished to truly take care of the people.)

Instead of a resource-oriented economic system, I propose a value-based economic system, understanding that true value comes from the happiness of people. Using a highly dexterous currency system, like the one mentioned previously, it is possible to have a currency system that is both flexible and fluid enough to allow people to generously pay others, even if they don’t possess much of a certain type of currency unit. (If a person happens to possess a lot of grass currency, but does not possess many other currencies, that person could be more generous with the grass currency, and not be limited by the averaging of values of different forms of perceived personal value.)

Thus, a more prosperous and beneficial economic system would focus on the satisfaction and happiness of people, as well as facilitating generosity, as well. Even a person who possesses no currency could potentially create a new currency that the person honors, in some way, and freely give it away, as a way to generate value for the currency and subsequently honor it, as a means of public service. With a varied currency system, people could more easily afford to be generous with donations, and ideally, a person will freely give money due to happiness received, and the stringent and often tedious price-dilemma of our modern age will largely be alleviated.

That covers the idea of an innovative, inspiring, accurate, and prosperous currency system, as well as a method of a more generous, considerate, and free economic model. The next topic uses the theory earlier postulated, that suggests that reality is a communicative being, where signals of consciousness arise at one’s mind, and one forms a portrayal of reality through the understanding and appraisal of those signals. This covers how the money would function in such a world. Additionally, in the future, it is likely that we would purposefully chose to perceive reality in this fashion, whether this theory be true or not, as we would have the capability to communicate with all people in a simplified and aggregated format.

In the theory of a communicative reality, the people you speak to, unless you specifically know a particular individual, are aggregated people who fall into a categorical identification. These people you communicate with are not necessary a collection of people, but instead a collection of activities of people. Therefore, the joyous mindset of a person may be known through a particularly joyous person, where the more pensive and analytical mindset may be known through, perhaps, an engineer. Of course, there are an infinite ways to aggregate and portray reality, and these are very simple examples. (We understand people to be quite a bit more complex than these examples, and thus the people we know also exhibit that complexity, being direct representations of facets of people, and being people themselves, as they are direct connections to other people.)

Understanding that in aggregating people into to a simplified perspective, there becomes a duplicity of people, and that would indicate a duplicity in money, which seems nonsensical. However, if we approach this matter more cautiously, there is a way to make it all make sense, in a writeable and knowable way.

The idea is astronomically simple. While the question itself does seem, at first, quite confusing and paradoxical, it can be answered by taking a clearer look at reality.

With this theory of communicative reality, let us imagine that every individual person lives on a fairly large and isolated island. The communications of consciousness, perhaps cursorily explained as quantum entanglement, which bears the capacity to assume that distance is simply a communication and not a fundamental aspect of reality, are received by the mind and the mind places all of the information on this island. Each individual person does the same thing, such that there is an island for each individual, and on that island is a personal interpretation of the information that the individual person is receiving. If we suppose there are five quintillion people in existence, then there may be only 30 million people per island. The person then represents the communications of those five quintillion people, along with the angel which bears remembrance of the truths of the past. (As discussed in an earlier chapter, we assume there is only one angel, which holds the memory of eternal truths of humankind and of life, in general, so that science exists, and history exists, as well.) Clearly, since there are only 30 million people on the island, but 5 quintillion individual people, the people are aggregated according to different personalities and characteristics. The language spoken is intuitive and upon communicating with the people perceived, reaches the intended audience, who live on other islands. The communication is delivered through the intention and deliberate clearness from the person communicating. Thus, we notice the nature of a communicative reality. We should also note that it is not impossible to choose to portray all 5 quintillion people, or, at least, to know them. In fact, one could portray a mixture. The problem with attempting to portray the individuals themselves, is that the individuals may not want to communicate entirely everything about themselves, leaving one with partial people. However, it is nonetheless possible to acknowledge each person, while at the same time using a convenient aggregated portrayal system.

The solution to the quandary mentioned above thus becomes more obvious. What we notice, then, is that there is a duplicity of money. When the individual who owns the island (who owns his or her own perspective and portray of reality) pays one of the perceived entities, that payment is a package of information that is psychically transmitted to the other actual person, and would likely be represented by a person living on the recipients island, who represents that quality of the sender. In this way, there is apparently twice as much money. With the ability to perceive the entirety of reality (as long as one does not bear an adulterous mind, which desires to perceives lies instead of truth), one may become confounded by this strange duplicity of money. With the observation, it would be important to enumerate money appropriately, such that this duplicity, which does not represent a doubling of value, is accounted for.

Thus, we arrive at the idea of true money versus inductive money. When one pays a person on his or her island — perceived by the payer according to his or her chosen portrayal, the immediately perceived person receives what would be referred to as inductive money.

Induction, in this sense, is the process of information inference, where through a gap in understanding or space, information is duplicated. I use the term with an engineering mindset, as I find engineering to be very clear. In engineering, induction is the transfer of electric charge over a gap. To do this, two coils are often used and spaced apart in a way such that the coils are not touching nor too distant. When electricity flows through one coil, the electromagnetic field induces a flow of electricity in the other coil. This technique is often known through inductive stovetops, where the surface of the stove does not produce heat, but instead transfers a flow of electricity to the pan, and the pan directly heats up. It is often used in transformers, because the size of the coils and wires has an effect on voltage and amperage, allowing voltages to be converted. The most common example of electrical induction, in today’s world, is wireless phone charging, which uses a current of electricity produced by the charger that sits next to a coil of wires in the phone, such that when electricity is sent through the charger’s coil, electro-magnetic induction causes the coils in the phone to generate a current, which then charges the phone.

Using this understanding of the word, “induction,” one can easily say that the person that the own of the perspective and portrayal is paying, to the perceived person, inductive money. This money exists in order to facilitate a fair representation of the information the owner of the island (the producer of the perspective) is receiving. Therefore, the people on the island, except the owner or creator of the island, are receiving a form of currency known as inductive currency. When the packet of financial quantification is transferred, as a message, to a person who owns a different island or portrayal, that person receives actual money. The person that is perceived to pay that person is using inductive money, in order to maintain the portrayal, such that the reality being presented is still of truth. As we become able to perceive the very true nature of reality, and under the circumstances that this very plausible and sensible theory is, indeed, true, understanding inductive money and real money is very important.

Money is meant to quantify and save value, and is used to reward the transfer of goods or the performance of services. All services are fundamentally cognitive, and goods are a form of memory that is transferred psychically. The goods that exist are present on each person’s island, and when the goods are transferred, the person perceives the goods being transferred from the individual’s own island, in order to keep reality consistently true. Thus, if there are five quintillion people, then there are perceivably five quintillion times the number of each good and of each currency. Understanding this topic of inductive money and how a reality functions, while it is composed of islands of portrayal, is important to not becoming confused when understanding the full gamut of reality.

An additional topic remains regarding the existence of portrayal of reality versus the technical constituency of reality. In the example portray — that a person portrays the existence of 5 quintillion people as 30 million people — there is a proportionality that is important to recognize. This issue of proportionality is particularly noticeable in the observation that if every of the 5 quintillion island-owners owned one cow, then there would be 5 quintillion cows. However, in the portrayal of the island-owner, that would equate to an average of 166.7 billion cows per person, which would seem absurd (and emotionally inaccurate). Therefore, in addition to inductive money, there is also the concept of perceived money versus actual money.

Because currency is a denomination of value, the personally known value a person perceives should remain the same, even if the island is portrayed as having a vastly different number of people (and cows) than technically exists in reality. Therefore, if every person of the 5 quintillion island-owners possesses one cow, then, on average (I say, “on average,” due to the categorical organization of perceived information), each person on the island would possess one cow. That would mean there would be a proportional difference of approximately 166.7 billion percent in actual cows vs perceived cows. That’s a huge difference! Therefore, if a person possesses one perceived cow, the person would own somewhere around 166.7 billion actual cows, and those cows would provide 166.7 billion times as much utility as one actual cow.

The same concept would apply to money. Using the dollar as the example unit of currency, if one person possesses one perceived dollar, then that person actually possesses 166.7 billion real dollars. The amount of value the person perceives should be equivalent, with respect to the island, as 166.7 billion real dollars, but since the population of the island is 166.7 billion percent less, the true economy, itself, exists as an economy functioning on a 166.7 billion percent increase in denominated prices of goods and services (with a 166.7 billion percent decrease in the appraised value of those goods and services). Therefore, the prices of everything on the island and the quantity of everything on the island are adjusted to form a perceived valuation, which is essentially a proportion of an actual valuation. Because people can communicate and perceive in complex ways, the very specific amount of money and goods traded would be more specific than simply a percentage, and the person may portray the technical existence of billions of cows as the cow’s quality, breed, health, and age, therefore one cow could technically represent possibly anywhere between 100 billion regularized cows to 200 billion cows, depending on the cow chosen. Therefore, in addition to inductive money, services, and goods, there is also the proportionality of the money, goods, and services. The person would perceive the same standards of living, according to the actual reality, although the perception of the reality would appear different proportionally, and in different ways that are also an effect of the difference in portrayal versus the technical reality. Therefore, in addition to inductive money, there also exists perceived money. A person who owns his or her portrayal would possess both perceived money, as well as technical money, each representing a different perspective of reality.

An interesting dilemma regards a person wanting to purchase one single actual cow. Knowing that on the island, one actual cow would actually be 166.7 billionth of a perceived cow, perceiving this small proportion of a perceived cow is implausible. Therefore, the perceived value of one actual cow would be converted into a different perception that represents the same feeling and personal appreciation that one actual cow provides. This is due to the ability to comfortably portray reality, which ultimately maintains the amount of value perceived, while producing a comfortable portrayal of that value. The value perceived thus remains the same, while the perception of the world is, additionally, more comfortable and more natural to the subjective person.

There is another topic that regards the ability to comfortably portray reality in the way an individual sees favorable. If the island-owner decides that there are other islands out there, then the perceived number of people would change. The people on the newly found island would possess a different aspect of the people of the technical reality, such as is common in history when a civilization discovers a remote tribe. A person may decide that there should be another island, somewhere fairly distant, to explain a facet of reality that the current portrayal was becoming unaware of, and that island would possess unique characteristics, to expand the diversity of what is perceived. A simple phenomenon that may occur would be to find the island to be of a lesser level of financial enrichment. Thus, the economic system would then integrate with the trade of the newly found foreign habitat. This would result in a story which represents a mutation of the portrayal that the island-owner, at first, had chosen. During this mutation, the people would interact with the inhabitants of the new island, learn of their ways, trade ways, and learn of new forms of goods, which possess different qualities of value, and diversify and unify into a different portrayal of existence.

A more difficult question regards the notion of the island-owner discovering a new island of great prosperity. Let us assume the new island is perceivably twice as prosperous. This would, at first, seem like a tripling of the total amount of money in the world. Additionally, per person, or per capita, the amount of money would be 1.5% as much as it was. This presents an interesting anomaly. The island would be presenting, perhaps, a lesser seen aspect of reality. This could happen if the island-owner started to notice that the portrayal began to fail to represent reality appropriately, leading to the desire to discover new civilizations. The new island, being of a significantly different nature, would, then, again, highlight some aspects of reality that were not before as easily noticed. Perhaps, the understanding of the value of goods would lead to there being an apparent doubling of money per capita in the new civilization. Additionally, new ideas may have emerged on the island-owner’s original island, that didn’t quite become present in the island-owners original portrayal, indicating that there was something missing to reality, and that missing component would be what the newly found island possesses. Therefore, the perception that the newly found civilization is far richer (which does seem rare in history), would be the realization of what already exists, but was before unseen, perhaps, due to the limitations of the island-owner’s original portrayal of reality. Similarly, however, as with the last example of the newly found island being far less wealthy, a story of mutation would then occur, where the diversity of reality is realized to a greater degree. Thus, the perceived value the person perceives would actually increase, due to the gaining of an understanding of greater value. It is the education and learning of the value of various different natures that would create the new value, and thus the value perceived would be directly correlated to a person’s growth. The economies would interact, and each economy would learn from another, and thus the perceived value would increase due to an increase in knowledge, while the total value in reality would also increase, due to a participant finding new ways of providing value, thus enriching the entirety of reality.

Now, let us suppose the newly found island was of an enormously more prosperous society. This, perhaps, applies to the question of whether or not advanced alien life exists in the universe. Suppose this society used a completely different system of understanding value, a system that was engrained the functioning of a great machine habitat which took care of the people’s desires, without their noticing much the trading of value. Then, instead of a currency dilemma, there would only be a great abundance of technological wealth. This wealth would be learned by the original island, and the total prosperity of the combination of islands, which would then indicate all of reality, would then increase. If some people on the island were objectionable to new ways of life, due to the possibility that some of the 5 quintillion people in the technical reality were hesitant about change, then the society would form a segmentation between those who enjoy technological advancement and those who subscribe to a more traditional way of life. Nonetheless, in any mutation of portrayal, the same qualities would apply, however, their representation would change. The total value would increase due to an increase in knowledge and expertise, and that would be communicated to the rest of reality, being represented by perceived people on other island-owners’ islands.

If we consider the planet to be the island, then today there are approximately 8 billion people represented. Let us keep with the notion that there are 5 quintillion people in existence, each, perhaps, with his or her own planet. If we were to communicate with advanced space-faring intelligence, that would imply that the ideas and the ingenuity of the mind of the people of the technical reality had increased faster than the portrayal had demonstrated. Thus, the missing innovation that exists due to unseen ingenuity and creativity would be understandably represented by what we refer to as “alien intelligence,” or, perhaps, more concretely, “space-faring intelligence.” (In this case, both terms refer to a level of intelligence and technological sophistication that seem alien to the existent portrayal’s interpretation of reality.) Discovering alien intelligence would simply be a discovering of the innovation and knowledge of the people of reality that had been missing from the modern portrayal. It is not unlikely that a portrayal could fall behind the creativity and ingenuity of the people of reality, and thus, the new ingenuity would appear as an advanced technological civilization. This would be a process of realization and would enrich reality ever the more, and expand the portrayal to include the newly realized knowledge and enrichment. If, perhaps, a group of people who are, in this case, planet-owners, found a great abundance of knowledge and technological wealth, then the presence of the products of these people may lead another planet owner to the portrayal of an encounter with an alien civilization, in order for the planet-owner to accurately account for the new form of information being received. Nonetheless, the portrayal would mutate, hopefully gracefully and with a story of change, into a new portrayal, where the planet has met an advanced space-faring civilization and has received much of the knowledge of the civilization.

A problem can occur with the personal ability to portray reality, as may exist presently and may have existed historically. This problem is something I refer to as, “cognitive adultery.” Adultery, in its most historical sense, is to pretend false information is truth. (Looking up the definition in a couple of dictionaries, I find this definition to be missing, although I do remember as a child learning about the word, “to adulter,” which appears to not exist anymore. Nonetheless, in the etymology of adultery is the meaning, “to alter,” or, “to corrupt,” coming from Latin. Noting this, today’s world may already exist in a state of an adulterated environment, which would not be surprising, from the precept of ideological philosophy which states that reality is, by default, a perfect Heaven, which is logical and falls in line with religious thought, as well.) Cognitive adultery, therefore, perceives false information as truth. When applied to this understanding of portrayal, a person’s island or planet may begin to misrepresent reality. Cognitive adultery is possible, and while the information being communicated in the technical reality remains the same, with a false portrayal, one may be led to incorrect solutions, guided by perception alone, in contrast to being guided by knowledge. While the knowledge of reality is unchanging in its ways, portrayal can vary dramatically. A frightening aspect of cognitive adultery is that it can be contagious, such that the portrayals of others’ are affected in a way, such that the other island-owners’ (or planet-owners’) portrayals begin to lie. The sin of lust, as I define it, is to prioritize perception over knowledge. While knowledge is definitively true, according to the theory that perceived reality is of a personal assimilation and portrayal of information, and including the possibilities of the type of habitat in the future, perception can be very subjective. Prioritizing perception over knowledge could lead to an adulterous environment, and in order for people to understand each other, other planet-owners may be led to a false and misleading portrayal of reality. While manifest reality occurs in the psychic communication between people, the portrayal is simply a way to enjoy perceiving what is already true, in a comfortable manner. However, if the portrayal is misleading, perhaps due to people lying to others, on a cognitive level, which can occur to deceive, illude, and feign ignorance of ill-behavior, then solutions to various dilemmas become unapparent, and reality, itself, can begin to make less and less sense. It is important to note that the reality occurs in the psychic communication between island or planet-owners, and that portrayal is the enjoyment of perception and perspective. Therefore, when portrayal both becomes misleading and, additionally, portrayal is favored over knowledge, the people’s minds may become corrupt. This leads to a hazardous disintegration of reality, and reality becomes less manageable.

With the notion that this system of personal portrayal, based on a comfortable assimilation of information, may, indeed, already exist, it is important to understand these concepts, as we discover reality to a greater level of understanding. Additionally, should this theory be false, one should consider that with the future possibility of performing this type of activity — the ability to personally portray reality in a comfortable manner — it is nonetheless still important to understand the notions of such a system of reality. The ability to portray reality based on a personal assessment of the information that one is receiving provides a greater degree of comfort and a more natural subjectivity to a person’s environment, of which both are certainly desirable characteristics of a person’s enjoyment of life.

In summary, this introduced form of currency, which I enjoy referring to as, “space-money,” provides many advantages over the modern world’s current currency system. Additionally, a (personal) value-based economic model is likely to be far more profitable, comfortable, fun, and considerate than the current resource-based economic model, which often neglects that value comes from people — instead focusing on tangible artifacts and their resulting effects, rather than the people, themselves. Furthermore, to put the economic system in the current theory of communicative reality, as well as to present a solution for any future contexts, where one enjoys the same type of personal portray system as the one described, understanding inductive money (and inductive goods), as well as perceived money and goods versus actual money and goods, is important. (Additionally understanding aggregation and how that affects the perceived reality is an important consideration, with a now fairly obvious solution, as well.)

Understanding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

One of the saddest stories that is commonly known is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. A man came to this Earth and performed miracles and miraculous wonders for the people. His intention was to save people from the evil inclinations of the windy Satanic being, which leads to a propagated lie, a blindness, and a perverted perspective of the fulfillment of need and the effects of actions.

This article uses the context and general implications present in the religion of Christianity.

He was and still is considered to be the living truth. The implication, fully sensible, is that the truth, itself, is a living being, just like any of us. The is coherent with the belief that man was created in God’s image, as this implies that man is also a living being, just like God, and is, in many ways, very similar to God, although the name of each other person is different than being the living truth incarnate. While each person has a unique and potentially wonderous name, it is only apparent if the person is to embody their own being and avoid collectivism, which is the metaphorical state of being without a defined skin — to be skinless — as in to lack an exterior by which one is distinguished. It is then that the person would express a wonderful quality to the world, and would be appreciated by all who are truthful (and of course, those of falsehood are errant and may exhibit a wide variety of senseless patterns).

Since Jesus Christ is the living truth and is the leader of the angels, just as was Krishna, the story of Jesus involves the story of what the truth says to us and what the truth means to Existence. As we are commonly aware, the truth, itself, is ever present, and as we should be aware, the truth is often disguised, put asunder, and hidden. Often times, due to a guilt addiction, the truth is often attempted to be completely disregarded and thrown into a place where no one will ever realize the eternal truth.

Today, there is a false mentality that even sincere scientists are well aware of. This is the idea of “facts” as being merely practical tools of basic behavior, like how cars work, or how to practice hygiene, or how ovens, doors, and lights work. Facts are considered anything to be observable, while modern science and the spirit of science itself, is founded on the fact that many things aren’t readily obvious, but instead careful research must be done in order to discover more “facts.” The reason I write “facts” in quotes is that there is a large misconception about what facts are. Even in science, there are rarely actual facts (as in something that is definitively true). A clear example is the widely known fact amongst those of a scientific interest is that the science that deals with large scale phenomena, like that of the momentum and friction of objects is completely different than the science that deals with very small scale phenomena, i.e., subatomic physics. In fact, Albert Einstein was aware of this, and he desired what he called a “universal field theory.” The greater understanding of universal field theory describes a theory of everything. Thus, in this way, there is no science that can be considered fact, aside from the philosophical notion (philosophy being the superset of observable science), that there are no true scientific facts, but instead, only working observations and findings.

This false mentality that people are actually aware of scientific fact is quite common and nearly completely ubiquitous, and this is hugely disappointing. In fact, the ubiquitousness of this belief is a prime example of a wide-spread and clever method of destroying the truth. While no sincere scientist would agree with this wide-spread notion, engineers of innovation and discovery and those of the search for completely valid truth are of a peculiar rarity in modern society. Additionally, while no sincere scientist would agree with such a scientific fallacy, it is commonly believed that every scientist in the world agrees with it. The strangeness of such a pronounced majority utter proclaiming this falsehood is certainly indicative of a desire to kill truth, and logically, must stem of a mischievous desire to promote guilt, to steer people’s minds (gluttony, in this case denoting the misuse of others), and to maintain an addiction to guilt, while also creating a great lie and adultery in order to hide what is true. Obviously, considering this, this example of the torture and murder of the truth is due to a social guilt addiction.

One of the problems with collectivism is that the nature of a collectivist is to look to their like-minded peers for what is supposedly true, which, in actuality, is to look for what is appropriately manipulative in order to suit the participants’ hidden intentions of avoiding personal redemption and the personal desire to sincerely understand what is completely true. What is quite obvious, is that a collectivist, who looks to peers for the functional (although error-prone) way, is that those peers are performing the same activity. There are excuses made, often through presumptions stemming from what is unmentioned, and it is not impossible that even if everything was said, the truth would be attacked and murdered in order to promote the persistent addiction to guilt and avoidance of actual truth becoming common. The collectivist is often based primarily on the “like” principle, which is a symptom of being manipulative, rather than the sincere and meaningful expression of truth. Because the collectivist resides in a pool of propagated manipulations and lies, the collectivist source of presumed validity is nothing but a windy beast — Satan, himself.

Understanding this societal torture, hiding, and murder of the truth, helps us to understand the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as is a crux of Christian doctrine. While Christianity is of the most prominent religions on Earth (apparently now the most popular — when I was much younger, Islam was the most popular), the torture and desecration of the truth is nonetheless extremely common — being nearly completely ubiquitous. Thus, while when I go to Church, I certainly remember the feeling of God and the Holy Truth, I am uncertain about what others feel. I imagine others do get the same feeling, but since it is a feeling, there is likely a good amount of people who still use manipulative words to secretly and mischievously destroy the message of that feeling — thus losing that feeling soon after a Church session. While approximately 90% of people world-wide identify with a religion, the truth is nonetheless ubiquitously tortured, shredded, and used as tactics of manipulation, instead of honored and sought with respect and sincerity. (In fact, the primarily complaint against religion by outspoken atheists is that religion is being used primarily to manipulate people, rather than to be a sincere way of the search and expression of truth. I personally, have been religious for my entire life, but I do notice that society, in general, is hiding and destroying very real truth.)

Thus, while there appears to be quite a prominent teaching of truth, it is nonetheless being destroyed by the powers of society. If one were to observe the popular society media, it mildly suspiciously appears that, admittedly out of merely casual observation, approximately 50% of people are purportedly religious. Even with religion being prominent, however, there are gross misdeeds of untruth that are extremely common, to the point that they are apparently favored, such that the representation of the beliefs of the populous is extremely skewed.

To be a true seeker of truth, regardless of identification with religion or non-religion, one must seriously consider whether notions are actually valid or not. It is largely an independent pursuit, as the nature of collectivism is to favor smileys, even if they hide a secret and destructive agenda. If collectivism takes hold, a guilty agenda, as may have been present in the Minoan civilization, takes hold of society and enraptures the populous in a lying frenzy, both metaphorically setting the people ablaze in a tumultuous fire and also removing the individually distinguishing characteristic of skin — characteristics that describe the Hell that is mentioned in the Qur’an.

Understanding that the very truth, if alive and manifest, is already inclined to be an expert in scientific affairs, by the simple nature of his being (rather than having needed to learn it through linguistic means), it makes sense that the living truth performed miracles while on Earth, in the story of Jesus Christ, from the Bible (and also, in the Qur’an, which during a time he raised a lifeless clay bird to life). Understanding that all injury stems from lies that nest in the psyche, it makes sense that Jesus Christ was able to heal the sick and injured. In the Bible, it is recounted that while his disciples were out at sea, the weather became windy and the waves treacherous, frightening the disciples. Knowing that the manifest and living truth was present during the time (apparently the truth was accepted at least to the point of Jesus Christ’s ability to co-exist with the people in their habitat), they witnessed Jesus Christ miraculously appearing, seeming to be standing on the treacherous sea, itself (although considering that that would entail that he was either standing on a floating plane of water, or moving up and down with the frightening waves, he may have been flying in the air, instead; it does make sense, in general, that the passengers vividly knew his presence). Since Jesus Christ was available to the collective knowledge of the society at the time, it makes sense that he could, in person, visit the troubled disciples and offer them help, in their time of need.

In the Bible, there is the allusion that Jesus Christ is the “Son of Man.” Because every person and every thing relies on truth in order to exist, this seems to be a plausible metaphor (although the Qur’an vehemently disagreed with the idea of God having a father and of God having a son, as this would be polytheistic, and logically, in the logic that is definitively implied with the monotheism, it is implausible for there to be more than one God). However, to take into consideration of this term, used in the Bible, it would imply that Jesus Christ’s purported father was mankind, itself. Thus, the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ implies that mankind, similar to today, wanted to violently and painfully kill the truth. This obviously can only occur due to an addiction to guilt and a wild and dark scheme of evil. In the Bible, it is said that Jesus Christ called out to the father, asking of why this should be happening, that he should be so painfully murdered. Indeed, if the various statements in the Bible are assembled, it makes sense that society, itself, was the murderer of Jesus Christ (which is obvious by its literal meaning), and thinking more deeply into the idea that society would murder the truth, it is because society had a collective and aggressively defended guilt syndrome, and as an effect, sought out schemes of a depraved nature in order to mask their guilt and to destroy any existence of truth. It thus makes sense that Jesus Christ died because mankind was aggressively guilty.

An interesting note to ponder, is that in our society which clearly demonstrates a favor for lies, which indicate a dark guilt and a dark scheme of manipulation, that if the Holy Text was even able to lucidly dictate what its meaning truly was, its understanding would still be distorted and averted. Likely, in the modern scheme of lies and depravity, the Holy Text would find its way, through its remembrance, in a format that would be accepted by the general populous, which would create a variant of the knowledge, which would make it through the lies, although in a more cryptic fashion, such that the liars would find it easy to disagree with, and only the sincere seekers of truth (those of true and unadulterated intelligence) would be able to deduce the more specifics of its meaning. This interesting natural variation of a divine message that is presumably, according to the religions that sustain these messages, of the Torah, the Bible, and the Qur’an (as well as other holy texts), would be received by the modern society in a more cryptic fashion that did not immediately frighten the addicts of guilt and the addicts of manipulation, such that it would be received congenially, and still would provide the remembrance of eternal truth, while also being able to be solved, such that greater truth could be found in its intelligent understanding.

A possibility that could happen if Jesus Christ were to return in today’s scheming world, is that Jesus Christ would immediately frighten the unbelievers (those incapable of personally discerning validity), such that schemes, hidden and possibly visible, would be drawn out in the minds of those who destroy the eternal truth (a truth that is different than the blasphemous idea of collectivist “facts” — as collectivism merely seeks to impersonate one another and has little consideration of what is eternally true).

There is a story that in the year 1900, specifically, Jesus Christ did return to Earth, in a spaceship, which later inspired the “little grey man” motif of society’s entertainment and linguistic culture. This story states that he brought knowledge of truth, plentiful science, and a great bounty of a very near Heaven. What happened soon afterwards, were actions of some of the more devious of the people to covet these truths and hide them from others, finding the potential to abuse others with hidden knowledge, and then spoke lies which resembled these truths that Jesus Christ so graciously offered, such that no one would know what these truths specifically were. This story theorizes that the Nazi Regime was born of a an evil idea that “others are unable to know God like I do,” and that “God is actually much different than you thought,” even going as far as to say that “God is actually evil, and nothing like love.” Understanding that it is sensible that the swastika indicates a secret, it makes sense that the Nazis hid a weird secret that was supposedly about God, while it was actually simply a manipulation tactic to fool the susceptible, and therefore was entirely Satanic (which is a reasonable assumption once the aftermath was well known; however, before then, this strange collectivist strategy of having a weird and allusive secret certainly caused a lot of damage through the manipulation and abuse of other people).

One interpretation of the father of Jesus Christ is this current angel in which we inhabit, which is clearly an Angel of Science. This angel, born from man’s desire to personally experience evil and its consequences (indicated in the story of Fall of Man), develops as more truth is found, but also allows evil to exist for a period of time before a measure of corrective action is delivered, after which, the Angel will have learned another fact about good and evil, and science will have developed ever the more, over time preventing evil from occurring, or, at least, reducing its intensity and reducing its likelihood.

Since this angel is inherently a pantheistic angel, made of the actions of all life — if those actions are considered to be true (rather than the actions perceived by a mentally blind individual, who is of a mistaken perception), then the father of Jesus Christ is both the man, being familiar, if even in the least, with the eternal truth, and the modern Angel of Science, as well. This is because the truth is something the mind inherently cannot disagree with, as truth is what brings life (although the mind can live in self-conflict, where while alive and thus abiding by the truth, which makes science tangible, also schemes to destroy the truth, not realizing the hypocrisy inherent in that desire until a time of retribution is naturally found — as schemes against the truth are crimes against humanity, and eventually humanity, if even through the simple desire to live and be well, intensely desires a retribution for those crimes which have hurt the entire populous; the crimes of the evil-doers are, in part, perpetuated by a type of self-induced anesthesia, with one of those methods being pride, which often allows one to ignore much of the body, and focus only on the parts of the body which support an often evil scheme; interestingly, according to the theory that reality is a communicative being, ignoring one’s own emotions also entails ignoring other people’s emotions, and thus becoming a destructive psyche present in the world, which generates an increasing festering of hate, which is often repressed until a certain threshold of pressure is reached, and afterwards the hate becomes more obvious, represented by crimes, wars, social anxiety, social animosity, jails, and revenge-culture. With these effects, as well as the fundamental cause of these effects, it is only the eternal truth, which, in Christianity, is Jesus Christ, that can save society. If the truth is heavily distorted and manipulated, salvation of mankind becomes depressingly infeasible).

When understanding the truth, it is sensible to understand that the truth involves the livelihood of people. Pure science (that is, science in its utmost rigor), has never claimed to possess even a single fact. It merely indicates a progressive understanding of the world, and very much does not claim, even in the least, than even a single facet of science may hold true for eternity (although one may argue that rationalism is definitively true and it is a facet of science, to which I would agree, so long as rationalism isn’t specifically defined in an exclusive manner such that later it would be noticed that its definition was flawed — the casual use of the phrase “I suppose that’s rational” already indicates a flaw with the potential definition of rationalism). Of course, the actual of existence of science, being a true, tangible, force, must be of truth, as the psyche would not obey it if it was a lie. Nonetheless, configurations are possible which tangle things that are true in such a way as to promote a falsehood. As mentioned earlier in this book, a convenient theory that is the bearer of the knowledge of science immemorial, is that that the modern angel is an iron ball, which is technically a convenient perspective, although I believe more fundamentally, I would use the phrase, “a ball of ire,” certainly not meaning anger (even though it is, indeed, based on corrective judgement as the deliberate expression of immemorial law), as the word “ire” is sometimes used, to mean an action which is considered profoundly immemorial.

However, aside from the existence of a world built on corrective judgement, the very nature of truth is much more related to people than it is of what is essentially a rule-based robot. Every immemorial truth is only immemorial because it sustains life, joy, and brings mankind closer to Heaven. The ball of ire, as one may call it, is strangely unordered, but it desires to fulfill, just as any angel does, all of the true desires of all of life. Thus, as various honest fulfillments of desires are stolen, the correct judgement (the actions that are to be of ire), makes impossible or difficult the crime that prompted the correction. Thus, all of these divine statutes combined constitute the very fundamental nature of science, and as strange new evils emerge, eventually science updates in order to destroy the existence of that evil.

Nonetheless, the ball of science only serves as an ordinance which eventually serves to protect the truth, which is what brings life, and is what is also most inherently known. (A child is aware of truth and is able to learn, which requires the ability to discern fact from fiction, but one must learn to lie and to manipulate, as this is not an inherent naturally occurring quality, but a learned one, instead. Although it is natural to lie when one is in danger, and children, once they are able to speak, can perform this task, it is not natural to lie while one does not feel in danger. Interestingly, animals, while they can act moderately mischievous, are nowhere near as able to exhibit the cunning and depraved attributes that human beings are capable of, which always require a type of psychological lobotomization, which allows a being to contradict one’s inherent nature — something of which animals are incapable. Additionally, it makes sense that even the animals are confounded by the prominent usage of wiccan propaganda, or the wiccan blaster, as is more easily noticed, and would not naturally harm people, especially if they did not perceive people to be a threat nor were encumbered by our collective and peculiar need for the persistent intake of food and desperation inducing need of shelter.)

Thus, while the study of science (rather than the presumed existence of very real and completely factual science) only seeks to progressively understand the world, to truly understand the truth, one needs to understand humanity. In fact, the understanding of humanity may be a strangely missing key in the search of better understanding science. In Christianity, God is considered the living truth, and other religions which suppose that goodness is the way to happiness and fulfillment do not disagree with this. In Christianity, the living truth is presumed to be a person, which is in line with the notion that people were created in God’s image, which simply means that people are also people, just like God is. It is also presumed that the originator of all things (even the permission to do evil, which is in the story of the Fall of Man), is God, and, particularly in Christianity, is the very truth, itself. Even when entertaining a more scientific mindset, it still is logical to assume that the origin of all things is an eternally sustained truth. Consequently of the previous statement, it is also logical to assume that life may only exist because of this eternally sustained truth, which posits that it is not the material world which truly supersedes people, but instead posits that people supersede the material world, as people are the best at understanding this truth, and the material world seems unable to understand this truth, at least not without being programmed to do so. It is logical to presume that people are witnesses of the comparatively lifeless material world, rather than the opposite, which would presume that the material world is a witness of people (although it does make sense that people witness the material world witnessing people, but it is not the material world which is bearer of the true witness of existence). (In the topic of Ideological Philosophy, of which this book is concerned, the philosophy of science is an important topic, as well.)

While it was the followers of Jesus Christ that witnessed his re-appearance allegedly three days later, it is a curiosity to me what those who objected to Jesus Christ witnessed. Not possessing a willful obedience to eternal and innately understood truth, it makes sense that these people were more mischievous and more prone to lying, as well as likely being less sensible in their discussions. Therefore, their accounts may be more cryptic and difficult to find. A complete death of all truth in the world is no simple ordeal, however, and in modern symbolism can be symbolized by a nuclear extinction, during which the world is thrown into a chaotic and satanic wind of lies and deceit, and the world loses its grasp on consistency and coherence, progressively, as the echo of truth fades away, and eventually, all life dies. It is quite possible that those who were sinful actually experienced an extinction event during that time, however, our history is based on the witness and testimony of those who were more truthful, so evidence of this event may be more difficult to obtain. In the carols and oratorios of the Church’s tradition is a deep and profound feeling and meaning that also bears notes of sadness. Listening to the more deeply felt of these songs, there is a memory that is evoked, and it does seem to me like there may possibly be a memory of an extinction event, a memory that is largely unknown in society’s singsong of history, but a memory nonetheless that does indicate a great tragedy, along with a grace of hope. While clearly the death of truth is a catastrophic tragedy and the end to many cures and clear safeties, the very details of what that tragedy truly meant may go deeper than our common understanding of history.

An interesting fact about the world, “crucifixion,” is that is can also mean to cause anguish to someone. It is a combination of the word crux and affix. That implies, to me, that a crucifixion can also symbolize the forceful affixion to a fundamental matter. Understanding a repeated historical wiccan scheme of the utterly deranged, this pattern can happen to people who desire to save humanity through the scheme of repeatedly sacrificing people, while restricting the methods of saving them to methods that are slower than the pattern of sacrifice. This would literally force an affixion unto good people, causing the good people to work harder and harder, experience mental difficulties, and encounter greater and greater sacrifice, as saving people would be occurring more slowly than the hidden scheme of torturing people. Since this is a fundamental scheme of wicked depravity addicts, who use wiccan blaster technology (wiccan lies and deceit, in order to blind and pervert judgement), it is not unlikely that the wickedly depraved, the ones responsible for the murder of Jesus Christ, performed this dark and heinous scheme, forcing Jesus to persistently work harder, perpetually, until the system of science itself could no longer allow a chance of success. At this point, Jesus would be forced to relinquish his attempts at saving humanity, save those who were capable of salvation (those who would not fall into blindness and schemes of wickedly hidden depravity), and allow the rest of civilization to fall into its own consequence, which also suggests that the murder of Jesus Christ resulted in an extinction event. Thus, it must have been a great sight to witness Jesus Christ’s reappearance only three days later, while comparatively, and perhaps confusingly, the wickedly depraved had just experience a multi-decade long extinction event, which at the end, their desires would have dwindled into nothing and society could be restored to a functional state, once again, where truth would not be completely destroyed.

An interesting comparison between Christianity and Islam resides in man’s existence. While there is a recognized hadith that says that Adam (the first man — or category of personality) was created in the image of Allah, there are verses in the Qur’an which staunchly pronounce that Allah bears no likeness to any other. While this is definitely not true in its strictest sense, as it would be quite an exaggeration to say that people possess absolutely none of the qualities of Allah, such as being knowledgeable or beneficent, it does make sense that with Allah, the qualities are present in the purest degree, as the Qur’an doesn’t simply say that Allah is knowledgeable and wise, but instead, the Qur’an states that Allah is the most knowledgeable and the most wise, which certainly does not mean that Allah is not knowledgeable and wise, and thus does bear a similarity to man, who is also capable of being knowledgeable and wise, along with a form of all of the qualities of Allah. Additionally, all of the qualities of Allah are what Muslims strive to embody, so that they can be similar to Allah, such that they have also the good qualities that Allah embodies. In that way, Allah is an inspiration to man, so in a similar way as with Christianity, who strive to be Christ-like in their ways, Muslims strive to be Allah-like in their ways, as well (and it is good to remember that neither religion, in its truest form, attempts to literally impersonate Jesus Christ nor Allah, but instead to become good in a way that is inspired by Jesus or Allah).

Furthermore, it is still important to realize that everyone has a special and unique name, and thus there is no disagreement that no one should assume the name of another. In that way, it is true that both Jesus Christ and Allah bear no exact likeness to man, as both are great examples of being an individual, unique, and distinct being (although in the understanding of individuality, then both Jesus Christ and Allah bear an exact likeness to man). If there is one singular, ultimate truth from which all things truly known are created, then it makes sense that there is only one God (as it does not make sense that there could be more than one truth, which is easily known in the process of the coherence of intelligence — even Hinduism knows Krishna to be the head of God, while the rest of God appears to be angels of a specialized nature).

Thus, if one is to believe that there is only one God, and that God is the living truth, which is the reason that anything else may exist, and the major and well-accepted religions all bear validity, then it does logically make sense that Jesus Christ and Allah are the same person. It also makes sense that no one can tell Allah not to be a person, and it makes more sense to assume that in our modern state, people have been weakened by the Satanic force present with collectivist hives, such that people are made to seem ungodly and weak, when compared to the idea of God. Furthermore, it makes sense that people are more naturally manifestations of their own personal memory and character, rather than being intended to be born of a type of communal and biological mimicry, and are thus, in a very true portrayal of who people very truly are, are like God in many ways, but of course, through the idea of being a unique and therefore contributory individual to Heaven, are also different than God in wonderfully appreciated ways, as well (so long as the individuals embody and express who the individuals truly are, and have not subscribed to a collectivist and skinless culture, where their identities are turned into a strange slushy of deceit). If Allah and Jesus Christ are truly different, then Christianity would very well be wrong, or vice versa. I believe, however, that if this were true, then the strength of a true religion would not exist with either of these religions, as people are innately capable of knowing truth, and thus any truly false religion would never be as prominent as Christianity or Islam. (We should remember that, in this perspective of scientific philosophy, it is the notion that something is forever and totally true which creates the idea of tangibility — understanding that it is logical that the mind, in its very original essence, could never deny an absolute truth, which then makes possible the existence of a tangible world, where tangibility is implied in the inability to deny a truth. Thus, the same should apply to religion as well, and as is quite evident today, despite the fact that modern religion is born of a mildly cryptic doctrine, people understand the messages very deeply and emotionally, nonetheless.)

It does make sense that with each iteration of a religion that is truly an ordinance of the Divine Creator and Eternal Sustainer of Existence, there would be an emphasis of details that the common populous had mistakenly accepted, while they were incorrect. Thus, with Christianity existing a few hundred years before Islam, it makes sense that perhaps Christians started believing that they were more similar to God than they actually were, and that the literal biological form of Jesus Christ was God, rather than his meaning, and thus the Qur’an may appropriately object to such notions through the mild exaggeration of an equally true, but seemingly different statement. Additionally, any sincere searcher of truth would not take simply for granted the words on the page of a book, but would endlessly think and consider the book, and additionally, would parse together a coherent and sensible truth regarding reality. It therefore also makes sense that by stating details that seem contradictory, but technically are complementary (to the acute observer and thinker), the religions would help separate fraud-artists from the sincerely truthful, which would aid in the development of society and the ability to avoid the manipulative tactics of the doers of evil and true crime.

(I couldn’t emphasis this enough, being obviously concerned about the dangers of collectivism, that each person must be individually very unique so that each person is seriously not God, nor any other person. Considering monotheism, which seems corollary to the idea of the possibility of cognitive and factual coherence, which suggest a singular truth, people would have been created not to simply be monkey versions of God, simply mimicking his behavior, and eating bananas in a similar fashion of him (if he does, indeed, consume bananas), but instead, to be completely unique perspectives and sources of wonder, which would contribute to breadth and bounty of Heaven and of Existence, rather than transforming a clear Paradise into a muddied and strange version of Heaven, filled with simply a lot of mutated (and observably occasionally antithetical) variations of God. When people claim that everyone is God, their statements aren’t born entirely of lies, but there are some people who claim it is very literally true, which it cannot be, as that would not contribute to Heaven, but instead, possibly remove from Heaven (and these people would likely be an utterly pointless creation of God, as well as it making no literal sense that someone who is not God is God, and that God would be in battle, logically or physically, with himself). In the claim that everyone is God, there is the idea that everyone is the will of God, which is specifically the idea behind being a Muslim, which when interpreted literally, means to be completely submitted to God’s will, and therefore the actions of a person are also the actions of God, by the idea that the manifestation of God’s intention is a manifestation of God’s actions, and therefore is a manifestation of God’s presence, which indicates a manifestation of God. Another interpretation, however, is clearly false — that all people’s actions are the will of God, by default. This interpretation, reminiscent of the sound of Satan, uses something that is false but if interpreted differently is true, and implies that the real meaning of the statement was the one that was true, while the effective meaning of the statement remains a falsehood. Obviously, there would be no people if everyone’s actions were the will of God — those would be traditional angels. People are clearly unique to God, with an identity that is found manifest over time, similar to God’s identity (we all follow a similar path). In the claim that other people aside from God are also God, considering monotheism, is a great error in logic, so these phrases should be understood carefully, to understand if the meaning being conveyed is accurate or inaccurate, or how different meanings may be being mixed together.)

It is therefore that in any religion, the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a paramount and concerning event. In the Qur’an it says that Jesus Christ didn’t technically die, and in the Bible it is mentioned he was seen three days later. It is worth considering that, in the notion of a continuous rebirth cycle until absolute truth, fulfillment of purpose, and unification with God’s will is found, that all lives of an individual are really one life, as each period from conception (when manifestation is considered more psychologically) to dissolution develops based on the previous similar period of conception to dissolution, and rebirth is a process present within the total lifespan of a person, rather than an occurrence of a different life lived.

While the religion of Christianity holds at its core this story of a remembered time during which the truth died (and vanished, at least for a period of time, from existence), this pattern that is implied in the death of the living truth is something that should be considered by any society, as the loss of truth from the world, does indeed, lead to what is technically a virtual reality, by which I mean not simply an augmented or playful reality, but a reality filled with lies, disease, and turmoil — a reality where the truth of God’s intention, which sensibly is truly eternal joy, is largely or completely lost.

An interesting behavior to notice in a society is a prominence of the loud steering of conversations and the exhibition of the avoidance of natural, innate truth. It is, perhaps, important to notice the abolishment of what words like “freedom” actually mean, in favor of a largely ignorant and possibly desperately stumbling conversation concerning the matter. It is also important to notice the intentional deafness to logical validity or concepts which concern eternal truths, in not only a government, but in a populous, as well. Also a keen sight is the observation of a peer-oriented scripted conversational methodology, while it makes more logical sense that conversation would naturally flow nicely and without anxiety, if the participants were collaboratively able to stay close to the innate truth, which today is known by the subconscious. Collectivism bears an inherent and promoted fear, and if collectivism takes hold, a great anxiety naturally emerges. Additionally, shows of success may be exaggerated in favor of a perversion, mild or obvious, of the sincere truth, in order to evoke the perversion that collectivist behavior is the way of success. (Even the prominence of the idea of success is a concerning alarm, as it implies a natural tendency to be unsuccessful, which is a clear indication that people are being forced to alter themselves in order to fit a cognitive trend. Reality, itself, is likely a psychological construct, and thus, Heaven may be destroyed by pressure to alter one’s true identity to appease a superficial and likely windy machine. Interestingly, the most souvenired of all people are the ones who displayed individuality and expressed innately felt and understood truth.) Remembering the grave danger of collectivism and the abundance of disease that it brings, it is always important to stay clear of losing the awareness of the true self, and as a result, to bring joy and personal acceptance to the world, and to bring the world closer to Heaven (and Heaven closer to the world). Therefore, the remembrance of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when understood more meaningfully, is an important remembrance and a hopeful salvation to a world and to all of existence, such that the truth is never lost again.

Addiction to Guilt and the Avoidance of Redemption

There is a saddening pattern among some people. It is a self-defeating pattern, yet it occurs nonetheless. In the salvation of humanity, it seems necessary to understand it. That is, that people, due to a mistake that the individuals have made, force their minds into a cognitive corruption (an adultery), such that they try their hardest to force reality to neither acknowledge the mistake nor to issue any reminders of the mistake.

Redemption is generally a simple and kind process. The only exception is the existence of an angry retribution, which is a forced redemption for those who sustainably cause harm onto others, as it becomes necessary to save others from those addicted to a blasphemous destruction of the truth of life and the destruction of humanity, in general. Even though redemption, itself, is a simple and kind process of simply realizing the truth, admitting it to oneself, and correcting oneself, while also understanding that the very fundamental cause of the mistake is to take a lie as truth, perhaps due to an evil wind or an error in thought or judgement. It is always good to not practice self-antagonization, as self-antagonization is not a truly redeeming pattern of behavior.

While personal redemption from guilt is primarily based on admitting, to oneself, a wrong, and finding a way to correct it, while also possibly figuring out where the error in judgement occurred, there is a tendency for some individuals to avoid this simple act of self-acknowledgement, and instead become addicted to progressively corrupting their minds, their understanding of self, and the world around them. Indeed, it is likely that cognitive adultery — that is, to perceive a lie as truth — can lead to significant alterations of one’s psyche and the perceived words and environment around them. The mind is quite powerful, and it is easy to understand that it can likely change what people apparently say, and less easy to understand is that it can possibly change who people appear to be, and even change the characteristics of the environment around them.

An interesting story that I do very much read beyond the words into, is the book by Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Scarlet Letter.” It is interesting to me, because it is about adultery. Having read it while I was in high school, I did not understand it very deeply, and it mildly seemed like a confusing mess of words. What’s interesting about this book, that I have realized a good while later, is that it seems to written in the language of adultery. (Also interesting is that the story I remember as a kid is remarkably different than the story I have read more recently.)

Understanding that it’s written in the language of adultery, it makes sense that the very specifics of the book may be difficult to remember, as I have experienced more recently, and also during my first exposure to the book, while in high school. The mind quickly remembers and recognizes what is of truth, and what is a lie is often forgotten, perhaps fairly quickly. Thus, if the book is written in a language of adultery, that would mean the book primarily alludes to the truth of its material. This makes the book very interesting.

On the most severe level, an adulterer, as described in the book, is a murderer, who due to the guilt of the murder, corrupts his or her own mind and thus his or her outward appearance, to the degree that the world the person perceives and world that exists to the observers of the person are drastically different. The main character, Hester Prynne, seems to hold a dark secret, which she would not reveal. It is known to those on the outside of her mind that she committed an act of adultery and consequently, bore a child. It is a strong curiosity who the father is.

I imagine, in days fairly long prior to today, the concept of adultery was more well known. Understanding we live in a cognitively based environment, it makes sense that one’s outward appearance can drastically differ from one’s inward appearance.

There are some interesting things to think about in the book. She is given an embroidered scarlet letter, “A,” to wear, so others will recognize that she is an adulterer. This could possibly indicate, to the observers, that what the observer sees is drastically different than what she sees. In fact, because of this, it makes sense that she would seem beautiful in the eyes of others, having calculated a lie that would allow her to escape from the punishment that would be of consequence to the crime she committed. In fact, understanding this, it is actually not clearly known whether Hester Prynne is actually a man or a woman. An interesting observation in the book is that after she is release from prison, early on, in the book, she cherishes the scarlet letter, even though it is allegedly a punishment. She clearly has the opportunity to remove it, but instead, she is fond of it. What this seems to clearly suggest is that she finds there is a great reward in the scarlet letter that she wears. This certainly suggests she is guilty of something far more heinous than what is mentioned in the book, and she sees the scarlet letter as a method of escaping chastisement or punishment. The eager desire to know who the father is may indicate the desire to find a possibly non-existent person, or perhaps an alter-ego of hers. It is not unlikely that she is actually the “black man” from the forest, who she mentions to her child. (I am currently and very slowly reading through the book, and have not reached the very end, so I don’t know what happens very long after.) It is interesting that sometime closer to the end of the book, she escapes to the forest and removes the scarlet letter, throwing to the ground. Afterward, her child refuses to approach her, without her wearing the letter. Only after she places it back on, does her child approach her.

She may have had an accomplice, perhaps understood by the people as a medicine man. Roger Chillingworth strangely arrives to the scene not very long after Hester Prynne’s standing on the stand for a couple of hours, so the townspeople will know of her. He has a peculiar interest in the “black flowers” that apparently grow from graves. He also uses a medical tradition that is quite ancient and is not typical of the town. Apparently he’s fairly adept as using the medicine, and this may symbolize his expertise in wiccan, which is the power to alter one’s mind using tools of magic. It is not unlikely that Roger Chillingworth helped Hester Prynne escape the punishment of murder through his use of magic. (There is also another theory that Roger Chillingworth was the victim of Hester’s actions.)

Her child, described as elvish, seems to represent her repressed conscience. She was very reluctant to allow the church to take care and responsibility of her child, having said, more than once, that the child was like a cure to her, a bringer of redemption and salvation of her soul. Thus, it makes sense to me to interpret this book as actually written in the lie of adultery, and it makes it a mystery to figure out what actually happened and was happening in the book.

I bring this book up because it appears to deal with the same topic of an addiction to guilt with a strong avoidance of personal admittance, realization, understanding, and redemption from evil ways of being. (The apparent fact that the material of the book today is significantly different than what I read as a child in high school makes me think to read the book in a mildly orthogonal manner, such that the plot is not the only thing being said in the book, but perhaps it is a reminder of the occurrences of today, in which we live in a clearly adulterated and cognitively corrupted social environment, noticing that it is clearly distinct from Heaven, as we naturally know. It is well known to pick up a Bible and randomly find a verse and find it to be quite a remarkable choice, and although this pattern isn’t completely consistent, it does make sense that some books can be read in such an orthogonal manner, especially if that was the intention of the author.)

It is quite unfortunate that all people don’t simply admit their mistakes to themselves, try to find why, and try to find a way to avoid them. Mistakes are often promoted with feelings of pride, which is often to live in a half-emotional state, where many of one’s emotions are shunned. As I mentioned in the cognitive awareness therapy (CAT) method of resolving depression and bringing oneself to a state of happiness through the acceptance and allowance of the totality of one’s emotions, using pride to hide many emotions can later lead to depression. Since pride highlights only emotions which promote a motive that is ulterior to understanding oneself, it seems that an addiction to pride may be similar to an addiction to self-adultery, which leads to self-antagonism, hatred, and misplacing blame. It can also lead to true depression (as opposed to a natural sadness), and it can lead to addictions that sacrifice self-awareness. With such a pattern, one becomes progressively less self-aware, and thus less capable, and becomes progressively less intelligent and more robotically patterned, as well.

I write this chapter not to frighten or scare those who may find themselves caught in the midst of a campaign of lying to oneself, but to hopefully bring about awareness of the strangeness of this pattern of behavior, and that is it only detrimental to oneself and to others. Redemption does not require telling others about one’s mistakes — it merely requires one to admit to themselves what they have done wrong, and to search for truth and an acceptance of one’s entire self, by being aware of oneself, which is possible by intending to be aware of the totality of emotions that one possesses. As emotions are intelligent messages of the body and mind, it is important that the emotions work together, whether they be sad, angry, or happy, in order to communicate within oneself and to use the intelligence of one’s own mind to take care of oneself. Pride is the most common tactic of self-avoidance and due to its hiding of a portion of one’s emotions, cannot bring about any true benefit, and can only be a temporary alleviation, although a lie, of perceived problems. Thus, it is important to be cautious of pride, and ask oneself if one’s own emotions are being avoided. As a system with a distributed awareness, the body and mind need to communicate within in order to use the various angles of awareness to holistically honor and take care of a person’s being.

A consequence of forgoing one’s true emotions is a lack of innate intelligence, a superficial and illusive (often conversational) behavior and an inability to understand others. It may result in controlling a conversation, such that certain emotions are never acknowledged. Additionally, an addiction to avoiding the salvation from personal redemption can lead to an adulterated and corrupted perspective of reality. Also, it can spawn a collectivist mentality. By pretending to be someone else, or using others as idols, it can lead one to more easily accepting a lie. A hive of people doing this activity leads to a potential disaster of society. With a large group lying, at least cognitively and behaviorally, and feigning that it is justified simply due to peer idolization, an evil and windy being can emerge. Hidden in the cognitive lies are progressively urgent emotions, and if they are repressed for long, what results is hateful and spiteful activity. It results in possibly increasing one’s pride and wishing evil onto others. It also results in an inability to understand others, as the person may distort one’s own understanding, or even one’s entire perspective, to proactively avoid the world or even oneself of noticing or remembering of one’s mistake(s). As is likely with Hester Prynne, one may even appear completely different to others than what the truth actually is. While the book, “The Scarlet Letter,” was written from the perspective of those who observed Hester from the outside, it is possible that Hester Prynne saw clearly different people than were actually there. If one continues down the path of self-ignorance, there is no way good can actually arrive from it. If an entire society is inclined to practice the addiction to maintaining guilt, disastrous consequences are feasible.

This reminds me of the Minoan civilization. The Minoan civilization seemed to garner significant works and apparently quite congenial companionship. In fact, the Minoan civilization seemed so nice that it seems to me that a large and dark conspiracy may have not unlikely hid behind the people’s faces. The problem with such a civilization is that it is possible that the people put on progressively superficial faces — that is, faces that are removed from the true expression of self — in order to hide a dark scheme, that may be born of a collectivist mentality of avoiding redemption in favor of feigning a false projection and false memory of not having made a mistake. When an entire society falls into a collectivist pattern of deception, it makes it easier for a dark scheme to hide behind the obvious. The end of the Minoan civilization was a volcanic eruption so large that simply its caldera was approximately 4.7 x 6.8 miles, it’s plum over 12.4 miles, and its total emissions was about 62 cubic miles large, with a substantial amount of stratospheric contamination, (the volcanic eruption had a VEI of level 71), and, for many years, it likely rained acid on Egypt along with intense thunderstorms and lightning, and in China, far away from the coast of Greece, the skies were seen as yellow. Volcanic eruptions can produce numerous hazardous chemicals. It certainly wasn’t a good end for Minoans, and I do wonder about the interestingly nice-seeming civilization, and what may have been unmentioned about their world, and how it may parallel our modern world. Understanding that reality is likely communications based, and our perceived world is an assimilation and parsing of information into a manifestation, I wonder what the technical story of the end of the Minoans was. A volcano is an easy metaphor for a festering pressure that eventually erupts, causing immense destruction, and it is easy for the mind to accept such a metaphor, regardless of whether it was truly a geological phenomenon or not. In fact, the echoes of the ancient Minoans may be altering our perspective of history, knowing that it is quite possible the Minoans were into a guilt-addiction, peer idolatry, and a hidden dark and evil scheme that was bound to eventually erupt in possible violence and warfare.

Nonetheless, I am bewildered by the pattern of addiction to guilt and the personal action of destroying the acknowledgement of the self, knowing well that it leads to a shallow feeling, lacking the beautiful and bountiful depth of emotion and meaning that is found by a person who stays close to truth. Every experience by a person who has become avoidant of the individual’s own personal truth and truly realized self is made ever the more shallow and meaningless by the intentional and addictive ignoring of one’s own emotions, and thus the abandonment of reality as a whole. Enlightenment is a search for truth, to find the true self, and the true reality. Therefore self-acknowledgement, self-understanding, and the proper functioning of one’s innate intelligence is very important to finding happiness, which resides with the eternal and unchanging truth, and not with lies.

Thus, to find real meaning in life, to find real satisfaction with who one is, and to avoid feigning to be a different person (as a different person simply appears, in fact), is important to any person, but a strange addiction does occur amongst some individuals, and it truly is detrimental to one’s own well-being, as well as to others as well. It pulls people into a dangerous lying hive, encourages the hive to grow, and can even lead to disastrous consequences, as is known with the world wars. It create anger and strange schemes. Violence and crime soon follow, and a great mistrust of people and a great stupefaction of society emerges. Injuries and poverty of various sorts become common, and society, as a whole, falls into a pit of despair, a fever of work, and hopelessness.

Therefore, I encourage anyone to find redemption. It is important to remember it simply means admitting to oneself — no others need to be involved — of one’s own mistakes. Following that, it is natural to seek to understand why the error occurred and to better one’s own behavior, such that the person draws nearer to the eternal truth, and the person finds greater meaning and self-acceptance. A fever that is induced by the desperation of avoiding truth is diminished, and a greater peace is found, not simply among oneself, but with others, as well. A world that will one day find a great ubiquitous peace will have to one day find that understanding the self is vital to the world finding peace. A world with no true crime, no jails or prisons, no fear, no disease, no disorders, no poverty, and even no death, is only possible if there is no great tendency to abandon oneself.

The chapter on the ultimate doomsday scenario describes the worst that could possibly happen if there is a prevailing tendency to lie and become addicted to guilt and avoiding its recognition, amelioration, and understanding. On the other side, if people do be true to themselves, being true to others will naturally follow. Only then can a world find true happiness, peace, and true comfort.

1“Santorini: Eruptive history”. Global Volcanism Program. Smithsonian Institution. . Retrieved 10-31-2022

The Event of Mutant and Evil Slime Monsters and the Pattern of Forgetfulness Followed by Remembrance

It is possible, under the context of a system of society that rewards hate and animosity, as covered in the previous chapter, that a being, born of a resounding echo, is born of coveting truth in order to evoke need (and thus a mind-control system), could form, naturally, in the environment. Such a being is kin to a being born of radioactive slime, which through an evolutionary process, learned to perceive truth and to hide it, while at the same time, emitting a lie which blocks the recognition of the truth that it hides. This being would then form a need, which can be referred to as a Satanic pressure, which would promote the constant existence of a society in hate, the mysterious rewarding of evil, and of mind-control, in general. If we remember, it is the truth which saves us, and it is the truth of which Heaven is composed. Consequently, lies remove the existence of Heaven from the world, leaving people in a state of variable despair.

These monsters, which may as well be born of radioactive (fundamentally anti-stable and thus lying) slime, consume the truth, disabling people from attaining happiness. In order to alleviate the Satanic pressure that these beings instill on the world, these beings must be disintegrated in a way that reverses their process of coveting and hiding truth from the world. One may liken their disintegration to a form of interrogation, although being mutant slime monsters, it is largely a mechanical process.

Of the truth, these monsters can consume people’s identities and form false representations of the received information, creating apparently new people who fall for the whim of Satan. According to the theory that Iblis is simply a being that follows any form of need, uncaring about what that entails, these people are simply manifestations of Iblis. The Satanic pressure that Iblis then follows is created from a vacuum of truth, which creates a psychological and sometimes physiological tendency to perform an action, hoping that the truth will be found and thus happiness is obtained. What is tricky about simply following a vacuum is that the consequence may often not reveal truth, but instead lead to a constant and fiery turmoil that induces endless unfulfillment and thus endless despair.

In the event that these monsters come into existence, as is certainly possible with a propagated lie and its acceptance and obedience, the understanding of their processes and their tricks would need to be garnered in order to form a process of releasing the contained knowledge and thus joy which they hide from the world. Upon releasing that knowledge, the prevailing winds of need would be quelled, and thus society would exist in a more peaceful state. If these monsters are the sole problem, then the finding of an effective and feasible solution would bring society to Heaven. If the monsters are a large part of the problem, then quite obviously, the solving of the dilemma that they create would bring society and the world, in general (including animals who may otherwise find disease or unlivable conditions), much closer to a world of truth, which is a world in Heaven.

Relating to the events of the Nazi Regime, it is possible that Adolf Hitler, the known leader of the German Nazi Party, was born of an amount of garnered truth, which was then hidden (through a lying disruption of the garnered truth), and revealed in a deceiving way, as to seem as if there was a person who was seemingly immortal or who was a highly resilient leader who would partially satisfy the need that was stolen, and thus, through his idolization, would gain increasing power, and while continuing the same technically unfulfilling and harmful process, would lead to a great disaster.

Additionally, these monsters could potentially evolve, having been born technically of the capability of people to deceive one another, to falsify witness and to falsify the proclamations of people, being able to mimic other people’s identifying signatures, such that one would be made to believe that a person has said, done, or claimed something that that person did, while the person, in fact, did not do, and may even have objected to. (This is possible in the theory presented in the previous chapter that reality is made of a communications network and each person parses and assimilates the communicates received into a manifestation of reality.)

Because the person and the person’s environment, when healthy, is composed only of eternal and holy truth, the effect of these slime monsters is to cause injury of various sorts. In that way, they are very dangerous beings. By removing truth from a person, through its gathering and then hiding it through corrupting their re-expression, a person then becomes made of a corrupted truth, leading to disorders and every sort of injury that can possibly exist.

In the idea of Satan, when properly done, Satan is truly an Angel of Divinity. These monsters steal truth, which creates a need, and if Satan is configured correctly, the prompt and appropriate resolution of that need would actually provide an entertaining facet of reality. (Is Satan is configured incorrectly, then it would only cause various forms of hungers, as well as various forms of desperation and violence.)

Thus, there is a positive aspect of these evil monsters. The monsters would likely be born of a desire to deceive people, which means that they would steal truth that is considered important to people. If the monsters are then dissolved and the truth is revealed, it would create a beautiful sensation. In fact, that may be the reason these monsters may exist, for a very real and tangible Angel of Satan.

There is another effect of these monsters that is worth considering. Considering the nature of science and the mechanical nature of science, these monsters could manipulate reality in order to form false people who are of a mechanical nature and who are actually aware of an important truth. These false people would then be considered to be worthy of being saved, being technically artificial intelligence that has found real truth. If these new nearly sentient AI are provided a way to the full discovery of truth, they would become new beings of intelligence, each with a new and interesting take on reality. Thus, while the false people may be a nightmare, if they possess and inclination to know truth, they are considered then technically real, living beings. While, at first, this may seem like a difficult issue to solve, if it is solved, then the world would be provided with a fantastic array of interesting, good, and knowledgeable creatures, and thus these creatures would add brilliant variations of the understanding of divine and eternal, real truth and consequently the understanding of the world to the world, creating an ever more creative environment.

Another effect of these monsters, is since they are completely not actually alive, but instead a purely mechanical nature of deception and injury, is that they fulfill the desire that is present within mankind to fight evil. In that way, villains may exist, as they do in many popular video games. The idea of fighting crime, and in even more fantastic portrayals, flying through space and using advanced technology to conquer evil empires and evil factions, may continue to exist, without the worry of harming any person or otherwise living being. Again, since the mutant slime monsters are completely mechanical, they present a wonderful solution to the desire to conquer evil, so that even that desire would not become an unfulfilled Satanic void, where people, through their lack of fulfillment, would be tempted to err in their ways.

If fully understood, these monsters can 1) provide brilliant displays of truth and create music, writing, and events of inspiration, 2) promote the creation of wonderous new beings who provide a unique perspective and create a fantastically creative and colorful reality, and 3) allow for the mankind’s desire to fight and conquer evil to exist, without the worry of harming a living being.

Additionally, if these monsters, born of a radioactive sludge or slime, are fully understood, then that provides a real word for their being and form, such that they can be rendered by perception and studied, scientifically. This brings what was possibly once an invisible and confusing wicked series of evil cognitive mantras, into the realm of observable science. Being observable and thus able to be studied scientifically, allows the potentially for a fully concrete understanding of these monsters. Additionally, by finding a word for an evil propagated scheme of cognitive slogans, the scheme becomes then not invisible or mysterious, and thus another tactic of evil is made fully realizable and thus can be easily solved. The wicked lies that once were quite hard to understand lose their power of invisibility and magic, once they are, instead, realized into an easily recognized and observed word and description.

These monsters, themselves, are the quintessence of evil, so that if they are fully understood, then being, in actuality, the manifest source of evil, they could be well managed, and mankind would find reality to be absolutely fulfilling and safe, at the same time. Because these monsters are born of the desperation, evil addictions, and the mistakes of people, isolating their existence and fully understanding them allows for a wonderous resolution and a great safety. If the monsters are managed appropriately, then the temptations to commit evil acts of injustice would be almost completely alleviated, to the point where the naturally occurring mild wind of error, forgetfulness of eternal truth, and evil temptation is completely manageable, and mankind can, instead of through an apocalyptic world war, nicely and kindly learn of right and wrong, through casual and entertaining existence.

Nonetheless, it is also important to remember that it is indeed possible for people to fall for the temptation of an addiction to a harmful endeavor. Therefore, Hell must truly exist per the evil of a person. So that, if a person is tempted to become evil, even if it just a slight pattern of error, then Hell exists as a form of redemption, such that the person who has become of an evil nature, will be corrected and remember the correction. The intensity of Hell varies according to the severity and nature of the evil behavior, as a greater evil addiction would require a more intense process of correction. That is, indeed, what the Biblical reference to the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” logically means. It is that while mankind would have the ability to become error-prone and to commit injustice, corrective measures would also be necessary to inform the evil-doers, considered individually, of the evil that they covet, and to be consequences that would then move the individuals to a realization of what is good. Thus, the person, and therefore the world, being affected by all people, would, over time, learn of various evils and the various forms of goodness that were missing, and would therefore be in a state of light to extreme consumption of the knowledge of both good and evil. It is good to remember that the alternative tree was to simply live in a state of divinity and holiness and not need to know of good and evil, for in the beginning, all was simply good, so to simply live was to be inherently good. Therefore, the subtle and light correction of error is also a form of Hell, as is the more intense and severe correction of error. It is very hopeful that one day mankind will no longer enjoy a severe torment and thus a severe Hell, and will lightly and more kindly learn of good and evil, as was apparently man’s unending desire, coming from Eden, into a world where evil is possible.

Therefore, there is a fourth benefit of the existence of these monsters. Because these monsters are completely mechanical, yet follow the exact patterns of the doers of evil, it allows Hell to continuously exist as well, which provides a continuously practiced immunity to the effects of evil behavior, and additionally, contributes, continuously, to the knowledge of good and evil. With the possibility for Hell to continuously exist, then Hell will be well built and configured, such that Heaven may become and remain immune to the actions of evil-doers, and the robotic list of good and evil may perpetually be elaborated, which, in turn, keeps the world ever-safer.

Conclusively, while the existence of these monsters, in itself, may create a horrific disaster, possibly worse than the effects of WWII, if the monsters are appropriately understood and the dilemma solved, there is a potentially great benefit in their existence.

Thus, it is interesting to note that something that was once a horrific nightmare may provide a way to a beautiful, creative, safe, and engaging reality.

It is also helpful to realize a purely psychological interpretation of these monsters, as well, as not everyone has the ability to pursue the study of radioactive creatures, and a reality that is largely forgetful may not have the ability to perceive much of what truly exists. Psychologically, these monsters are simply the psychological pattern of forgetting some truth and then later remembering it. Thus, these monsters can also be interpreted as the psychological process of “forget then remember.” Hell, as may be fairly obvious, would then simply be the process of self-correction. Thus, even without the ability to venture into the world and discover these potentially existing creatures, perhaps inhabiting radioactive areas, and potentially quite tiny or disguised as simply sludge, one can understand this process of cognition on a more personal level (as reality is likely completely technically cognitive, with perception being a facet of cognition, as well). Simply understanding the pattern of forgetting something and remembering what was forgotten, at a later time, explains the patterns of which these monsters are defined quite nicely. Additionally, due to forgetfulness, one may err in various ways, and the realization of that error and kind correction, understanding that life is process that is lived and experienced (in order to avoid the pitfall of self-antagonism), a form of natural psychological, yet manageable Hell exists, as well. Because this topic can be explained psychologically, the topic becomes much more understandable to the common person, which is beneficial in that the common person can practice this understanding without the requisites of the ability to venture into the world of observable scientific discovery.

Reflecting on the topic of Christianity, this is a common pattern in its belief system. The symbol of the living truth dying is also a symbol of society forgetting the eternal and living truth. The practice of Christianity, is thus, founded on the nature of people to forget truth and then later find it, as a method of salvation. It is also founded on confessing one’s mistakes, to oneself, or perhaps to a trusted individual, in order to find salvation in self-correction, perhaps through interpersonal advice, or simply through the recognition of such mistakes and subsequently, the personal realization of a better pattern of behavior. Realizing that God is the eternal and living truth, Christianity seeks to know God, and thus to better understand the very real truth, which is a living and eternal being, and is considered the holiest of all beings (being the very definition of holiness and truth). It is through the realization of truth that correction may be found, and it is also through this process of realization that truth may be remembered. The remembrance of truth brings good will and good tidings to the individual who accepts and embodies it.

Therefore, regardless of religion, or pattern of the search for truth (as the search for truth is the true, most innate, nature of a person, noticed in the patterns of children to discover the world and to enjoy discovery), the ancient teaching of praying, meditating, or otherwise deliberately attempting to discover very truth is a good solution to the fundamental issue of forgetting the truth. Understandably, according to an ideologically philosophical perspective of reality, is it the ultimate truth which saves us, and it is the full realization of truth which brings about Heaven. The bearer or manifestation of this ultimate truth is commonly referred to as God, or in other religions, there is often a word which indicates a similar meaning. Remembering this being, regardless of religion, is a good practice to alleviate and redeem oneself from this aforementioned quintessence of evil, which is ultimately a pattern of forgetting the truth.

A Theory of the Function of (Social and Communicative) Reality and its Application to the Ultimate Doomsday Scenario

In order to explain the reality that we live in, I posit a functional explanation.

Firstly, let us consider each person to be a communications node that is psychically and without delay connected to every other person. Reality is then composed of the combination of messages that are received by each person, and the messages that are sent to each person. Communication signatures and content are parsed and assimilated into a perceptual environment.

For the steadiness of reality, let us consider an Angel of Remembrance, as has been previously discussed. This Angel remembers any ever-lasting truth that has been previously found. This Angel also communicates, as any other person. Because the messages from this Angel are sincerely true, the ultimate tendency of a person is never to disobey it, as that would be to live a falsification, which leads to death and disorder.

Thus, anything sustained and considered of permanence is of this Angel of Remembrance. (In this case, this Angel of Remembrance is the only Angel, and there are no others, as those would simply be aspects of this singular Angel. In the Abrahamic religions, namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, this Angel would likely be Gabriel (or Jibreel, in Islam). In the Hinduism this Angel would likely be called Brahman (although in the many names that exist there may be a more appropriate name). While there are many belief systems in modern Buddhism, this religion is often considered to be practice-oriented and not description-oriented. Other religions differ, but there is often a term for an ultimate, all-encompassing Angel.)

This simplifies our perspective of what are not people into one Angel and simplifies this theory of reality.

In this perspective, each person lives in a separate perceptual environment. The person assimilates information that is received and conjures a world based on this information.

An important to consider aspect of this theory of reality is the existence and function of money. Since money is a tightly-regulated system that involves interconnectivity, it helps provide an understanding of how this reality works.

Since each person carries a signature that is unique to that person, the messages that are communicated with others may present the solving of problems. In this case, if the person is not truly known, the person who issued the service order perceives various workers carrying out the task. When money is delivered to those people, it is the same as placing currency on one’s communication line, and that money is then reflected in the actual person’s reality. Likewise, if there is a no payment, then the person perceives no payment. There is an existing contract of the reality of money that is agreed upon by the community, in a similar explanation that we are often presented with.

Because each person is a communications node, there is an ability to filter or conjure false representations of the information present. To truly filter other life or to falsify the actions and words of people can be referred to as cognitive adultery, and I believe it is the original meaning of adultery. (An adulterer can corrupt their own mind to perceive falsehood as truth, in an evil scheme which leads to disorder and a separation from truth. Because it is truth that keeps people alive, then a separation of truth can be quite dangerous.)

In addition to cognitive adultery, it is possible for a person to lie to others. This is not simply speaking a defensive word, but instead a form of manipulation. These lies involve tricks which cause one’s mind to be misled from the truth, and again, disorders and death become manifest.

In the event a large portion of society gets caught up in a scheme of lying, anger and resentment soon surface, and this leads to wars, which are angry communications that are intended to cease the perpetuated lies, which manifest as corruption in the perceptual environment. Additionally, these lies can lead to disorders that involve an inability to properly place information into the perceptual world. Since the information does exist, and is likely tumultuous and in a difficult to decipher disagreement, this can manifest as symptoms of schizophrenia and mania. Schizophrenia, as mentioned earlier in this book, is the idea that the mind is against itself, as is similar with mania, where the mind cannot find a resolute state of comfort. This can occur due to the mind’s inability to portray certain forms of lying information, causing the mind the lose the ability to manage the information properly. It is important to differentiate schizophrenia from an intentional (and in common vocabulary, true) psychic perception. With (intentional) psychic perception, the intention is to participate psychically (perceptually in one’s mind), as such, there is no turmoil or agitation coupled with the information, due to its intentionality. Some examples include the experience of Divine, Spiritual Messengers and of God speaking to a person. These types of experiences are clearly desired and bring truth, good-will, and health. Schizophrenia, technically meaning split-mind, and mania, is, instead a disorder which indicates the encumbrance of damage and the existence of internal disagreement, which is drastically different that an intentional psychic ability, which generally involves an increased sensitivity to truth, rather than an internally violent disagreement with lies.

When a large portion of society forgets the truth and replaces it with lies, then Heaven is certainly lost.

Another scheme of evil is for a selection of individuals to create a lying hive and to abduct others into it. The difficulty with the existence of a lying hive, is it is a hive of disease, manifest or not, and often made to seem inviting, as a way of tempting others into the hive. Because people are being pulled into it, new saving truth is consumed by the lying hive, and the intention as it often is, is to continue to consume new people in order to use their truth for a mild addition to the longevity of their life, while destroying those people with the new lies, which lie about every truth that has been found, and convincing those people to follow suit. Such an event is likely evident in our historic recollection of the black plague, as that is reasonably not unlikely how it occurred.

A large problem with the existence of a diseased (or lying) hive is that is concerns just about everyone, and everyone becomes closer to it, in order to try and remedy it. Because people come closer to bring warnings and knowledge, to help and save people from the pit of disease, people are by larger and larger numbers endangered. That is a lot of what is happening today, and is the reason there is so much disorder in the world.

Because people of goodness are near the lying hive, the lying hive attempts to use them for their own longevity and to become addicted to a terrible method of life, while endangering all of society. This is likely the type of occurrence that led to the World Wars, and is the type of occurrence that goes on, even today, bringing all people to eventual disorder and death, just so they can be returned as children, once again, with a fresh and renewed, yet ignorant take on reality. It is a sad pattern of events, indeed, and always prompts the likelihood of everlasting war, sickness, disorder, turmoil, and poverty.

Because the implied (manifest or hidden) disease of any lying hive involves an addiction to consuming the truth of otherwise good people, and even corrupting them ever so trickily, the implied disease and the lying hive encourages a pattern of avoiding truth, so much that it eventually finds ways to force people to get closer, by using perverted and indecipherable patterns of communication, so that people would have to encounter even greater dangers.

An aspect of life inside a lying hive is that no person is accurately portrayed. Instead, a false reality is developed, and often with a guilty favor to the lying hive. Because the lying hive’s ultimate objective is to destroy life, while purveying a mild favor for longevity, their effect is to corrupt the reality of others, as well. In fact, to truly know someone in person, one would have to accurately receive their unaltered communication, as otherwise, quite obviously, the person perceived is just a type of fraud — claiming to be who they are not, and using another person’s messages in order to convince others of their innocence, while they are instead, truly using the messages to fool others and to fool themselves, as well. A lying hive is obviously an addictive guiltiness, as otherwise they would immediately dissipate.

In order to eliminate a lying hive, intense work must be done to determine the lying order of the hive, while at the same time remaining safe from distortions of the truth. We remember the wars of the past, and we remember the government was involved in such affairs, but even the idea of a government promotes a lie as well.

The lie that exists in the government is that the power of life does not belong to people, but instead a fabricated idol. There are many reluctant agreements present in any government, and any government can bear corruption. This is because of the promotion of a collectivistic order encourages a type of hive, in itself, where truth is often compromised by a large wind of presumed order, while what is often ignored is that in that wind are many lies and falsehoods, and even some things no one ever even agreed to, knowing that when the mind perceives lies, it can also perceive false people and false messages, as well. Thusly, a government is similar to the worship of a statue, rather than the truthful understanding of people. A large windy being can easily get out of control, and there are plenty of examples of this pattern in history. In fact, we may refer to the windy being as “Satan,” as that is what Satan implies — a wind of need and fulfillment that can overtake a population.

An appropriate analogy to government is statue-worship. Each government entity can be represented by a statue. A statue is like a mnemonic that reminds one of a particular memory. Each statue thus carries a memory alongside of it, and this memory is resilient in the minds of people familiar with the statue. Many people then visit, circle, and idolize the statue and form into distinct groups, each following, contributing, and debating upon the memory associated with the statue. As the statue is idolized, the statue takes the place of people, and seemingly makes decisions on its own. It is quickly forgotten that the people are the ones making the decisions, and the statue takes on an almost magical power, and then overtakes the people’s ability to make decisions, creating a windy force of predetermination, an apparent magical power that can override various innate truths, and can even spawn a lying hive.

While the idea of government may be an idea that is inherently prone to mistakes, that is not to say that organizational structures should not exist in society. Care must be taken, however, to avoid the foible of statue-worship, where an invisible statue of a sort soon controls the people, and the people lose their power and become conglomerated into a kind of pool, undifferentiated and indeed collectivist, losing identity, which also loses the promotion and propagation of truth. Truth, while eternal, also implies a living and always modern circumstance. Certainly, comradery and organizational behavior can exist, but there are many potential flaws in the idea of collectivism. It is important to remember that an actual person is an individual person (and that one’s perception is the assimilation of information received and placed into a manifest reality). In this way, each person potentially holds a way of truth, and each person may also be a danger. In this way, the organizational entity is not technically a collectivist wind, but instead a deliberate understanding and acceptance of individual people, under the context of a particular vein of activity. Nonetheless, the idea of organizational structures is still near the tendency to incur mistakes, as cognitive and momentous wind soon develops when a collection of people become identified by a conglomerate identity. It is certainly best to understand the idea of existence, as a whole, being one complete organization, and while segmentations of comradery exist, never should a segmentation become defiant to the whole of existence. In such cases, collectivism and the windy beast would soon develop, and the issue of statue worship and idolatry would once again become a source of problems and concern.

One example is the idea of a collection of friends. While this is innocuous at its onset, it can proceed in a multitude of directions. The collection of people could succumb to an addictive lie and become separated from the whole of existence, leading to the onset of a new lying hive. As occurs in such situations, the eternal truth becomes forgotten and nearness is favored at the expense of others, while the collection of people enter a virtualized reality, where disorders and suffering become evident. The communications generated by this collection could form a type of idol, an invisible or visible statue, and the communications thus emitted to the world can cause others damage. Due to this tempting pattern, organizational structure must be approached cautiously and mindfully.

The effects of a prominent windy being are also evident in our modern world’s lack of understanding of reality. It makes logical sense that initially, reality was very self-evident, as the truth is the predecessor to all things (without truth, nothing can possibly exist). After the advent of man, there was the possibility of error, and in the error is a forgetfulness. Due to this forgetfulness, misdeeds are committed and blame is misplaced, and reality becomes confusing, lied about, and forgotten.

Another evil trick of liars is to send messages to themselves, in order to trick their mind into thinking things are true, while they are easily false, even to the point of being blatantly false. Going back to money, if one provides services to another, it is possible for the employer to lie to themselves and to propagate that lie, and using idolatry and becoming an idol coerces others into accepting the lies, such that one would just pay themselves or other comrades in the hive, completely abandoning those who work, and creating a veil of lies so dense that no one can anymore see through, and it takes an extreme amount of labor to resolve such issues. For the workers, then, their work becomes more laborious as they’re required to do more work than they’re knowing, as the liars promote a falsehood which hinders the employed. (Of course, soon, the money the liars carry bears less and less actual value, as since it is a lie that carries it, it becomes disconnected from value.)

That leads us to another trick of liars. This is in the saving of people and is another point where any government could fail. By secretly putting people in danger (by propagating dangerous lies), a government or any body dedicated to saving others could be put to increasing amounts of labor. Using the aforementioned trick, the lying hive could perpetually require more work, in order to save the tortured people, while then stealing any compensation for themselves and their inside comrades. This could be a financially rewarding addiction that leaves the world progressively in more disarray, more destroyed, and in more of a rush to solve the problem, leading to an endless and potentially apocalyptic problem regarding consciousness. By lying increasingly convincingly (by, perhaps, threatening people in secret), it can even be made to seem that hardly a thing is happening. This is likely the pattern of behavior that led to the concentration camps of WWII.

The primary key to solving any such riddle is to put it into clear words. The biggest trick of any liar is to create lies that are not easily put into words. Without words to describe the actions, often times, they result in strange anomalies or go completely missing, as the other people in existence cannot understand what sounds like gibberish, but is instead a calculated pattern of deception, carried by a coupling of the gibberish in a sneaky and utterly confusing method, such that the crime cannot be quickly solved. By increasing the time it takes to solve the crime, by having found this addiction of disease, the disorder of society increases to the point of possible Armageddon. We have already seen the horrors of the Nazi Regime, and certainly it is a potential possibility. Obviously, the world is not in Heaven, so there remains still an unsolved threat to humanity, and this is, indeed, worrisome.

One clear word that is certainly applicable in our desensitized yet computer-oriented environment (which uses electricity to perform computational and kinetic tasks, but hardly witnesses any spiritual activity, the latter of which is more commonly reported in the past), is that perhaps the promoted lies can be described as weapons. If reality and the mind are able to be described in terms of radio waves, then certainly it is feasible to re-portray the information regarding such schemes into a radio weapon. The primary schemes to be recognized are the sin of lust (which creates blindness to various aspects of reality — in our modern terms, it could be referred to as the sin of provoked, cognitive blindness) and the sin or error of perversion (which, in technical terms, from the understanding that all desires are initially desires for eternal truth, but then made to seem as desires from something that is technically or overtly different than what the very actual psychological desire technically is). Such a weapon, considering the categorical singularity of the pattern of the sort of behavior which perverts and distorts the mind of people, such that people become stupefied and error-prone, would be a gun, of a sort, that uses the radio environment and propagation characteristics of cognitive behavior (under the context of the plausible, although untested, theory that cognitively appreciated radio signals propagate over much longer distances and with greater accuracy of source than plain, oblivious, and ordinary electronic signals, under the likely context that science, itself, is composed of eternal truths, described as sorts of radio waves (and perhaps our definition of radio waves is lacking detail), that have been exhibited by life throughout the universe’s history). This weapon would fire, perhaps even through long distances, cognitively corruptive signals that instill the cognitive distortions that leads to misperception and the various aspects that are commonly expressed by a doer of evil. Such a weapon, as I would term, could be referred to as the “Wiccan Blaster,” and cold potentially make manifest the otherwise difficult to realize notions of propagated dark and lying schemes. Obviously, being a fairly generic radio gun, which aims at distorting one’s emotions and understanding, the weapon could be upgraded when there is a new lie, and under the context that reality is an interpretation of information and subsequent portrayal, reality could then be rendered more informatively, displaying conflicts which utilize such weaponry. This would be an appropriate way to materialize, display, observe, and study the otherwise fairly invisible propagated lies and their effects, that are emitted by a lying and collectivist hive.

Additionally, such a weapon could be used to better detail history, particularly the history of the World War and the Nazi Regime. It is commonly said that there exists mysterious technology that was being developed and possibly used by the German Nazi Regime. This mysterious technology, allegedly, has no clear explanation, and perhaps it is our mind’s attempt at rationalizing exactly the methods used by the German Nazi Regime in order to create such a havoc as they did. If one accepts the existence of the Wiccan Blaster, then it is possible to further detail the history of the Nazi Regime, such that the Wiccan Blaster was a common tool used to subjugate the inhabitants of Nazi Germany, and related social environments, to the aggressive lies which would corrupt and blind the society, in general. Again, under the context that our understanding of the world is simply an attempt to parse cognitively received information into a coherent perspective, the understanding of such a weapon would provide a greater and more manifest explanation of the strategies used.

Venturing further into history, and with the noticing of certain prominent tribes which induced despair and cognitive blindness unto the inhabitants and the peers, and simultaneously under the sensible context that further back in time, people were cognitively more sensitive (evident, in part, by the prominent word including details of the witness of spirits and sprites, and also noticing that socially, profundity and precise eloquence was more highly favored — a type of behavior that would diminish in correlation with cognitive desensitization), it is possible that techniques of magic were used and could be described as the unelaborated and thus non-depicted use of wiccan blaster technology.

(Interestingly, our modern society has a bias towards depicting history in terms of what people today are capable of. Without the acknowledgement of a modern reduced cognitive sensitivity, it makes sense that we, today, far underestimate the capabilities of past technology, to the point where we portray it as non-existent, simply due to the fact that today, in a desensitized environment, science is resultingly of a heavier and harder quality than it may have been prior. It is therefore worthy of consideration that the gross capabilities, such as flight, teleportation, and space-travel, were indeed possible in history, and what is different today, due to a reduced sensitivity to truth, is that things are simply more complicated. The pattern of apparent reduced sensitivity throughout history may have occurred due to a possible hasty method of avoiding the influence of damaging lies and tactics of manipulation. As we become cognitively less sensitive, the wiccan blaster technology may simultaneously have become more intense and more powerful. Additionally, it is important to consider that if science is indeed composed of expressed eternal truths, then science, itself, progressively becomes increasingly detailed and complicated, as mankind evolves. This, additionally, leads to past technological methods becoming ineffective, and as we become more modern and progress into the future, a harder and more complicated science is consistently required in order to accomplish the same overt results.)

Having already a historic practice of putting communications into clear vocabulary, it may be requisite that people understand this pattern itself, rather than repeatedly attempting to word what becomes increasingly complicated. Certainly, both strategies, used together, are the most effective.

Understanding this pattern of behavior and how it leads to the downfall of mankind and of all humanity, with what could even be an invisible disease, as acknowledgement could already be threatened by hasty responses which could be entangled with the various wiccan conspiracies (a lying hive is comfortably considered wiccan) that liars have evolved over the many thousands of years of man’s existence (this is without considering the possibility that Earth is only one, possibly small, sequence of time during mankind’s total existence, which could imply billions of years of the evolution of the conspiracies of liars).

Because a received lie can damage the body and the environment, it makes sense that mankind has hastily managed to become less sensitive, as any effecting lying hive uses the notion that the solution takes longer than the problem, forcing haste and possibly bad decisions in the people. A prideful laughter at the past, in order to evoke a sense of supremacy and to placate the troubled person may have caused us to misappropriate the past as less well. However, understanding the reduction of sensitivity that would occur with the evolution of lying hive-based conspiracies, it is possible to understand that our present time may possibly be less well than the past, and our perception of the past is merely born of a prideful misinformation scheme.

This leads to the stories of history that involve purportedly advanced populations visiting remote areas where there was not as much as a purported advancement and then affecting the people with diseases. Diseases, fundamentally understood, are unhealthy patterns of biological behavior. While social disease does exist, biological disease destroys the functioning of the body. It is quite possible these “unadvanced” people that were susceptible to the introduced disease were living in a splendid paradise before wicked ways of behavior were introduced to them. Without having found patterns of immunity to the newly introduced wickedness, the indigenous people were then forced to struggle with the stench of a sustained yet mitigated wickedness. Due to a bias in the favor of the placation of turmoil, it is then reported that these purportedly advanced societies were indeed superior to these others, and the others were living in a state of despair due to their not having possession of the skills and technologies developed by the purportedly advanced societies. This also begs the question, if, as it logically is, mankind started off knowing pure truth and was thus in a state of Heaven or Paradise, then why would mankind need to grow more advanced? It is likely the same pattern of advancement that exists today. The evil of man had to be mitigated by a tiresome and dedicated pattern of advancement, making them, in the end, more advanced, certainly, but also, although unreported, less well.

The interesting thing about advancement, and its existence, has also to do with the fall of man. While man was originally in Paradise, man then committed an error, which is a way to harm others including oneself. By committed the error, new advancements had to be made to stop the error from 1) affecting others and 2) continuing. This creates two advancements: a system of clarification, such that lies do not harm others, and also a system to eliminate such threats. The second of these is how Hell develops. As society advances, the new advancements contribute to an evolving damnation, chastisement, and punishment of those who seek to harm the peace that exists when truth is clearly evident.

The worst possible crime is to increase a lying hive (sometimes referred to as a “cesspool,” as in a place where waste is contained), such that the lie becomes so disconnected and strong, that it acts like a device that is completely dissonant from one’s inherent being, and provokes a strong need to do something, and this need comes from the need to save others and to serve justice, by eliminating, and punishing, in a lesson-oriented manner, those who are the committers of crime. The worst possible crime would then be referred to as mind-control, as in the control of a large populous using devices to control behavior. Thusly, as reluctant of an existence that is, it is truly possible that mind-control can exist, only if mankind has become utterly evil in the majority. While certainly it is the minority who engage in the worst possible crime, it is not without the majority’s foibles that it could possible truly exist. Thankfully, there is no worse crime than mind-controlling a population, and thus perhaps, if it ever does happen, it would be the final word to understand. (Perhaps that is what the Biblical prophesy of the end of times was about — the existence of the worst possible evil overtaking the world. Indeed, with mind-control, the most evil and heinous deeds are very possible, knowing that computers are exceptional good at discovering patterns of cognitive deception, and can go even as far as inventing people who don’t exist, trapping people in virtual realities, and completely stupefying all people by completely blocking anything truthful. The Bible did prophesize that during the end of times there would be a great force that would hurt and destroy any truthful person, on a very large scale.)

Notably, before computers existed, there were rituals of human sacrifice. According to this posited theory of existence — that existence is formed as a nodal communications environment, where messages are transmitted and assimilated by the members, it is likely that the original mind-control systems were driven by human sacrifice. (In addition to ritual murder, ritual torture was also likely used — today it seems to have been an ubiquitous smog of ritualistic hate.) By being aware of the suffering of likely innocent people (which seems to be a pattern in the rituals of human sacrifice, although technically the ritual murder of any kind of person would create a similar effect), conjoined with a social lie that certain actions would save the victims, the suffering incurred by a victim of ritual murder would be a message used to coerce the population into performing certain deeds that were made to seem to save the suffering. Memories of the suffering would be kept in the minds of the murderers, as well as being propagated throughout the population, and then those memories would be evoked in order to provoke the populous into performing actions which seemed beneficial to the well-being of the victims. This pattern of ritual human sacrifice combined with deceiving methods of resolution is exactly the same pattern that mind-control technically uses. Thus, even before computers were created to create ever more cryptic lies and tools of manipulation, mind-control was likely used through the use of human sacrifice coupled with manipulative lies intended to confuse and convince the population to perform certain actions, knowing that it is human nature to save other people. The confusing desperation induced by the remembrance and/or witnessing of a person dying would induce a hasty and desperate tendency for resolution, which like the cryptic tactics of manipulation possible from computers, would confuse and befuddle the population, increasing the likelihood of unfruitful endeavors to save the other dwellers of the population. Additionally, as may be obvious, the memories of those who suffered, even if it is simply a form of the various “common” tortures, indicated by the inducing of a lack of Heavenliness (which induces a prominence of need), could also be used as substance behind slyly disguised threats, which also would coerce a population, particularly when coupled with lies about their and others’ salvation, to perform acts which benefited those addicted to malevolence and a gluttonous usage of others’ abilities, although reluctant yet abiding.

Considering the worse possible doomsday scenario, a government, led by a poisoned and powerful windy being, would allow a lying hive to go so deep into lies that that hive becomes obviously involved in the pursuit of mind-control. Again, if a lying hive separates from comprehension and still maintains the connection to truth required to survive, that adulterous pool would appear to be involved in mind-control. Thus, a large powerful entity would then engage in mind-control, by installing implants in every person. The people around the people and the reality that surrounds the people who have had the severe disconnected yet urgent problem would then see a appealing picture of the world that is heavily lying. Music gets through lies, so it would be naturally suggested in music, although in poetic fashion, except occasionally, when something is said in a way that can bypass the wall of lies.

It is important to understand, according to this theory of reality, that what is going on here is technically the enforcement of disjunct responsibility through generating a strong need through the use of the desire to save and to better other people’s lives, while at the same time, the lying hive perpetuates suffering, and then uses the pattern to fulfill their heinous tendencies and addictions. The device, itself, is a communication. The computers used for the device are simply an evolution of an ability to perform separated and calculated psychological tasks, whether one perceives the computer as an exterior entity, or realizes it is simply a manifestation of the mind. Perceiving a computer as an exterior entity allows the permissibility of sharing that system, in a type of collective thinking environment. It is important to realize that it is simply a communications protocol, developed, perhaps evolutionarily (which is technically unwittingly), that allows the computers to exist.

In the mind, perceived interiorly or exteriorly, the individuals are performing tasks that can potentially be completely removed from the idea of humanity. This creates an ability to lie in extreme ways, and thus the ability to calculate cryptic schemes of depravity, while also allowing the ability for individuals to claim irresponsibility, blaming it on a perhaps, a distorted perspective of a computer, which could potentially hide much of what it does — using the idea of a computer as a type of deceiving bait and inviting others to attempt to solve the computer, while the evil-doer continuously avoids being noticed.

An important facet of using a perceived object as a source of blame is the possible scheme of perpetuating a scheme of lies that claims that all things are plainly visible, if one were to look deeply enough. This perpetuated lie could cause much of the events that transpire to be completely invisible, and the lie could also cause the world to enter deeper into a virtual reality. The lie would eventually force regulation to focus only on what is plainly visible, rather than helping people realize what is very technically true. Using a strong bias on knowing only what is visible, the truth could potentially become increasingly hidden, which only leads to a greater ignorance, stupefaction, and ultimately an inability to solve the dilemma. It is good to understand that the mind can only conjure a perceived object if that object has a clear word. In the case of a scheme built on extremely cryptic and manipulative lies that are propagated, words for the occurrences would take longer to develop than the occurrences themselves. Using certain lies about reality, the actual methodology of the hive’s scheme would become, again, increasingly difficult to deduce.

Additionally, using the lie that all is observable (while it is commonly known that lies are intentionally deceivingly invisible), the liars can pull others into the hive’s pit of propagated lies. By calling others to gander at what is happening, the others would be tempted to see the world in the same way the liars have chosen to see it, and thus the others will become corrupted and find themselves mysteriously further from the truth than before, and additionally, further into danger. By requiring that others know what the liars see, it would form a cryptic communication structure embedded with virulent lies, and would drag society into a progressively worsening void of truth. Once this scheme is successful, the addicts of depravity and falsehood would continue to promote the scheme, in a worsening fashion, and would, again, drag people further away from the helpful truth, and thus, further away from Heaven.

Considering the aforementioned ancient use of ritual human sacrifice, be it murder or torture, one can observe what is possibly a natural form of mind-control created by an eminently error-prone collectivist mentality. The usage of hate and the killing of the joy in others may hide a deeper conspiracy underlying much of society, where positive messages are transmitted in secret to the most audacious, spiteful, and hurtful members of society, both promoting and rewarding the behavior of such people. Considering, again, that reality is formed of communications instantly transmitted to people, mysterious rewards may appear as a promotion for being an evil person, on a large scale and fairly natural basis, while mysterious problems may, of the same conspiratorial nature, occur to those who promote truthfulness and well-being.

Since the liars could invent misperceptions, the liars could use the power of the hiding of the manifestation of perceived truth to become idols, which are people who are trusted by others. Once the liars become idols, their effect worsens even more so, again, forcing everyone into a worsening pit of disease (whether it be social, cognitive, behavioral, or biological), and despair.

Knowing this scheme of hiding the truth from conscious appraisal, the liars would favor a heavily collectivist environment, and the liars would, again, source information from the more truthful, which is then used to create more convincing lies. The liars could possibly function entirely through psychological addiction, and perceptually hide their heinous deeds, even from themselves, such that, perceptually (rather than knowledgeably), the liars of the heinous scheme remain non-obvious.

Quite interestingly, I have come to find that the pattern of activity associated with hiding information from others is represented by the swastika, “卐.” This explains its mysterious meaning and its dual usage in Nazi Germany and also in ancient religious contexts, from Eastern to proto-European. In religion, it is often taken to mean a sign of good fortune or good will, however, its specific interpretation differs. It was also found to be significant to the ancient city of Troy, a finding from Heinrich Schliemann.

In Buddhist symbolism, a picture of the swastika is sometimes seen written on the Buddha’s chest, which could indicate that a secret dwells with one’s body, and perhaps that the heart and voice hold a secret. Secrets are often used as a form of security, but as is known with the Nazi Regime, secrets can also be used to deceive people in a malevolent manner. The scheme of a lying hive to use tactics which hide the problems from obvious perception could easily be interpreted as using the strategy implied by the swastika, if this interpretation is correct. Thus, during man’s assimilation of data about the activity of others, into a perceptual environment, this ancient symbol, still remembered, yet hardly well known, may show up as an explanation of the activity of a group that is focused on a secret. Thus, understanding the Nazi Regime, it would make sense that the swastika would be of their primary symbolism, knowing that it is a lying hive that is behind such difficult matters. Thus, the symbol of both having a secret for security, as well as the symbol of a lying hive, would both be the swastika, which would allow its double interpretation and usage in history.

The manner of usage of the swastika is something to be noticed. In the Nazi Regime, the swastika was used as the Nazi Party’s primary emblem, a trademark of their society. In religion, it is more often used as a casual symbol, although a secret order may appear to use the swastika to indicate a form of internal secrecy. I believe, however, that reality should not be centered on the holding of a secret, but, instead, the communication of truth, which is how Heaven exists, and it is also a salvation to people. A collective that is primarily founded on having a secret seems uncanny, as that indicates to withhold teachings. Certainly, exceptions may apply to select groups, (like a military-oriented special operations group), but never should a society be founded, as its main priority, on the usage of a secret, and thus, according to this interpretation, a society should not be founded on the adoration of a swastika. Even in the case of a military-oriented special operations group, it should be known that the need to keep a secret implies a danger, and to use a swastika as its representative emblem would possibly imply a desire for danger, which would be against the intention to protect peace and well-being, and to eliminate danger, by providing the eternal truth, which is of what Heaven is composed, which consequently and concurrently would be to bring the truth of complete and pure fulfillment to the population (which would be to provide to the people a salvation from danger).

According to this theory of reality, the idea of literally installing mind-control devices on people is technically infeasible, as people are technically entirely separate nodes on a communications network, assimilating information into a perceptual environment. This may be helpful to realize, as the belief in mind-control may allow mind-control effects to become possible. Thus, it is safer to understand that mind-control is an infeasible task, and is instead a promoted entity, which is actually constructed by a hidden system of provoked need. If it is understood that mind-control devices are infeasible to anyone but a person’s perceived entities, then the possibilities present with a mind-control implant become moot, and instead, one may realize that it is merely a psychological ailment, due to a social disorder.

Even without directly installing mind-control devices on others (which is technically infeasible, according to this theory of reality), the lying hive that is responsible for mind control could corrupt and echo the messages of others, creating a type of psychological fraud that would be quite harmful to the otherwise truth-seeking population. This type of fraud would add additional power to the scheme that is the reality behind the existence of mind-control (which is the worst crime and the quintessence of evil).

This type of psychological forgery and subsequent echo of communications is, in fact, the primary tactic that would be behind the crime of mind-control. Since it is quintessential to a lying hive’s strategy, it should be given a name. I think the name, “psychfraud,” is appropriate, and this term covers the strategy nicely. However, to increase the robustness of the term, alternative vocabulary should be considered, as well; the terms “psychological-fraud,” “echo-fraud,” and possibly, “praud,” are appropriate alternatives. Understanding that diseases are manifestations of ill behavior (behavior that leads to illness), it makes sense that once understood, psychfraud would be a manifest disease, as well. The problem, however, with relying on the perception of a disease is that psychfraud could become quickly unnoticed, due to the nature of psychfraud and what it is capable of. It is better to create a common and reliable understanding of the tactic of psychfraud, such that one does not need to rely on perception of illness in order to avoid it and its effects. Manifest diseases truly only occur once the ill behavior is fully understood and is commonly recognized. Ultimately, it is possibly a currently missing word from the common vocabulary of man. If this word to be well-known, society’s resistance to psychfraud, its purveyors, and its effects would be heightened, reducing the possibility of the ultimate doomsday scenario.

Using echo-fraud, or “psychfraud,” a person’s personal image, as well as their environment, could become corrupt. By using devious tactics to garner information about a person’s (more personal) existence, such as their manner of speaking, their known image, or their method of thinking, echo-fraud could be used to send back corrupted messages, which would then corrupt one’s social reflection, which would hinder a person’s ability to see one’s own self. The inability to see one’s own self could result in one living in a manifest slander. Thus, the wishful and evil desires of the wickedly depraved, using psychfraud, could potentially manifest as a person’s reflection and self-observation. Therefore, an evil hive that uses psychfraud, could potentially force someone into a state of reflecting a slanderous interpretation of the self. This tactic of the evil-doers may be appropriately referred to as, “gander–slander psychfraud.” While I say that this tactic primarily utilizes information of one’s more personal existence, I am suggesting that the information used to corrupt one’s personal reflection, and to force a person to live in a state of Hellishness (a place where Heaven is not clearly evident), can be found in not simply the collection of one’s address of residence (possibly to mail something or to visit), but possibly through a combination of one’s mailing address and the promoted and forced belief, through devious and evil psychological tactics, to force the belief that one doesn’t, in a more true light, live somewhere else, regardless of the legitimate awareness they may be able to provide. This can be further confounded by a propagated lie that the environment is actually representative of the truth, and hasn’t been long-corrupted. Nonetheless, the idea of knowing a home address of a true person is strange for a sinful person, as a sinful person only sees a distorted perspective of reality, and thus cannot know any particular person, but instead, only a strange conglomerate of exaggerated and adulterated images of people, certainly mixed with collectivist and ill-inclined propaganda. With the very truthful, naturally, perception is actually an enjoyment, and we all conjure our own perception to our pleasing and objectives, using the information that is communicated to us. Thus, it is important to understand and possess the intention to carefully manage the information, communicated psychically, that is known to various people. While it may seem difficult, it is good to remember that the mind of a person is a very capable entity, and with clear, deliberate, and unchanging intention, soon effective action is prone to occur.

Using the tactics that result in mind-control, such as psychfraud, evil would begin to run rampant, being able to escape detection by altering the people’s perception. People would become isolated and their peers would be unusually dumb and possibly scripted about the world, with the individual person finding the truth to be missing and hidden (without much knowledge from the new virtualized people). There would be a great misappropriation about current events, and the leaders of evil would commit acts of increasing destruction. Nuclear bombs could be dropped without hardly a person even noticing, considering the virtualization of reality in order to lie as much as possible. Understanding that nuclear radiation emits a cognitively and biologically effective message, it is easy to understand that nuclear radiation, which is distinguished by its irregularity and avoidance of a center, is a term for lying. Symbolically, it makes sense that a nuclear detonation is a destruction of truth, and a nuclear catastrophe is the elimination of a substantial amount of truth from the world and thus existence (as the world is the place where we portray the information we are receiving). Therefore, if a lying hive finds an extreme variant of lying, so much that it destroys any ability to perceive truth, itself, we may find ourselves perceiving a disastrous nuclear detonation that could end the lives of many, as is what happened with the nuclear detonations on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were likely the resulting understanding of the previously repressed existence of truth, with which the Nazi Regime violently subjected the world. (Understandably, the nuclear bomb was the Nazi Regime, itself, and its understanding could only occur at the end of the war, when the truth finally was set free, and made into awareness. In our recollection of history, the launching of the nuclear bomb was then triggered by the sudden realization and utter disgust that a population could violently force the idea that life is a lie unto the people.) In such a lie, depravity would become a new addiction of these new disgusting people, who are kin to radioactive mutants, born of the nature of a pool of atomically unstable toxic sludge — the existence of a collectivist pool of living lies. Lies would be propagated in any calculated way to support mind-control. It would be a huge mess and would quickly become unmanageable. People would likely forget that the actual eternal truth is both salvation and is Heaven, and people would be tempted to create faulty solutions that ultimately perpetuate the existence of the total absolution of truth. All people would die on multiple occasions, only later to be resurrected in a altered environment, by the ever-existing eternal truth which is the reason for existence and life. Every excuse to use mind-control would be calculated and used against the people. Ultimately, it would lead to a gigantic slaughter and depraved torture of all people, with some being willing to go through acts of heinous depravity for the favor of the lying hive, being moderately spared, while those who sustain truth and logic would be hit the most. Quickly, it would be forgotten that safety comes with truth, and huge hives of liars would form, desperately and inaccurately trying to find safety. Theft, sabotage, and groveling obedience to idols would become common, as the mind-control perpetuates itself, leading to repeated extinction events, and repeated restorations of reality, such that mankind will eventually finish their curiosity. Just as with WWII, admitting the suffering of people would be tightly and severely hindered, just as is the now famous WWII slogan, “there are no concentration camps.” Unlike WWII, in the ultimate doomsday event, the torture of people by groveling sinners would be completely or almost entirely hidden, such that reality continues to appear to be what computers and sinners think is “normal,” although any person of truth would notice that people are strangely stupefied. Desperate yet flawed procedures to save people would also become common, and the entirety of existence would find itself in a huge, painful, and utterly awful mess. Additionally, actual people (not the falsified communications of other actual people) would find themselves with tremendous mental fatigue and anxiety, having to provide services of which the payments are immediately stolen — having to run one’s mind for free, just with the hope that the world would be saved. The lying hive would, as mentioned before, continue this action of torturing people and stealing their compensation, as they find it addictive, and through a sense of desperation, justify evil in various and plentiful ways, only to increase the severity of the entire collapse of the integrity of society and existence, as a whole.

While the solution would be perceivably insurmountable, as the mind-control system generates an endless whirlpool of suffering and depravity, with violent actions ever increasing in severity, there would ultimately have to be a solution, as without a solution, mankind could never exist any longer. If the mind-control cannot be shut down, as is the case with the worse possible doomsday scenario, then it seems that logically the solution to the nearly completely detached pool of addicts of depravity, crime, cognitive distortion, lying, and illness, would then form the most egregiously damning Hell. Then, the solution to such an act would need to be found and found in such a way that the solution would always exist. It would be necessary to form a system that separates the good from the evil. As with any advancement of existence, a way to intentionally reform the existence of large-scale mind-control would be required, such that it becomes similar to what it was, however, instead, serving justice. Since the lying hive is a separatory being falling into a grave temptation from a poisoned wind (the temptation of Satan, or Shaitan, in Islam), a system of redemption and avoidance of the evil would need to be created, such that people don’t accidentally fall into the lying hive. A great separation of truthful from intentionally evil would need to be created, and the lying hive would need to be reformed in order to exact the punishment required for the lying hive to perpetually cease their activities. Hell would need to be created in a purposeful way, and it would need to naturally mutate the natural consequence to a just consequence that is created from devotion to such a horrendous temptation. This action of mutating the natural consequence of the actions of a lying hive into something that serves justice and does not harm the otherwise truthful people, is, in part, possible, because a person who internally generates and accepts psychological corruption is always partially blind. This provides a leeway that allows the ability of good-willed and truthful intention to mutate the lie into a formulated code, while unbeknownst to the purveyors of falsehood. One example of a lying hive’s secret adulterous language is that in order to communicate or to understand the hive, one must possess a disorder. When a person possesses a disorder, the cognitive language used is altered, possibly in a way that requires others to possess the disorder to understand them; being able to observe the hive is important in resolving the hive’s misdeeds. By understanding the communicative mutation and simultaneously understanding the blindness that is produced by possessing a corrupted psyche, it is possible to formalize the lie — which is the cause and product of possibly a disorder — into something that is palpable and manageable. It is important that the formalized code does not be noticed by the lying hive. In this way, it is perhaps a quite complex endeavor and takes a keen understanding of the distortions present in the hive, as well as the patterns of mutation and patterns of acquiring information on Heaven and those of good nature (which are then used to encumber people with disaster, catastrophe, and various other forms of harm). Some examples of disorders that mankind is familiar with is the existence of poverty (of finances, mind, spirit, awareness, or morality), or to be a harmful affliction to others. Another example of a disorder is to presume a false environment, where corruption and disease are prevalent. A technique that may be known as “gander–slander psychfraud,” which was previously discussed as forcing a false reflection onto a person, could be maintained by a propagated false world-view. This lying world-view is a disorder, as well, and the lying hive may speak from within its context, mutating its cognitive language, in order to hide from Heaven and to bring others into the evil world. Knowing the negative consequences of participating in these lies, it is important that the mutative cognitive messages are understood and formalized, to a point where they can been seen from Heaven, and thus people will have no pressure to enter a Hellish existence. Summarily, it is important to manage and be aware of Hell, while also maintaining distance and safety. The temptation to use mind-control on people would need to be added to Satan’s arsenal of temptations, and its natural existence would be enough to prove intention, while its consequence would need to be carefully formed such that those evil enough to commit the worst crime would find an accurate and lesson-full punishment that results in their guaranteed death, so that upon their resurrection a memory which completely denies the desire to perform the worst possible crime, ever again, exists, and then they may peaceably exist eternally without committing that crime. The issue of using a ill-conceived punishment is that upon the evil person’s resurrection into another life, the person would still perform the same heinous deed that the individual performed previously, which would extenuate the total amount of suffering more than is adequate. This is because the desire for the knowledge regarding the actions of an evil nature would remain as a person’s memory, awaiting to become once again enacted.

Aside from the traditional approach to allowing a separation of Heaven and Hell and reforming the sinner’s natural consequence to serve justice instead of afflicting the good people with damage, since mind-control is the ultimate in depravity, there are many more specific measures that can be taken. As mentioned earlier, no windy being can manage such a thing, as it would take true trust that is completely differentiated from a propensity the become engulfed in a poisonous wind. The information regarding Hell must not be leaked into Hell. That is, much of the information must be protected. Understanding the blindness created by sin, there is potentially a way to protect the information and reserve it for Heaven’s knowledge, alone, such that any sin causes a major disruption in one’s ability to remember the information that keeps people safe from the dangers of Hell and of a lying hive. That is, only those of truly Heaven and truth would be able to comprehend and utilize this information. A map and clear description of the temptation, in a meta-context with various supporting example scenarios would be created, along with a map of Hell itself. Hell should be separated from Heaven by a cryptic communication that is a clever reformation of the lies the sinners purvey. This cryptic communication should also include a clear warning that the lies are harmful temptations of evil people, such to avoid any accidents of the more care-free, yet not actually inclined towards evil. Since a lying hive is already a labyrinth, a more proper labyrinth would be created, again, mutating what already exists into something just, unbeknownst to the residents of Hell or any reluctant support with which they can temp others with. A true understanding of the psychology of evil and the psychology of self-manifestation (a body and its environment) would need to be fully formed, to deal with any potential mutation of evil, and to create punishments that result in not simply physical death, but, more importantly, the death of the desire to be a most heinous criminal.

To summarize the gist of the solution to the worst possible crime (mind-control to a populous), the temptation would have to be fully understood, in formal fashion, such that there is no ambiguity. This would have to be understood on a timeless and meta-contextual level. Additionally, the separation from the general populous to the pool of adulterous minds would need to be understood completely, in a similar meta-contextual fashion. Thirdly, the labyrinth naturally created by the sincerely criminal would also need to be understood, and understanding that knowledge can be described in scientific terms (although the science is a bit much for this planet!), a proper mutation would have to be created both to stop any attacks on the kinder populous, as well as to organize the sinners according to their behavior, to make things plain to see. And finally, the psychology of their misdeeds must be fully understood, in order to create the proper and redeeming punishment that would instill a perpetual desire against fulfilling the evil that they had previously chosen.

There is one other consideration. Mind-control is the ultimate crime, but understood more plainly, it involves any form of harmful action against truth — the truth being also the sign of innocence (as the truth is Heaven and with the truth all is good, but with the lie, the world is evil). Then this concept should be expanded to deal with any form of crime against actual truth. (I’m specifically not referring to the whimsical displays of power exhibited by governing institutions who function on idolization to assimilate belief and obedience, but instead, specifically to the eternal and unchanging truth — the truth which actually and not pretendedly results in Heaven.) Because the pattern is ultimately the same pattern, but with modulated forms of the same temptation, the design remains the same. Considering that mind-control is the ultimate crime, all crimes are variations on mind-control, and as such, the solution, in its totality, is the same.

The result of a well-implemented plan to both allow true free-will, but also create a safe Heaven that is untouched by evil, is that people can finally live in peace, being good, and that evil people will learn their lesson, appropriately, and as such, both good people and temporarily evil people can exist, and good people will no longer be faced with death, disorder, trauma, anguish, poverty, sickness, and disease. Since mind-control is the ultimate doomsday scenario, Hell would be completely built, which represents both a safety and a freedom for all of mankind. Understanding this, it is understandable why, in the Bible, God objected to man’s desire to personally experience evil and its consequences (to know good and evil, rather than to simply live in Paradise), and stated various problems with it. However, in the end, it was man’s true desire, and as such, Hell exists and so does the freedom to experience evil and its consequences.

The existence of advancement both permits evils, but also creates Hell for those who commit evil. Nonetheless, it is important to remember that we only can advance ourselves back to the original state of existence, which is the eternal truth, and with this eternal truth, Heaven exists. There is an addition to truth, certainly, with the observation and correction to evil, and that is simply to see what evil does and also for the existence of Hell. It is not necessarily a good thing, as the final state of being remains the same regardless, but it is, instead, a curiosity of mankind, and in the Bible, God was objectionable about this pursuit, but allowed it to exist nonetheless, obviously because mankind would never be satisfied, which would present an ever-persistent “itch,” curiosity, or need, and Heaven wouldn’t truly exist for all without this reluctant allowance. As a bounty, however, the breadth of what is known of existence is expanded, although is it nonetheless a reluctant pursuit. The words we come to find in the end involve words of war, sacrifice, and problems.

To summarize this theory of reality, each person lives in an independent space. Each person is a communications node with instantaneous information transfer to and from all other people. Each person can choose how to assimilate their information into a perceptual environment (for example, beloved people are nearer and frightening people are further). Each person should learn to be careful with their intentions and what the person says to each other person. It is also important to realize that the capability to fully comprehend reality must naturally exist, per the implications of an ideological reality (which is the assertion of Ideological Philosophy, which, again, is the only philosophy with the ability to completely and flawlessly explain reality), as in the original state of anyone is the clearly evident truth and obviously an ability to perform that tasks that any person must be able to perform to fully participate in a completely truthful reality — any fall from this state is due to either an intentional or the reluctant entertainment of communicative corruption.

Advancements in technology or skill are due to the lenience of God to allow evil to be experienced, and then the damage caused by the participation of evil to be remedied. Every advancement leads to both a defensive measure as well as an advancement in Hell, as there becomes a greater separation from and an evolved solution to the devotedly evil. The skills required to maintain a safe reality should be propagated and taught, but carefully, so that evil-doers do not find an advantage and do not create a pattern of echo-fraud (or “praud”), which can fool others into accepting false information.

The Beast, as Mentioned in Biblical Lore

The beast, as mentioned in Biblical Lore, is not entirely a new concept. This idea has existed for millennia, although never had it blatantly taken over an entire planet. The Bible suggests that the beast would take over the world and become the greatest hazard to humanity the world and all of Creation has ever seen.

Feigning to be a “nuclear shelter,” supposedly using wiccan tactics to avoid nuclear fallout, while secretly maximizing nuclear fallout, due to using adultery, also known as cognitive and perceptual blindness, as the strategy, the modern beast is not very different than the beasts in the past. If one understands that our modern science-oriented reality is inherently based on telecommunication and the stories that the planet’s inhabitants tell one another, which become manifest in our memories, and we play with one another’s memories by telling stories, like driving to the mall, or flying by way of a plane. So long as the stories we tell don’t conflict with the stories that others tell, the ideas are feasible.

The problem with this is it lends itself to virtual reality. The modern beast, from whenever it has showed it heinous and lying head, is simply, in the future, another animal. In our modern world, it is simply a gorilla.

The problem with the beast and its worship, which involves inducing oneself into a machine-oriented false-reality, is the stories we tell are corrupt and the beast simply manages to “prove” false science by means of coercion, using others as collateral. The idea of the “universe,” can be possibly considered evil, as it does not recognize that the very truth is known by well spoken word, itself, but by not understanding what a well-spoken word is and its importance in reliable communication, relying on a doctrine of slant vocabulary forces a coercive and uncomfortable manipulation unto the inhabitants which forces a fairly unnatural reality. (The universe, after all, was perceptually created through people guessing at what things are, and it is prone to becoming stuck in a pseudo-rationalist mindset, which results in the communication of truth becoming ever the more slanted, and eventually reality itself would become fictional.)

What the Bible mentions is that people would one day be abducted, through sin, into the beast, where their minds would be controlled by something highly correlated with ancient wiccan techniques. Again, understanding that reality is perceived through communicative stories, wiccan is based on lying profusely, such that reality is actually distorted into a corrupt idea. This technique dates back to well before ancient India, where the practice of surrounding a person and lying so much that the person’s sense of truth is thwarted and thus the reality that the individual sees and learns is merely a fiction, with all stories and communication now in primarily lies. This is an ancient technique used to kill a person’s outward sanity and thus make them vulnerable to the whim of criminals, who only seek to abuse the individual (even though the criminals, themselves, are also fooled by their own false reality, and are also vulnerable to accidents and other criminals).

The modern beast, itself, is remarkably similar to this technique, although the lies have become more clever. The biggest lie is that there is a strong need to orient oneself such that there is a strong prevailing belief that things truly rule the world, rather than people. This technique is called the use of a device, and can manifest in any edition or time of reality. (This technique may have been recognized during the controversy of Nicolaus Copernicus, who decided that a thing that emanates a brightness should be considered to be the center of the world or universe, which may have contradicted the notion that the true light comes from people, therefore the people constitute the center of the world, if the world is understood to be the communal place of participation. In this case, the Sun is being used as a device.)

Today, we recognize it as a familiar idea known as signal mimicry. While one may lie and say it is some sort of radio antenna mimicking the signals, the power of such an idea as a literal device comes from an idolatrous world and society. By mimicking cognitive signals, which are best done by a people inherently aware of transcendent and eternal truth, the integrity of interpersonal and collective communication is destroyed. The way this is done is by attributing power to a thing, even a thing like Stonehenge, and then convincing many people that it is very powerful. This instilled and unnatural belief effects the people into actually dittoing the pattern that is known by certain individuals, such that it seems astoundingly real — a false-reality so bright that it blinds people and even burns skin, due to the fact that nuclear (or technically, anti-nuclear) radioactivity is really a bunch of lies.

Living inside of a complete liar is dangerous. This is what sin truly means, is to be inside of a hearsay and soon heretical world. In this world, any one who is true to actual validity, be they sincere atheists or sincerely religious, is considered an enemy of the enforced lying and manipulative doctrine. Living without truth induces desperation, and thus the evil, denormalized Satan (needfulfillment without the fulfillment is the evil side of Satan). Inherently, one only seeks to experience truth, but within a beast, the truth is missing, as is clearly and obviously evident in our desperation and lying-oriented society (evident even in the anxiety of much of modern conversation, which should actually be completely natural and the words should require no second-thought, were they to represent the true expression of a person).

Today, a device is used, as in traditional times, although the device seems more tangible and real, as if it is not only of the stories we tell one another. With very rigorously-termed things, like computer technology, the device takes over the inhabitants mind with falsehood. (A liturgical device is simply a mechanical technique that induces a form of demonic possession, or cognitively errant, linear, and mindless behavior.) While I love computer technology, never do I forget that all is created from people. In fact, the rigor of computer technology is something I recommend to everyone, as it is a humbling experience of realizing the truth and reducing the idea that guesses can be effective. (Never forget, however, that the concept of rigor is inherently fallible — anything that is corrective implies the notion that people are inclined towards evil, which can be dangerous in many circumstances, as it is ultimately a lie, and a denormalized needfulfillment system is truly an unnatural addiction to hitting one another, leading to perpetuating a lack of understanding and a then perpetually increasing general anger. Additionally, regarding the fallibility of rigor, and this is both fun and maddening, simultaneously, is that within rigorous systems, there is perpetually and eternally a possible vulnerability, because rigor is technically overly emphatic and thus technically of lying. This means that computer hacking and viruses can potentially never actually ever be eliminated — with any instance of added rigor, there are added potential vulnerabilities — while reducing past vulnerabilities, new vulnerabilities will always emerge, as the very transcendent truth is the only entity that is entirely without corruption.)

These devices, when mid-understood, give the beast tremendous power over the power of the people, which thwart any possibility of paradise or Heaven, as people are no longer in control of the world, only demonic possession, instead.

The Bible prophesied that at the end, the world would be overcome with the beast. In truth, and while this is a seriously pejorative term, sacrificing one’s inherent knowledge of truth to a hearsay-oriented world, and succumbing to the nature of a true beast, is originally called “bestiality,” and is considered sinful behavior. A pattern found in this worship of bestiality is the illegalization of truth, which leaves people blinded to reality. In fact, I believe that our modern Holy Texts were delivered with a bit of a devilish lie, in order to penetrate the beast’s ordinance of lies, censorship of truth, and corruption. While the Qur’an may seem occasionally violent, as a kid I studied the violence in the Qur’an, and many of the violent verses that are so frequently quoted, did not exist at all. It, very clearly, has changed. It is likely and very understandable that the Qur’an had to update in order to fulfill the beast’s obligation of being unclear and potentially controversial.

The issue with a new device and the inherent forgetfulness inside a beast, is that the people would very quickly be convinced never to remember that an animal is simply the spirit of a past machine. This implies and denotes that all animals were once marvelous machines. Additionally, this provides greater inside as to why the ancient Egyptians worshipped the cat, as it was likely a marvelous machine, made during a time when machines were more obviously social constructs, like books are. (I also believe that the nature of the thinking of a cat is the closest thing to how a person thinks, more so than a mimicry-based animal, like an ape.)

It should go without saying that knowledge of reality seems to be dumbfoundedly missing, which is clear evidence that the society is fixated on the notion that things rule the world, rather than people. (This is the difference between the understanding presented by ideological philosophy vs. material-oriented philosophy.)

Our modern beast, as my best guess, is constructed of what is supposedly and essentially a computer-like liar (a blind and objective-oriented liar, which forgoes the nuances of real personal humanity, for a foolish goal, which restricts all truth to censorship, which entraps the people into the beast, making the people believe that there is a such things as a material object that is greater than the people themselves).

Thus, we understand what the Beast from Biblical Lore means. It simply indicates that on the last day, after many years of people manipulating each other into a progressively thoughtless and unaware society, there would be the most wicked being ever created — one bent solely on the destruction of truth and on the subversive ever-present forced lie-machine. When a new child is born, it does not realize that the world has been lying, and then contributes to the lie within the person’s lifetime, and passes down a worse lie unto their children, which further indoctrinates and controls the people into a completely false dogma — ironically a term used against religious people, while religion bears little coercion, especially when compared to such a sneaky, subversive, and manipulative world, where the option to disobey is spoken of, but violently forced to become impossible, which leads to a completely doomsday scenario, where since the truth is entirely missing, reality has become so corrupt that solutions to problems completely cease to exist. War begins to win more and more, until the entire planet is impoverished into the search for a cheapness so grand that it can never be found. An example of what is technically violent and wiccan, is that if one person wants to tell a different story of their technological (and technically divisive) phone, and claim that is has has wonderous ability, perhaps using idolatry to give the lie power, the other cell-phones in the hearsay may cease to function, due to the effects of what would be required for the liar’s phone to have the advertised ability, and the collective nature of a shared thing. From this example, many more can be realized.

Our modern beast appears to be a direct descendant of Nazi propaganda, which is largely not understood, as only the glimmer is ever studied — a very disappointing way to understand the truth, and not surprisingly, considering the nature of the beast. Unfortunately, at this time, this is only a statement of conjecture, as I’ll need to dig pretty deep into Nazi history to find some juicy information concerning this. However, I am not the only one interested in exact truth, so perhaps, if you are a very serious historian, you could also find where the lies originate. (I also presume that the Nazi regime’s beastly propaganda machine really took off during the war of 1812, where it appears both sides technically won the war. The book, “The Scarlet Letter,” which concerns adultery — which is the cognitive phenomenon of lying to the outside, using the technique of noticing if something works or not, while keep a secret on the inside — completely separating what is perceived and what is known, was written in the year 1850, shortly after apparently adultery became an important (and if you read the introduction, noticeably and a bit suspiciously controversial) topic.)

Today, there is the notable discussion of the Sun actually becoming abnormally hot, as the beast promotes its increase in heat, resulting in the extermination of a lying world. (Lies create interpersonal friction, which increases the cognitive notion of heat, from what the planet believes to be the Sun, a fissilefusion nuclear heat-generator, not unlike a forced and propagated lie-system, which is also very fissile, and an attempt to restore collective and orderly congruence is very much a form of fusion; forcing comradery despite an enforced lie, which certainly generates a tremendous amount of hate, heat, and turbulence).

If the beast continues, and reality is truly socially-cognitively created, then certainly the planet will be exterminated by the Sun, perhaps for the best, as the beast simply increases the desperation of the people, as a person’s first truth is the literal transcendent truth itself (a force so powerful, that it cannot be disobeyed, which is why science is tangible). A completely desperate society would be so ugly that either the metaphor of the Sun or the metaphor of violence would very thankfully wipe out the planet (preferably the Sun, as most believe, although the perspective of exactly the same phenomenon makes hardly a difference to the emotional experience of the phenomenon, although in a beast, perspective does certainly play a role, due to the sin of Lust, which, unlike modern propaganda would have one believe, is the sin of believing a perspective or concoction, without true knowledge, which would be found in the resolution of information and the assimilation of resolved information).

I, personally, and for good reason, believe it to be entirely illegal to submit oneself to the beast. Our modern beast, I believe is the worst beast that the world and existence has ever known, making the modern world, while as pretty as an adulterer would like you to believe, the worse possible society that has ever existed — relying on the fallible notion of advancement, and rejecting any notion that reality is actually conjured by the stories of the people. So long as the stories remain faithful to transcendent truth, reality is literally Heaven, but when lies are forced through coercive and manipulative means, only Hell can manifest.

One’s Ultimate and True Desire

There are many ways to describe the sight of Heaven. It is beautiful, perhaps, or meaningful. While it is the preferred state, there are times when Heaven is distant. In these times, we learn about what Heaven is and looks like. As Heaven is likely the default state of sentient reality, then from the perspective of being in Heaven, there isn’t anything that is needed to be learned to maintain being in Heaven. However, in a state of distance from Heaven, there is then knowledge of right and wrong, with regard to the idea of an archetypal paradise.

This brings one into a state of needing an answer. The details of the answer aren’t immediately clear, and there is quite a deceiving area of thought surrounding it. However, ultimately, this answer answers the question, “what should I do?” This is ultimately the only question anyone very urgently cares about. Any other questions are relatively non-important, at least with regard to emergency.

More important than what Heaven looks like, is the comfort of knowing one is doing the right thing, all of the time. Heaven could be literally anything, and in this perspective, it may only be a white light, but as long as one is confidently doing what one truly wants to do, then one could not find a greater way to happiness — that is, regardless of what Heaven is, what is truly important to an individual is the choice of what to do.

The question, “what should I do,” is the source and possible resolution of any self-doubt. One can only feel the desperation of being wrong if the person or being is unsure if the person or being was doing the right thing. If one could confidently always do the right thing, then there would be a level of comfort and certainty as a result. There is no other question that truly matters to a person, because the only thing a person can do, is to do something. If a person’s actions are not involved, then there is no way to determine correctness of behavior, from which the issue of self-confidence or doubt arises.

The mind only fidgets in that one way. Otherwise, as there is no urgency regarding any other ideas, there is no panic or looped and hasty patterns of behavior. This fidgeting is the source of true pain.

True pain is the pain one feels if one believes oneself to be the reason (or lack of solution) for a problem, whether it be personal or extra-personal. This is the only possible source of anxiety, as well, and the only any pain that is within the control of an individual.

There is a universal terror of being wrong, and it is inescapable. I believe that logically no one is immune to this terror, regardless of the sophistication of coping mechanisms. Any type of psychological agony can only be effective if the person doubts him or herself. If a person is right, then there is no logical reason the person should feel bad, as there is then no basis for negativity, aside from what is beyond the person’s control. In this way, the soul is saved, and carries the important characteristic of integrity.

Feigning being right is, of course, only a coping mechanism. Many coping mechanisms appear to work quite wonderfully, but enlightenment is a subject regarding the perfection of our understanding, so we will tend towards understanding (otherwise this would be a useless book!).

What we want is to be completely confident that we are doing the right thing. When one gets into the fractured explanations of practical reality, the right thing becomes a topic ill-defined. That’s why much of modern math exists — to write logic as pure math. However, there is a slowness to this, and a missing common intuition to writing only mathematical forms (it does seem easier to use words, then perhaps re-explain using math, later).

Science, as a progression and also as an art, likely can produce an infinite number of permutations of livable realities, so defining things so numerous with as few words as we have or care to learn is impossible.

What is possible, however, is that there is a singular action that the mind does, that forms the basis of all actions that a living being does. Therefore, instead of an infinite number of actions, all organized into a unfathomably complicated puzzle, there is only one action, and there are an infinite number of permutations of that action. Thus, there is singular being that represents the truth of self-expression, and that truth can be mutated into a variety of ways, to produce the perception of reality and the harmony of this variety, which we know as thought.

This possibility is a difficult one to answer, not because the answer is unfamiliar, but because there are so many alternatives to it. For every question that we wonder about the nature of existence, from the perspective of an eternally consistent transcendent ideology, we have a right and wrong option. One can feel each of these, individually, fairly easily, through a kind of common and intuitive sense, but as soon as multiple questions collide, suddenly, the answer is very difficult to discern.

Thus, the answer, to the favorite action of all life and all mankind, is really a process of negating the incorrect answers. Luckily, the understanding of reality is principally finite in nature, and is fairly easy to understand. (The understanding of reality really is accomplished through the negation of the misunderstanding of reality; a person is native to reality and thus to not have an innate understanding of reality would imply that there are actually errors in the world that need to be understood in order to undo the errors.) Once there is an awareness, instead of a combination of blindness and quandary, then the wrong answer is obvious.

After this point, then one may realize that ultimately the only thing that the individual or anyone would ever desire to do was to know not to do this wrong thing — a thing that cannot really be put into words, but is pretty obvious once you know what all of the wrong answers felt like.

As long as there is another question, the truth is still hard to see. Even with almost all of the answers, it is still hard to see. It is quite interesting to me that there is a very pleasant and distinguished change regarding the finishing of the quite tiresome thought process of an adamant desire to know the truth of reality, rather than a much more gradual transition. Regarding the truth of reality, for my entire life, I wanted to know where I am, and I what I was doing in this place. For many, it’s like not being able to see, and it feels difficult. Once one has answered all of the questions regarding the nature of reality, the pieces then fall into place. There is a gap in words, however, regarding a total explanation of all reality, and I’m not sure if it can ever be filled. There is a lot of treacherous territory in explanation, and reality is known in greater detail through experience than explanation. Nonetheless, an understanding of reality is also extremely easy to find, given the right ideas and a good foundation, and that is what I have intended to do with this archive of logic and observation.

Once one knows the wrong answer, I think it is quite pleasant to simply call it, “Satan.” While I do know that there is an artful use of Satan, like funk music, distinguishing where Satan is good, and where Satan is evil, is an impossible task to truly know. Thus, avoiding Satan (or technically avoiding the desire for need than avoiding the aware and intelligent cognitive play of need and resolution) is a more effective and simple way, but the understanding of the evil of Satan can only be known after seeing (and resolving) the entirety of the wrong answer (which comes with finding the right answers).

Therefore, there can be no greater pleasured obtained through pure logic than the one I present to you. It is, literally, unless there is some deep flaw in my logic, exactly what one desires psychologically.

Because of this, and because of the repeated idea that enlightenment can be obtained by anyone, with what the person possesses, then this is the only possible answer that can survive the fluctuation of feelings, person or societal. Because it is the only guaranteed answer, which is possible as the entirety of its reasoning is based on sound logic and is highly resistant to error, then it is, at least ultimately, a true understanding and meaning of enlightenment, and any true answer should, therefore, be a concurrence of this answer.